mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
When using self referential relationships in boolean expressions, the exists clause incorrectly uses the table names to qualify columns which will be the same for parent table and the child table. This is now fixed by generating unique aliases as we traverse down the relationships.
1586 lines
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1586 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema
( mkGCtxMap
, GCtxMap
, getGCtx
, GCtx(..)
, OpCtx(..)
, InsCtx(..)
, InsCtxMap
, RelationInfoMap
, isAggFld
) where
import Data.Has
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (mkAdminRolePermInfo)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
defaultTypes :: [TypeInfo]
defaultTypes = $(fromSchemaDocQ defaultSchema)
getInsPerm :: TableInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe InsPermInfo
getInsPerm tabInfo role
| role == adminRole = _permIns $ mkAdminRolePermInfo tabInfo
| otherwise = Map.lookup role rolePermInfoMap >>= _permIns
rolePermInfoMap = tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
:: MonadError QErr m
=> TableCache -> QualifiedTable -> m TableInfo
getTabInfo tc t =
onNothing (Map.lookup t tc) $
throw500 $ "table not found: " <>> t
type OpCtxMap = Map.HashMap G.Name OpCtx
data OpCtx
-- table, req hdrs
= OCInsert QualifiedTable [T.Text]
-- tn, filter exp, limit, req hdrs
| OCSelect QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL (Maybe Int) [T.Text]
-- tn, filter exp, reqt hdrs
| OCSelectPkey QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL [T.Text]
-- tn, filter exp, limit, req hdrs
| OCSelectAgg QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL (Maybe Int) [T.Text]
-- tn, filter exp, req hdrs
| OCUpdate QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL [T.Text]
-- tn, filter exp, req hdrs
| OCDelete QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL [T.Text]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data GCtx
= GCtx
{ _gTypes :: !TypeMap
, _gFields :: !FieldMap
, _gOrdByCtx :: !OrdByCtx
, _gQueryRoot :: !ObjTyInfo
, _gMutRoot :: !(Maybe ObjTyInfo)
, _gSubRoot :: !(Maybe ObjTyInfo)
, _gOpCtxMap :: !OpCtxMap
, _gInsCtxMap :: !InsCtxMap
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Has TypeMap GCtx where
getter = _gTypes
modifier f ctx = ctx { _gTypes = f $ _gTypes ctx }
data TyAgg
= TyAgg
{ _taTypes :: !TypeMap
, _taFields :: !FieldMap
, _taOrdBy :: !OrdByCtx
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup TyAgg where
(TyAgg t1 f1 o1) <> (TyAgg t2 f2 o2) =
TyAgg (Map.union t1 t2) (Map.union f1 f2) (Map.union o1 o2)
instance Monoid TyAgg where
mempty = TyAgg Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
mappend = (<>)
type SelField = Either PGColInfo (RelInfo, Bool, AnnBoolExpSQL, Maybe Int, Bool)
qualTableToName :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name
qualTableToName = G.Name <$> \case
QualifiedTable (SchemaName "public") tn -> getTableTxt tn
QualifiedTable sn tn -> getSchemaTxt sn <> "_" <> getTableTxt tn
isValidTableName :: QualifiedTable -> Bool
isValidTableName = isValidName . qualTableToName
isValidField :: FieldInfo -> Bool
isValidField = \case
FIColumn (PGColInfo col _ _) -> isColEligible col
FIRelationship (RelInfo rn _ _ remTab _) -> isRelEligible rn remTab
isColEligible = isValidName . G.Name . getPGColTxt
isRelEligible rn rt = isValidName (G.Name $ getRelTxt rn)
&& isValidTableName rt
upsertable :: [TableConstraint] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
upsertable constraints isUpsertAllowed view =
not (null uniqueOrPrimaryCons) && isUpsertAllowed && not view
uniqueOrPrimaryCons = filter isUniqueOrPrimary constraints
toValidFieldInfos :: FieldInfoMap -> [FieldInfo]
toValidFieldInfos = filter isValidField . Map.elems
validPartitionFieldInfoMap :: FieldInfoMap -> ([PGColInfo], [RelInfo])
validPartitionFieldInfoMap = partitionFieldInfos . toValidFieldInfos
getValidCols :: FieldInfoMap -> [PGColInfo]
getValidCols = fst . validPartitionFieldInfoMap
getValidRels :: FieldInfoMap -> [RelInfo]
getValidRels = snd . validPartitionFieldInfoMap
mkValidConstraints :: [TableConstraint] -> [TableConstraint]
mkValidConstraints = filter isValid
isValid (TableConstraint _ n) =
isValidName $ G.Name $ getConstraintTxt n
isRelNullable :: FieldInfoMap -> RelInfo -> Bool
isRelNullable fim ri = isNullable
lCols = map fst $ riMapping ri
allCols = getValidCols fim
lColInfos = getColInfos lCols allCols
isNullable = any pgiIsNullable lColInfos
numAggOps :: [G.Name]
numAggOps = [ "sum", "avg", "stddev", "stddev_samp", "stddev_pop"
, "variance", "var_samp", "var_pop"
compAggOps :: [G.Name]
compAggOps = ["max", "min"]
isAggFld :: G.Name -> Bool
isAggFld = flip elem (numAggOps <> compAggOps)
mkColName :: PGCol -> G.Name
mkColName (PGCol n) = G.Name n
mkRelName :: RelName -> G.Name
mkRelName (RelName r) = G.Name r
mkAggRelName :: RelName -> G.Name
mkAggRelName (RelName r) = G.Name $ r <> "_aggregate"
mkCompExpName :: PGColType -> G.Name
mkCompExpName pgColTy =
G.Name $ T.pack (show pgColTy) <> "_comparison_exp"
mkCompExpTy :: PGColType -> G.NamedType
mkCompExpTy =
G.NamedType . mkCompExpName
mkBoolExpName :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name
mkBoolExpName tn =
qualTableToName tn <> "_bool_exp"
mkBoolExpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkBoolExpTy =
G.NamedType . mkBoolExpName
mkTableTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableTy =
G.NamedType . qualTableToName
mkTableAggTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableAggTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_aggregate"
mkTableAggFldsTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableAggFldsTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_aggregate_fields"
mkTableColAggFldsTy :: G.Name -> QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_" <> op <> "_fields"
mkTableByPKeyTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name
mkTableByPKeyTy tn = qualTableToName tn <> "_by_pk"
mkCompExpInp :: PGColType -> InpObjTyInfo
mkCompExpInp colTy =
InpObjTyInfo (Just tyDesc) (mkCompExpTy colTy) $ fromInpValL $ concat
[ map (mk colScalarTy) typedOps
, map (mk $ G.toLT colScalarTy) listOps
, bool [] (map (mk $ mkScalarTy PGText) stringOps) isStringTy
, bool [] (map jsonbOpToInpVal jsonbOps) isJsonbTy
, [InpValInfo Nothing "_is_null" $ G.TypeNamed $ G.NamedType "Boolean"]
tyDesc = mconcat
[ "expression to compare columns of type "
, G.Description (T.pack $ show colTy)
, ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."
isStringTy = case colTy of
PGVarchar -> True
PGText -> True
_ -> False
mk t n = InpValInfo Nothing n $ G.toGT t
colScalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy
-- colScalarListTy = GA.GTList colGTy
typedOps =
["_eq", "_neq", "_gt", "_lt", "_gte", "_lte"]
listOps =
[ "_in", "_nin" ]
-- columnOps =
-- [ "_ceq", "_cneq", "_cgt", "_clt", "_cgte", "_clte"]
stringOps =
[ "_like", "_nlike", "_ilike", "_nilike"
, "_similar", "_nsimilar"
isJsonbTy = case colTy of
_ -> False
jsonbOpToInpVal (op, ty, desc) = InpValInfo (Just desc) op ty
jsonbOps =
[ ( "_contains"
, G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB
, "does the column contain the given json value at the top level"
, ( "_contained_in"
, G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB
, "is the column contained in the given json value"
, ( "_has_key"
, G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGText
, "does the string exist as a top-level key in the column"
, ( "_has_keys_any"
, G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGText
, "do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column"
, ( "_has_keys_all"
, G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGText
, "do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column"
mkPGColFld :: PGColInfo -> ObjFldInfo
mkPGColFld (PGColInfo colName colTy isNullable) =
ObjFldInfo Nothing n Map.empty ty
n = G.Name $ getPGColTxt colName
ty = bool notNullTy nullTy isNullable
scalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy
notNullTy = G.toGT $ G.toNT scalarTy
nullTy = G.toGT scalarTy
-- where: table_bool_exp
-- limit: Int
-- offset: Int
mkSelArgs :: QualifiedTable -> [InpValInfo]
mkSelArgs tn =
[ InpValInfo (Just whereDesc) "where" $ G.toGT $ mkBoolExpTy tn
, InpValInfo (Just limitDesc) "limit" $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger
, InpValInfo (Just offsetDesc) "offset" $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger
, InpValInfo (Just orderByDesc) "order_by" $ G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $
mkOrdByTy tn
whereDesc = "filter the rows returned"
limitDesc = "limit the nuber of rows returned"
offsetDesc = "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"
orderByDesc = "sort the rows by one or more columns"
fromInpValL :: [InpValInfo] -> Map.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo
fromInpValL = mapFromL _iviName
where: remote_table_bool_exp
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [remote_table!]!
where: remote_table_bool_exp
limit: Int
offset: Int
): remote_table_aggregate!
object_relationship: remote_table
:: Bool
-> RelInfo
-> Bool
-> [ObjFldInfo]
mkRelFld allowAgg (RelInfo rn rTy _ remTab isManual) isNullable = case rTy of
ArrRel -> bool [arrRelFld] [arrRelFld, aggArrRelFld] allowAgg
ObjRel -> [objRelFld]
objRelFld = ObjFldInfo (Just "An object relationship")
(G.Name $ getRelTxt rn) Map.empty objRelTy
objRelTy = bool (G.toGT $ G.toNT relTabTy) (G.toGT relTabTy) isObjRelNullable
isObjRelNullable = isManual || isNullable
relTabTy = mkTableTy remTab
arrRelFld =
ObjFldInfo (Just "An array relationship") (G.Name $ getRelTxt rn)
(fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs remTab) arrRelTy
arrRelTy = G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy remTab
aggArrRelFld = ObjFldInfo (Just "An aggregated array relationship")
(mkAggRelName rn) (fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs remTab) $
G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkTableAggTy remTab
type table {
col1: colty1
rel1: relty1
:: QualifiedTable
-> [SelField]
-> ObjTyInfo
mkTableObj tn allowedFlds =
mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName flds
flds = concatMap (either (pure . mkPGColFld) mkRelFld') allowedFlds
mkRelFld' (relInfo, allowAgg, _, _, isNullable) =
mkRelFld allowAgg relInfo isNullable
desc = G.Description $ "columns and relationships of " <>> tn
type table_aggregate {
agg: table_aggregate_fields
nodes: [table!]!
:: QualifiedTable -> ObjTyInfo
mkTableAggObj tn =
mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableAggTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName
[aggFld, nodesFld]
desc = G.Description $
"aggregated selection of " <>> tn
aggFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "aggregate" Map.empty $ G.toGT $
mkTableAggFldsTy tn
nodesFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "nodes" Map.empty $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy tn
type table_aggregate_fields{
count: Int
sum: table_sum_fields
avg: table_avg_fields
stddev: table_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: table_stddev_pop_fields
variance: table_variance_fields
var_pop: table_var_pop_fields
max: table_max_fields
min: table_min_fields
:: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> [PGCol] -> ObjTyInfo
mkTableAggFldsObj tn numCols compCols =
mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableAggFldsTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName $
countFld : (numFlds <> compFlds)
desc = G.Description $
"aggregate fields of " <>> tn
countFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "count" countParams $ G.toGT $
mkScalarTy PGInteger
countParams = fromInpValL [countColInpVal, distinctInpVal]
countColInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing "columns" $ G.toGT $
G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkSelColumnInpTy tn
distinctInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing "distinct" $ G.toGT $
mkScalarTy PGBoolean
numFlds = bool (map mkColOpFld numAggOps) [] $ null numCols
compFlds = bool (map mkColOpFld compAggOps) [] $ null compCols
mkColOpFld op = ObjFldInfo Nothing op Map.empty $ G.toGT $
mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn
type table_<agg-op>_fields{
num_col: Int
. .
. .
:: QualifiedTable
-> G.Name
-> (PGColType -> G.NamedType)
-> [PGColInfo]
-> ObjTyInfo
mkTableColAggFldsObj tn op f cols =
mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn) $ mapFromL _fiName $
map mkColObjFld cols
desc = G.Description $ "aggregate " <> G.unName op <> " on columns"
mkColObjFld c = ObjFldInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt $ pgiName c)
Map.empty $ G.toGT $ f $ pgiType c
where: table_bool_exp
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [table!]!
:: QualifiedTable
-> ObjFldInfo
mkSelFld tn =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName args ty
desc = G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <>> tn
fldName = qualTableToName tn
args = fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs tn
ty = G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy tn
col1: value1!,
. .
. .
coln: valuen!
): table
:: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo]
-> ObjFldInfo
mkSelFldPKey tn cols =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName args ty
desc = G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <> tn
<<> " using primary key columns"
fldName = mkTableByPKeyTy tn
args = fromInpValL $ map colInpVal cols
ty = G.toGT $ mkTableTy tn
colInpVal (PGColInfo n typ _) =
InpValInfo Nothing (mkColName n) $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy typ
where: table_bool_exp
limit: Int
offset: Int
): table_aggregate!
:: QualifiedTable
-> ObjFldInfo
mkAggSelFld tn =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName args ty
desc = G.Description $ "fetch aggregated fields from the table: "
<>> tn
fldName = qualTableToName tn <> "_aggregate"
args = fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs tn
ty = G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkTableAggTy tn
-- table_mutation_response
mkMutRespTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkMutRespTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_mutation_response"
type table_mutation_response {
affected_rows: Int!
returning: [table!]!
:: QualifiedTable
-> Bool -- is sel perm defined
-> ObjTyInfo
mkMutRespObj tn sel =
mkObjTyInfo (Just objDesc) (mkMutRespTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName
$ affectedRowsFld : bool [] [returningFld] sel
objDesc = G.Description $
"response of any mutation on the table " <>> tn
affectedRowsFld =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) "affected_rows" Map.empty $
G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger
desc = "number of affected rows by the mutation"
returningFld =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) "returning" Map.empty $
G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy tn
desc = "data of the affected rows by the mutation"
:: QualifiedTable
-- the fields that are allowed
-> [SelField]
-> InpObjTyInfo
mkBoolExpInp tn fields =
InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) boolExpTy $ Map.fromList
[(_iviName inpVal, inpVal) | inpVal <- inpValues]
desc = G.Description $
"Boolean expression to filter rows from the table " <> tn <<>
". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'."
-- the type of this boolean expression
boolExpTy = mkBoolExpTy tn
-- all the fields of this input object
inpValues = combinators <> map mkFldExpInp fields
mk n ty = InpValInfo Nothing n $ G.toGT ty
boolExpListTy = G.toLT boolExpTy
combinators =
[ mk "_not" boolExpTy
, mk "_and" boolExpListTy
, mk "_or" boolExpListTy
mkFldExpInp = \case
Left (PGColInfo colName colTy _) ->
mk (mkColName colName) (mkCompExpTy colTy)
Right (RelInfo relName _ _ remTab _, _, _, _, _) ->
mk (G.Name $ getRelTxt relName) (mkBoolExpTy remTab)
mkPGColInp :: PGColInfo -> InpValInfo
mkPGColInp (PGColInfo colName colTy _) =
InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt colName) $
G.toGT $ mkScalarTy colTy
-- table_set_input
mkUpdSetTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkUpdSetTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_set_input"
input table_set_input {
col1: colty1
coln: coltyn
:: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> InpObjTyInfo
mkUpdSetInp tn cols =
InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdSetTy tn) $ fromInpValL $
map mkPGColInp cols
desc = G.Description $
"input type for updating data in table " <>> tn
-- table_inc_input
mkUpdIncTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkUpdIncTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_inc_input"
input table_inc_input {
integer-col1: int
integer-coln: int
:: QualifiedTable -> Maybe [PGColInfo] -> Maybe InpObjTyInfo
mkUpdIncInp tn = maybe Nothing mkType
mkType cols = let intCols = onlyIntCols cols
incObjTy =
InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdIncTy tn) $
fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp intCols
in bool (Just incObjTy) Nothing $ null intCols
desc = G.Description $
"input type for incrementing integer columne in table " <>> tn
-- table_<json-op>_input
mkJSONOpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name -> G.NamedType
mkJSONOpTy tn op =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> op <> "_input"
-- json ops are _concat, _delete_key, _delete_elem, _delete_at_path
input table_concat_input {
jsonb-col1: json
jsonb-coln: json
input table_delete_key_input {
jsonb-col1: string
jsonb-coln: string
input table_delete_elem_input {
jsonb-col1: int
jsonb-coln: int
input table_delete_at_path_input {
jsonb-col1: [string]
jsonb-coln: [string]
-- jsonb operators and descriptions
prependOp :: G.Name
prependOp = "_prepend"
prependDesc :: G.Description
prependDesc = "prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value"
appendOp :: G.Name
appendOp = "_append"
appendDesc :: G.Description
appendDesc = "append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value"
deleteKeyOp :: G.Name
deleteKeyOp = "_delete_key"
deleteKeyDesc :: G.Description
deleteKeyDesc = "delete key/value pair or string element."
<> " key/value pairs are matched based on their key value"
deleteElemOp :: G.Name
deleteElemOp = "_delete_elem"
deleteElemDesc :: G.Description
deleteElemDesc = "delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end)."
<> " throws an error if top level container is not an array"
deleteAtPathOp :: G.Name
deleteAtPathOp = "_delete_at_path"
deleteAtPathDesc :: G.Description
deleteAtPathDesc = "delete the field or element with specified path"
<> " (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end)"
:: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> [InpObjTyInfo]
mkUpdJSONOpInp tn cols = bool inpObjs [] $ null jsonbCols
jsonbCols = onlyJSONBCols cols
jsonbColNames = map pgiName jsonbCols
inpObjs = [ prependInpObj, appendInpObj, deleteKeyInpObj
, deleteElemInpObj, deleteAtPathInpObj
appendInpObj =
InpObjTyInfo (Just appendDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn appendOp) $
fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp jsonbCols
prependInpObj =
InpObjTyInfo (Just prependDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn prependOp) $
fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp jsonbCols
deleteKeyInpObj =
InpObjTyInfo (Just deleteKeyDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteKeyOp) $
fromInpValL $ map deleteKeyInpVal jsonbColNames
deleteKeyInpVal c = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt c) $
G.toGT $ G.NamedType "String"
deleteElemInpObj =
InpObjTyInfo (Just deleteElemDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteElemOp) $
fromInpValL $ map deleteElemInpVal jsonbColNames
deleteElemInpVal c = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt c) $
G.toGT $ G.NamedType "Int"
deleteAtPathInpObj =
InpObjTyInfo (Just deleteAtPathDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteAtPathOp) $
fromInpValL $ map deleteAtPathInpVal jsonbColNames
deleteAtPathInpVal c = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt c) $
G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.NamedType "String"
where : table_bool_exp!
_set : table_set_input
_inc : table_inc_input
_concat: table_concat_input
_delete_key: table_delete_key_input
_delete_elem: table_delete_elem_input
_delete_path_at: table_delete_path_at_input
): table_mutation_response
mkIncInpVal :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> Maybe InpValInfo
mkIncInpVal tn cols = bool (Just incArg) Nothing $ null intCols
intCols = onlyIntCols cols
incArgDesc = "increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values"
incArg =
InpValInfo (Just incArgDesc) "_inc" $ G.toGT $ mkUpdIncTy tn
mkJSONOpInpVals :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> [InpValInfo]
mkJSONOpInpVals tn cols = bool jsonbOpArgs [] $ null jsonbCols
jsonbCols = onlyJSONBCols cols
jsonbOpArgs = [appendArg, prependArg, deleteKeyArg, deleteElemArg, deleteAtPathArg]
appendArg =
InpValInfo (Just appendDesc) appendOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn appendOp
prependArg =
InpValInfo (Just prependDesc) prependOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn prependOp
deleteKeyArg =
InpValInfo (Just deleteKeyDesc) deleteKeyOp $
G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteKeyOp
deleteElemArg =
InpValInfo (Just deleteElemDesc) deleteElemOp $
G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteElemOp
deleteAtPathArg =
InpValInfo (Just deleteAtPathDesc) deleteAtPathOp $
G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteAtPathOp
:: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> ObjFldInfo
mkUpdMutFld tn cols =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL inputValues) $
G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn
inputValues = [filterArg, setArg] <> incArg
<> mkJSONOpInpVals tn cols
desc = G.Description $ "update data of the table: " <>> tn
fldName = "update_" <> qualTableToName tn
filterArgDesc = "filter the rows which have to be updated"
filterArg =
InpValInfo (Just filterArgDesc) "where" $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ mkBoolExpTy tn
setArgDesc = "sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"
setArg =
InpValInfo (Just setArgDesc) "_set" $ G.toGT $ mkUpdSetTy tn
incArg = maybeToList $ mkIncInpVal tn cols
where : table_bool_exp!
): table_mutation_response
:: QualifiedTable -> ObjFldInfo
mkDelMutFld tn =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL [filterArg]) $
G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn
desc = G.Description $ "delete data from the table: " <>> tn
fldName = "delete_" <> qualTableToName tn
filterArgDesc = "filter the rows which have to be deleted"
filterArg =
InpValInfo (Just filterArgDesc) "where" $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ mkBoolExpTy tn
-- table_insert_input
mkInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkInsInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_insert_input"
-- table_obj_rel_insert_input
mkObjInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkObjInsInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_obj_rel_insert_input"
-- table_arr_rel_insert_input
mkArrInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkArrInsInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_arr_rel_insert_input"
-- table_on_conflict
mkOnConflictInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkOnConflictInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_on_conflict"
-- table_constraint
mkConstraintInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkConstraintInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_constraint"
-- table_update_column
mkUpdColumnInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkUpdColumnInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_update_column"
mkSelColumnInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkSelColumnInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_select_column"
input table_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: table_insert_input!
on_conflict: table_on_conflict
input table_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [table_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: table_on_conflict
:: QualifiedTable -> Bool -> [InpObjTyInfo]
mkRelInsInps tn upsertAllowed = [objRelInsInp, arrRelInsInp]
onConflictInpVal =
InpValInfo Nothing "on_conflict" $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn
onConflictInp = bool [] [onConflictInpVal] upsertAllowed
objRelDesc = G.Description $
"input type for inserting object relation for remote table " <>> tn
objRelDataInp = InpValInfo Nothing "data" $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn
objRelInsInp = InpObjTyInfo (Just objRelDesc) (mkObjInsInpTy tn)
$ fromInpValL $ objRelDataInp : onConflictInp
arrRelDesc = G.Description $
"input type for inserting array relation for remote table " <>> tn
arrRelDataInp = InpValInfo Nothing "data" $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn
arrRelInsInp = InpObjTyInfo (Just arrRelDesc) (mkArrInsInpTy tn)
$ fromInpValL $ arrRelDataInp : onConflictInp
input table_insert_input {
col1: colty1
coln: coltyn
:: QualifiedTable -> InsCtx -> InpObjTyInfo
mkInsInp tn insCtx =
InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkInsInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL $
map mkPGColInp insCols <> relInps
desc = G.Description $
"input type for inserting data into table " <>> tn
cols = icColumns insCtx
setCols = Map.keys $ icSet insCtx
insCols = flip filter cols $ \ci -> pgiName ci `notElem` setCols
relInfoMap = icRelations insCtx
relInps = flip map (Map.toList relInfoMap) $
\(relName, relInfo) ->
let rty = riType relInfo
remoteQT = riRTable relInfo
in case rty of
ObjRel -> InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getRelTxt relName) $
G.toGT $ mkObjInsInpTy remoteQT
ArrRel -> InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getRelTxt relName) $
G.toGT $ mkArrInsInpTy remoteQT
input table_on_conflict {
action: conflict_action
constraint: table_constraint!
update_columns: [table_column!]
mkOnConflictInp :: QualifiedTable -> InpObjTyInfo
mkOnConflictInp tn =
InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkOnConflictInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL
[actionInpVal, constraintInpVal, updateColumnsInpVal]
desc = G.Description $
"on conflict condition type for table " <>> tn
actionDesc = "action when conflict occurs (deprecated)"
actionInpVal = InpValInfo (Just actionDesc) (G.Name "action") $
G.toGT $ G.NamedType "conflict_action"
constraintInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "constraint") $
G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkConstraintInpTy tn
updateColumnsInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "update_columns") $
G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkUpdColumnInpTy tn
objects: [table_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: table_on_conflict
): table_mutation_response!
:: QualifiedTable -> Bool -> ObjFldInfo
mkInsMutFld tn isUpsertable =
ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL inputVals) $
G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn
inputVals = catMaybes [Just objectsArg , onConflictInpVal]
desc = G.Description $
"insert data into the table: " <>> tn
fldName = "insert_" <> qualTableToName tn
objsArgDesc = "the rows to be inserted"
objectsArg =
InpValInfo (Just objsArgDesc) "objects" $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn
onConflictInpVal = bool Nothing (Just onConflictArg) isUpsertable
onConflictDesc = "on conflict condition"
onConflictArg =
InpValInfo (Just onConflictDesc) "on_conflict" $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn
mkConstriantTy :: QualifiedTable -> [TableConstraint] -> EnumTyInfo
mkConstriantTy tn cons = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkConstraintInpTy tn) $
mapFromL _eviVal $ map (mkConstraintEnumVal . tcName ) cons
desc = G.Description $
"unique or primary key constraints on table " <>> tn
mkConstraintEnumVal (ConstraintName n) =
EnumValInfo (Just "unique or primary key constraint")
(G.EnumValue $ G.Name n) False
mkColumnEnumVal :: PGCol -> EnumValInfo
mkColumnEnumVal (PGCol col) =
EnumValInfo (Just "column name") (G.EnumValue $ G.Name col) False
mkUpdColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> EnumTyInfo
mkUpdColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdColumnInpTy tn) $
mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
desc = G.Description $
"update columns of table " <>> tn
mkSelColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> EnumTyInfo
mkSelColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkSelColumnInpTy tn) $
mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
desc = G.Description $
"select columns of table " <>> tn
mkConflictActionTy :: EnumTyInfo
mkConflictActionTy = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) ty $ mapFromL _eviVal
[enumValIgnore, enumValUpdate]
desc = G.Description "conflict action"
ty = G.NamedType "conflict_action"
enumValIgnore = EnumValInfo (Just "ignore the insert on this row")
(G.EnumValue "ignore") False
enumValUpdate = EnumValInfo (Just "update the row with the given values")
(G.EnumValue "update") False
ordByTy :: G.NamedType
ordByTy = G.NamedType "order_by"
ordByEnumTy :: EnumTyInfo
ordByEnumTy =
EnumTyInfo (Just desc) ordByTy $ mapFromL _eviVal $
map mkEnumVal enumVals
desc = G.Description "column ordering options"
mkEnumVal (n, d) =
EnumValInfo (Just d) (G.EnumValue n) False
enumVals =
[ ( "asc"
, "in the ascending order, nulls last"
( "desc"
, "in the descending order, nulls last"
( "asc_nulls_first"
, "in the ascending order, nulls first"
( "desc_nulls_first"
, "in the ascending order, nulls first"
mkOrdByTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkOrdByTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_order_by"
input table_order_by {
col1: order_by
col2: order_by
. .
. .
coln: order_by
obj-rel: <remote-table>_order_by
:: QualifiedTable -> [SelField] -> (InpObjTyInfo, OrdByCtx)
mkOrdByInpObj tn selFlds = (inpObjTy, ordByCtx)
inpObjTy =
InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) namedTy $ fromInpValL $
map mkColOrdBy pgCols <> map mkObjRelOrdBy objRels
namedTy = mkOrdByTy tn
desc = G.Description $
"ordering options when selecting data from " <>> tn
pgCols = lefts selFlds
objRels = flip filter (rights selFlds) $ \(ri, _, _, _, _) ->
riType ri == ObjRel
mkColOrdBy ci = InpValInfo Nothing (mkColName $ pgiName ci) $
G.toGT ordByTy
mkObjRelOrdBy (ri, _, _, _, _) =
InpValInfo Nothing (mkRelName $ riName ri) $
G.toGT $ mkOrdByTy $ riRTable ri
ordByCtx = Map.singleton namedTy $ Map.fromList $
colOrdBys <> relOrdBys
colOrdBys = flip map pgCols $ \ci ->
( mkColName $ pgiName ci
, OBIPGCol ci
relOrdBys = flip map objRels $ \(ri, _, fltr, _, _) ->
( mkRelName $ riName ri
, OBIRel ri fltr
newtype RootFlds
= RootFlds
{ _taMutation :: Map.HashMap G.Name (OpCtx, Either ObjFldInfo ObjFldInfo)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup RootFlds where
(RootFlds m1) <> (RootFlds m2)
= RootFlds (Map.union m1 m2)
instance Monoid RootFlds where
mempty = RootFlds Map.empty
mappend = (<>)
:: QualifiedTable -> [TableConstraint] -> [PGCol] -> Bool -> [TypeInfo]
mkOnConflictTypes tn c cols =
bool [] tyInfos
tyInfos = [ TIEnum mkConflictActionTy
, TIEnum $ mkConstriantTy tn constraints
, TIEnum $ mkUpdColumnTy tn cols
, TIInpObj $ mkOnConflictInp tn
constraints = filter isUniqueOrPrimary c
:: QualifiedTable
-- insert perm
-> Maybe (InsCtx, Bool)
-- select permission
-> Maybe (Bool, [SelField])
-- update cols
-> Maybe [PGColInfo]
-- delete cols
-> Maybe ()
-- primary key columns
-> [PGColInfo]
-- constraints
-> [TableConstraint]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-- all columns
-> [PGCol]
-> TyAgg
mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM allCols =
TyAgg (mkTyInfoMap allTypes) fieldMap ordByCtx
ordByCtx = fromMaybe Map.empty ordByCtxM
upsertPerm = or $ fmap snd insPermM
isUpsertable = upsertable constraints upsertPerm $ isJust viM
onConflictTypes = mkOnConflictTypes tn constraints allCols isUpsertable
jsonOpTys = fromMaybe [] updJSONOpInpObjTysM
relInsInpObjTys = maybe [] (map TIInpObj) $
mutHelper viIsInsertable relInsInpObjsM
allTypes = relInsInpObjTys <> onConflictTypes <> jsonOpTys
<> queryTypes <> aggQueryTypes <> mutationTypes
queryTypes = catMaybes
[ TIInpObj <$> boolExpInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> ordByInpObjM
, TIObj <$> selObjM
aggQueryTypes = map TIObj aggObjs
mutationTypes = catMaybes
[ TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsInsertable insInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updSetInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updIncInpObjM
, TIObj <$> mutRespObjM
, TIEnum <$> selColInpTyM
mutHelper f objM = bool Nothing objM $ isMutable f viM
fieldMap = Map.unions $ catMaybes
[ insInpObjFldsM, updSetInpObjFldsM, boolExpInpObjFldsM
, selObjFldsM, Just selByPKeyObjFlds
-- helper
mkColFldMap ty cols = Map.fromList $ flip map cols $
\c -> ((ty, mkColName $ pgiName c), Left c)
insCtxM = fst <$> insPermM
insColsM = icColumns <$> insCtxM
-- insert input type
insInpObjM = mkInsInp tn <$> insCtxM
-- column fields used in insert input object
insInpObjFldsM = mkColFldMap (mkInsInpTy tn) <$> insColsM
-- relationship input objects
relInsInpObjsM = const (mkRelInsInps tn isUpsertable) <$> insCtxM
-- update set input type
updSetInpObjM = mkUpdSetInp tn <$> updColsM
-- update increment input type
updIncInpObjM = mkUpdIncInp tn updColsM
-- update json operator input type
updJSONOpInpObjsM = mkUpdJSONOpInp tn <$> updColsM
updJSONOpInpObjTysM = map TIInpObj <$> updJSONOpInpObjsM
-- fields used in set input object
updSetInpObjFldsM = mkColFldMap (mkUpdSetTy tn) <$> updColsM
selFldsM = snd <$> selPermM
selColsM = (map pgiName . lefts) <$> selFldsM
selColInpTyM = mkSelColumnTy tn <$> selColsM
-- boolexp input type
boolExpInpObjM = case selFldsM of
Just selFlds -> Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn selFlds
-- no select permission
Nothing ->
-- but update/delete is defined
if isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM
then Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn []
else Nothing
-- helper
mkFldMap ty = Map.fromList . concatMap (mkFld ty)
mkFld ty = \case
Left ci -> [((ty, mkColName $ pgiName ci), Left ci)]
Right (ri, allowAgg, perm, lim, _) ->
let relFld = ( (ty, G.Name $ getRelTxt $ riName ri)
, Right (ri, False, perm, lim)
aggRelFld = ( (ty, mkAggRelName $ riName ri)
, Right (ri, True, perm, lim)
in case riType ri of
ObjRel -> [relFld]
ArrRel -> bool [relFld] [relFld, aggRelFld] allowAgg
-- the fields used in bool exp
boolExpInpObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkBoolExpTy tn) <$> selFldsM
-- mut resp obj
mutRespObjM =
if isMut
then Just $ mkMutRespObj tn $ isJust selFldsM
else Nothing
isMut = (isJust insColsM || isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM)
&& any (`isMutable` viM) [viIsInsertable, viIsUpdatable, viIsDeletable]
-- table obj
selObjM = mkTableObj tn <$> selFldsM
-- aggregate objs
aggObjs = case selPermM of
Just (True, selFlds) ->
let numCols = (map pgiName . getNumCols) selFlds
compCols = (map pgiName . getCompCols) selFlds
in [ mkTableAggObj tn
, mkTableAggFldsObj tn numCols compCols
] <> mkColAggFldsObjs selFlds
_ -> []
getNumCols = onlyNumCols . lefts
getCompCols = onlyComparableCols . lefts
onlyFloat = const $ mkScalarTy PGFloat
mkTypeMaker "sum" = mkScalarTy
mkTypeMaker _ = onlyFloat
mkColAggFldsObjs flds =
let numCols = getNumCols flds
compCols = getCompCols flds
mkNumObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n (mkTypeMaker n) numCols
mkCompObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n mkScalarTy compCols
numFldsObjs = bool (map mkNumObjFld numAggOps) [] $ null numCols
compFldsObjs = bool (map mkCompObjFld compAggOps) [] $ null compCols
in numFldsObjs <> compFldsObjs
-- the fields used in table object
selObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkTableTy tn) <$> selFldsM
-- the field used in table_by_pkey object
selByPKeyObjFlds = Map.fromList $ flip map pkeyCols $
\pgi@(PGColInfo col ty _) -> ((mkScalarTy ty, mkColName col), Left pgi)
ordByInpCtxM = mkOrdByInpObj tn <$> selFldsM
(ordByInpObjM, ordByCtxM) = case ordByInpCtxM of
Just (a, b) -> (Just a, Just b)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGCol]
-> [TableConstraint]
-> FieldInfoMap
-> Maybe ([T.Text], Bool) -- insert perm
-> Maybe (AnnBoolExpSQL, Maybe Int, [T.Text], Bool) -- select filter
-> Maybe ([PGCol], AnnBoolExpSQL, [T.Text]) -- update filter
-> Maybe (AnnBoolExpSQL, [T.Text]) -- delete filter
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> RootFlds
getRootFldsRole' tn primCols constraints fields insM selM updM delM viM =
RootFlds mFlds
mFlds = mapFromL (either _fiName _fiName . snd) $ catMaybes
[ mutHelper viIsInsertable getInsDet insM
, mutHelper viIsUpdatable getUpdDet updM
, mutHelper viIsDeletable getDelDet delM
, getSelDet <$> selM, getSelAggDet selM
, getPKeySelDet selM $ getColInfos primCols colInfos
mutHelper f getDet mutM =
bool Nothing (getDet <$> mutM) $ isMutable f viM
colInfos = fst $ validPartitionFieldInfoMap fields
getInsDet (hdrs, upsertPerm) =
let isUpsertable = upsertable constraints upsertPerm $ isJust viM
in ( OCInsert tn hdrs
, Right $ mkInsMutFld tn isUpsertable
getUpdDet (updCols, updFltr, hdrs) =
( OCUpdate tn updFltr hdrs
, Right $ mkUpdMutFld tn $ getColInfos updCols colInfos
getDelDet (delFltr, hdrs) =
(OCDelete tn delFltr hdrs, Right $ mkDelMutFld tn)
getSelDet (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, _) =
(OCSelect tn selFltr pLimit hdrs, Left $ mkSelFld tn)
getSelAggDet (Just (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, True)) = Just
(OCSelectAgg tn selFltr pLimit hdrs, Left $ mkAggSelFld tn)
getSelAggDet _ = Nothing
getPKeySelDet Nothing _ = Nothing
getPKeySelDet _ [] = Nothing
getPKeySelDet (Just (selFltr, _, hdrs, _)) pCols = Just
(OCSelectPkey tn selFltr hdrs, Left $ mkSelFldPKey tn pCols)
-- getRootFlds
-- :: TableCache
-- -> Map.HashMap RoleName RootFlds
-- getRootFlds tables =
-- foldr (Map.unionWith mappend . getRootFldsTable) Map.empty $
-- Map.elems tables
-- gets all the selectable fields (cols and rels) of a
-- table for a role
getSelPermission :: TableInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe SelPermInfo
getSelPermission tabInfo role =
Map.lookup role (tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo) >>= _permSel
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
-- all the fields of a table
-> FieldInfoMap
-- role and its permission
-> RoleName -> SelPermInfo
-> m (Bool, [SelField])
getSelPerm tableCache fields role selPermInfo = do
selFlds <- fmap catMaybes $ forM (toValidFieldInfos fields) $ \case
FIColumn pgColInfo ->
return $ fmap Left $ bool Nothing (Just pgColInfo) $
Set.member (pgiName pgColInfo) allowedCols
FIRelationship relInfo -> do
remTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache $ riRTable relInfo
let remTableSelPermM = getSelPermission remTableInfo role
return $ flip fmap remTableSelPermM $
\rmSelPermM -> Right ( relInfo
, spiAllowAgg rmSelPermM
, spiFilter rmSelPermM
, spiLimit rmSelPermM
, isRelNullable fields relInfo
return (spiAllowAgg selPermInfo, selFlds)
allowedCols = spiCols selPermInfo
:: MonadError QErr m
=> RoleName
-> TableCache -> FieldInfoMap -> InsPermInfo -> m InsCtx
mkInsCtx role tableCache fields insPermInfo = do
relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do
let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache remoteTable
let insPermM = getInsPerm remoteTableInfo role
viewInfoM = tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $
isInsertable insPermM viewInfoM
let relInfoMap = Map.fromList $ catMaybes relTupsM
return $ InsCtx iView cols setCols relInfoMap
cols = getValidCols fields
rels = getValidRels fields
iView = ipiView insPermInfo
setCols = ipiSet insPermInfo
isInsertable Nothing _ = False
isInsertable (Just _) viewInfoM = isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable -> TableCache -> FieldInfoMap -> m InsCtx
mkAdminInsCtx tn tc fields = do
relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do
let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tc remoteTable
let viewInfoM = tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $
isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM
return $ InsCtx tn cols Map.empty $ Map.fromList $ catMaybes relTupsM
cols = getValidCols fields
rels = getValidRels fields
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
-> QualifiedTable
-> FieldInfoMap
-> [PGCol]
-> [TableConstraint]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> RoleName
-> RolePermInfo
-> m (TyAgg, RootFlds, InsCtxMap)
mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pCols constraints viM role permInfo = do
selPermM <- mapM (getSelPerm tableCache fields role) $ _permSel permInfo
tabInsCtxM <- forM (_permIns permInfo) $ \ipi -> do
tic <- mkInsCtx role tableCache fields ipi
return (tic, ipiAllowUpsert ipi)
let updColsM = filterColInfos . upiCols <$> _permUpd permInfo
tyAgg = mkGCtxRole' tn tabInsCtxM selPermM updColsM
(void $ _permDel permInfo) pColInfos constraints viM allCols
rootFlds = getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields viM permInfo
insCtxMap = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton tn) $ fmap fst tabInsCtxM
return (tyAgg, rootFlds, insCtxMap)
colInfos = getValidCols fields
allCols = map pgiName colInfos
pColInfos = getColInfos pCols colInfos
filterColInfos allowedSet =
filter ((`Set.member` allowedSet) . pgiName) colInfos
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGCol]
-> [TableConstraint]
-> FieldInfoMap
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> RolePermInfo
-> RootFlds
getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields viM (RolePermInfo insM selM updM delM) =
getRootFldsRole' tn pCols constraints fields
(mkIns <$> insM) (mkSel <$> selM)
(mkUpd <$> updM) (mkDel <$> delM)
mkIns i = (ipiRequiredHeaders i, ipiAllowUpsert i)
mkSel s = ( spiFilter s, spiLimit s
, spiRequiredHeaders s, spiAllowAgg s
mkUpd u = ( Set.toList $ upiCols u
, upiFilter u
, upiRequiredHeaders u
mkDel d = (dpiFilter d, dpiRequiredHeaders d)
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
-> TableInfo
-> m (Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFlds, InsCtxMap))
mkGCtxMapTable tableCache (TableInfo tn _ fields rolePerms constraints pkeyCols viewInfo _) = do
m <- Map.traverseWithKey
(mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pkeyCols validConstraints viewInfo) rolePerms
adminInsCtx <- mkAdminInsCtx tn tableCache fields
let adminCtx = mkGCtxRole' tn (Just (adminInsCtx, True))
(Just (True, selFlds)) (Just colInfos) (Just ())
pkeyColInfos validConstraints viewInfo allCols
adminInsCtxMap = Map.singleton tn adminInsCtx
return $ Map.insert adminRole (adminCtx, adminRootFlds, adminInsCtxMap) m
validConstraints = mkValidConstraints constraints
colInfos = getValidCols fields
allCols = map pgiName colInfos
pkeyColInfos = getColInfos pkeyCols colInfos
selFlds = flip map (toValidFieldInfos fields) $ \case
FIColumn pgColInfo -> Left pgColInfo
FIRelationship relInfo -> Right (relInfo, True, noFilter, Nothing, isRelNullable fields relInfo)
adminRootFlds =
getRootFldsRole' tn pkeyCols validConstraints fields
(Just ([], True)) (Just (noFilter, Nothing, [], True))
(Just (allCols, noFilter, [])) (Just (noFilter, []))
noFilter :: AnnBoolExpSQL
noFilter = annBoolExpTrue
mkScalarTyInfo :: PGColType -> ScalarTyInfo
mkScalarTyInfo = ScalarTyInfo Nothing
type GCtxMap = Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache -> m (Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx)
mkGCtxMap tableCache = do
typesMapL <- mapM (mkGCtxMapTable tableCache) $
filter tableFltr $ Map.elems tableCache
let typesMap = foldr (Map.unionWith mappend) Map.empty typesMapL
return $ flip Map.map typesMap $ \(ty, flds, insCtxMap) ->
mkGCtx ty flds insCtxMap
tableFltr ti = not (tiSystemDefined ti)
&& isValidTableName (tiName ti)
mkGCtx :: TyAgg -> RootFlds -> InsCtxMap -> GCtx
mkGCtx (TyAgg tyInfos fldInfos ordByEnums) (RootFlds flds) insCtxMap =
let queryRoot = mkObjTyInfo (Just "query root") (G.NamedType "query_root") $
mapFromL _fiName (schemaFld:typeFld:qFlds)
colTys = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map pgiType $
lefts $ Map.elems fldInfos
scalarTys = map (TIScalar . mkScalarTyInfo) colTys
compTys = map (TIInpObj . mkCompExpInp) colTys
ordByEnumTyM = bool (Just ordByEnumTy) Nothing $ null qFlds
allTys = Map.union tyInfos $ mkTyInfoMap $
catMaybes [ Just $ TIObj queryRoot
, TIObj <$> mutRootM
, TIObj <$> subRootM
, TIEnum <$> ordByEnumTyM
] <>
scalarTys <> compTys <> defaultTypes
-- for now subscription root is query root
in GCtx allTys fldInfos ordByEnums queryRoot mutRootM (Just queryRoot)
(Map.map fst flds) insCtxMap
mkMutRoot =
mkObjTyInfo (Just "mutation root") (G.NamedType "mutation_root") .
mapFromL _fiName
mutRootM = bool (Just $ mkMutRoot mFlds) Nothing $ null mFlds
mkSubRoot =
mkObjTyInfo (Just "subscription root") (G.NamedType "subscription_root") .
mapFromL _fiName
subRootM = bool (Just $ mkSubRoot qFlds) Nothing $ null qFlds
(qFlds, mFlds) = partitionEithers $ map snd $ Map.elems flds
schemaFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "__schema" Map.empty $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ G.NamedType "__Schema"
typeFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "__type" typeFldArgs $ G.toGT $
G.NamedType "__Type"
typeFldArgs = mapFromL _iviName [
InpValInfo (Just "name of the type") "name"
$ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.NamedType "String"
getGCtx :: RoleName -> Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx -> GCtx
getGCtx rn =
fromMaybe (mkGCtx mempty mempty mempty) . Map.lookup rn