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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
When using self referential relationships in boolean expressions, the exists clause incorrectly uses the table names to qualify columns which will be the same for parent table and the child table. This is now fixed by generating unique aliases as we traverse down the relationships.
349 lines
9.6 KiB
349 lines
9.6 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal where
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
data PermColSpec
= PCStar
| PCCols ![PGCol]
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance FromJSON PermColSpec where
parseJSON (String "*") = return PCStar
parseJSON x = PCCols <$> parseJSON x
instance ToJSON PermColSpec where
toJSON (PCCols cols) = toJSON cols
toJSON PCStar = "*"
convColSpec :: FieldInfoMap -> PermColSpec -> [PGCol]
convColSpec _ (PCCols cols) = cols
convColSpec cim PCStar = map pgiName $ getCols cim
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> RoleName
-> PermAccessor a
-> TableInfo
-> m ()
assertPermNotDefined roleName pa tableInfo =
when (permissionIsDefined rpi pa || roleName == adminRole)
$ throw400 AlreadyExists $ mconcat
[ "'" <> T.pack (show $ permAccToType pa) <> "'"
, " permission on " <>> tiName tableInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " already exists"
rpi = M.lookup roleName $ tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
:: Maybe RolePermInfo -> PermAccessor a -> Bool
permissionIsDefined rpi pa =
isJust $ join $ rpi ^? _Just.permAccToLens pa
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> RoleName
-> PermAccessor a
-> TableInfo
-> m ()
assertPermDefined roleName pa tableInfo =
unless (permissionIsDefined rpi pa) $ throw400 PermissionDenied $ mconcat
[ "'" <> T.pack (show $ permAccToType pa) <> "'"
, " permission on " <>> tiName tableInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " does not exist"
rpi = M.lookup roleName $ tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableInfo
-> RoleName
-> PermAccessor c
-> m c
askPermInfo tabInfo roleName pa =
case M.lookup roleName rpim >>= (^. paL) of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> throw400 PermissionDenied $ mconcat
[ pt <> " permisison on " <>> tiName tabInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " does not exist"
paL = permAccToLens pa
pt = permTypeToCode $ permAccToType pa
rpim = tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
:: (ToJSON a)
=> PermType
-> QualifiedTable
-> PermDef a
-> Q.TxE QErr ()
savePermToCatalog pt (QualifiedTable sn tn) (PermDef rn qdef mComment) =
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
(table_schema, table_name, role_name, perm_type, perm_def, comment)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6)
|] (sn, tn, rn, permTypeToCode pt, Q.AltJ qdef, mComment) True
:: QualifiedTable
-> RoleName
-> PermType
-> Q.TxE QErr ()
dropPermFromCatalog (QualifiedTable sn tn) rn pt =
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
table_schema = $1
AND table_name = $2
AND role_name = $3
AND perm_type = $4
|] (sn, tn, rn, permTypeToCode pt) True
type CreatePerm a = WithTable (PermDef a)
data PermDef a =
{ pdRole :: !RoleName
, pdPermission :: !a
, pdComment :: !(Maybe T.Text)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveFromJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''PermDef)
instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (PermDef a) where
toJSON = object . toAesonPairs
instance (ToJSON a) => ToAesonPairs (PermDef a) where
toAesonPairs (PermDef rn perm comment) =
[ "role" .= rn
, "permission" .= perm
, "comment" .= comment
data CreatePermP1Res a
= CreatePermP1Res
{ cprInfo :: !a
, cprDeps :: ![SchemaDependency]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
createPermP1 :: (P1C m) => QualifiedTable -> m TableInfo
createPermP1 tn = do
askTabInfo tn
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> QualifiedTable -> FieldInfoMap -> BoolExp
-> m (AnnBoolExpSQL, [SchemaDependency])
procBoolExp tn fieldInfoMap be = do
abe <- annBoolExp valueParser fieldInfoMap be
let deps = getBoolExpDeps tn abe
return (abe, deps)
isReqUserId :: T.Text -> Bool
isReqUserId = (== "req_user_id") . T.toLower
getDependentHeaders :: BoolExp -> [T.Text]
getDependentHeaders (BoolExp boolExp) =
flip foldMap boolExp $ \(ColExp _ v) -> parseValue v
parseValue val = case val of
(Object o) -> parseObject o
_ -> parseOnlyString val
parseOnlyString val = case val of
(String t)
| isUserVar t -> [T.toLower t]
| isReqUserId t -> [userIdHeader]
| otherwise -> []
_ -> []
parseObject o =
concatMap parseOnlyString (M.elems o)
-- if isRQLOp k
-- then parseOnlyString v
-- else []
valueParser :: (MonadError QErr m) => PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp
valueParser columnType = \case
-- When it is a special variable
val@(String t)
| isUserVar t -> return $ fromCurSess t
| isReqUserId t -> return $ fromCurSess userIdHeader
| otherwise -> txtRHSBuilder columnType val
-- Typical value as Aeson's value
val -> txtRHSBuilder columnType val
curSess = S.SEUnsafe "current_setting('hasura.user')::json"
fromCurSess hdr =
S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->>") [curSess, S.SELit $ T.toLower hdr]
`S.SETyAnn` (S.AnnType $ T.pack $ show columnType)
injectDefaults :: QualifiedTable -> QualifiedTable -> Q.Query
injectDefaults qv qt =
Q.fromText $ mconcat
[ "SELECT hdb_catalog.inject_table_defaults("
, pgFmtLit vsn
, ", "
, pgFmtLit vn
, ", "
, pgFmtLit tsn
, ", "
, pgFmtLit tn
, ");"
QualifiedTable (SchemaName vsn) (TableName vn) = qv
QualifiedTable (SchemaName tsn) (TableName tn) = qt
data DropPerm a
= DropPerm
{ dipTable :: !QualifiedTable
, dipRole :: !RoleName
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''DropPerm)
type family PermInfo a = r | r -> a
class (ToJSON a) => IsPerm a where
type DropPermP1Res a
:: PermAccessor (PermInfo a)
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TableInfo
-> PermDef a
-> m (WithDeps (PermInfo a))
:: (MonadTx m, QErrM m) => QualifiedTable -> PermDef a -> PermInfo a -> m ()
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m, UserInfoM m)
=> DropPerm a
-> m (DropPermP1Res a)
:: (CacheRWM m, MonadTx m) => DropPerm a -> DropPermP1Res a -> m ()
:: PermDef a -> PermAccessor (PermInfo a)
getPermAcc1 _ = permAccessor
:: DropPerm a -> PermAccessor (PermInfo a)
getPermAcc2 _ = permAccessor
:: (IsPerm a, QErrM m) => PermDef a -> TableInfo -> m ()
validateViewPerm permDef tableInfo =
case permAcc of
PASelect -> return ()
PAInsert -> mutableView tn viIsInsertable viewInfo "insertable"
PAUpdate -> mutableView tn viIsUpdatable viewInfo "updatable"
PADelete -> mutableView tn viIsDeletable viewInfo "deletable"
tn = tiName tableInfo
viewInfo = tiViewInfo tableInfo
permAcc = getPermAcc1 permDef
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m, IsPerm a)
=> TableInfo -> PermDef a -> m (WithDeps (PermInfo a))
addPermP1 tabInfo pd = do
assertPermNotDefined (pdRole pd) (getPermAcc1 pd) tabInfo
buildPermInfo tabInfo pd
addPermP2 :: (IsPerm a, QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m)
=> QualifiedTable -> PermDef a -> WithDeps (PermInfo a) -> m ()
addPermP2 tn pd (permInfo, deps) = do
addPermP2Setup tn pd permInfo
addPermToCache tn (pdRole pd) pa permInfo deps
liftTx $ savePermToCatalog pt tn pd
pa = getPermAcc1 pd
pt = permAccToType pa
instance (IsPerm a) => HDBQuery (CreatePerm a) where
type Phase1Res (CreatePerm a) = WithDeps (PermInfo a)
phaseOne (WithTable tn pd) = do
tabInfo <- createPermP1 tn
validateViewPerm pd tabInfo
addPermP1 tabInfo pd
phaseTwo (WithTable tn pd) permInfo = do
addPermP2 tn pd permInfo
return successMsg
schemaCachePolicy = SCPReload
dropPermP1 :: (QErrM m, CacheRM m, UserInfoM m, IsPerm a) => DropPerm a -> m (PermInfo a)
dropPermP1 dp@(DropPerm tn rn) = do
tabInfo <- askTabInfo tn
askPermInfo tabInfo rn $ getPermAcc2 dp
:: (IsPerm a, QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m)
=> DropPerm a -> DropPermP1Res a -> m ()
dropPermP2 dp@(DropPerm tn rn) p1Res = do
dropPermP2Setup dp p1Res
delPermFromCache pa rn tn
liftTx $ dropPermFromCatalog tn rn pt
pa = getPermAcc2 dp
pt = permAccToType pa
instance (IsPerm a) => HDBQuery (DropPerm a) where
type Phase1Res (DropPerm a) = DropPermP1Res a
phaseOne = buildDropPermP1Res
phaseTwo dp p1Res = dropPermP2 dp p1Res >> return successMsg
schemaCachePolicy = SCPReload