David Overton 4a69fdeb01 Dmoverton/5863 prefix namespacing
GitOrigin-RevId: 108e8b25e745cb4f74d143d316262049cef62b70
2021-06-09 22:42:05 +00:00

768 lines
36 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer
( fetchRemoteSchema
, IntrospectionResult
, execRemoteGQ
, identityCustomizer
-- The following exports are needed for unit tests
, introspectionResultToJSON
, parseIntrospectionResult
, getCustomizers
, customizeIntrospectionResult
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Control.Arrow.Extended (left)
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.=))
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import Data.Text.Extended (dquoteList, toTxt, (<<>))
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Monad as P
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Collect ()
-- Needed for GHCi and HLS due to TH in cyclically dependent modules (see
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote (buildRemoteParser, customizeType)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers (makeHeadersFromConf)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
introspectionQuery :: GQLReqOutgoing
introspectionQuery =
fp <- makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/introspection.json"
TH.qAddDependentFile fp
eitherResult <- TH.runIO $ J.eitherDecodeFileStrict fp
either fail TH.lift $ do
r@GQLReq{..} <- eitherResult
op <- left show $ getSingleOperation r
pure GQLReq{_grQuery = op, ..}
:: forall m
. MonadError QErr m
=> RemoteSchemaCustomizer
-> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
-> m ()
validateSchemaCustomizations RemoteSchemaCustomizer{..} (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions) = do
traverse_ validateInterfaceFields typeDefinitions
traverse_ validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct typeDefinitions
validateInterfaceFields :: G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] a -> m ()
validateInterfaceFields = \case
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} ->
for_ _itdPossibleTypes $ \typeName ->
for_ _itdFieldsDefinition $ \G.FieldDefinition{..} -> do
let interfaceCustomizedFieldName = _rscCustomizeFieldName _itdName _fldName
typeCustomizedFieldName = _rscCustomizeFieldName typeName _fldName
when (interfaceCustomizedFieldName /= typeCustomizedFieldName) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError
$ "Remote schema customization inconsistency: field name mapping for field "
<> _fldName <<> " of interface " <> _itdName
<<> " is inconsistent with mapping for type " <> typeName
<<> ". Interface field name maps to " <> interfaceCustomizedFieldName
<<> ". Type field name maps to " <> typeCustomizedFieldName <<> "."
_ -> pure ()
validateTypeMappingsAreDistinct :: m ()
validateTypeMappingsAreDistinct = do
let dups = duplicates $ (_rscCustomizeTypeName . typeDefinitionName) <$> typeDefinitions
unless (Set.null dups) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Type name mappings are not distinct; the following types appear more than once: " <>
dquoteList dups
validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct :: G.TypeDefinition a b -> m ()
validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct = \case
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> do
let dups = duplicates $ (_rscCustomizeFieldName _itdName . G._fldName) <$> _itdFieldsDefinition
unless (Set.null dups) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Field name mappings for interface type " <> _itdName <<>
" are not distinct; the following fields appear more than once: " <>
dquoteList dups
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> do
let dups = duplicates $ (_rscCustomizeFieldName _otdName . G._fldName) <$> _otdFieldsDefinition
unless (Set.null dups) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Field name mappings for object type " <> _otdName <<>
" are not distinct; the following fields appear more than once: " <>
dquoteList dups
_ -> pure ()
-- | Make an introspection query to the remote graphql server for the data we
-- need to present and stitch the remote schema. This powers add_remote_schema,
-- and also is called by schema cache rebuilding code in "Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache".
:: forall m
. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadError QErr m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> RemoteSchemaName
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
-> m RemoteSchemaCtx
fetchRemoteSchema env manager _rscName _rscInfo@RemoteSchemaInfo{..} = do
(_, _, rscRawIntrospectionResultDirty) <-
execRemoteGQ env manager adminUserInfo [] _rscInfo introspectionQuery
-- Parse the JSON into flat GraphQL type AST
FromIntrospection rscIntroDirty <-
J.eitherDecode rscRawIntrospectionResultDirty `onLeft` (throw400 RemoteSchemaError . T.pack)
-- possibly transform type names from the remote schema, per the user's 'RemoteSchemaDef'
let (customizer, decustomizer) = getCustomizers (addDefaultRoots rscIntroDirty) rsCustomization
validateSchemaCustomizations customizer (irDoc rscIntroDirty)
let _rscIntro = customizeIntrospectionResult customizer rscIntroDirty
_rscRawIntrospectionResult = J.encode $ FromIntrospection _rscIntro
let typeNameCustomizer = fmap (const $ _rscCustomizeTypeName customizer) $ _rscTypeNames =<< rsCustomization
-- Check that the parsed GraphQL type info is valid by running the schema generation
(piQuery, piMutation, piSubscription) <-
P.runSchemaT @m @(P.ParseT Identity) $ buildRemoteParser _rscIntro decustomizer _rscInfo typeNameCustomizer
-- The 'rawIntrospectionResult' contains the 'Bytestring' response of
-- the introspection result of the remote server. We store this in the
-- 'RemoteSchemaCtx' because we can use this when the 'introspect_remote_schema'
-- is called by simple encoding the result to JSON.
return $ RemoteSchemaCtx{_rscPermissions = mempty, _rscParsed = ParsedIntrospection{..}, _rscCustomizer = decustomizer, _rscTypeNameCustomizer = typeNameCustomizer, ..}
-- If there is no explicit mutation or subscription root type we need to check for
-- objects type definitions with the default names "Mutation" and "Subscription".
-- If found, we add the default roots explicitly to the IntrospectionResult.
-- This simplifies the customization code.
addDefaultRoots :: IntrospectionResult -> IntrospectionResult
addDefaultRoots IntrospectionResult {..} =
{ irMutationRoot = getRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Mutation") irMutationRoot
, irSubscriptionRoot = getRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Subscription") irSubscriptionRoot
, ..
getRootTypeName defaultName providedName =
providedName <|> (defaultName <$ lookupObject irDoc defaultName)
-- | Parsing the introspection query result. We use this newtype wrapper to
-- avoid orphan instances and parse JSON in the way that we need for GraphQL
-- introspection results.
newtype FromIntrospection a
= FromIntrospection { fromIntrospection :: a }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor)
-- | Include a map from type name to kind. This allows us to pass
-- extra type information required to convert our schema
-- back into JSON.
data WithKinds a
= WithKinds !(HashMap G.Name Text) !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor)
pErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> m a
pErr = fail . T.unpack
kindErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> Text -> m a
kindErr gKind eKind = pErr $ "Invalid `kind: " <> gKind <> "` in " <> eKind
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
parseJSON = fmap (FromIntrospection . G.Description) . J.parseJSON
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
toJSON = J.toJSON . G.unDescription . fromIntrospection
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ScalarTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
when (kind /= "SCALAR") $ kindErr kind "scalar"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ScalarTypeDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "SCALAR"
, "name" .= _stdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _stdDescription
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
interfaces :: Maybe [FromIntrospection (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .:? "interfaces"
when (kind /= "OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "object"
let implIfaces = map G._itdName $ maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) interfaces
flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ObjectTypeDefinition desc' name implIfaces [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "OBJECT"
, "name" .= _otdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _otdDescription
, "fields" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _otdFieldsDefinition
, "interfaces" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . toInterfaceTypeDefinition) _otdImplementsInterfaces
toInterfaceTypeDefinition :: G.Name -> G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition
toInterfaceTypeDefinition name = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition Nothing name [] [] []
instance (J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection a)) => J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.FieldDefinition a)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "FieldDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
args <- o .: "args"
_type <- o .: "type"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.FieldDefinition desc' name (fmap fromIntrospection args)
(fromIntrospection _type) []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds a) => J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.FieldDefinition a)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.FieldDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "name" .= _fldName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _fldDescription
, "args" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _fldArgumentsDefinition
, "type" .= WithKinds kinds _fldType
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.GType) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "GType" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
mName <- o .:? "name"
mType <- o .:? "ofType"
r <- case (kind, mName, mType) of
("NON_NULL", _, Just typ) -> return $ mkNotNull (fromIntrospection typ)
("NON_NULL", _, Nothing) -> pErr "NON_NULL should have `ofType`"
("LIST", _, Just typ) ->
return $ G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) (fromIntrospection typ)
("LIST", _, Nothing) -> pErr "LIST should have `ofType`"
(_, Just name, _) -> return $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name
_ -> pErr $ "kind: " <> kind <> " should have name"
return $ FromIntrospection r
mkNotNull typ = case typ of
G.TypeList _ ty -> G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty
G.TypeNamed _ n -> G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) n
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds G.GType) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds gtype) = objectWithoutNullValues $ case gtype of
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name ->
[ "kind" .= Map.lookup name kinds
, "name" .= name
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) name ->
[ "kind" .= J.String "NON_NULL"
, "ofType" .= WithKinds kinds (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name)
G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) ty ->
[ "kind" .= J.String "LIST"
, "ofType" .= WithKinds kinds ty
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty ->
[ "kind" .= J.String "NON_NULL"
, "ofType" .= WithKinds kinds (G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) ty)
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
_type <- o .: "type"
defVal <- o .:? "defaultValue"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let defVal' = fmap fromIntrospection defVal
r = G.InputValueDefinition desc' name (fromIntrospection _type) defVal' []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds G.InputValueDefinition) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.InputValueDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "name" .= _ivdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _ivdDescription
, "type" .= WithKinds kinds _ivdType
, "defaultValue" .= fmap FromIntrospection _ivdDefaultValue
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.Value Void)) where
parseJSON = J.withText "Value Void" $ \t ->
let parseValueConst = G.runParser G.value
in FromIntrospection <$> onLeft (parseValueConst t) (fail . T.unpack)
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection (G.Value Void)) where
toJSON = J.String . toTxt . fromIntrospection
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InterfaceTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
possibleTypes :: Maybe [FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .:? "possibleTypes"
let flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
possTps = map G._otdName $ maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) possibleTypes
when (kind /= "INTERFACE") $ kindErr kind "interface"
-- TODO (non PDV) track which interfaces implement which other interfaces, after a
-- GraphQL spec > Jun 2018 is released.
let r = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc' name [] flds possTps
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.InterfaceTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "INTERFACE"
, "name" .= _itdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _itdDescription
, "fields" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _itdFieldsDefinition
, "possibleTypes" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . toObjectTypeDefinition) _itdPossibleTypes
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "UnionTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
possibleTypes :: [FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .: "possibleTypes"
let possibleTypes' = map G._otdName $ fmap fromIntrospection possibleTypes
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "UNION") $ kindErr kind "union"
let r = G.UnionTypeDefinition desc' name [] possibleTypes'
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.UnionTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "UNION"
, "name" .= _utdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _utdDescription
, "possibleTypes" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . toObjectTypeDefinition) _utdMemberTypes
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
vals <- o .: "enumValues"
when (kind /= "ENUM") $ kindErr kind "enum"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumTypeDefinition desc' name [] (fmap fromIntrospection vals)
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "ENUM"
, "name" .= _etdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _etdDescription
, "enumValues" .= fmap FromIntrospection _etdValueDefinitions
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumValueDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "name" .= _evdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _evdDescription
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
mInputFields <- o .:? "inputFields"
let inputFields = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) mInputFields
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INPUT_OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "input_object"
let r = G.InputObjectTypeDefinition desc' name [] inputFields
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.InputObjectTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "INPUT_OBJECT"
, "name" .= _iotdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _iotdDescription
, "inputFields" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _iotdValueDefinitions
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "TypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind :: Text <- o .: "kind"
r <- case kind of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"UNION" ->
G.TypeDefinitionUnion . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"ENUM" ->
G.TypeDefinitionEnum . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
_ -> pErr $ "unknown kind: " <> kind
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds typeDefinition) = case typeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalarTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ FromIntrospection scalarTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionObject objectTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds objectTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInterface interfaceTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds interfaceTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionUnion unionTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds unionTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionEnum enumTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ FromIntrospection enumTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inputObjectTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds inputObjectTypeDefinition
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "SchemaDocument" $ \o -> do
_data <- o .: "data"
schema <- _data .: "__schema"
-- the list of types
types <- schema .: "types"
-- query root
queryType <- schema .: "queryType"
queryRoot <- queryType .: "name"
-- mutation root
mMutationType <- schema .:? "mutationType"
mutationRoot <- case mMutationType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just mutType -> do
mutRoot <- mutType .: "name"
return $ Just mutRoot
-- subscription root
mSubsType <- schema .:? "subscriptionType"
subsRoot <- case mSubsType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just subsType -> do
subRoot <- subsType .: "name"
return $ Just subRoot
let types' =
(fmap . fmap . fmap)
-- presets are only defined for non-admin roles,
-- an admin will not have any presets
-- defined and the admin will be the one,
-- who'll be adding the remote schema,
-- hence presets are set to `Nothing`
(`RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition` Nothing)
r =
(RemoteSchemaIntrospection (fmap fromIntrospection types'))
queryRoot mutationRoot subsRoot
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult{..}) = objectWithoutNullValues ["data" .= _data]
_data = objectWithoutNullValues ["__schema" .= schema]
schema = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "types" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . fmap _rsitdDefinition) types
, "queryType" .= queryType
, "mutationType" .= mutationType
, "subscriptionType" .= subscriptionType
RemoteSchemaIntrospection types = irDoc
kinds = Map.fromList $ types <&> \case
G.TypeDefinitionScalar G.ScalarTypeDefinition{..} -> (_stdName, "SCALAR")
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> (_otdName, "OBJECT")
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> (_itdName, "INTERFACE")
G.TypeDefinitionUnion G.UnionTypeDefinition{..} -> (_utdName, "UNION")
G.TypeDefinitionEnum G.EnumTypeDefinition{..} -> (_etdName, "ENUM")
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject G.InputObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> (_iotdName, "INPUT_OBJECT")
named :: G.Name -> J.Object
named = ("name" .=)
queryType = named irQueryRoot
mutationType = named <$> irMutationRoot
subscriptionType = named <$> irSubscriptionRoot
parseIntrospectionResult :: J.Value -> J.Parser IntrospectionResult
parseIntrospectionResult value = fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON value
introspectionResultToJSON :: IntrospectionResult -> J.Value
introspectionResultToJSON = J.toJSON . FromIntrospection
objectWithoutNullValues :: [J.Pair] -> J.Value
objectWithoutNullValues = J.object . filter notNull
notNull (_, J.Null) = False
notNull _ = True
toObjectTypeDefinition :: G.Name -> G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
toObjectTypeDefinition name = G.ObjectTypeDefinition Nothing name [] [] []
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadError QErr m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> UserInfo
-> [N.Header]
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
-> GQLReqOutgoing
-> m (DiffTime, [N.Header], BL.ByteString)
-- ^ Returns the response body and headers, along with the time taken for the
-- HTTP request to complete
execRemoteGQ env manager userInfo reqHdrs rsi gqlReq@GQLReq{..} = do
let gqlReqUnparsed = renderGQLReqOutgoing gqlReq
when (G._todType _grQuery == G.OperationTypeSubscription) $
throw400 NotSupported "subscription to remote server is not supported"
confHdrs <- makeHeadersFromConf env hdrConf
let clientHdrs = bool [] (mkClientHeadersForward reqHdrs) fwdClientHdrs
-- filter out duplicate headers
-- priority: conf headers > resolved userinfo vars > client headers
hdrMaps = [ Map.fromList confHdrs
, Map.fromList userInfoToHdrs
, Map.fromList clientHdrs
headers = Map.toList $ foldr Map.union Map.empty hdrMaps
finalHeaders = addDefaultHeaders headers
initReqE <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.parseRequest (show url)
initReq <- onLeft initReqE httpThrow
let req = initReq
{ HTTP.method = "POST"
, HTTP.requestHeaders = finalHeaders
, HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS (J.encode gqlReqUnparsed)
, HTTP.responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeout * 1000000)
Tracing.tracedHttpRequest req \req' -> do
(time, res) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ try $ HTTP.httpLbs req' manager
resp <- onLeft res httpThrow
pure (time, mkSetCookieHeaders resp, resp ^. Wreq.responseBody)
RemoteSchemaInfo url hdrConf fwdClientHdrs timeout _mPrefix = rsi
httpThrow :: (MonadError QErr m) => HTTP.HttpException -> m a
httpThrow = \case
HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _req content -> throw500 $ tshow content
HTTP.InvalidUrlException _url reason -> throw500 $ tshow reason
userInfoToHdrs = sessionVariablesToHeaders $ _uiSession userInfo
identityCustomizer :: RemoteSchemaCustomizer
identityCustomizer = RemoteSchemaCustomizer Nothing id $ const id
typeDefinitionName :: G.TypeDefinition a b -> G.Name
typeDefinitionName = \case
G.TypeDefinitionScalar G.ScalarTypeDefinition{..} -> _stdName
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> _otdName
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> _itdName
G.TypeDefinitionUnion G.UnionTypeDefinition{..} -> _utdName
G.TypeDefinitionEnum G.EnumTypeDefinition{..} -> _etdName
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject G.InputObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> _iotdName
getCustomizers :: IntrospectionResult -> Maybe RemoteSchemaCustomization -> (RemoteSchemaCustomizer, RemoteSchemaCustomizer)
getCustomizers _ Nothing = (identityCustomizer, identityCustomizer)
getCustomizers IntrospectionResult{..} (Just RemoteSchemaCustomization{..}) = (customizer, decustomizer)
mapMap f = Map.fromList . map f . Map.toList
invertMap = mapMap swap -- key collisions are checked for later in validateSchemaCustomizations
rootTypeNames = if isNothing _rscRootFieldsNamespace
then catMaybes [Just irQueryRoot, irMutationRoot, irSubscriptionRoot]
else []
-- root type names should not be prefixed or suffixed unless
-- there is a custom root namespace field
scalarTypeNames = [intScalar, floatScalar, stringScalar, boolScalar, idScalar]
protectedTypeNames = scalarTypeNames ++ rootTypeNames
nameFilter name = not $ "__" `T.isPrefixOf` G.unName name || name `elem` protectedTypeNames
mkPrefixSuffixMap :: Maybe G.Name -> Maybe G.Name -> [G.Name] -> HashMap G.Name G.Name
mkPrefixSuffixMap mPrefix mSuffix names = Map.fromList $ case (mPrefix, mSuffix) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> []
(Just prefix, Nothing) -> map (\name -> (name, prefix <> name)) names
(Nothing, Just suffix) -> map (\name -> (name, name <> suffix)) names
(Just prefix, Just suffix) -> map (\name -> (name, prefix <> name <> suffix)) names
RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions = irDoc
typesToRename = filter nameFilter $ typeDefinitionName <$> typeDefinitions
typeRenameMap =
case _rscTypeNames of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just RemoteTypeCustomization{..} ->
_rtcMapping <> mkPrefixSuffixMap _rtcPrefix _rtcSuffix typesToRename
typeFieldMap :: HashMap G.Name [G.Name] -- typeName -> fieldNames
typeFieldMap = Map.fromList $ typeDefinitions >>= \case
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> pure (_otdName, G._fldName <$> _otdFieldsDefinition)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> pure (_itdName, G._fldName <$> _itdFieldsDefinition)
_ -> []
mkFieldRenameMap RemoteFieldCustomization{..} fieldNames =
_rfcMapping <> mkPrefixSuffixMap _rfcPrefix _rfcSuffix fieldNames
fieldRenameMap =
case _rscFieldNames of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just fieldNameCustomizations ->
let customizationMap = Map.fromList $ map (\rfc -> (_rfcParentType rfc, rfc)) fieldNameCustomizations
in Map.intersectionWith mkFieldRenameMap customizationMap typeFieldMap
mapLookup :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => HashMap a a -> a -> a
mapLookup m a = fromMaybe a $ Map.lookup a m
mapMapLookup :: (Eq a, Hashable a, Eq b, Hashable b) => HashMap a (HashMap b b) -> a -> b -> b
mapMapLookup m a = maybe id mapLookup $ Map.lookup a m
customizer = RemoteSchemaCustomizer
{ _rscNamespaceFieldName = _rscRootFieldsNamespace
, _rscCustomizeTypeName = mapLookup typeRenameMap
, _rscCustomizeFieldName = mapMapLookup fieldRenameMap
decustomizer = RemoteSchemaCustomizer
{ _rscNamespaceFieldName = _rscRootFieldsNamespace
, _rscCustomizeTypeName = mapLookup $ invertMap typeRenameMap
, _rscCustomizeFieldName = mapMapLookup $ mapMap (mapLookup typeRenameMap *** invertMap) fieldRenameMap
customizeIntrospectionResult :: RemoteSchemaCustomizer -> IntrospectionResult -> IntrospectionResult
customizeIntrospectionResult RemoteSchemaCustomizer{..} IntrospectionResult{..} = IntrospectionResult
{ irDoc = customizeRemoteSchemaIntrospection irDoc
, irQueryRoot = customizedQueryRoot
, irMutationRoot = customizedMutationRoot
, irSubscriptionRoot = customizedSubscriptionRoot
-- Create customized root type names by appending "Query", "Mutation" or "Subscription" to the custom namespace field name
customizeRootTypeName suffix = maybe id (const . (<> suffix)) _rscNamespaceFieldName
customizedQueryRoot = customizeRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Query") irQueryRoot
customizedMutationRoot = customizeRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Mutation") <$> irMutationRoot
customizedSubscriptionRoot = customizeRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Subscription") <$> irSubscriptionRoot
-- Create object type definitions for each of the custom namespace root types.
-- Each object type has a single field where the field name is
-- the custom namespace and the type is the original root type.
namespaceRootTypeDefinitions = case _rscNamespaceFieldName of
Nothing -> []
Just namespaceFieldName ->
let mkNamespaceTypeDef originalRootTypeName customizedRootTypeName =
G.TypeDefinitionObject $ G.ObjectTypeDefinition (Just "custom namespace root type") customizedRootTypeName [] []
[G.FieldDefinition (Just "custom namespace field") namespaceFieldName []
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) $ _rscCustomizeTypeName originalRootTypeName) []]
in catMaybes
[ pure $ mkNamespaceTypeDef irQueryRoot customizedQueryRoot
, mkNamespaceTypeDef <$> irMutationRoot <*> customizedMutationRoot
, mkNamespaceTypeDef <$> irSubscriptionRoot <*> customizedSubscriptionRoot
customizeRemoteSchemaIntrospection :: RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
customizeRemoteSchemaIntrospection (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinition) =
RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ namespaceRootTypeDefinitions ++ fmap customizeTypeDefinition typeDefinition
customizeTypeDefinition :: G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeTypeDefinition = \case
G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalarTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionScalar $ customizeScalarTypeDefinition scalarTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionObject objectTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionObject $ customizeObjectTypeDefinition objectTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInterface interfaceTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionInterface $ customizeInterfaceTypeDefinition interfaceTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionUnion unionTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionUnion $ customizeUnionTypeDefinition unionTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionEnum enumTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionEnum $ customizeEnumTypeDefinition enumTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inputObjectTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionInputObject $ customizeInputObjectTypeDefinition inputObjectTypeDefinition
customizeScalarTypeDefinition :: G.ScalarTypeDefinition -> G.ScalarTypeDefinition
customizeScalarTypeDefinition G.ScalarTypeDefinition{..} =
G.ScalarTypeDefinition { _stdName = _rscCustomizeTypeName _stdName, ..}
customizeObjectTypeDefinition :: G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeObjectTypeDefinition G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _otdName = _rscCustomizeTypeName _otdName
, _otdImplementsInterfaces = _rscCustomizeTypeName <$> _otdImplementsInterfaces
, _otdFieldsDefinition = customizeFieldDefinition (_rscCustomizeFieldName _otdName) <$> _otdFieldsDefinition
, ..
customizeFieldDefinition :: (G.Name -> G.Name) -> G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeFieldDefinition customizeFieldName G.FieldDefinition{..} =
{ _fldName = customizeFieldName _fldName
, _fldType = customizeType _rscCustomizeTypeName _fldType
, _fldArgumentsDefinition = customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition <$> _fldArgumentsDefinition
, ..
customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition :: RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition{..} =
{ _rsitdDefinition = customizeInputValueDefinition _rsitdDefinition
, ..
customizeInputValueDefinition :: G.InputValueDefinition -> G.InputValueDefinition
customizeInputValueDefinition G.InputValueDefinition{..} =
{ _ivdType = customizeType _rscCustomizeTypeName _ivdType
, ..
customizeInterfaceTypeDefinition :: G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeInterfaceTypeDefinition G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _itdName = _rscCustomizeTypeName _itdName
, _itdFieldsDefinition = customizeFieldDefinition (_rscCustomizeFieldName _itdName) <$> _itdFieldsDefinition
, _itdPossibleTypes = _rscCustomizeTypeName <$> _itdPossibleTypes
, ..
customizeUnionTypeDefinition :: G.UnionTypeDefinition -> G.UnionTypeDefinition
customizeUnionTypeDefinition G.UnionTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _utdName = _rscCustomizeTypeName _utdName
, _utdMemberTypes = _rscCustomizeTypeName <$> _utdMemberTypes
, ..
customizeEnumTypeDefinition :: G.EnumTypeDefinition -> G.EnumTypeDefinition
customizeEnumTypeDefinition G.EnumTypeDefinition{..} =
G.EnumTypeDefinition { _etdName = _rscCustomizeTypeName _etdName, ..}
customizeInputObjectTypeDefinition :: G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeInputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputObjectTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _iotdName = _rscCustomizeTypeName _iotdName
, ..