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module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
( GQLReq(..)
, GQLBatchedReqs(..)
, GQLReqUnparsed
, GQLReqParsed
, GQLReqOutgoing
, renderGQLReqOutgoing
, SingleOperation
, getSingleOperation
, toParsed
, GQLQueryText(..)
, GQLExecDoc(..)
, OperationName(..)
, VariableValues
, encodeGQErr
, encodeGQResp
, decodeGQResp
, encodeHTTPResp
, GQResult
, GQExecError(..)
, GQResponse
, isExecError
) where
import Data.Text.Extended (dquote)
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Inline as EI
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Printer as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.RQL.Types ()
-- TODO: why not just `G.ExecutableDocument G.Name`?
newtype GQLExecDoc
= GQLExecDoc { unGQLExecDoc :: [G.ExecutableDefinition G.Name] }
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Hashable, Lift)
instance J.FromJSON GQLExecDoc where
parseJSON v = GQLExecDoc . G.getExecutableDefinitions <$> J.parseJSON v
instance J.ToJSON GQLExecDoc where
toJSON = J.toJSON . G.ExecutableDocument . unGQLExecDoc
newtype OperationName
= OperationName { _unOperationName :: G.Name }
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Hashable, J.ToJSON, Lift)
instance J.FromJSON OperationName where
parseJSON v = OperationName <$> J.parseJSON v
type VariableValues = Map.HashMap G.Name J.Value
-- | https://graphql.org/learn/serving-over-http/#post-request
-- See 'GQLReqParsed' for invariants.
data GQLReq a
= GQLReq
{ _grOperationName :: !(Maybe OperationName)
, _grQuery :: !a
, _grVariables :: !(Maybe VariableValues)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor, Lift)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''GQLReq)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (GQLReq a)
-- | Batched queries are sent as a JSON array of
-- 'GQLReq' records. This newtype exists to support
-- the unusual JSON encoding.
-- See <https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/1812>.
data GQLBatchedReqs a
= GQLSingleRequest (GQLReq a)
| GQLBatchedReqs [GQLReq a]
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance J.ToJSON a => J.ToJSON (GQLBatchedReqs a) where
toJSON (GQLSingleRequest q) = J.toJSON q
toJSON (GQLBatchedReqs qs) = J.toJSON qs
instance J.FromJSON a => J.FromJSON (GQLBatchedReqs a) where
parseJSON arr@J.Array{} = GQLBatchedReqs <$> J.parseJSON arr
parseJSON other = GQLSingleRequest <$> J.parseJSON other
newtype GQLQueryText
= GQLQueryText
{ _unGQLQueryText :: Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON, Hashable, IsString)
-- | We've not yet parsed the graphql query string parameter of the POST.
type GQLReqUnparsed = GQLReq GQLQueryText
-- | Invariants:
-- - when '_grOperationName' is @Nothing@, '_grQuery' contains exactly one
-- 'ExecutableDefinitionOperation' (and zero or more 'ExecutableDefinitionFragment')
-- - when '_grOperationName' is present, there is a corresponding
-- 'ExecutableDefinitionOperation' in '_grQuery'
type GQLReqParsed = GQLReq GQLExecDoc
-- | A simplified form of 'GQLReqParsed' which is more ergonomic in particular
-- for APIs that act as graphql /clients/ (e.g. in remote relationship
-- execution). This is a "desugared" request in which fragments have been
-- inlined (see 'inlineSelectionSet'), and the operation ('_grOperationName')
-- to be executed is the only payload (in contrast to a 'G.ExecutableDocument'
-- with possibly many named operations).
-- '_grOperationName' is essentially ignored here, but should correspond with
-- '_todName' if present.
-- These could maybe benefit from an HKD refactoring.
type GQLReqOutgoing = GQLReq SingleOperation
-- | A single graphql operation to be executed, with fragment definitions
-- inlined. This is the simplified form of 'GQLExecDoc' or
-- 'G.ExecutableDocument':
type SingleOperation = G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments G.Name
renderGQLReqOutgoing :: GQLReqOutgoing -> GQLReqUnparsed
renderGQLReqOutgoing = fmap (GQLQueryText . G.renderExecutableDoc . toExecDoc . inlineFrags)
-- This is essentially a 'coerce' (TODO unsafeCoerce optimization possible)?
inlineFrags :: G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments var
-> G.TypedOperationDefinition G.FragmentSpread var
inlineFrags opDef =
opDef { G._todSelectionSet = G.fmapSelectionSetFragment G.inline $ G._todSelectionSet opDef }
toExecDoc =
G.ExecutableDocument . pure . G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation . G.OperationDefinitionTyped
-- | Obtain the actual single operation to be executed, from the possibly-
-- multi-operation document, validating per the spec and inlining any
-- fragment definitions (pre-defined parts of a graphql query) at fragment
-- spreads (locations where fragments are "spliced"). See:
-- https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Executable-Definitions and...
-- https://graphql.org/learn/serving-over-http/
:: MonadError QErr m
=> GQLReqParsed
-> m SingleOperation
getSingleOperation (GQLReq opNameM q _varValsM) = do
let (selSets, opDefs, fragments) = G.partitionExDefs $ unGQLExecDoc q
G.TypedOperationDefinition{..} <-
case (opNameM, selSets, opDefs) of
(Just opName, [], _) -> do
let n = _unOperationName opName
opDefM = find (\opDef -> G._todName opDef == Just n) opDefs
onNothing opDefM $ throw400 ValidationFailed $
"no such operation found in the document: " <> dquote n
(Just _, _, _) ->
throw400 ValidationFailed $ "operationName cannot be used when " <>
"an anonymous operation exists in the document"
(Nothing, [selSet], []) ->
return $ G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeQuery Nothing [] [] selSet
(Nothing, [], [opDef]) ->
return opDef
(Nothing, _, _) ->
throw400 ValidationFailed $ "exactly one operation has to be present " <>
"in the document when operationName is not specified"
inlinedSelSet <- EI.inlineSelectionSet fragments _todSelectionSet
pure $ G.TypedOperationDefinition{_todSelectionSet = inlinedSelSet, ..}
toParsed :: (MonadError QErr m ) => GQLReqUnparsed -> m GQLReqParsed
toParsed req = case G.parseExecutableDoc gqlText of
Left _ -> withPathK "query" $ throw400 ValidationFailed "not a valid graphql query"
Right a -> return $ req { _grQuery = GQLExecDoc $ G.getExecutableDefinitions a }
gqlText = _unGQLQueryText $ _grQuery req
encodeGQErr :: Bool -> QErr -> J.Value
encodeGQErr includeInternal qErr =
J.object [ "errors" J..= [encodeGQLErr includeInternal qErr]]
type GQResult a = Either GQExecError a
newtype GQExecError = GQExecError [J.Value]
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON)
type GQResponse = GQResult BL.ByteString
isExecError :: GQResult a -> Bool
isExecError = isLeft
encodeGQResp :: GQResponse -> EncJSON
encodeGQResp gqResp =
encJFromAssocList $ case gqResp of
Right r -> [("data", encJFromLBS r)]
Left e -> [("data", "null"), ("errors", encJFromJValue e)]
-- We don't want to force the `Maybe GQResponse` unless absolutely necessary
-- Decode EncJSON from Cache for HTTP endpoints
decodeGQResp :: EncJSON -> (Maybe GQResponse, EncJSON)
decodeGQResp encJson =
let gqResp =
case J.decode @J.Value (encJToLBS encJson) of
Just (J.Object v) ->
case Map.lookup "error" v of
Just err -> Just (Right $ J.encode err)
Nothing -> Right . J.encode <$> Map.lookup "data" v
_ -> Nothing
in (gqResp, encJson)
-- Encode for HTTP Response without `data` envelope
encodeHTTPResp :: GQResponse -> EncJSON
encodeHTTPResp = \case
Right r -> encJFromLBS r
Left e -> encJFromJValue e