jkachmar 4a83bb1834 Remote schema execution logic

Co-authored-by: David Overton <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 178669089ec5e63b1f3da1d3ba0a9f8debbc108d
2021-08-06 13:40:37 +00:00

331 lines
14 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.RemoteSchema
( buildRemoteSchemaCall
, RemoteSchemaCall(..)
, getRemoteSchemaResponse
, buildJoinIndex
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Ordered as AO
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import Control.Lens (_2, _3, view)
import Data.Text.Extended (commaSeparated, toTxt, (<<>))
import Data.Validation (Validation (..), toEither)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser as P
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Remote (collectVariablesFromSelectionSet,
resolveRemoteVariable, runVariableCache)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer (execRemoteGQ)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol (GQLReq (..), GQLReqOutgoing)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
-- XXX(jkachmar): Think about reworking 'ResponsePath' to be 'Alias, Maybe [G.Name]'
-- | Used to extract the value from a remote schema response.
-- For example: if a remote relationship is defined to retrieve data from some
-- deeply nested field, this is the path towards that deeply nested field.
newtype ResponsePath = ResponsePath (NE.NonEmpty G.Name)
-- (Alias, Maybe [G.Name])
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | The name that we generate when performing a remote join, which shall always
-- be the first field in a 'ResponsePath'.
type Alias = G.Name
-- NOTE: Ideally this should be done at the remote relationship validation
-- layer.
-- When validating remote relationships, we should store the validated names so
-- that we don't need to continually re-validate them downstream.
parseGraphQLName :: (MonadError QErr m) => Text -> m G.Name
parseGraphQLName txt =
G.mkName txt `onNothing` (throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ errMsg)
errMsg = txt <> " is not a valid GraphQL name"
-- | Intermediate type containing all of the information required to perform
-- a remote schema call.
-- See 'buildRemoteSchemaCall' for details.
data RemoteSchemaCall = RemoteSchemaCall {
_rscInfo :: !RemoteSchemaInfo,
_rscCustomizer :: !RemoteResultCustomizer,
_rscGQLRequest :: !GQLReqOutgoing,
_rscResponsePaths :: !(IntMap.IntMap ResponsePath)
-- | Constructs an outgoing response from the remote relationships definition
-- (i.e. 'RemoteSchemaJoin') and the arguments collected from the database's
-- response.
-- NOTE: We need to pass along some additional information with the raw outgoing
-- GraphQL request, hence the 'RemoteSchemaCall' type.
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> UserInfo
-> RemoteSchemaJoin
-> IntMap.IntMap JoinArgument
-> m (Maybe RemoteSchemaCall)
buildRemoteSchemaCall userInfo RemoteSchemaJoin{..} arguments = do
-- for each join argument, we generate a unique field, with the alias
-- "f" <> argumentId
fields <- flip IntMap.traverseWithKey arguments $ \argumentId (JoinArgument argument) -> do
graphqlArgs <- fmap Map.fromList $ for (Map.toList argument) $
\(FieldName columnName, value) ->
(,) <$> parseGraphQLName columnName <*> ordJSONValueToGValue value
alias = G.unsafeMkName $ T.pack $ "f" <> show argumentId
responsePath = alias NE.:| map fcName (toList $ NE.tail _rsjFieldCall)
rootField = fcName $ NE.head _rsjFieldCall
resultCustomizer = applyAliasMapping (singletonAliasMapping rootField alias) _rsjResultCustomizer
gqlField <- fieldCallsToField _rsjArgs graphqlArgs _rsjSelSet alias _rsjFieldCall
pure (gqlField, responsePath, resultCustomizer)
-- this constructs the actual GraphQL Request that can be sent to the remote
for (NE.nonEmpty $ IntMap.elems fields) $ \neFields -> do
gqlRequest <-
fmap fieldsToRequest . runVariableCache . for neFields $
\(field, _, _) -> traverse (resolveRemoteVariable userInfo) field
let customizer = foldMap (view _3) fields
responsePath = fmap (ResponsePath . view _2) fields
pure $ RemoteSchemaCall _rsjRemoteSchema customizer gqlRequest responsePath
-- | Construct a 'JoinIndex' from the remote source's 'AO.Value' response.
-- If the response does not have value at any of the provided 'ResponsePath's,
-- throw a generic 'QErr'.
-- NOTE(jkachmar): If we switch to an 'Applicative' validator, we can collect
-- more than one missing 'ResponsePath's (rather than short-circuiting on the
-- first missing value).
:: (Monad m, MonadError QErr m)
=> AO.Object
-> IntMap.IntMap ResponsePath
-> m JoinIndex
buildJoinIndex response responsePaths =
for responsePaths $ \path -> extractAtPath (AO.Object response) path
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> RemoteSchemaCall
-> m AO.Object
getRemoteSchemaResponse env manager requestHeaders userInfo (RemoteSchemaCall rsi customizer req _) = do
(_, _, respBody) <- execRemoteGQ env manager userInfo requestHeaders (rsDef rsi) req
resp <- AO.eitherDecode respBody `onLeft`
(\e -> throw500 $ "Remote server response is not valid JSON: " <> T.pack e)
respObj <- AO.asObject resp `onLeft` throw500
let errors = AO.lookup "errors" respObj
| isNothing errors || errors == Just AO.Null ->
case AO.lookup "data" respObj of
Nothing -> throw500 "\"data\" field not found in remote response"
Just v ->
let v' = applyRemoteResultCustomizer customizer v
in AO.asObject v' `onLeft` throw500
| otherwise ->
throwError (err400 Unexpected "Errors from remote server") {
qeInternal = Just $ A.object ["errors" A..= (AO.fromOrdered <$> errors)]
-- | Attempt to extract a deeply nested value from a remote source's 'AO.Value'
-- response, according to the JSON path provided by 'ResponsePath'.
:: forall m
. MonadError QErr m
=> AO.Value -> ResponsePath -> m AO.Value
extractAtPath initValue (ResponsePath rPath) =
go initValue (map G.unName . NE.toList $ rPath)
go :: AO.Value -> [Text] -> m AO.Value
go value path = case path of
[] -> pure value
k:ks -> case value of
AO.Object obj -> do
objValue <- AO.lookup k obj `onNothing`
throw500 ("failed to lookup key '" <> toTxt k <> "' in response")
go objValue ks
_ ->
throw500 $ "unexpected non-object json value found while path not empty: "
<> commaSeparated path
ordJSONValueToGValue :: (MonadError QErr n) => AO.Value -> n (G.Value Void)
ordJSONValueToGValue =
either (throw400 ValidationFailed) pure . P.jsonToGraphQL . AO.fromOrdered
convertFieldWithVariablesToName :: G.Field G.NoFragments P.Variable -> G.Field G.NoFragments G.Name
convertFieldWithVariablesToName = fmap P.getName
inputValueToJSON :: P.InputValue Void -> A.Value
inputValueToJSON = \case
P.JSONValue j -> j
P.GraphQLValue g -> graphQLValueToJSON g
-- | TODO: Documentation.
:: G.Value P.Variable -> HashMap G.VariableDefinition A.Value
collectVariablesFromValue = foldMap' \var@(P.Variable _ gType val) ->
name = P.getName var
jsonVal = inputValueToJSON val
defaultVal = getDefaultValue val
Map.singleton (G.VariableDefinition name gType defaultVal) jsonVal
getDefaultValue :: P.InputValue Void -> Maybe (G.Value Void)
getDefaultValue = \case
P.JSONValue _ -> Nothing
P.GraphQLValue g -> Just g
-- | TODO: Documentation.
:: G.Field G.NoFragments P.Variable -> HashMap G.VariableDefinition A.Value
collectVariablesFromField (G.Field _ _ arguments _ selSet) =
argumentVariables = fmap collectVariablesFromValue arguments
selSetVariables =
(fmap . fmap) snd $ collectVariablesFromSelectionSet selSet
fold' (Map.elems argumentVariables) <> Map.fromList selSetVariables
-- | TODO: Documentation.
-- Extension of the documentation required for 'collectVariablesFromField' and
-- 'collectVariablesFromValue'.
fieldsToRequest :: NonEmpty (G.Field G.NoFragments P.Variable) -> GQLReqOutgoing
fieldsToRequest gFields =
let variableInfos = foldMap collectVariablesFromField gFields
in GQLReq
{ _grOperationName = Nothing
, _grVariables =
mapKeys G._vdName variableInfos <$ guard (not $ Map.null variableInfos)
, _grQuery = G.TypedOperationDefinition
{ G._todSelectionSet =
NE.toList $ G.SelectionField . convertFieldWithVariablesToName <$> gFields
, G._todVariableDefinitions = Map.keys variableInfos
, G._todType = G.OperationTypeQuery
, G._todName = Nothing
, G._todDirectives = []
-- | Fold nested 'FieldCall's into a bare 'Field', inserting the passed
-- selection set at the leaf of the tree we construct.
:: forall m. MonadError QErr m
=> Map.HashMap G.Name (P.InputValue RemoteSchemaVariable)
-- ^ user input arguments to the remote join field
-> Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void)
-- ^ Contains the values of the variables that have been defined in the remote join definition
-> G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable
-- ^ Inserted at leaf of nested FieldCalls
-> Alias
-- ^ Top-level name to set for this Field
-> NonEmpty FieldCall
-> m (G.Field G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable)
fieldCallsToField rrArguments variables finalSelSet topAlias =
fmap (\f -> f{G._fAlias = Just topAlias}) . nest
-- almost: `foldr nest finalSelSet`
nest :: NonEmpty FieldCall -> m (G.Field G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable)
nest ((FieldCall name remoteArgs) :| rest) = do
templatedArguments <- convert <$> createArguments variables remoteArgs
graphQLarguments <- traverse peel rrArguments
(args, selSet) <- case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Just f -> do
s <- nest f
pure (templatedArguments, [G.SelectionField s])
Nothing ->
let arguments = Map.unionWith mergeValue
-- converting (G.Value Void) -> (G.Value Variable) to merge the
-- 'rrArguments' with the 'variables'
in pure (arguments, finalSelSet)
pure $ G.Field Nothing name args [] selSet
convert :: Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void) -> Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)
convert = fmap G.literal
peel :: P.InputValue RemoteSchemaVariable -> m (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)
peel = \case
P.GraphQLValue v -> pure v
P.JSONValue _ ->
-- At this point, it is theoretically impossible that we have
-- unpacked a variable into a JSONValue, as there's no "outer
-- scope" at which this value could have been peeled.
-- FIXME: check that this is correct!
throw500 "internal error: encountered an already expanded variable when folding remote field arguments"
-- FIXME: better error message
-- This is a kind of "deep merge".
-- For e.g. suppose the input argument of the remote field is something like:
-- `where: { id : 1}`
-- And during execution, client also gives the input arg: `where: {name: "tiru"}`
-- We need to merge the input argument to where: {id : 1, name: "tiru"}
mergeValue :: G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable -> G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable -> G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable
mergeValue lVal rVal = case (lVal, rVal) of
(G.VList l, G.VList r) ->
G.VList $ l <> r
(G.VObject l, G.VObject r) ->
G.VObject $ Map.unionWith mergeValue l r
(_, _) -> error $ "can only merge a list with another list or an " <>
"object with another object"
-- | Create an argument map using the inputs taken from the hasura database.
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void)
-> RemoteArguments
-> m (HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void))
createArguments variables (RemoteArguments arguments) =
toEither (substituteVariables variables arguments) `onLeft`
(\errors -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Found errors: " <> commaSeparated errors)
-- | Substitute values in the argument list.
:: HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void) -- ^ Values of the variables to substitute.
-> HashMap G.Name (G.Value G.Name) -- ^ Template which contains the variables.
-> Validation [Text] (HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void))
substituteVariables values = traverse go
go = \case
G.VVariable variableName ->
Map.lookup variableName values
`onNothing` Failure ["Value for variable " <> variableName <<> " not provided"]
G.VList listValue ->
fmap G.VList (traverse go listValue)
G.VObject objectValue ->
fmap G.VObject (traverse go objectValue)
G.VInt i -> pure $ G.VInt i
G.VFloat d -> pure $ G.VFloat d
G.VString txt -> pure $ G.VString txt
G.VEnum e -> pure $ G.VEnum e
G.VBoolean b -> pure $ G.VBoolean b
G.VNull -> pure $ G.VNull