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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2740 GitOrigin-RevId: 4888e2f3a69a5eb72440ca50da0b8cd5e3b2b29e
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1159 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Top-level functions concerned specifically with operations on the schema cache, such as
-- rebuilding it from the catalog and incorporating schema changes. See the module documentation for
-- "Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema" for more details.
-- __Note__: this module is __mutually recursive__ with other @Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.*@ modules, which
-- both define pieces of the implementation of building the schema cache and define handlers that
-- trigger schema cache rebuilds.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache
( RebuildableSchemaCache,
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Control.Retry qualified as Retry
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Align (align)
import Data.Dependent.Map qualified as DMap
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as M
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.HashSet.InsOrd qualified as HSIns
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Source (initCatalogForSource)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema (buildGQLContext)
import Hasura.Incremental qualified as Inc
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Action
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.CustomTypes
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger (buildEventTriggerInfo)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.InheritedRoles (resolveInheritedRole)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship (PartiallyResolvedSource (..))
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema.Permission (resolveRoleBasedRemoteSchema)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Dependencies
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Fields
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (fmFunction, tmTable)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Eventing.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Roles.Internal (CheckPermission (..))
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Tag
import Hasura.SQL.Tag qualified as Tag
import Hasura.Server.Types
( MaintenanceMode (..),
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Network.HTTP.Client.Manager (HasHttpManagerM (..))
{- Note [Roles Inheritance]
Roles may have parent roles defined from which they can inherit permission and this is
called as roles inheritance. Roles which have parents can also be parents of other roles.
So, cycle in roles should be disallowed and this is done in the `orderRoles` function.
When the metadata contains a permission for a role for a entity, then it will override the
inherited permission, if any.
Roles inheritance work differently for different features:
1. Select permissions
See note [Inherited roles architecture for read queries]
2. Mutation permissions and remote schema permissions
For mutation and remote schema permissions, an inherited role can only inherit permission
from its parent roles when the relevant parts of the permissions are equal i.e. the non-relevant
parts are discarded for the equality, for example, in two remote schema permissions the order
of the fields in an Object type is discarded.
When an inherited role cannot inherit permission from its parents due to a conflict, then we mark
the inherited role and the entity (remote schema or table) combination as inconsistent in the metadata.
3. Actions and Custom function permissions
Currently, actions and custom function permissions can be thought of as a boolean. Either a role has
permission to the entity or it doesn't, so in these cases there's no possiblity of a conflict. An inherited
role will have access to the action/function if any one of the parents have permission to access the
buildRebuildableSchemaCache ::
Env.Environment ->
Metadata ->
CacheBuild RebuildableSchemaCache
buildRebuildableSchemaCache =
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason CatalogSync
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason ::
BuildReason ->
Env.Environment ->
Metadata ->
CacheBuild RebuildableSchemaCache
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason reason env metadata = do
result <-
flip runReaderT reason $
Inc.build (buildSchemaCacheRule env) (metadata, initialInvalidationKeys)
pure $ RebuildableSchemaCache (Inc.result result) initialInvalidationKeys (Inc.rebuildRule result)
newtype CacheRWT m a
= -- The CacheInvalidations component of the state could actually be collected using WriterT, but
-- WriterT implementations prior to transformers- (which added
-- Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS) are leaky, and we don’t have that yet.
CacheRWT (StateT (RebuildableSchemaCache, CacheInvalidations) m a)
( Functor,
MonadReader r,
MonadError e,
deriving instance (MonadBase IO m) => MonadBase IO (CacheRWT m)
deriving instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (CacheRWT m)
runCacheRWT ::
Functor m =>
RebuildableSchemaCache ->
CacheRWT m a ->
m (a, RebuildableSchemaCache, CacheInvalidations)
runCacheRWT cache (CacheRWT m) =
runStateT m (cache, mempty) <&> \(v, (newCache, invalidations)) -> (v, newCache, invalidations)
instance MonadTrans CacheRWT where
lift = CacheRWT . lift
instance (Monad m) => CacheRM (CacheRWT m) where
askSchemaCache = CacheRWT $ gets (lastBuiltSchemaCache . (^. _1))
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
HasHttpManagerM m,
MonadResolveSource m,
HasServerConfigCtx m
) =>
CacheRWM (CacheRWT m)
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions buildReason invalidations metadata = CacheRWT do
(RebuildableSchemaCache lastBuiltSC invalidationKeys rule, oldInvalidations) <- get
let metadataVersion = scMetadataResourceVersion lastBuiltSC
newInvalidationKeys = invalidateKeys invalidations invalidationKeys
result <-
lift $
runCacheBuildM $
flip runReaderT buildReason $
Inc.build rule (metadata, newInvalidationKeys)
let schemaCache = (Inc.result result) {scMetadataResourceVersion = metadataVersion}
prunedInvalidationKeys = pruneInvalidationKeys schemaCache newInvalidationKeys
!newCache = RebuildableSchemaCache schemaCache prunedInvalidationKeys (Inc.rebuildRule result)
!newInvalidations = oldInvalidations <> invalidations
put (newCache, newInvalidations)
-- Prunes invalidation keys that no longer exist in the schema to avoid leaking memory by
-- hanging onto unnecessary keys.
pruneInvalidationKeys schemaCache = over ikRemoteSchemas $ M.filterWithKey \name _ ->
-- see Note [Keep invalidation keys for inconsistent objects]
name `elem` getAllRemoteSchemas schemaCache
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache resourceVersion = CacheRWT $ do
(rebuildableSchemaCache, invalidations) <- get
( rebuildableSchemaCache
{ lastBuiltSchemaCache =
(lastBuiltSchemaCache rebuildableSchemaCache)
{ scMetadataResourceVersion = Just resourceVersion
buildSchemaCacheRule ::
-- Note: by supplying BuildReason via MonadReader, it does not participate in caching, which is
-- what we want!
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadUnique m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader BuildReason m,
HasHttpManagerM m,
MonadResolveSource m,
HasServerConfigCtx m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
(Metadata, InvalidationKeys) `arr` SchemaCache
buildSchemaCacheRule env = proc (metadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
invalidationKeysDep <- Inc.newDependency -< invalidationKeys
-- Step 1: Process metadata and collect dependency information.
(outputs, collectedInfo) <-
runWriterA buildAndCollectInfo -< (metadata, invalidationKeysDep)
let (inconsistentObjects, unresolvedDependencies) = partitionCollectedInfo collectedInfo
-- Step 2: Resolve dependency information and drop dangling dependents.
(resolvedOutputs, dependencyInconsistentObjects, resolvedDependencies) <-
resolveDependencies -< (outputs, unresolvedDependencies)
-- Step 3: Build the GraphQL schema.
(gqlContext, gqlContextUnauth, gqlSchemaInconsistentObjects) <-
(_boSources resolvedOutputs)
(_boRemoteSchemas resolvedOutputs)
(_boActions resolvedOutputs)
(_actNonObjects $ _boCustomTypes resolvedOutputs)
-- Step 4: Build the relay GraphQL schema
(relayContext, relayContextUnauth, relaySchemaInconsistentObjects) <-
(_boSources resolvedOutputs)
(_boRemoteSchemas resolvedOutputs)
(_boActions resolvedOutputs)
(_actNonObjects $ _boCustomTypes resolvedOutputs)
let duplicateVariables :: EndpointMetadata a -> Bool
duplicateVariables m = any ((> 1) . length) $ group $ sort $ catMaybes $ splitPath Just (const Nothing) (_ceUrl m)
endpointObjId :: EndpointMetadata q -> MetadataObjId
endpointObjId md = MOEndpoint (_ceName md)
endpointObject :: EndpointMetadata q -> MetadataObject
endpointObject md = MetadataObject (endpointObjId md) (toJSON $ OMap.lookup (_ceName md) $ _metaRestEndpoints metadata)
-- Cases of urls that generate invalid segments:
hasInvalidSegments :: EndpointMetadata query -> Bool
hasInvalidSegments m = any (`elem` ["", ":"]) (splitPath id id (_ceUrl m))
ceUrlTxt = toTxt . _ceUrl
endpoints = buildEndpointsTrie (M.elems $ _boEndpoints resolvedOutputs)
duplicateF md = DuplicateRestVariables (ceUrlTxt md) (endpointObject md)
duplicateRestVariables = map duplicateF $ filter duplicateVariables (M.elems $ _boEndpoints resolvedOutputs)
invalidF md = InvalidRestSegments (ceUrlTxt md) (endpointObject md)
invalidRestSegments = map invalidF $ filter hasInvalidSegments (M.elems $ _boEndpoints resolvedOutputs)
ambiguousF' ep = MetadataObject (endpointObjId ep) (toJSON ep)
ambiguousF mds = AmbiguousRestEndpoints (commaSeparated $ map _ceUrl mds) (map ambiguousF' mds)
ambiguousRestEndpoints = map (ambiguousF . S.elems . snd) $ ambiguousPathsGrouped endpoints
{ scSources = _boSources resolvedOutputs,
scActions = _boActions resolvedOutputs,
-- TODO this is not the right value: we should track what part of the schema
-- we can stitch without consistencies, I think.
scRemoteSchemas = fmap fst (_boRemoteSchemas resolvedOutputs), -- remoteSchemaMap
scAllowlist = _boAllowlist resolvedOutputs,
-- , scCustomTypes = _boCustomTypes resolvedOutputs
scGQLContext = gqlContext,
scUnauthenticatedGQLContext = gqlContextUnauth,
scRelayContext = relayContext,
scUnauthenticatedRelayContext = relayContextUnauth,
-- , scGCtxMap = gqlSchema
-- , scDefaultRemoteGCtx = remoteGQLSchema
scDepMap = resolvedDependencies,
scCronTriggers = _boCronTriggers resolvedOutputs,
scEndpoints = endpoints,
scInconsistentObjs =
<> dependencyInconsistentObjects
<> toList gqlSchemaInconsistentObjects
<> toList relaySchemaInconsistentObjects
<> duplicateRestVariables
<> invalidRestSegments
<> ambiguousRestEndpoints,
scApiLimits = _boApiLimits resolvedOutputs,
scMetricsConfig = _boMetricsConfig resolvedOutputs,
scMetadataResourceVersion = Nothing,
scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions = _metaSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions metadata,
scTlsAllowlist = _boTlsAllowlist resolvedOutputs
getSourceConfigIfNeeded ::
forall b arr m.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadResolveSource m,
BackendMetadata b
) =>
( Inc.Dependency (HashMap SourceName Inc.InvalidationKey),
SourceConnConfiguration b
`arr` Maybe (SourceConfig b)
getSourceConfigIfNeeded = Inc.cache proc (invalidationKeys, sourceName, sourceConfig) -> do
let metadataObj = MetadataObject (MOSource sourceName) $ toJSON sourceName
Inc.dependOn -< Inc.selectKeyD sourceName invalidationKeys
( liftEitherA <<< bindA -< resolveSourceConfig @b sourceName sourceConfig env
|) metadataObj
resolveSourceIfNeeded ::
forall b arr m.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadResolveSource m,
BackendMetadata b
) =>
( Inc.Dependency (HashMap SourceName Inc.InvalidationKey),
SourceMetadata b
`arr` Maybe (ResolvedSource b)
resolveSourceIfNeeded = Inc.cache proc (invalidationKeys, sourceMetadata) -> do
let sourceName = _smName sourceMetadata
metadataObj = MetadataObject (MOSource sourceName) $ toJSON sourceName
maybeSourceConfig <- getSourceConfigIfNeeded @b -< (invalidationKeys, sourceName, _smConfiguration sourceMetadata)
case maybeSourceConfig of
Nothing -> returnA -< Nothing
Just sourceConfig ->
( liftEitherA <<< bindA -< resolveDatabaseMetadata sourceConfig (getSourceTypeCustomization $ _smCustomization sourceMetadata)
|) metadataObj
-- impl notes (swann):
-- as our cache invalidation key (in a sense) we use the number of event triggers
-- present, rerunning catalog init when this changes. this is correct, because we
-- only care about the transition from zero event triggers to nonzero (not
-- necessarily one, as Anon has observed, because replace_metadata can add multiple
-- event triggers in one go)
-- a future optimisation would be to cache, on a per-source basis, whether or not
-- the event catalog itself exists, and to then trigger catalog init when an event
-- trigger is created _but only if_ this cached information says the event catalog
-- doesn't already exist.
initCatalogIfNeeded ::
forall b arr m.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
BackendMetadata b,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
(Int, SourceConfig b) `arr` RecreateEventTriggers
initCatalogIfNeeded = Inc.cache proc (numEventTriggers, sc) -> do
arrM id
-< do
if numEventTriggers > 0
then do
case backendTag @b of
Tag.PostgresVanillaTag -> do
migrationTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
maintenanceMode <- _sccMaintenanceMode <$> askServerConfigCtx
let initCatalogAction =
runExceptT $ runTx (_pscExecCtx sc) Q.ReadWrite (initCatalogForSource maintenanceMode migrationTime)
-- The `initCatalogForSource` action is retried here because
-- in cloud there will be multiple workers (graphql-engine instances)
-- trying to migrate the source catalog, when needed. This introduces
-- a race condition as both the workers try to migrate the source catalog
-- concurrently and when one of them succeeds the other ones will fail
-- and be in an inconsistent state. To avoid the inconsistency, we retry
-- migrating the catalog on error and in the retry `initCatalogForSource`
-- will see that the catalog is already migrated, so it won't attempt the
-- migration again
=<< Retry.retrying
( Retry.constantDelay (fromIntegral $ diffTimeToMicroSeconds $ seconds $ Seconds 10)
<> Retry.limitRetries 3
(const $ return . isLeft)
(const initCatalogAction)
-- TODO: When event triggers are supported on new databases,
-- the initialization of the source catalog should also return
-- if the event triggers are to be re-created or not, essentially
-- replacing the `RETDoNothing` below
_ -> pure RETDoNothing
else pure RETDoNothing
buildSource ::
forall b arr m.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader BuildReason m,
BackendMetadata b,
BackendEventTrigger b
) =>
( HashMap SourceName (AB.AnyBackend PartiallyResolvedSource),
SourceMetadata b,
SourceConfig b,
HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfoG b (ColumnInfo b) (ColumnInfo b)),
DBTablesMetadata b,
DBFunctionsMetadata b,
Inc.Dependency InvalidationKeys,
`arr` BackendSourceInfo
buildSource = proc (allSources, sourceMetadata, sourceConfig, tablesRawInfo, _dbTables, dbFunctions, remoteSchemaMap, invalidationKeys, orderedRoles) -> do
let SourceMetadata source tables functions _ queryTagsConfig sourceCustomization = sourceMetadata
tablesMetadata = OMap.elems tables
(_, nonColumnInputs, permissions) = unzip3 $ map mkTableInputs tablesMetadata
eventTriggers = map (_tmTable &&& OMap.elems . _tmEventTriggers) tablesMetadata
alignTableMap :: HashMap (TableName b) a -> HashMap (TableName b) c -> HashMap (TableName b) (a, c)
alignTableMap = M.intersectionWith (,)
metadataInvalidationKey = Inc.selectD #_ikMetadata invalidationKeys
numEventTriggers = sum $ map (length . snd) eventTriggers
recreateEventTriggers <- initCatalogIfNeeded @b -< (numEventTriggers, sourceConfig)
-- relationships and computed fields
let nonColumnsByTable = mapFromL _nctiTable nonColumnInputs
tableCoreInfos :: HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfo b) <-
( \_ (tableRawInfo, nonColumnInput) -> do
let columns = _tciFieldInfoMap tableRawInfo
allFields :: FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) <- addNonColumnFields -< (allSources, source, tablesRawInfo, columns, remoteSchemaMap, dbFunctions, nonColumnInput)
returnA -< (tableRawInfo {_tciFieldInfoMap = allFields})
|) (tablesRawInfo `alignTableMap` nonColumnsByTable)
tableCoreInfosDep <- Inc.newDependency -< tableCoreInfos
-- permissions and event triggers
tableCache <-
( \_ ((tableCoreInfo, permissionInputs), (_, eventTriggerConfs)) -> do
let tableFields = _tciFieldInfoMap tableCoreInfo
permissionInfos <-
(Proxy :: Proxy b, source, tableCoreInfosDep, tableFields, permissionInputs, orderedRoles)
eventTriggerInfos <- buildTableEventTriggers -< (source, sourceConfig, tableCoreInfo, eventTriggerConfs, metadataInvalidationKey, recreateEventTriggers)
returnA -< TableInfo tableCoreInfo permissionInfos eventTriggerInfos
|) (tableCoreInfos `alignTableMap` mapFromL _tpiTable permissions `alignTableMap` mapFromL fst eventTriggers)
-- sql functions
functionCache <-
(mapFromL _fmFunction (OMap.elems functions) >- returnA)
>-> (|
( \_ (FunctionMetadata qf config functionPermissions comment) -> do
let systemDefined = SystemDefined False
definition = toJSON $ TrackFunction @b qf
metadataObject =
( MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOFunction @b qf
schemaObject =
SOSourceObj source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SOIFunction @b qf
addFunctionContext e = "in function " <> qf <<> ": " <> e
( (|
( do
let funcDefs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup qf dbFunctions
rawfunctionInfo <- bindErrorA -< handleMultipleFunctions @b qf funcDefs
let metadataPermissions = mapFromL _fpmRole functionPermissions
permissionsMap = mkBooleanPermissionMap FunctionPermissionInfo metadataPermissions orderedRoles
(functionInfo, dep) <- bindErrorA -< buildFunctionInfo source qf systemDefined config permissionsMap rawfunctionInfo comment
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObject, [dep])
returnA -< functionInfo
|) addFunctionContext
|) metadataObject
>-> (\infos -> M.catMaybes infos >- returnA)
returnA -< AB.mkAnyBackend $ SourceInfo source tableCache functionCache sourceConfig queryTagsConfig sourceCustomization
buildAndCollectInfo ::
forall arr m.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadUnique m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader BuildReason m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
HasHttpManagerM m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadResolveSource m
) =>
(Metadata, Inc.Dependency InvalidationKeys) `arr` BuildOutputs
buildAndCollectInfo = proc (metadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
let Metadata
networkConfig = metadata
actionRoles = map _apmRole . _amPermissions =<< OMap.elems actions
remoteSchemaRoles = map _rspmRole . _rsmPermissions =<< OMap.elems remoteSchemas
sourceRoles =
HS.fromList $
concat $
OMap.elems sources >>= \e ->
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend e \(SourceMetadata _ tables _functions _ _ _) -> do
table <- OMap.elems tables
pure $
OMap.keys (_tmInsertPermissions table)
<> OMap.keys (_tmSelectPermissions table)
<> OMap.keys (_tmUpdatePermissions table)
<> OMap.keys (_tmDeletePermissions table)
inheritedRoleNames = OMap.keys inheritedRoles
allRoleNames = sourceRoles <> HS.fromList (remoteSchemaRoles <> actionRoles <> inheritedRoleNames)
remoteSchemaPermissions =
let remoteSchemaPermsList = OMap.toList $ _rsmPermissions <$> remoteSchemas
in concat $
flip map remoteSchemaPermsList $
( \(remoteSchemaName, remoteSchemaPerms) ->
flip map remoteSchemaPerms $ \(RemoteSchemaPermissionMetadata role defn comment) ->
AddRemoteSchemaPermission remoteSchemaName role defn comment
-- roles which have some kind of permission (action/remote schema/table/function) set in the metadata
let metadataRoles = mapFromL _rRoleName $ (`Role` ParentRoles mempty) <$> toList allRoleNames
resolvedInheritedRoles <- buildInheritedRoles -< (allRoleNames, OMap.elems inheritedRoles)
let allRoles = resolvedInheritedRoles `M.union` metadataRoles
orderedRoles <- bindA -< orderRoles $ M.elems allRoles
-- remote schemas
let remoteSchemaInvalidationKeys = Inc.selectD #_ikRemoteSchemas invalidationKeys
remoteSchemaMap <- buildRemoteSchemas -< (remoteSchemaInvalidationKeys, OMap.elems remoteSchemas)
-- remote schema permissions
remoteSchemaCache <-
(remoteSchemaMap >- returnA)
>-> ( \info ->
(info, M.groupOn _arspRemoteSchema remoteSchemaPermissions)
alignExtraRemoteSchemaInfo mkRemoteSchemaPermissionMetadataObject
>-> (|
( \_ ((remoteSchemaCtx, metadataObj), remoteSchemaPerms) -> do
metadataPermissionsMap <-
buildRemoteSchemaPermissions -< (remoteSchemaCtx, remoteSchemaPerms)
-- convert to the intermediate form `CheckPermission` whose `Semigroup`
-- instance is used to combine permissions
let metadataCheckPermissionsMap = CPDefined <$> metadataPermissionsMap
allRolesUnresolvedPermissionsMap <-
( \accumulatedRolePermMap (Role roleName (ParentRoles parentRoles)) -> do
rolePermission <- onNothing (M.lookup roleName accumulatedRolePermMap) $ do
parentRolePermissions <-
for (toList parentRoles) $ \role ->
onNothing (M.lookup role accumulatedRolePermMap) $
throw500 $
"remote schema permissions: bad ordering of roles, could not find the permission of role: " <>> role
let combinedPermission = sconcat <$> nonEmpty parentRolePermissions
pure $ fromMaybe CPUndefined combinedPermission
pure $ M.insert roleName rolePermission accumulatedRolePermMap
(_unOrderedRoles orderedRoles)
-- traverse through `allRolesUnresolvedPermissionsMap` to record any inconsistencies (if exists)
resolvedPermissions <-
( \(roleName, checkPermission) -> do
let inconsistentRoleEntity = InconsistentRemoteSchemaPermission $ _rscName remoteSchemaCtx
resolvedCheckPermission <- resolveCheckPermission -< (checkPermission, roleName, inconsistentRoleEntity)
returnA -< (roleName, resolvedCheckPermission)
|) (M.toList allRolesUnresolvedPermissionsMap)
( remoteSchemaCtx
{ _rscPermissions = M.mapMaybe id $ M.fromList resolvedPermissions
let remoteSchemaCtxMap = M.map fst remoteSchemaMap
-- sources are build in two steps
-- first we resolve them, and build the table cache
partiallyResolvedSources <-
( \_ exists ->
AB.dispatchAnyBackendArrow @BackendMetadata @BackendMetadata
( proc (sourceMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
let sourceName = _smName sourceMetadata
sourceInvalidationsKeys = Inc.selectD #_ikSources invalidationKeys
maybeResolvedSource <- resolveSourceIfNeeded -< (sourceInvalidationsKeys, sourceMetadata)
case maybeResolvedSource of
Nothing -> returnA -< Nothing
Just (source :: ResolvedSource b) -> do
let metadataInvalidationKey = Inc.selectD #_ikMetadata invalidationKeys
(tableInputs, _, _) = unzip3 $ map mkTableInputs $ OMap.elems $ _smTables sourceMetadata
tablesCoreInfo <-
( sourceName,
_rsConfig source,
_rsTables source,
Just $
AB.mkAnyBackend @b $
PartiallyResolvedSource sourceMetadata source tablesCoreInfo
(exists, invalidationKeys)
|) (M.fromList $ OMap.toList sources)
>-> (\infos -> M.catMaybes infos >- returnA)
-- then we can build the entire source output
-- we need to have the table cache of all sources to build cross-sources relationships
sourcesOutput <-
( \_ exists ->
AB.dispatchAnyBackendArrow @BackendMetadata @BackendEventTrigger
( proc
( partiallyResolvedSource :: PartiallyResolvedSource b,
(allResolvedSources, invalidationKeys, remoteSchemaCtxMap, orderedRoles)
-> do
let PartiallyResolvedSource sourceMetadata resolvedSource tablesInfo = partiallyResolvedSource
ResolvedSource sourceConfig _sourceCustomization tablesMeta functionsMeta scalars = resolvedSource
so <-
( allResolvedSources,
returnA -< (so, DMap.singleton (backendTag @b) $ ScalarSet scalars)
( exists,
(partiallyResolvedSources, invalidationKeys, remoteSchemaCtxMap, orderedRoles)
|) partiallyResolvedSources
-- allow list
let allowList =
& HSIns.toList
& map _crCollection
& map (\cn -> maybe [] (_cdQueries . _ccDefinition) $ OMap.lookup cn collections)
& concat
& map (queryWithoutTypeNames . getGQLQuery . _lqQuery)
& HS.fromList
resolvedEndpoints <- buildInfoMap fst mkEndpointMetadataObject buildEndpoint -< (collections, OMap.toList endpoints)
-- custom types
let scalarsMap = mconcat $ map snd $ M.elems sourcesOutput
sourcesCache = M.map fst sourcesOutput
maybeResolvedCustomTypes <-
( bindErrorA -< resolveCustomTypes sourcesCache customTypes scalarsMap
|) (MetadataObject MOCustomTypes $ toJSON customTypes)
-- actions
let actionList = OMap.elems actions
(actionCache, annotatedCustomTypes) <- case maybeResolvedCustomTypes of
Just resolvedCustomTypes -> do
actionCache' <- buildActions -< ((resolvedCustomTypes, scalarsMap, orderedRoles), actionList)
returnA -< (actionCache', resolvedCustomTypes)
-- If the custom types themselves are inconsistent, we can’t really do
-- anything with actions, so just mark them all inconsistent.
Nothing -> do
( map mkActionMetadataObject actionList,
"custom types are inconsistent"
returnA -< (M.empty, emptyAnnotatedCustomTypes)
cronTriggersMap <- buildCronTriggers -< ((), OMap.elems cronTriggers)
{ _boSources = M.map fst sourcesOutput,
_boActions = actionCache,
_boRemoteSchemas = remoteSchemaCache,
_boAllowlist = allowList,
_boCustomTypes = annotatedCustomTypes,
_boCronTriggers = cronTriggersMap,
_boEndpoints = resolvedEndpoints,
_boApiLimits = apiLimits,
_boMetricsConfig = metricsConfig,
_boRoles = mapFromL _rRoleName $ _unOrderedRoles orderedRoles,
_boTlsAllowlist = (networkTlsAllowlist networkConfig)
mkEndpointMetadataObject (name, createEndpoint) =
let objectId = MOEndpoint name
in MetadataObject objectId (toJSON createEndpoint)
buildEndpoint ::
(ArrowChoice arr, ArrowKleisli m arr, MonadError QErr m, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr) =>
(InsOrdHashMap CollectionName CreateCollection, (EndpointName, CreateEndpoint)) `arr` Maybe (EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText)
buildEndpoint = proc (collections, e@(name, createEndpoint)) -> do
let endpoint = createEndpoint
-- QueryReference collName queryName = _edQuery endpoint
addContext err = "in endpoint " <> toTxt (unEndpointName name) <> ": " <> err
( (|
(bindErrorA -< resolveEndpoint collections endpoint)
|) addContext
|) (mkEndpointMetadataObject e)
resolveEndpoint ::
QErrM m =>
InsOrdHashMap CollectionName CreateCollection ->
EndpointMetadata QueryReference ->
m (EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText)
resolveEndpoint collections = traverse $ \(QueryReference collName queryName) -> do
collection <-
(OMap.lookup collName collections)
(throw400 NotExists $ "collection with name " <> toTxt collName <> " does not exist")
listedQuery <-
( throw400 NotExists $
"query with name "
<> toTxt queryName
<> " does not exist in collection "
<> toTxt collName
$ find ((== queryName) . _lqName) (_cdQueries (_ccDefinition collection))
let lq@(GQLQueryWithText lqq) = _lqQuery listedQuery
ds = G.getExecutableDefinitions $ unGQLQuery $ snd lqq
case ds of
[G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation (G.OperationDefinitionTyped d)]
| G._todType d == G.OperationTypeSubscription ->
throw405 $ "query with name " <> toTxt queryName <> " is a subscription"
| otherwise -> pure ()
[] -> throw400 BadRequest $ "query with name " <> toTxt queryName <> " has no definitions."
_ -> throw400 BadRequest $ "query with name " <> toTxt queryName <> " has multiple definitions."
pure lq
mkEventTriggerMetadataObject ::
forall b a c.
Backend b =>
(a, SourceName, c, TableName b, RecreateEventTriggers, EventTriggerConf b) ->
mkEventTriggerMetadataObject (_, source, _, table, _, eventTriggerConf) =
let objectId =
MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOTableObj @b table $
MTOTrigger $
etcName eventTriggerConf
definition = object ["table" .= table, "configuration" .= eventTriggerConf]
in MetadataObject objectId definition
mkCronTriggerMetadataObject catalogCronTrigger =
let definition = toJSON catalogCronTrigger
in MetadataObject
(MOCronTrigger (ctName catalogCronTrigger))
mkActionMetadataObject (ActionMetadata name comment defn _) =
MetadataObject (MOAction name) (toJSON $ CreateAction name defn comment)
mkRemoteSchemaMetadataObject remoteSchema =
MetadataObject (MORemoteSchema (_rsmName remoteSchema)) (toJSON remoteSchema)
mkInheritedRoleMetadataObject inheritedRole@(Role roleName _) =
MetadataObject (MOInheritedRole roleName) (toJSON inheritedRole)
alignExtraRemoteSchemaInfo ::
forall a b arr.
(ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr) =>
(b -> MetadataObject) ->
( M.HashMap RemoteSchemaName a,
M.HashMap RemoteSchemaName [b]
`arr` M.HashMap RemoteSchemaName (a, [b])
alignExtraRemoteSchemaInfo mkMetadataObject = proc (baseInfo, extraInfo) -> do
combinedInfo <-
(\remoteSchemaName infos -> combine -< (remoteSchemaName, infos))
|) (align baseInfo extraInfo)
returnA -< M.catMaybes combinedInfo
combine :: (RemoteSchemaName, These a [b]) `arr` Maybe (a, [b])
combine = proc (remoteSchemaName, infos) -> case infos of
This base -> returnA -< Just (base, [])
These base extras -> returnA -< Just (base, extras)
That extras -> do
let errorMessage = "remote schema " <> unRemoteSchemaName remoteSchemaName <<> " does not exist"
recordInconsistencies -< (map mkMetadataObject extras, errorMessage)
returnA -< Nothing
buildRemoteSchemaPermissions ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
(RemoteSchemaCtx, [AddRemoteSchemaPermission]) `arr` M.HashMap RoleName IntrospectionResult
buildRemoteSchemaPermissions = buildInfoMap _arspRole mkRemoteSchemaPermissionMetadataObject buildRemoteSchemaPermission
buildRemoteSchemaPermission = proc (remoteSchemaCtx, remoteSchemaPerm) -> do
let AddRemoteSchemaPermission rsName roleName defn _ = remoteSchemaPerm
metadataObject = mkRemoteSchemaPermissionMetadataObject remoteSchemaPerm
schemaObject = SORemoteSchemaPermission rsName roleName
providedSchemaDoc = _rspdSchema defn
addPermContext err = "in remote schema permission for role " <> roleName <<> ": " <> err
( (|
( do
when (roleName == adminRoleName) $
throw400 ConstraintViolation $ "cannot define permission for admin role"
(resolvedSchemaIntrospection, dependencies) <-
bindErrorA -< resolveRoleBasedRemoteSchema providedSchemaDoc remoteSchemaCtx
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObject, dependencies)
returnA -< resolvedSchemaIntrospection
|) addPermContext
|) metadataObject
buildTableEventTriggers ::
forall arr m b.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadReader BuildReason m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
BackendMetadata b,
BackendEventTrigger b
) =>
( SourceName,
SourceConfig b,
TableCoreInfo b,
[EventTriggerConf b],
Inc.Dependency Inc.InvalidationKey,
`arr` (EventTriggerInfoMap b)
buildTableEventTriggers = proc (source, sourceConfig, tableInfo, eventTriggerConfs, metadataInvalidationKey, recreateEventTriggers) ->
buildInfoMap (etcName . (^. _6)) (mkEventTriggerMetadataObject @b) buildEventTrigger
(tableInfo, map (metadataInvalidationKey,source,sourceConfig,_tciName tableInfo,recreateEventTriggers,) eventTriggerConfs)
buildEventTrigger = proc (tableInfo, (metadataInvalidationKey, source, sourceConfig, table, recreateEventTriggers, eventTriggerConf)) -> do
let triggerName = etcName eventTriggerConf
metadataObject = mkEventTriggerMetadataObject @b (metadataInvalidationKey, source, sourceConfig, table, recreateEventTriggers, eventTriggerConf)
schemaObjectId =
SOSourceObj source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SOITableObj @b table $
TOTrigger triggerName
addTriggerContext e = "in event trigger " <> triggerName <<> ": " <> e
( (|
( do
(info, dependencies) <- bindErrorA -< buildEventTriggerInfo @b env source table eventTriggerConf
let tableColumns = M.mapMaybe (^? _FIColumn) (_tciFieldInfoMap tableInfo)
recreateTriggerIfNeeded -< (table, M.elems tableColumns, triggerName, etcDefinition eventTriggerConf, sourceConfig, recreateEventTriggers)
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObjectId, dependencies)
returnA -< info
|) (addTableContext @b table . addTriggerContext)
|) metadataObject
recreateTriggerIfNeeded =
-- using `Inc.cache` here means that the response will be cached for the given output and the
-- next time this arrow recieves the same input, the cached response will be returned and the
-- computation will not be done again.
( tableName,
-> do
-< do
buildReason <- ask
serverConfigCtx <- askServerConfigCtx
-- we don't modify the existing event trigger definitions in the maintenance mode
( (buildReason == CatalogUpdate || recreateEventTriggers == RETRecreate)
&& _sccMaintenanceMode serverConfigCtx == MaintenanceModeDisabled
$ liftEitherM $
buildCronTriggers ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
((), [CronTriggerMetadata])
`arr` HashMap TriggerName CronTriggerInfo
buildCronTriggers = buildInfoMap ctName mkCronTriggerMetadataObject buildCronTrigger
buildCronTrigger = proc (_, cronTrigger) -> do
let triggerName = triggerNameToTxt $ ctName cronTrigger
addCronTriggerContext e = "in cron trigger " <> triggerName <> ": " <> e
( (|
(bindErrorA -< resolveCronTrigger env cronTrigger)
|) addCronTriggerContext
|) (mkCronTriggerMetadataObject cronTrigger)
buildInheritedRoles ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
(HashSet RoleName, [InheritedRole])
`arr` HashMap RoleName Role
buildInheritedRoles = buildInfoMap _rRoleName mkInheritedRoleMetadataObject buildInheritedRole
buildInheritedRole = proc (allRoles, inheritedRole) -> do
let addInheritedRoleContext e = "in inherited role " <> roleNameToTxt (_rRoleName inheritedRole) <> ": " <> e
metadataObject = mkInheritedRoleMetadataObject inheritedRole
schemaObject = SORole $ _rRoleName inheritedRole
( (|
( do
(resolvedInheritedRole, dependencies) <- bindA -< resolveInheritedRole allRoles inheritedRole
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObject, dependencies)
returnA -< resolvedInheritedRole
|) addInheritedRoleContext
|) metadataObject
buildActions ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
) =>
( (AnnotatedCustomTypes, DMap.DMap BackendTag ScalarSet, OrderedRoles),
`arr` HashMap ActionName ActionInfo
buildActions = buildInfoMap _amName mkActionMetadataObject buildAction
buildAction = proc ((resolvedCustomTypes, scalarsMap, orderedRoles), action) -> do
let ActionMetadata name comment def actionPermissions = action
addActionContext e = "in action " <> name <<> "; " <> e
( (|
( do
(resolvedDef, outObject) <-
liftEitherA <<< bindA
runExceptT $ resolveAction env resolvedCustomTypes def scalarsMap
let permissionInfos = map (ActionPermissionInfo . _apmRole) actionPermissions
metadataPermissionMap = mapFromL _apiRole permissionInfos
permissionsMap = mkBooleanPermissionMap ActionPermissionInfo metadataPermissionMap orderedRoles
forwardClientHeaders = _adForwardClientHeaders resolvedDef
outputType = unGraphQLType $ _adOutputType def
returnA -< ActionInfo name (outputType, outObject) resolvedDef permissionsMap forwardClientHeaders comment
|) addActionContext
|) (mkActionMetadataObject action)
buildRemoteSchemas ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadUnique m,
HasHttpManagerM m
) =>
( Inc.Dependency (HashMap RemoteSchemaName Inc.InvalidationKey),
`arr` HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject)
buildRemoteSchemas =
buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata _rsmName mkRemoteSchemaMetadataObject buildRemoteSchema
-- We want to cache this call because it fetches the remote schema over HTTP, and we don’t
-- want to re-run that if the remote schema definition hasn’t changed.
buildRemoteSchema = Inc.cache proc (invalidationKeys, remoteSchema@(RemoteSchemaMetadata name defn comment _)) -> do
-- TODO is it strange how we convert from RemoteSchemaMetadata back
-- to AddRemoteSchemaQuery here? Document types please.
let addRemoteSchemaQuery = AddRemoteSchemaQuery name defn comment
Inc.dependOn -< Inc.selectKeyD name invalidationKeys
( liftEitherA <<< bindA
runExceptT $ noopTrace $ addRemoteSchemaP2Setup env addRemoteSchemaQuery
|) (mkRemoteSchemaMetadataObject remoteSchema)
-- TODO continue propagating MonadTrace up calls so that we can get tracing for remote schema introspection.
-- This will require modifying CacheBuild.
noopTrace = Tracing.runTraceTWithReporter Tracing.noReporter "buildSchemaCacheRule"
{- Note [Keep invalidation keys for inconsistent objects]
After building the schema cache, we prune InvalidationKeys for objects
that no longer exist in the schema to avoid leaking memory for objects
that have been dropped. However, note that we *don’t* want to drop
keys for objects that are simply inconsistent!
Why? The object is still in the metadata, so next time we reload it,
we’ll reprocess that object. We want to reuse the cache if its
definition hasn’t changed, but if we dropped the invalidation key, it
will incorrectly be reprocessed (since the invalidation key changed
from present to absent). -}