jkachmar 4a83bb1834 Remote schema execution logic

Co-authored-by: David Overton <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 178669089ec5e63b1f3da1d3ba0a9f8debbc108d
2021-08-06 13:40:37 +00:00

275 lines
11 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Join
( processRemoteJoins
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson.Ordered as AO
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.RemoteSchema as RS
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Types (RequestId)
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
:: (Applicative f)
=> Maybe RemoteJoins
-> a
-> (RemoteJoins -> f a)
-> f a
forRemoteJoins remoteJoins onNoJoins f =
maybe (pure onNoJoins) f remoteJoins
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
=> RequestId
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> EncJSON
-> Maybe RemoteJoins
-> m EncJSON
processRemoteJoins requestId logger env manager reqHdrs userInfo lhs joinTree = do
forRemoteJoins joinTree lhs $ \remoteJoins -> do
lhsParsed <- onLeft (AO.eitherDecode $ encJToLBS lhs) (throw500 . T.pack)
encJFromOrderedValue . runIdentity <$>
processRemoteJoins_ requestId logger env manager
reqHdrs userInfo (Identity lhsParsed) remoteJoins
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, Traversable f
=> RequestId
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> f AO.Value
-> RemoteJoins
-> m (f AO.Value)
processRemoteJoins_ _requestId _logger env manager reqHdrs userInfo lhs joinTree = do
(compositeValue, joins) <- collectJoinArguments (assignJoinIds joinTree) lhs
joinIndices <- fmap (IntMap.mapMaybe id) $ for joins $ \JoinArguments{..} -> do
let joinArguments = IntMap.fromList $ map swap $ Map.toList _jalArguments
case _jalJoin of
(RemoteJoinRemoteSchema remoteSchemaJoin) -> do
-- construct a remote call for
remoteCall <- RS.buildRemoteSchemaCall userInfo remoteSchemaJoin joinArguments
-- A remote call could be Nothing if there are no join arguments
for remoteCall $ \rsc@(RS.RemoteSchemaCall _ _ _ responsePaths) -> do
remoteResponse <-
RS.getRemoteSchemaResponse env manager reqHdrs userInfo rsc
-- extract the join values from the remote's response
RS.buildJoinIndex remoteResponse responsePaths
joinResults joinIndices compositeValue
type CompositeObject a = OMap.InsOrdHashMap Text (CompositeValue a)
-- | A hybrid JSON value representation which captures the context of remote join field in type parameter.
data CompositeValue a
= CVOrdValue !AO.Value
| CVObject !(CompositeObject a)
| CVObjectArray ![CompositeValue a]
| CVFromRemote !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
compositeValueToJSON :: CompositeValue AO.Value -> AO.Value
compositeValueToJSON = \case
CVOrdValue v -> v
CVObject obj -> AO.object $ OMap.toList $ compositeValueToJSON obj
CVObjectArray vals -> AO.array $ map compositeValueToJSON vals
CVFromRemote v -> v
-- | A token used to uniquely identify the results within a join call that are
-- associated with a particular argument.
data ReplacementToken = ReplacementToken {
_rtCallId :: !JoinCallId,
-- ^ Unique identifier for a remote join call.
_rtArgumentId :: !JoinArgumentId
-- ^ Unique identifier for an argument to some remote join.
:: forall f m
. (MonadError QErr m, Traversable f)
=> IntMap.IntMap (IntMap.IntMap AO.Value)
-> f (CompositeValue ReplacementToken)
-> m (f AO.Value)
joinResults remoteResults compositeValues = do
traverse (fmap compositeValueToJSON . traverse replaceToken) compositeValues
replaceToken :: ReplacementToken -> m AO.Value
replaceToken (ReplacementToken joinCallId argumentId) = do
joinCallResults <- onNothing (IntMap.lookup joinCallId remoteResults) $
throw500 $ "couldn't find results for the join with id: "
<> tshow joinCallId
onNothing (IntMap.lookup argumentId joinCallResults) $
throw500 $ "couldn't find a value for argument id in the join results: "
<> tshow (argumentId, joinCallId)
-- | When traversing a responses's json, wherever the join columns of a remote
-- join are expected, we want to collect these arguments.
-- However looking up by a remote join's definition to collect these arguments
-- does not work because we don't have an 'Ord' or a 'Hashable' instance (it
-- would be a bit of work).
-- So this assigned each remote join a unique integer ID by using just the 'Eq'
-- instance. This ID then can be used for the collection of arguments (which
-- should also be faster).
assignJoinIds :: JoinTree RemoteJoin -> JoinTree (JoinCallId, RemoteJoin)
assignJoinIds joinTree =
evalState (traverse assignId joinTree) (0, [])
:: RemoteJoin
-> State (JoinCallId, [(JoinCallId, RemoteJoin)]) (JoinCallId, RemoteJoin)
assignId remoteJoin = do
(joinCallId, joinIds) <- get
let mJoinId = joinIds & find \(_, j) -> j `eqRemoteJoin` remoteJoin
mJoinId `onNothing` do
put (joinCallId + 1, (joinCallId, remoteJoin):joinIds)
pure (joinCallId, remoteJoin)
:: forall f m
. (MonadError QErr m, Traversable f)
=> JoinTree (JoinCallId, RemoteJoin)
-> f AO.Value
-> m (f (CompositeValue ReplacementToken), IntMap.IntMap JoinArguments)
collectJoinArguments joinTree lhs = do
result <- flip runStateT (0, mempty) $ traverse (traverseValue joinTree) lhs
-- Discard the 'JoinArgumentId' from the intermediate state transformation.
pure $ second snd result
:: IntMap.Key
-> RemoteJoin
-> JoinArgument
-> StateT
(JoinArgumentId, IntMap.IntMap JoinArguments)
getReplacementToken joinId remoteJoin argument = do
(counter, joins) <- get
case IntMap.lookup joinId joins of
Just (JoinArguments _remoteJoin arguments) ->
case Map.lookup argument arguments of
Just argumentId -> pure $ ReplacementToken joinId argumentId
Nothing -> addNewArgument counter joins arguments
Nothing -> addNewArgument counter joins mempty
addNewArgument counter joins arguments = do
let argumentId = counter
newArguments = JoinArguments remoteJoin
(Map.insert argument argumentId arguments)
put (counter + 1, IntMap.insert joinId newArguments joins)
pure $ ReplacementToken joinId argumentId
:: JoinTree (IntMap.Key, RemoteJoin)
-> AO.Value
-> StateT
(JoinArgumentId, IntMap.IntMap JoinArguments)
(CompositeValue ReplacementToken)
traverseValue joinTree_ = \case
-- 'AO.Null' is a special case of scalar value here, which indicates that
-- the previous step did not return enough data for us to continue
-- traversing down this path.
-- This can occur in the following cases:
-- * Permission errors; when the user joins on a value they are not
-- allowed to access
-- * Queries with remote sources that resolve to null, for example:
-- {
-- q {
-- user_by_pk() {
-- id
-- name
-- r {
-- }
-- address {
-- r_geo {
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
AO.Null -> pure $ CVOrdValue AO.Null
AO.Object object -> CVObject <$> traverseObject joinTree_ object
AO.Array array -> CVObjectArray <$> mapM (traverseValue joinTree_) (toList array)
_ -> throw500 "found a scalar value when traversing with a non-empty join tree"
:: JoinTree (IntMap.Key, RemoteJoin)
-> AO.Object
-> StateT
(JoinArgumentId, IntMap.IntMap JoinArguments)
(InsOrdHashMap Text (CompositeValue ReplacementToken))
traverseObject joinTree_ object = do
let phantomFields = HS.fromList $ map getFieldNameTxt $
concatMap (getPhantomFields . snd) $ toList joinTree_
joinTreeNodes = Map.mapKeys getFieldNameTxt $ Map.fromList $
NE.toList $ unJoinTree joinTree_
-- during this traversal we assume that the remote join column has some
-- placeholder value in the response. If this weren't present it would
-- involve a lot more book-keeping to preserve the order of the original
-- selection set in the response
compositeObject <- for (AO.toList object) $ \(fieldName, value_) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case Map.lookup fieldName joinTreeNodes of
Just (Leaf (joinId, remoteJoin)) -> do
joinArgument <- forM (getJoinColumnMapping remoteJoin) $ \alias -> do
let aliasTxt = getFieldNameTxt $ getAliasFieldName alias
onNothing (AO.lookup aliasTxt object) $
throw500 $ "a join column is missing from the response: " <> aliasTxt
if Map.null (Map.filter (== AO.Null) joinArgument)
then Just . CVFromRemote <$>
getReplacementToken joinId remoteJoin (JoinArgument joinArgument)
-- we do not join with the remote field if any of the leaves of
-- the join argument are null
else pure $ Just $ CVOrdValue AO.Null
Just (Tree joinSubTree) ->
Just <$> traverseValue joinSubTree value_
Nothing ->
if HS.member fieldName phantomFields
then pure Nothing
else pure $ Just $ CVOrdValue value_
pure . OMap.fromList $
-- filter out the Nothings
mapMaybe sequenceA compositeObject