Antoine Leblanc 512a4dbb92 Use a different reader context for sources and remote schemas with new SchemaT monad.
### Description

This PR changes all the schema code to operate in a specific `SchemaT` monad, rather than in an arbitrary `m` monad. `SchemaT` is intended to be used opaquely with `runSourceSchema` and `runRemoteSchema`. The main goal of this is to allow a different reader context per part of the schema: this PR also minimizes the contexts. This means that we no longer require `SchemaOptions` when building remote schemas' schema, and this PR therefore removes a lot of dummy / placeholder values accordingly.

### Performance and stacking

This PR has been through several iterations. #5339 was the original version, that accomplished the same thing by stacking readers on top of the stack at every remote relationship boundary. This raised performance concerns, and @0x777 confirmed with an ad-hoc test that in some extreme cases we could see up to a 10% performance impact. This version, while more verbose, allows us to unstack / re-stack the readers, and avoid that problem. #5517 adds a new benchmark set to be able to automatically measure this on every PR.

### Remaining work

- [x] a comment (or perhaps even a Note?) should be added to `SchemaT`
- [x] we probably want for #5517 to be merged first so that we can confirm the lack of performance penalty

GitOrigin-RevId: e06b83d90da475f745b838f1fd8f8b4d9d3f4b10
2022-09-06 16:49:23 +00:00

206 lines
7.2 KiB

-- | Build expectations for GraphQL field parsers. For now it focuses on updates
-- only.
-- See 'runUpdateFieldTest'.
module Test.Parser.Expectation
( UpdateTestSetup (..),
UpdateExpectationBuilder (..),
BackendUpdateBuilder (..),
MultiRowUpdateBuilder (..),
module I,
AnnotatedUpdateBuilder (..),
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (QualifiedTable)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.Update (BackendUpdate (..), MultiRowUpdate (..), UpdateOpExpression (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser (FieldParser (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema (Definition (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable (Variable (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.NamingCase
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp (AnnBoolExpFld (..), GBoolExp (..), OpExpG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning (MutationOutputG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Root (RemoteRelationshipField)
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Update (AnnotatedUpdateG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value (UnpreparedValue)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column (ColumnInfo (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Instances ()
import Hasura.SQL.Backend (BackendType (Postgres), PostgresKind (Vanilla))
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as Syntax
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Parser.Internal
import Test.Parser.Internal as I (ColumnInfoBuilder (..), mkColumnInfo, mkTable)
import Test.Parser.Monad
type PG = 'Postgres 'Vanilla
type BoolExp = GBoolExp PG (AnnBoolExpFld PG (UnpreparedValue PG))
type Output r = MutationOutputG PG r (UnpreparedValue PG)
type Field = Syntax.Field Syntax.NoFragments Variable
type Where = (ColumnInfoBuilder, [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)])
type Update = BackendUpdateBuilder ColumnInfoBuilder
-- | Holds all the information required to setup and run a field parser update
-- test.
data UpdateTestSetup = UpdateTestSetup
{ -- | name of the table
utsTable :: Text,
-- | table columns
utsColumns :: [ColumnInfoBuilder],
-- | expectation
utsExpect :: UpdateExpectationBuilder,
-- | GrqphQL field, see Test.Parser.Parser
utsField :: Field
-- | Build the expected output columns, where and update clauses.
data UpdateExpectationBuilder = UpdateExpectationBuilder
{ -- | build the expected selection set/output, e.g.
-- > MOutMultirowFields [("affected_rows", MCount)]
utbOutput :: Output (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper UnpreparedValue),
-- | expected where condition(s), e.g. given a @nameColumn ::
-- ColumnInfoBuilder@ and @oldValue :: UnpreparedValue PG@:
-- > [(nameColumn, [AEQ true oldvalue])]
utbWhere :: [Where],
-- | expected update clause(s), e.g. given a @nameColumn ::
-- ColumnInfoBuilder@ and @newValue :: UnpreparedValue PG@:
-- > [(namecolumn, UpdateSet newValue)]
utbUpdate :: Update
-- | Run a test given the schema and field.
runUpdateFieldTest :: UpdateTestSetup -> Expectation
runUpdateFieldTest UpdateTestSetup {..} =
case runSchemaTest $ mkParser (TableInfoBuilder table utsColumns) of
[] -> expectationFailure "expected at least one parser"
parsers ->
case find (byName (Syntax._fName utsField)) parsers of
Nothing -> expectationFailure $ "could not find parser " <> show (Syntax._fName utsField)
Just FieldParser {..} -> do
annUpdate <- runParserTest $ fParser utsField
coerce annUpdate `shouldBe` expected
UpdateExpectationBuilder {..} = utsExpect
byName :: Syntax.Name -> Parser -> Bool
byName name FieldParser {..} = name == dName fDefinition
table :: QualifiedTable
table = mkTable utsTable
expected :: AnnotatedUpdateG PG (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue PG)
expected =
{ aubTable = table,
aubOutput = utbOutput,
aubColumns = mkColumnInfo <$> utsColumns,
aubWhere = first mkColumnInfo <$> utbWhere,
aubUpdate = mkUpdateColumns utbUpdate
mkUpdateColumns :: BackendUpdateBuilder ColumnInfoBuilder -> BackendUpdateBuilder (ColumnInfo PG)
mkUpdateColumns = fmap mkColumnInfo
-- | Internal use only. The intended use is through 'runUpdateFieldTest'.
-- Build an 'AnnotatedUpdateG', to be used with 'mkAnnotatedUpdate'.
data AnnotatedUpdateBuilder r = AnnotatedUpdateBuilder
{ -- | the main table for the update
aubTable :: QualifiedTable,
-- | the 'Output' clause, e.g., selection set, affected_rows, etc.
aubOutput :: Output r,
-- | the table columns (all of them)
aubColumns :: [ColumnInfo PG],
-- | the where clause(s)
aubWhere :: [(ColumnInfo PG, [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)])],
-- | the update statement(s)
aubUpdate :: BackendUpdateBuilder (ColumnInfo PG)
data BackendUpdateBuilder col
= UpdateTable [(col, UpdateOpExpression (UnpreparedValue PG))]
| UpdateMany [MultiRowUpdateBuilder col]
deriving stock (Functor)
data MultiRowUpdateBuilder col = MultiRowUpdateBuilder
{ mrubWhere :: [(col, [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)])],
mrubUpdate :: [(col, UpdateOpExpression (UnpreparedValue PG))]
deriving stock (Functor)
-- | 'RemoteRelationshipField' cannot have Eq/Show instances, so we're wrapping
-- it.
newtype RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper vf = RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper (RemoteRelationshipField vf)
instance Show (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper vf) where
show =
error "Test.Parser.Expectation: no Show implementation for RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper"
instance Eq (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper vf) where
(==) =
error "Test.Parser.Expectation: no Eq implementation for RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper"
-- | Internal use, see 'runUpdateFieldTest'.
mkAnnotatedUpdate ::
forall r.
AnnotatedUpdateBuilder r ->
AnnotatedUpdateG PG r (UnpreparedValue PG)
mkAnnotatedUpdate AnnotatedUpdateBuilder {..} = AnnotatedUpdateG {..}
_auTable :: QualifiedTable
_auTable = aubTable
_auWhere :: (BoolExp, BoolExp)
_auWhere = (column, toBoolExp aubWhere)
_auCheck :: BoolExp
_auCheck = BoolAnd []
_auBackend :: BackendUpdate 'Vanilla (UnpreparedValue PG)
_auBackend =
case aubUpdate of
UpdateTable items ->
BackendUpdate $
HM.fromList $
fmap (first ciColumn) items
UpdateMany rows ->
BackendMultiRowUpdate $ fmap mapRows rows
mapRows :: MultiRowUpdateBuilder (ColumnInfo PG) -> MultiRowUpdate 'Vanilla (UnpreparedValue PG)
mapRows MultiRowUpdateBuilder {..} =
{ mruWhere = toBoolExp mrubWhere,
mruExpression = HM.fromList $ fmap (bimap ciColumn id) mrubUpdate
_auOutput :: Output r
_auOutput = aubOutput
_auAllCols :: [ColumnInfo PG]
_auAllCols = aubColumns
column :: BoolExp
column =
. fmap (\c -> BoolField . AVColumn c $ [])
$ aubColumns
_auNamingConvention :: Maybe NamingCase
_auNamingConvention = Just HasuraCase
toBoolExp :: [(ColumnInfo PG, [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)])] -> BoolExp
toBoolExp = BoolAnd . fmap (\(c, ops) -> BoolField $ AVColumn c ops)