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synced 2024-12-18 21:12:09 +03:00
### Description This PR rewrites OpenAPI to be more idiomatic. Some noteworthy changes: - we accumulate all required information during the Analyze phase, to avoid having to do a single lookup in the schema cache during the OpenAPI generation phase (we now only need the schema cache as input to run the analysis) - we no longer build intermediary endpoint information and aggregate it, we directly build the the `PathItem` for each endpoint; additionally, that means we no longer have to assume that different methods have the same metadata - we no longer have to first declare types, then craft references: we do everything in one step - we now properly deal with nullability by treating "typeName" and "typeName!" as different - we add a bunch of additional fields in the generated "schema", such as title - we do now support enum values in both input and output positions - checking whether the request body is required is now performed on the fly rather than by introspecting the generated schema - the methods in the file are sorted by topic ### Controversial point However, this PR creates some additional complexity, that we might not want to keep. The main complexity is _knot-tying_: to avoid lookups when generating the OpenAPI, it builds an actual graph of input types, which means that we need something similar to (but simpler than) `MonadSchema`, to avoid infinite recursions when analyzing the input types of a query. To do this, this PR introduces `CircularT`, a lesser `SchemaT` that aims at avoiding ever having to reinvent this particular wheel ever again. ### Remaining work - [x] fix existing tests (they are all failing due to some of the schema changes) - [ ] add tests to cover the new features: - [x] tests for `CircularT` - [ ] tests for enums in output schemas - [x] extract / document `CircularT` if we wish to keep it - [x] add more comments to `OpenAPI` - [x] have a second look at `buildVariableSchema` - [x] fix all missing diagnostics in `Analyze` - [x] add a Changelog entry? PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4654 Co-authored-by: David Overton <7734777+dmoverton@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: f4a9191f22dfcc1dccefd6a52f5c586b6ad17172
158 lines
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158 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Knot-tying monad transformer for recursive graph building.
-- Some operations, such as building a graph, are inherently self-recursive;
-- consider the following graph:
-- > a -> b
-- > b -> a
-- To construct in Haskell, we might want to use the following type:
-- > data Node = Node
-- > { nodeName :: Text
-- > , nodeNeighbours :: [Node]
-- > }
-- To construct our trivial graph, we need @a@ to know about @b@ and @b@ to know
-- about @a@: this is fine as long as we can build them both at the same time:
-- > graph = [nodeA, nodeB]
-- > where
-- > nodeA = Node "a" [nodeB]
-- > nodeB = Node "b" [nodeA]
-- But this falls apart as soon as building the nodes becomes more complicated;
-- for instance, if it becomes monadic. This causes an infinite recursion:
-- > graph = do
-- > a <- buildA
-- > b <- buildB
-- > pure [a,b]
-- > where
-- > buildA = do
-- > b <- buildB
-- > pure $ Node "a" [b]
-- > buildB = do
-- > a <- buildA
-- > pure $ Node "b" [a]
-- The reason why the non-monadic version works is laziness; and there is a way
-- to retrieve this laziness in a monadic context: it's what 'MonadFix' is for.
-- (https://wiki.haskell.org/MonadFix)
-- However, 'MonadFix' is both powerful and unintuitive; the goal of this module
-- is to use its power, but to give it a more restricted interface, to make it
-- easier to use. Using 'CircularT', the graph above can be built monadically
-- like so:
-- > graph = runCircularT do
-- > a <- buildA
-- > b <- buildB
-- > pure [a,b]
-- > where
-- > buildA = withCircular "a" do
-- > b <- buildB
-- > pure $ Node "a" [b]
-- > buildB = withCircular "b" do
-- > a <- buildA
-- > pure $ Node "b" [a]
-- It allows each part of a recursive process to be given a name (the type of
-- which is of the user's choosing), and it automatically breaks cycles. The
-- only caveat is that we cannot violate temporal causality: if we attempt to
-- make a cache-building decision based on the value obtained from the cache,
-- then no amount of laziness can save us:
-- > broken = runCircularT go
-- > where
-- > go = withCircular () do
-- > x <- go
-- > pure $ if odd x then 1 else 0
-- `CircularT` is somewhat similar to `TardisT` from @Control.Monad.Tardis@ and
-- `SchemaT` from @Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Monad@, but simpler than both.
module Control.Monad.Circular
( CircularT,
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy qualified as Map
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Prelude
-- | CircularT is implemented as a state monad containing a lazy HashMap.
-- We use this state to both determine wether we have already encountered a
-- given key and to track the associated result. We use laziness and MonadFix to
-- tie the knot for us (see 'withCircular').
-- - type @k@ is the type of cache key, to which a given action is associated.
-- - type @v@ is the values we wish to cache in our process.
-- - type @m@ is the underlying monad on which this transformer operates.
-- - type @a@ is the result of the computation
newtype CircularT k v m a = CircularT (StateT (HashMap k v) m a)
( Functor,
MonadError e,
MonadReader r,
MonadWriter w
instance MonadTrans (CircularT k v) where
lift = CircularT . lift
-- | Allow code in 'CircularT' to have access to any underlying state
-- capabilities, hiding the fact that 'CircularT' itself is a state monad.
instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (CircularT k v m) where
get = lift get
put x = lift $ put x
-- | Runs a computation in 'CircularT'.
runCircularT :: (Eq k, Hashable k, MonadFix m) => CircularT k v m a -> m a
runCircularT (CircularT m) = evalStateT m mempty
-- | Cache a computation under a given key.
-- For a given key @k@, and a computation in 'CircularT' that yields a value of
-- type @v@, return an action that builds said value @v@ but that prevents
-- cycles by looking into and populating a stateful cache.
withCircular ::
(Eq k, Hashable k, MonadFix m) =>
k ->
CircularT k v m v ->
CircularT k v m v
withCircular key (CircularT action) = CircularT do
cache <- get
case Map.lookup key cache of
-- If the key is already present in the cache, that means we have
-- already encountered that particular key in our process; no need to use the
-- @action@.
Just value -> pure value
-- Otherwise, it means we haven't encountered it yet: we need to build it
-- and cache the result.
Nothing -> mdo
-- Insert a thunk referencing the eventual actual value in the cache; we
-- need the cache to be a lazy map for this to work.
modify $ Map.insert key actualValue
-- We compute the actual value by evaluating the action. This will only
-- happen once per key. Note that we use 'actualValue' before it is built:
-- this is why we need 'MonadFix' and "recursive do".
actualValue <- action
-- And we return the value!
pure actualValue
-- We don't want to rely on Hasura.Prelude in "third-party" libraries.
{-# ANN withCircular ("HLint: ignore Use onNothing" :: String) #-}