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synced 2025-01-05 22:34:22 +03:00
This issue was very tricky to track down, but fortunately easy to fix. The interaction here is subtle enough that it’s difficult to put into English what would go wrong in what circumstances, but the new unit test captures precisely that interaction to ensure it remains fixed.
98 lines
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98 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.Incremental.Internal.Cache where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Hasura.Incremental.Internal.Dependency
import Hasura.Incremental.Internal.Rule
import Hasura.Incremental.Select
class (ArrowKleisli m arr) => ArrowCache m arr | arr -> m where
-- | Adds equality-based caching to the given arrow. After each execution of the arrow, its input
-- and result values are cached. On the next execution, the new input value is compared via '=='
-- to the previous input value. If they are the same, the previous result is returned /without/
-- re-executing the arrow. Otherwise, the old cached values are discarded, and the arrow is
-- re-executed to produce a new set of cached values.
-- Indescriminate use of 'cache' is likely to have little effect except to increase memory usage,
-- since the input and result of each execution must be retained in memory. Avoid using 'cache'
-- around arrows with large input or output that is likely to change often unless profiling
-- indicates it is computationally expensive enough to be worth the memory overhead.
-- __Note that only direct inputs and outputs of the given arrow are cached.__ If an arrow
-- provides access to values through a side-channel, they will __not__ participate in caching.
cache :: (Cacheable a) => arr a b -> arr a b
-- | Creates a new 'Dependency', which allows fine-grained caching of composite values; see the
-- documentation for 'Dependency' for more details.
newDependency :: arr a (Dependency a)
-- | Extract the value from a 'Dependency', incurring a dependency on its entirety. To depend on
-- only a portion of the value, use 'selectD' or 'selectKeyD' before passing it to 'dependOn'.
dependOn :: (Cacheable a) => arr (Dependency a) a
-- | Run a monadic sub-computation with the ability to access dependencies; see 'MonadDepend' for
-- more details.
bindDepend :: arr (DependT m a) a
instance (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowCache m arr) => ArrowCache m (ErrorA e arr) where
cache (ErrorA f) = ErrorA (cache f)
{-# INLINE cache #-}
newDependency = liftA newDependency
{-# INLINE newDependency #-}
dependOn = liftA dependOn
{-# INLINE dependOn #-}
bindDepend = liftA bindDepend
{-# INLINE bindDepend #-}
instance (Monoid w, ArrowCache m arr) => ArrowCache m (WriterA w arr) where
cache (WriterA f) = WriterA (cache f)
{-# INLINE cache #-}
newDependency = liftA newDependency
{-# INLINE newDependency #-}
dependOn = liftA dependOn
{-# INLINE dependOn #-}
bindDepend = liftA bindDepend
{-# INLINE bindDepend #-}
instance (MonadUnique m) => ArrowCache m (Rule m) where
cache r0 = Rule \s a k -> do
let Rule r = listenAccesses r0
r s a \s' (b, accesses) r' -> k s' b (cached accesses a b r')
listenAccesses :: Rule m a b -> Rule m a (b, Accesses)
listenAccesses (Rule r) = Rule \s a k -> r mempty a \s' b r' ->
(k $! (s <> s')) (b, s') (listenAccesses r')
cached accesses a b (Rule r) = Rule \s a' k -> if
| unchanged accesses a a' -> (k $! (s <> accesses)) b (cached accesses a b (Rule r))
| otherwise -> r s a' \s' (b', accesses') r' -> k s' b' (cached accesses' a' b' r')
newDependency = Rule \s a k -> do
key <- DependencyRoot <$> newUniqueS
k s (Dependency key a) (arr (Dependency key))
{-# INLINABLE newDependency #-}
dependOn = Rule \s (Dependency key v) k -> (k $! recordAccess key AccessedAll s) v dependOn
bindDepend = Rule \s m k -> runStateT (unDependT m) s >>= \(v, s') -> k s' v bindDepend
-- | A restricted, monadic variant of 'ArrowCache' that can only read dependencies, not create new
-- ones or add local caching. This serves as a limited adapter between arrow and monadic code.
class (Monad m) => MonadDepend m where
dependOnM :: (Cacheable a) => Dependency a -> m a
instance (MonadDepend m) => MonadDepend (ExceptT e m) where
dependOnM = lift . dependOnM
newtype DependT m a = DependT { unDependT :: StateT Accesses m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadError e)
instance (Monad m) => MonadDepend (DependT m) where
dependOnM (Dependency key v) = DependT (modify' (recordAccess key AccessedAll) $> v)