2022-07-22 15:29:02 +00:00

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-- | An EDSL for writing Postgres SQL expressions for testing purposes
-- as they are defined in "Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML".
-- This is currently used in "Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Select.RenameIdentifiersSpec".
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.EDSL
( module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.EDSL,
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML,
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types,
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE (fromList)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML hiding (selectStar, selectStar')
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (exp)
-- * Extractors
-- | a common top level extractor
rootExtractor_ :: [Extractor]
rootExtractor_ =
[ Extractor
( SEFnApp
[ SEFnApp
[SEIdentifier (Identifier {getIdenTxt = "root"})]
SELit "[]"
(Just (ColumnAlias {getColumnAlias = Identifier {getIdenTxt = "root"}}))
-- | a top level extractor with an order by clause
extractorOrd_ :: Text -> [OrderByItem] -> Maybe ColumnAlias -> [Extractor]
extractorOrd_ table orders alias =
[ Extractor
( SEFnApp
[ SEFnApp
[ SEIdentifier
( Identifier
{ getIdenTxt = table
( Just
( OrderByExp
(NE.fromList orders)
SELit "[]"
-- | Apply a @row_to_json@ function to expressions.
row_to_json_ :: [SQLExp] -> Maybe ColumnAlias -> Extractor
row_to_json_ exps = Extractor (SEFnApp "row_to_json" exps Nothing)
-- * Select
-- | Simple @select * from schema.table@ query.
selectStar_ :: Text -> Text -> Select
selectStar_ schema table =
( mkSelect
{ selExtr = [Extractor (SEStar Nothing) Nothing],
selFrom =
( FromExp
[ FISimple
( QualifiedObject
{ qSchema = SchemaName {getSchemaTxt = schema},
qName = TableName {getTableTxt = table}
-- | A query that selects specific columns from a table as an expression
selectIdentifiersFromExp_ :: Text -> Text -> [Text] -> Text -> SQLExp
selectIdentifiersFromExp_ idn table columns relAlias =
( mkSelect
{ selExtr = [Extractor (iden_ idn) Nothing],
selFrom =
[ mkSelect
{ selExtr = map (\column -> tcolumn_ table column `asE_` column) columns
`as'_` relAlias
-- | Similar to the above but... different? I'm not sure why.
selectIdentifiers_ :: Text -> Text -> [Text] -> SQLExp
selectIdentifiers_ alias table columns =
( mkSelect
{ selExtr =
[Extractor (SERowIdentifier (Identifier alias)) Nothing],
selFrom =
[ FISelect
(Lateral False)
( mkSelect
{ selExtr =
( \column ->
( SEQIdentifier
( QIdentifier
(QualifiedIdentifier (Identifier table) Nothing)
(Identifier column)
( Just (ColumnAlias {getColumnAlias = Identifier column})
(TableAlias {getTableAlias = Identifier alias})
-- * Aliases
asT_ :: (Maybe TableAlias -> a) -> Text -> a
asT_ f alias = f (Just (TableAlias {getTableAlias = Identifier alias}))
asC_ :: (Maybe ColumnAlias -> a) -> Text -> a
asC_ f alias = f (Just (ColumnAlias {getColumnAlias = Identifier alias}))
as'_ :: Select -> Text -> FromItem
as'_ sel alias = FISelect (Lateral False) sel (TableAlias {getTableAlias = Identifier alias})
asE_ :: SQLExp -> Text -> Extractor
asE_ se alias = Extractor se (Just (ColumnAlias {getColumnAlias = Identifier alias}))
-- * From
from_ :: [FromItem] -> Maybe FromExp
from_ = Just . FromExp
-- * Columns
-- | Define a column expression as @schema.table.column@.
stcolumn_ :: Text -> Text -> Text -> SQLExp
stcolumn_ schema table column =
( QIdentifier
( QualTable
( QualifiedObject
{ qSchema = SchemaName schema,
qName = TableName table
(Identifier column)
-- | Define a column expression as @table.column@.
tcolumn_ :: Text -> Text -> SQLExp
tcolumn_ table column =
( QIdentifier
( QualifiedIdentifier
( Identifier
{ getIdenTxt = table
( Identifier
{ getIdenTxt = column
-- | Define a column expression as @column@.
iden_ :: Text -> SQLExp
iden_ column = SEIdentifier $ Identifier {getIdenTxt = column}
-- | An arbitrary integer value.
int_ :: SQLExp
int_ = SETyAnn (SEPrep 2) (TypeAnn "integer")
-- * Where
-- | @WHERE@ clause.
where_ :: BoolExp -> Maybe WhereFrag
where_ = Just . WhereFrag
-- | Equality of two expressions.
eq_ :: SQLExp -> SQLExp -> BoolExp
eq_ = BECompare SEQ
-- * Joins
-- | Lateral left join. Used for relationships.
lateralLeftJoin_ :: FromItem -> FromItem -> [FromItem]
lateralLeftJoin_ left right =
[ FIJoin
( JoinExpr
(withLateral right)
(JoinOn (BELit True))
withLateral :: FromItem -> FromItem
withLateral = \case
FISelect _ sel al -> FISelect (Lateral True) sel al
FISelectWith _ sel al -> FISelectWith (Lateral False) sel al
x -> x
-- * Order by
-- | @ORDER BY@ clause.
orderby_ :: [OrderByItem] -> Maybe OrderByExp
orderby_ = Just . OrderByExp . NE.fromList
-- | an order by column set to ascending ordering.
asc_ :: Text -> OrderByItem
asc_ idn = OrderByItem (SEIdentifier (Identifier idn)) (Just OTAsc) (Just NullsLast)
-- * Limit
-- | @LIMIT 1@.
limit1_ :: Maybe LimitExp
limit1_ = Just (LimitExp (SEUnsafe "1"))