Auke Booij 29158900d8 Refactor type name customization
Source typename customization (hasura/graphql-engine@aac64f2c81) introduced a mechanism to change certain names in the GraphQL schema that is exposed. In particular it allows last-minute modification of:
1. the names of some types, and
2. the names of some root fields.

The above two items are assigned distinct customization algorithms, and at times both algorithms are in scope. So a need to distinguish them is needed.

In the original design, this was addressed by introducing a newtype wrapper `Typename` around GraphQL `Name`s, dedicated to the names of types. However, in the majority of the codebase, type names are also represented by `Name`. For this reason, it was unavoidable to allow for easy conversion. This was supported by a `HasName Typename` instance, as well as by publishing the constructors of `Typename`.

This means that the type safety that newtypes can add is lost. In particular, it is now very easy to confuse type name customization with root field name customization.

This refactors the above design by instead introducing newtypes around the customization operations:
newtype MkTypename = MkTypename {runMkTypename :: Name -> Name}
  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Endo Name)

newtype MkRootFieldName = MkRootFieldName {runMkRootFieldName :: Name -> Name}
  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Endo Name)
The `Monoid` instance allows easy composition of customization operations, piggybacking off of the type of `Endo`maps.

This design allows safe co-existence of the two customization algorithms, while avoiding the syntactic overhead of packing and unpacking newtypes.

GitOrigin-RevId: da3a353a9b003ee40c8d0a1e02872e99d2edd3ca
2021-11-30 09:52:53 +00:00

197 lines
8.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.OrderBy
( orderByExp,
import Data.Has
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
( InputFieldsParser,
Kind (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Corresponds to an object type for an order by.
-- > input table_order_by {
-- > col1: order_by
-- > col2: order_by
-- > . .
-- > . .
-- > coln: order_by
-- > obj-rel: <remote-table>_order_by
-- > }
orderByExp ::
forall m n r b.
(BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has P.MkTypename r) =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
SelPermInfo b ->
m (Parser 'Input n [IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b (UnpreparedValue b)])
orderByExp sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = memoizeOn 'orderByExp (sourceName, tableInfoName tableInfo) $ do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
name <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_order_by")
let description =
G.Description $
"Ordering options when selecting data from " <> tableInfoName tableInfo <<> "."
tableFields <- tableSelectFields sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions
fieldParsers <- sequenceA . catMaybes <$> traverse mkField tableFields
pure $ concat . catMaybes <$> P.object name (Just description) fieldParsers
mkField ::
FieldInfo b ->
m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe [IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b (UnpreparedValue b)])))
mkField fieldInfo = runMaybeT $
case fieldInfo of
FIColumn columnInfo -> do
let fieldName = pgiName columnInfo
pure $
P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing (orderByOperator @b)
<&> fmap (pure . mkOrderByItemG @b (IR.AOCColumn columnInfo)) . join
FIRelationship relationshipInfo -> do
remoteTableInfo <- askTableInfo @b sourceName $ riRTable relationshipInfo
fieldName <- hoistMaybe $ G.mkName $ relNameToTxt $ riName relationshipInfo
perms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions remoteTableInfo
let newPerms = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> spiFilter perms
case riType relationshipInfo of
ObjRel -> do
otherTableParser <- lift $ orderByExp sourceName remoteTableInfo perms
pure $ do
otherTableOrderBy <- join <$> P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing (P.nullable otherTableParser)
pure $ fmap (map $ fmap $ IR.AOCObjectRelation relationshipInfo newPerms) otherTableOrderBy
ArrRel -> do
let aggregateFieldName = fieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
aggregationParser <- lift $ orderByAggregation sourceName remoteTableInfo perms
pure $ do
aggregationOrderBy <- join <$> P.fieldOptional aggregateFieldName Nothing (P.nullable aggregationParser)
pure $ fmap (map $ fmap $ IR.AOCArrayAggregation relationshipInfo newPerms) aggregationOrderBy
FIComputedField ComputedFieldInfo {..} -> do
let ComputedFieldFunction {..} = _cfiFunction
mkComputedFieldOrderBy =
let functionArgs =
flip IR.FunctionArgsExp mempty $
IR.functionArgsWithTableRowAndSession P.UVSession _cffTableArgument _cffSessionArgument
in IR.ComputedFieldOrderBy _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName _cffName functionArgs
fieldName <- hoistMaybe $ G.mkName $ toTxt _cfiName
guard $ _cffInputArgs == mempty -- No input arguments other than table row and session argument
case _cfiReturnType of
CFRScalar scalarType -> do
let computedFieldOrderBy = mkComputedFieldOrderBy $ IR.CFOBEScalar scalarType
pure $
P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing (orderByOperator @b)
<&> fmap (pure . mkOrderByItemG @b (IR.AOCComputedField computedFieldOrderBy)) . join
CFRSetofTable table -> do
let aggregateFieldName = fieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
tableInfo' <- askTableInfo @b sourceName table
perms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions tableInfo'
let newPerms = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> spiFilter perms
aggregationParser <- lift $ orderByAggregation sourceName tableInfo' perms
pure $ do
aggregationOrderBy <- join <$> P.fieldOptional aggregateFieldName Nothing (P.nullable aggregationParser)
pure $
( map $
fmap $
. mkComputedFieldOrderBy
. IR.CFOBETableAggregation table newPerms
FIRemoteRelationship _ -> empty
-- those parsers are directly using Postgres' SQL representation of
-- order, rather than using a general intermediary representation
orderByAggregation ::
forall m n r b.
(BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has P.MkTypename r) =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
SelPermInfo b ->
m (Parser 'Input n [IR.OrderByItemG b (IR.AnnotatedAggregateOrderBy b)])
orderByAggregation sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = memoizeOn 'orderByAggregation (sourceName, tableName) do
-- there is heavy duplication between this and Select.tableAggregationFields
-- it might be worth putting some of it in common, just to avoid issues when
-- we change one but not the other?
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo
allColumns <- tableSelectColumns sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions
mkTypename <- asks getter
let numColumns = onlyNumCols allColumns
compColumns = onlyComparableCols allColumns
numFields = catMaybes <$> traverse mkField numColumns
compFields = catMaybes <$> traverse mkField compColumns
aggFields =
fmap (concat . catMaybes . concat) $
sequenceA $
[ -- count
Just $
P.fieldOptional $$(G.litName "count") Nothing (orderByOperator @b)
<&> pure . fmap (pure . mkOrderByItemG @b IR.AAOCount) . join,
-- operators on numeric columns
if null numColumns
then Nothing
else Just $
for numericAggOperators \operator ->
parseOperator mkTypename operator tableGQLName numFields,
-- operators on comparable columns
if null compColumns
then Nothing
else Just $
for comparisonAggOperators \operator ->
parseOperator mkTypename operator tableGQLName compFields
objectName <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate_order_by")
let description = G.Description $ "order by aggregate values of table " <>> tableName
pure $ P.object objectName (Just description) aggFields
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
mkField :: ColumnInfo b -> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (ColumnInfo b, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b)))
mkField columnInfo =
P.fieldOptional (pgiName columnInfo) (pgiDescription columnInfo) (orderByOperator @b)
<&> fmap (columnInfo,) . join
parseOperator ::
P.MkTypename ->
G.Name ->
G.Name ->
InputFieldsParser n [(ColumnInfo b, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))] ->
InputFieldsParser n (Maybe [IR.OrderByItemG b (IR.AnnotatedAggregateOrderBy b)])
parseOperator mkTypename operator tableGQLName columns =
let opText = G.unName operator
objectName = P.runMkTypename mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_") <> operator <> $$(G.litName "_order_by")
objectDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "order by " <> opText <> "() on columns of table " <>> tableName
in P.fieldOptional operator Nothing (P.object objectName objectDesc columns)
`mapField` map (\(col, info) -> mkOrderByItemG (IR.AAOOp opText col) info)
orderByOperator ::
forall b n.
(BackendSchema b, MonadParse n) =>
Parser 'Both n (Maybe (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))
orderByOperator =
P.nullable $ P.enum $$(G.litName "order_by") (Just "column ordering options") $ orderByOperators @b
mkOrderByItemG :: forall b a. a -> (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b) -> IR.OrderByItemG b a
mkOrderByItemG column (orderType, nullsOrder) =
{ obiType = Just orderType,
obiColumn = column,
obiNulls = Just nullsOrder