mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 14:27:59 +03:00
* allow customizing GraphQL root field names, close #981 * document v2 track_table API in reference * support customising column field names in GraphQL schema * [docs] add custom column fields doc in API reference * add tests * rename 'ColField' to 'ColumnField' * embed column's graphql field in 'PGColumnInfo' -> Value constructor of 'PGCol' is not exposed -> Using 'parseJSON' to construct 'PGCol' in 'FromJSON' instances * avoid using 'Maybe TableConfig' * refactors & 'custom_column_fields' -> 'custom_column_names' * cli-test: add configuration field in metadata export test * update expected keys in `FromJSON` instance of `TableMeta` * use `buildSchemaCacheFor` to update configuration in v2 track_table * remove 'GraphQLName' type and use 'isValidName' exposed from parser lib * point graphql-parser-hs library git repo to hasura * support 'set_table_custom_fields' query API & added docs and tests
135 lines
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135 lines
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-- | Types and functions for interacting with and manipulating SQL enums represented by
-- /single-column tables/, __not__ native Postgres enum types. Native enum types in Postgres are
-- difficult to change, so we discourage their use, but we might add support for native enum types
-- in the future.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Enum (
-- * Re-exports from "Hasura.RQL.Types.Column"
, EnumValues
, EnumValueInfo(..)
, EnumValue(..)
-- * Loading enum values
, fetchAndValidateEnumValues
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Validate
import Data.List (delete)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
data EnumTableIntegrityError
= EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey
| EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey ![PGCol]
| EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey !PGRawColumnInfo
| EnumTableNoEnumValues
| EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames !(NE.NonEmpty T.Text)
| EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn !PGRawColumnInfo
| EnumTableTooManyColumns ![PGCol]
deriving (Show, Eq)
:: (MonadTx m)
=> QualifiedTable
-> [PGRawColumnInfo]
-> [PGRawColumnInfo]
-> m EnumValues
fetchAndValidateEnumValues tableName primaryKeyColumns columnInfos =
either (throw400 ConstraintViolation . showErrors) pure =<< runValidateT fetchAndValidate
fetchAndValidate :: (MonadTx m, MonadValidate [EnumTableIntegrityError] m) => m EnumValues
fetchAndValidate = do
maybePrimaryKey <- tolerate validatePrimaryKey
maybeCommentColumn <- validateColumns maybePrimaryKey
enumValues <- maybe (refute mempty) (fetchEnumValues maybeCommentColumn) maybePrimaryKey
validateEnumValues enumValues
pure enumValues
validatePrimaryKey = case primaryKeyColumns of
[] -> refute [EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey]
[column] -> case prciType column of
PGText -> pure column
_ -> refute [EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey column]
_ -> refute [EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey $ map prciName primaryKeyColumns]
validateColumns primaryKeyColumn = do
let nonPrimaryKeyColumns = maybe columnInfos (`delete` columnInfos) primaryKeyColumn
case nonPrimaryKeyColumns of
[] -> pure Nothing
[column] -> case prciType column of
PGText -> pure $ Just column
_ -> dispute [EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn column] $> Nothing
columns -> dispute [EnumTableTooManyColumns $ map prciName columns] $> Nothing
fetchEnumValues maybeCommentColumn primaryKeyColumn = do
let nullExtr = S.Extractor S.SENull Nothing
commentExtr = maybe nullExtr (S.mkExtr . prciName) maybeCommentColumn
query = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL S.mkSelect
{ S.selFrom = Just $ S.mkSimpleFromExp tableName
, S.selExtr = [S.mkExtr (prciName primaryKeyColumn), commentExtr] }
fmap mkEnumValues . liftTx $ Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler query () True
mkEnumValues rows = M.fromList . flip map rows $ \(key, comment) ->
(EnumValue key, EnumValueInfo comment)
validateEnumValues enumValues = do
let enumValueNames = map (G.Name . getEnumValue) (M.keys enumValues)
when (null enumValueNames) $
refute [EnumTableNoEnumValues]
let badNames = map G.unName $ filter (not . isValidEnumName) enumValueNames
for_ (NE.nonEmpty badNames) $ \someBadNames ->
refute [EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames someBadNames]
-- https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#EnumValue
isValidEnumName name =
G.isValidName name && name `notElem` ["true", "false", "null"]
showErrors :: [EnumTableIntegrityError] -> T.Text
showErrors allErrors =
"the table " <> tableName <<> " cannot be used as an enum " <> reasonsMessage
reasonsMessage = case allErrors of
[singleError] -> "because " <> showOne singleError
_ -> "for the following reasons:\n" <> T.unlines
(map ((" • " <>) . showOne) allErrors)
showOne :: EnumTableIntegrityError -> T.Text
showOne = \case
EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey -> "the table must have a primary key"
EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey cols ->
"the table’s primary key must not span multiple columns ("
<> T.intercalate ", " (map dquoteTxt $ sort cols) <> ")"
EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey colInfo -> typeMismatch "primary key" colInfo PGText
EnumTableNoEnumValues -> "the table must have at least one row"
EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames values ->
let pluralString = " are not valid GraphQL enum value names"
valuesString = case NE.reverse (NE.sort values) of
value NE.:| [] -> "value " <> value <<> " is not a valid GraphQL enum value name"
value2 NE.:| [value1] -> "values " <> value1 <<> " and " <> value2 <<> pluralString
lastValue NE.:| otherValues ->
"values " <> T.intercalate ", " (map dquoteTxt $ reverse otherValues) <> ", and "
<> lastValue <<> pluralString
in "the " <> valuesString
EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn colInfo -> typeMismatch "comment column" colInfo PGText
EnumTableTooManyColumns cols ->
"the table must have exactly one primary key and optionally one comment column, not "
<> T.pack (show $ length cols) <> " columns ("
<> T.intercalate ", " (map dquoteTxt $ sort cols) <> ")"
typeMismatch description colInfo expected =
"the table’s " <> description <> " (" <> prciName colInfo <<> ") must have type "
<> expected <<> ", not type " <>> prciType colInfo