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synced 2024-12-15 17:31:56 +03:00
## Description This PR updates the JWK refresh thread to poll every second instead of the previous behaviour where the thread used to sleep based on the expiry time in `Cache-Control`/`Expires` response headers. ## Motivation As a part of dynamically updating environment variables on cloud without restart the user projects, we want to implement a mechanism which makes HGE aware of any changes in the user configuration by updating a shared variable data type which can be accessed by relevant threads/core functionality before their execution. The above updates requires us to make the threads polling in nature such that before executing their code, any change in the user config is captured and the appropriate behaviour is channelised. In the case of JWK updating thread, the thread used to sleep for the time as mentioned in the `Cache-Control` or `Expires` headers which make the thread unware of any new changes in the user config in that period of time, hence requiring a restart to propogate the new changes. To solve this problem we have now updated the JWK update thread to poll every second for change in `AuthMode`(from a shared variable in subsequent changes to implement the dynamic env var update feature) and update the JWK accordingly such that it does not use any stale configurations and works without HGE restart. ### Related Issues https://hasurahq.atlassian.net/browse/GS-300 ### Solution and Design - We store the expiry time in the `JWTCtx` - On every poll check whether the current time exceeds the expiry time, in which case we call the JWK url to fetch the new JWK and expiry. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/7177 Co-authored-by: Krushan Bauva <31391329+krushanbauva@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Anon Ray <616387+ecthiender@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: bc1e44a8c3823d7554167a7f01c3ce085646cedb
454 lines
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454 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.Tracing
( MonadTrace (..),
TraceContext (..),
Reporter (..),
HasReporter (..),
import Control.Lens (over, view, (^?))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Lens qualified as JL
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as Char8
import Data.String (fromString)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Tracing.TraceId
( SpanId,
import Network.HTTP.Client.Manager (HasHttpManagerM (..))
import Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable qualified as HTTP
import Refined (Positive, Refined, unrefine)
import System.Random.Stateful qualified as Random
-- | Any additional human-readable key-value pairs relevant
-- to the execution of a block of code.
type TracingMetadata = [(Text, Text)]
newtype Reporter = Reporter
{ runReporter ::
forall io a.
MonadIO io =>
TraceContext ->
-- the current trace context
Text ->
-- human-readable name for this block of code
io (a, TracingMetadata) ->
-- the action whose execution we want to report, returning
-- any metadata emitted
io a
noReporter :: Reporter
noReporter = Reporter \_ _ -> fmap fst
-- | A type class for monads which support some way to report execution traces.
-- See @instance Tracing.HasReporter (AppM impl)@ in @HasuraPro.App@.
class Monad m => HasReporter m where
-- | Get the current tracer
askReporter :: m Reporter
default askReporter :: m Reporter
askReporter = pure noReporter
instance HasReporter m => HasReporter (ReaderT r m) where
askReporter = lift askReporter
instance HasReporter m => HasReporter (ExceptT e m) where
askReporter = lift askReporter
instance HasReporter IO
-- | A trace context records the current active trace,
-- the active span within that trace, and the span's parent,
-- unless the current span is the root.
data TraceContext = TraceContext
{ -- | TODO what is this exactly? The topmost span id?
tcCurrentTrace :: !TraceId,
tcCurrentSpan :: !SpanId,
tcCurrentParent :: !(Maybe SpanId),
tcSamplingState :: !SamplingState
-- | B3 propagation sampling state.
-- Debug sampling state not represented.
data SamplingState = SamplingDefer | SamplingDeny | SamplingAccept
-- | Convert a sampling state to a value for the X-B3-Sampled header. A return
-- value of Nothing indicates that the header should not be set.
samplingStateToHeader :: IsString s => SamplingState -> Maybe s
samplingStateToHeader = \case
SamplingDefer -> Nothing
SamplingDeny -> Just "0"
SamplingAccept -> Just "1"
-- | Convert a X-B3-Sampled header value to a sampling state. An input of
-- Nothing indicates that the header was not set.
samplingStateFromHeader :: (IsString s, Eq s) => Maybe s -> SamplingState
samplingStateFromHeader = \case
Nothing -> SamplingDefer
Just "0" -> SamplingDeny
Just "1" -> SamplingAccept
Just _ -> SamplingDefer
data TraceTEnv = TraceTEnv
{ tteTraceContext :: TraceContext,
tteReporter :: Reporter,
tteSamplingDecision :: SamplingDecision
-- | A local decision about whether or not to sample spans.
data SamplingDecision = SampleNever | SampleAlways
-- | An IO action for deciding whether or not to sample a trace.
-- Currently restricted to deny access to the B3 sampling state, but we may
-- want to be more flexible in the future.
type SamplingPolicy = IO SamplingDecision
-- Helper for consistently deciding whether or not to sample a trace based on
-- trace context and sampling policy.
decideSampling :: SamplingState -> SamplingPolicy -> IO SamplingDecision
decideSampling samplingState samplingPolicy =
case samplingState of
SamplingDefer -> samplingPolicy
SamplingDeny -> pure SampleNever
SamplingAccept -> pure SampleAlways
-- Helper for consistently updating the sampling state when a sampling decision
-- is made.
updateSamplingState :: SamplingDecision -> SamplingState -> SamplingState
updateSamplingState samplingDecision = \case
SamplingDefer ->
case samplingDecision of
SampleNever -> SamplingDefer
SampleAlways -> SamplingAccept
SamplingDeny -> SamplingDeny
SamplingAccept -> SamplingAccept
sampleNever :: SamplingPolicy
sampleNever = pure SampleNever
sampleAlways :: SamplingPolicy
sampleAlways = pure SampleAlways
-- @sampleRandomly p@ returns `SampleAlways` with probability @p@ and
-- `SampleNever` with probability @1 - p@.
sampleRandomly :: Double -> SamplingPolicy
sampleRandomly samplingProbability
| samplingProbability <= 0 = pure SampleNever
| samplingProbability >= 1 = pure SampleAlways
| otherwise = do
x <- Random.uniformRM (0, 1) Random.globalStdGen
pure $ if x < samplingProbability then SampleAlways else SampleNever
-- Like @sampleRandomly@, but with the probability expressed as the denominator
-- N of the fraction 1/N.
sampleOneInN :: Refined Positive Int -> SamplingPolicy
sampleOneInN denominator
| n == 1 = pure SampleAlways
| otherwise = do
x <- Random.uniformRM (0, n - 1) Random.globalStdGen
pure $ if x == 0 then SampleAlways else SampleNever
n = unrefine denominator
-- | The 'TraceT' monad transformer adds the ability to keep track of
-- the current trace context.
newtype TraceT m a = TraceT {unTraceT :: ReaderT TraceTEnv (WriterT TracingMetadata m) a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadFix, MonadMask, MonadCatch, MonadThrow, MonadBase b, MonadBaseControl b)
instance MonadTrans TraceT where
lift = TraceT . lift . lift
instance MFunctor TraceT where
hoist f (TraceT rwma) = TraceT (hoist (hoist f) rwma)
instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (TraceT m) where
throwError = lift . throwError
catchError (TraceT m) f = TraceT (catchError m (unTraceT . f))
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (TraceT m) where
ask = TraceT $ lift ask
local f m = TraceT $ mapReaderT (local f) (unTraceT m)
instance (HasHttpManagerM m) => HasHttpManagerM (TraceT m) where
askHttpManager = lift askHttpManager
-- | Run an action in the 'TraceT' monad transformer.
-- 'runTraceT' delimits a new trace with its root span, and the arguments
-- specify a name and metadata for that span.
runTraceT :: (HasReporter m, MonadIO m) => SamplingPolicy -> Text -> TraceT m a -> m a
runTraceT policy name tma = do
rep <- askReporter
runTraceTWithReporter rep policy name tma
runTraceTWith ::
MonadIO m => TraceContext -> Reporter -> SamplingPolicy -> Text -> TraceT m a -> m a
runTraceTWith ctx rep policy name tma = do
samplingDecision <- liftIO $ decideSampling (tcSamplingState ctx) policy
let subCtx =
{ tcSamplingState =
updateSamplingState samplingDecision (tcSamplingState ctx)
report =
case samplingDecision of
SampleNever -> fmap fst
SampleAlways -> runReporter rep ctx name
report . runWriterT $
runReaderT (unTraceT tma) (TraceTEnv subCtx rep samplingDecision)
-- | Run an action in the 'TraceT' monad transformer in an
-- existing context.
runTraceTInContext ::
(MonadIO m, HasReporter m) => TraceContext -> SamplingPolicy -> Text -> TraceT m a -> m a
runTraceTInContext ctx policy name tma = do
rep <- askReporter
runTraceTWith ctx rep policy name tma
-- | Run an action in the 'TraceT' monad transformer in an
-- existing context.
runTraceTWithReporter ::
MonadIO m => Reporter -> SamplingPolicy -> Text -> TraceT m a -> m a
runTraceTWithReporter rep policy name tma = do
ctx <-
<$> liftIO randomTraceId
<*> liftIO randomSpanId
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure SamplingDefer
runTraceTWith ctx rep policy name tma
-- | Run an action in the 'TraceT' monad transformer while suppressing all
-- tracing-related side-effects.
ignoreTraceT :: MonadIO m => TraceT m a -> m a
ignoreTraceT = runTraceTWithReporter noReporter sampleNever ""
-- | Monads which support tracing. 'TraceT' is the standard example.
class Monad m => MonadTrace m where
-- | Trace the execution of a block of code, attaching a human-readable name.
trace :: Text -> m a -> m a
-- | Ask for the current tracing context, so that we can provide it to any
-- downstream services, e.g. in HTTP headers.
currentContext :: m TraceContext
-- | Ask for the current tracing reporter
currentReporter :: m Reporter
-- | Ask for the current sampling decision
currentSamplingDecision :: m SamplingDecision
-- | Log some metadata to be attached to the current span
attachMetadata :: TracingMetadata -> m ()
-- | Reinterpret a 'TraceT' action in another 'MonadTrace'.
-- This can be useful when you need to reorganize a monad transformer stack, for
-- example, to embed an action in some monadic computation, while preserving tracing
-- metadata and context.
-- For example, we use this function in various places in 'BackendExecute',
-- where we receive an action to execute in some concrete monad transformer stack.
-- See the various implementations of 'runQuery' for examples.
-- Ideally, the input computation's type would be sufficiently polymorphic that
-- we would not need to reorder monads inthe transformer stack. However, the monad
-- transformer stacks must be concrete, because their types are defined by
-- an associated type family 'ExecutionMonad'. Hence, we need to use this function
-- to peel off the outermost 'TraceT' constructor, and embed the computation in some
-- other 'MonadTrace'.
-- A second example is related to caching. The 'cacheLookup' function returns an
-- action in a concrete transformer stack, again because we are constrained by the
-- usage of a type class. We need to reinterpret the 'TraceT' component of this
-- concrete stack in some other abstract monad transformer stack, using this function.
-- Laws:
-- > interpTraceT id (hoist f (TraceT x)) = interpTraceT f (TraceT x)
interpTraceT ::
MonadTrace n =>
(m (a, TracingMetadata) -> n (b, TracingMetadata)) ->
TraceT m a ->
n b
interpTraceT f (TraceT rwma) = do
ctx <- currentContext
rep <- currentReporter
samplingDecision <- currentSamplingDecision
(b, meta) <- f (runWriterT (runReaderT rwma (TraceTEnv ctx rep samplingDecision)))
attachMetadata meta
pure b
-- | If the underlying monad can report trace data, then 'TraceT' will
-- collect it and hand it off to that reporter.
instance MonadIO m => MonadTrace (TraceT m) where
-- Note: this implementation is so awkward because we don't want to give the
-- derived MonadReader/Writer instances to TraceT
trace name ma = TraceT . ReaderT $ \env@(TraceTEnv ctx rep samplingDecision) -> do
case samplingDecision of
SampleNever -> runReaderT (unTraceT ma) env
SampleAlways -> do
spanId <- liftIO randomSpanId
let subCtx =
{ tcCurrentSpan = spanId,
tcCurrentParent = Just (tcCurrentSpan ctx)
lift . runReporter rep subCtx name . runWriterT $
runReaderT (unTraceT ma) (TraceTEnv subCtx rep samplingDecision)
currentContext = TraceT (asks tteTraceContext)
currentReporter = TraceT (asks tteReporter)
currentSamplingDecision = TraceT (asks tteSamplingDecision)
attachMetadata = TraceT . tell
instance MonadTrace m => MonadTrace (ReaderT r m) where
trace = mapReaderT . trace
currentContext = lift currentContext
currentReporter = lift currentReporter
currentSamplingDecision = lift currentSamplingDecision
attachMetadata = lift . attachMetadata
instance MonadTrace m => MonadTrace (StateT e m) where
trace = mapStateT . trace
currentContext = lift currentContext
currentReporter = lift currentReporter
currentSamplingDecision = lift currentSamplingDecision
attachMetadata = lift . attachMetadata
instance MonadTrace m => MonadTrace (ExceptT e m) where
trace = mapExceptT . trace
currentContext = lift currentContext
currentReporter = lift currentReporter
currentSamplingDecision = lift currentSamplingDecision
attachMetadata = lift . attachMetadata
-- | Inject the trace context as a set of HTTP headers.
injectB3HttpContext :: TraceContext -> [HTTP.Header]
injectB3HttpContext TraceContext {..} =
let traceId = (b3HeaderTraceId, traceIdToHex tcCurrentTrace)
spanId = (b3HeaderSpanId, spanIdToHex tcCurrentSpan)
parentSpanIdMaybe =
(,) b3HeaderParentSpanId . spanIdToHex <$> tcCurrentParent
samplingStateMaybe =
(,) b3HeaderSampled <$> samplingStateToHeader tcSamplingState
in traceId : spanId : catMaybes [parentSpanIdMaybe, samplingStateMaybe]
-- | Extract the trace and parent span headers from a HTTP request
-- and create a new 'TraceContext'. The new context will contain
-- a fresh span ID, and the provided span ID will be assigned as
-- the immediate parent span.
extractB3HttpContext :: [HTTP.Header] -> IO (Maybe TraceContext)
extractB3HttpContext hdrs = do
-- B3 TraceIds can have a length of either 64 bits (16 hex chars) or 128 bits
-- (32 hex chars). For 64-bit TraceIds, we pad them with zeros on the left to
-- make them 128 bits long.
let traceIdMaybe =
lookup b3HeaderTraceId hdrs >>= \rawTraceId ->
| Char8.length rawTraceId == 32 ->
traceIdFromHex rawTraceId
| Char8.length rawTraceId == 16 ->
traceIdFromHex $ Char8.replicate 16 '0' <> rawTraceId
| otherwise ->
for traceIdMaybe $ \traceId -> do
freshSpanId <- liftIO randomSpanId
let parentSpanId = spanIdFromHex =<< lookup b3HeaderSpanId hdrs
samplingState = samplingStateFromHeader $ lookup b3HeaderSampled hdrs
pure $ TraceContext traceId freshSpanId parentSpanId samplingState
b3HeaderTraceId, b3HeaderSpanId, b3HeaderParentSpanId, b3HeaderSampled :: IsString s => s
b3HeaderTraceId = "X-B3-TraceId"
b3HeaderSpanId = "X-B3-SpanId"
b3HeaderParentSpanId = "X-B3-ParentSpanId"
b3HeaderSampled = "X-B3-Sampled"
-- | Inject the trace context as a JSON value, appropriate for
-- storing in (e.g.) an event trigger payload.
injectEventContext :: TraceContext -> J.Value
injectEventContext TraceContext {..} =
let idFields =
[ eventKeyTraceId J..= bsToTxt (traceIdToHex tcCurrentTrace),
eventKeySpanId J..= bsToTxt (spanIdToHex tcCurrentSpan)
samplingFieldMaybe =
(J..=) eventKeySamplingState <$> samplingStateToHeader @Text tcSamplingState
in J.object $ idFields ++ maybeToList samplingFieldMaybe
-- | Extract a trace context from an event trigger payload.
extractEventContext :: J.Value -> IO (Maybe TraceContext)
extractEventContext e = do
let traceIdMaybe =
traceIdFromHex . txtToBs
=<< e ^? JL.key "trace_context" . JL.key eventKeyTraceId . JL._String
for traceIdMaybe $ \traceId -> do
freshSpanId <- randomSpanId
let parentSpanId =
spanIdFromHex . txtToBs
=<< e ^? JL.key "trace_context" . JL.key eventKeySpanId . JL._String
samplingState =
samplingStateFromHeader $
e ^? JL.key "trace_context" . JL.key eventKeySamplingState . JL._String
pure $ TraceContext traceId freshSpanId parentSpanId samplingState
eventKeyTraceId, eventKeySpanId, eventKeySamplingState :: J.Key
eventKeyTraceId = "trace_id"
eventKeySpanId = "span_id"
eventKeySamplingState = "sampling_state"
-- | Perform HTTP request which supports Trace headers using a
-- HTTP.Request value
-- - inline 'HTTP.performRequest' so that we can be sure a trace is always logged
-- - Inline 'try' here since we always use that at call sites
tracedHttpRequest ::
MonadTrace m =>
-- | http request that needs to be made
HTTP.Request ->
-- | a function that takes the traced request and executes it
(HTTP.Request -> m a) ->
m a
tracedHttpRequest req f = do
let method = bsToTxt (view HTTP.method req)
uri = view HTTP.url req
trace (method <> " " <> uri) do
let reqBytes = HTTP.getReqSize req
attachMetadata [("request_body_bytes", fromString (show reqBytes))]
ctx <- currentContext
f $ over HTTP.headers (injectB3HttpContext ctx <>) req