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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/3265 GitOrigin-RevId: f7faa22be30ecc5a876dc40ad93cb8d2452de65e
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-- | Defines common functionality for building MSSQL execution plans for IR ASTs.
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Execute.MutationResponse
( mkMutationOutputSelect,
import Control.Monad.Validate qualified as V
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.FromIr as TSQL
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Internal as TSQL
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
-- ** Mutation response
-- | Generate a SQL SELECT statement which outputs the mutation response
-- For multi row inserts:
-- SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [with_alias]) AS [affected_rows], (select_from_returning) AS [returning] FOR JSON PATH, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER
-- For single row insert: the selection set is translated to SQL query using @'mkSQLSelect'
mkMutationOutputSelect ::
(MonadError QErr m) =>
Bool ->
Text ->
MutationOutputG 'MSSQL Void Expression ->
m Select
mkMutationOutputSelect stringifyNum withAlias = \case
IR.MOutMultirowFields multiRowFields -> do
projections <- forM multiRowFields $ \(fieldName, field') -> do
let mkProjection = ExpressionProjection . flip Aliased (getFieldNameTxt fieldName) . SelectExpression
mkProjection <$> case field' of
IR.MCount -> pure $ countSelect withAlias
IR.MExp t -> pure $ textSelect t
IR.MRet returningFields -> mkSelect stringifyNum withAlias JASMultipleRows returningFields
let forJson = JsonFor $ ForJson JsonSingleton NoRoot
pure emptySelect {selectFor = forJson, selectProjections = projections}
IR.MOutSinglerowObject singleRowField -> mkSelect stringifyNum withAlias JASSingleObject singleRowField
-- | Generate a SQL SELECT statement which outputs the mutation response and check constraint result
-- The check constraint boolean expression is evaluated on mutated rows in a CASE expression so that
-- the int value "0" is returned when check constraint is true otherwise the int value "1" is returned.
-- We use "SUM" aggregation on the returned value and if check constraint on any row is not met, the summed
-- value will not equal to "0" (always > 1).
-- <check_constraint_select> :=
-- SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN <check_boolean_expression> THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) FROM [with_alias]
-- <mutation_output_select> :=
-- SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [with_alias]) AS [affected_rows], (select_from_returning) AS [returning] FOR JSON PATH, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER
-- SELECT (<mutation_output_select>) AS [mutation_response], (<check_constraint_select>) AS [check_constraint_select]
selectMutationOutputAndCheckCondition :: Text -> Select -> Expression -> Select
selectMutationOutputAndCheckCondition alias mutationOutputSelect checkBoolExp =
let mutationOutputProjection =
ExpressionProjection $ Aliased (SelectExpression mutationOutputSelect) "mutation_response"
checkConstraintProjection =
-- apply ISNULL() to avoid check constraint select statement yielding empty rows
ExpressionProjection $
Aliased (FunctionApplicationExpression $ FunExpISNULL (SelectExpression checkConstraintSelect) (ValueExpression (ODBC.IntValue 0))) "check_constraint_select"
in emptySelect {selectProjections = [mutationOutputProjection, checkConstraintProjection]}
checkConstraintSelect =
let zeroValue = ValueExpression $ ODBC.IntValue 0
oneValue = ValueExpression $ ODBC.IntValue 1
caseExpression = ConditionalExpression checkBoolExp zeroValue oneValue
sumAggregate = OpAggregate "SUM" [caseExpression]
in emptySelect
{ selectProjections = [AggregateProjection (Aliased sumAggregate "check")],
selectFrom = Just $ TSQL.FromIdentifier alias
mkSelect ::
MonadError QErr m =>
Bool ->
Text ->
JsonAggSelect ->
Fields (AnnFieldG 'MSSQL Void Expression) ->
m Select
mkSelect stringifyNum withAlias jsonAggSelect annFields = do
let annSelect = IR.AnnSelectG annFields (IR.FromIdentifier $ FIIdentifier withAlias) IR.noTablePermissions IR.noSelectArgs stringifyNum
V.runValidate (runFromIr $ mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect annSelect) `onLeft` (throw500 . tshow)
-- SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count" FROM [with_alias]
countSelect :: Text -> Select
countSelect withAlias =
let countProjection = AggregateProjection $ Aliased (CountAggregate StarCountable) "count"
in emptySelect
{ selectProjections = [countProjection],
selectFrom = Just $ TSQL.FromIdentifier withAlias
-- SELECT '<text-value>' AS "exp"
textSelect :: Text -> Select
textSelect t =
let textProjection = ExpressionProjection $ Aliased (ValueExpression (ODBC.TextValue t)) "exp"
in emptySelect {selectProjections = [textProjection]}