mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 13:31:43 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9284 GitOrigin-RevId: 2f2cf2ad01900a54e4bdb970205ac0ef313c7e00
647 lines
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647 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Schema () where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Scientific (fromFloatDigits)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Text.Casing (GQLNameIdentifier, fromAutogeneratedName, fromCustomName)
import Data.Text.Extended (toTxt, (<<>), (<>>))
import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Backend (CustomBooleanOperator (..), columnTypeToScalarType)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types qualified as DC
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types.Mutations qualified as DC
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Function.Cache qualified as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend (BackendSchema (..), BackendTableSelectSchema (..), BackendUpdateOperatorsSchema (..), ComparisonExp, MonadBuildSchema)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp qualified as GS.BE
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build qualified as GS.B
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common qualified as GS.C
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select qualified as GS.S
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table qualified as GS.T
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename qualified as GS.N
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Update qualified as GS.U
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Update.Batch qualified as GS.U.B
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Delete qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Insert qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Root qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Update qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType (BackendType (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types.NamingCase
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Schema.Options qualified as Options
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization qualified as RQL
import Hasura.Table.Cache qualified as RQL
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as GQL
instance BackendSchema 'DataConnector where
-- top level parsers
buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields = GS.B.buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields
buildTableRelayQueryFields = experimentalBuildTableRelayQueryFields
buildFunctionQueryFields = buildFunctionQueryFields'
buildFunctionRelayQueryFields _ _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildFunctionMutationFields _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildTableInsertMutationFields = buildTableInsertMutationFields'
buildTableUpdateMutationFields = buildTableUpdateMutationFields'
buildTableDeleteMutationFields = buildTableDeleteMutationFields'
buildTableStreamingSubscriptionFields _ _ _ _ = pure []
-- backend extensions
relayExtension = Nothing
nodesAggExtension = Just ()
streamSubscriptionExtension = Nothing
-- individual components
columnParser = columnParser'
enumParser = enumParser'
possiblyNullable = possiblyNullable'
scalarSelectionArgumentsParser _ = pure Nothing
orderByOperators = orderByOperators'
comparisonExps = comparisonExps'
countTypeInput = countTypeInput'
-- aggregateOrderByCountType is only used when generating Relay schemas, and Data Connector backends do not yet support Relay
-- If/when we want to support this we would need to add something to Capabilities to tell HGE what (integer-like) scalar
-- type should be used to represent the result of a count aggregate in relay order-by queries.
aggregateOrderByCountType =
error "aggregateOrderByCountType: not implemented for Data Connector backend"
computedField =
error "computedField: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
instance BackendTableSelectSchema 'DataConnector where
tableArguments = tableArgs'
selectTable = GS.S.defaultSelectTable
selectTableAggregate = GS.S.defaultSelectTableAggregate
tableSelectionSet = GS.S.defaultTableSelectionSet
instance BackendUpdateOperatorsSchema 'DataConnector where
type UpdateOperators 'DataConnector = DC.UpdateOperator
parseUpdateOperators = parseUpdateOperators'
buildFunctionQueryFields' ::
forall r m n.
( MonadError QErr m,
P.MonadMemoize m,
MonadParse n,
Has (RQL.SourceInfo 'DataConnector) r,
Has GS.C.SchemaContext r,
Has Options.SchemaOptions r
) =>
RQL.MkRootFieldName ->
DC.FunctionName ->
RQL.FunctionInfo 'DataConnector ->
DC.TableName ->
[ P.FieldParser
( IR.QueryDB
(IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue)
(IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)
buildFunctionQueryFields' mkRootFieldName functionName functionInfo tableName = do
let -- Implementation modified from buildFunctionQueryFieldsPG
funcDesc =
. GQL.Description
$ flip fromMaybe (RQL._fiComment functionInfo <|> RQL._fiDescription functionInfo)
$ "execute function "
<> functionName
<<> " which returns "
<>> tableName
queryResultType =
case RQL._fiJsonAggSelect functionInfo of
RQL.JASMultipleRows -> IR.QDBMultipleRows
RQL.JASSingleObject -> IR.QDBSingleRow
<$> sequenceA
[ GS.C.optionalFieldParser queryResultType $ selectFunction mkRootFieldName functionInfo funcDesc
-- TODO: Aggregations are not currently supported.
-- See: GS.C.optionalFieldParser (QDBAggregation) $ selectFunctionAggregate mkRootFieldName functionInfo funcAggDesc
-- | User-defined function (AKA custom function) -- Modified from PG variant.
selectFunction ::
forall r m n.
( MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n
) =>
RQL.MkRootFieldName ->
-- | SQL function info
RQL.FunctionInfo 'DataConnector -> -- TODO: The function return type should have already been resolved by this point - Into TableName
-- | field description, if any
Maybe GQL.Description ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (Maybe (P.FieldParser n (GS.C.SelectExp 'DataConnector)))
selectFunction mkRootFieldName fi@RQL.FunctionInfo {..} description = runMaybeT do
sourceInfo :: RQL.SourceInfo 'DataConnector <- asks getter
roleName <- GS.C.retrieve GS.C.scRole
let customization = RQL._siCustomization sourceInfo
tCase = RQL._rscNamingConvention customization
tableInfo <- lift $ GS.C.askTableInfo _fiReturnType
selectPermissions <- hoistMaybe $ GS.T.tableSelectPermissions roleName tableInfo
selectionSetParser <- MaybeT $ returnFunctionParser tableInfo
lift do
stringifyNumbers <- GS.C.retrieve Options.soStringifyNumbers
tableArgsParser <- tableArguments tableInfo
functionArgsParser <- customFunctionArgs fi _fiGQLName _fiGQLArgsName
let argsParser = liftA2 (,) functionArgsParser tableArgsParser
functionFieldName = RQL.runMkRootFieldName mkRootFieldName _fiGQLName
$ P.subselection functionFieldName description argsParser selectionSetParser
<&> \((funcArgs, tableArgs''), fields) ->
{ IR._asnFields = fields,
IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction _fiSQLName funcArgs Nothing,
IR._asnPerm = GS.S.tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions,
IR._asnArgs = tableArgs'',
IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNumbers,
IR._asnNamingConvention = Just tCase
returnFunctionParser =
case _fiJsonAggSelect of
RQL.JASSingleObject -> tableSelectionSet
RQL.JASMultipleRows -> GS.S.tableSelectionList
-- Modified version of the PG Reference: customSQLFunctionArgs.
-- | The custom SQL functions' input "args" field parser
-- > function_name(args: function_args)
customFunctionArgs ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.FunctionInfo 'DataConnector ->
GQL.Name ->
GQL.Name ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (RQL.FunctionArgsExp 'DataConnector (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))
customFunctionArgs RQL.FunctionInfo {..} functionName functionArgsName =
( FTACustomFunction
$ RQL.CustomFunctionNames
{ cfnFunctionName = functionName,
cfnArgsName = functionArgsName
-- NOTE: Modified version of server/src-lib/Hasura/Backends/Postgres/Schema/Select.hs ~ functionArgs
functionArgs' ::
forall r m n.
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
FunctionTrackedAs 'DataConnector ->
Seq.Seq (RQL.FunctionInputArgument 'DataConnector) ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (RQL.FunctionArgsExp 'DataConnector (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))
functionArgs' functionTrackedAs (toList -> inputArgs) = do
sourceInfo :: RQL.SourceInfo 'DataConnector <- asks getter
let customization = RQL._siCustomization sourceInfo
tCase = RQL._rscNamingConvention customization
mkTypename = GS.N.runMkTypename $ RQL._rscTypeNames customization
(names, session, optional, mandatory) = mconcat $ snd $ mapAccumL splitArguments 1 inputArgs
defaultArguments = RQL.FunctionArgsExp (snd <$> session) HashMap.empty
| length session > 1 ->
throw500 "there shouldn't be more than one session argument"
| null optional && null mandatory ->
pure $ pure defaultArguments
| otherwise -> do
argumentParsers <- sequenceA $ optional <> mandatory
objectName <-
. RQL.applyTypeNameCaseIdentifier tCase
<$> case functionTrackedAs of
FTAComputedField computedFieldName _sourceName tableName -> do
tableInfo <- GS.C.askTableInfo tableName
computedFieldGQLName <- GS.C.textToName $ computedFieldNameToText computedFieldName
tableGQLName <- GS.T.getTableIdentifierName @'DataConnector tableInfo
pure $ RQL.mkFunctionArgsTypeName computedFieldGQLName tableGQLName
FTACustomFunction (CustomFunctionNames {cfnArgsName}) ->
pure $ fromCustomName cfnArgsName
let fieldName = Name._args
fieldDesc =
case functionTrackedAs of
FTAComputedField computedFieldName _sourceName tableName ->
$ "input parameters for computed field "
<> computedFieldName
<<> " defined on table "
<>> tableName
FTACustomFunction (CustomFunctionNames {cfnFunctionName}) ->
GQL.Description $ "input parameters for function " <>> cfnFunctionName
objectParser =
P.object objectName Nothing (sequenceA argumentParsers) `P.bind` \arguments -> do
let foundArguments = HashMap.fromList $ catMaybes arguments <> session
argsWithNames = zip names inputArgs
-- All args have names in DC for now
named <- HashMap.fromList . catMaybes <$> traverse (namedArgument foundArguments) argsWithNames
pure $ RQL.FunctionArgsExp [] named
pure $ P.field fieldName (Just fieldDesc) objectParser
sessionPlaceholder :: DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue b)
sessionPlaceholder = DC.AEInput IR.UVSession
splitArguments ::
Int ->
RQL.FunctionInputArgument 'DataConnector ->
( Int,
( [Text], -- graphql names, in order
[(Text, DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))], -- session argument
[GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Text, DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))))], -- optional argument
[GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Text, DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))))] -- mandatory argument
splitArguments positionalIndex (RQL.IASessionVariables name) =
let argName = RQL.getFuncArgNameTxt name
in (positionalIndex, ([argName], [(argName, sessionPlaceholder)], [], []))
splitArguments positionalIndex (RQL.IAUserProvided arg@(API.FunctionArg faName _faType _faOptional)) =
let (argName, newIndex) = (faName, positionalIndex) -- Names are currently always present
in -- NOTE: Positional defaults are not implemented here, but named arguments should support this.
-- See: `if Postgres.unHasDefault $ Postgres.faHasDefault arg`
(newIndex, ([argName], [], [], [parseArgument arg argName]))
parseArgument :: RQL.FunctionArgument 'DataConnector -> Text -> GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Text, DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))))
parseArgument (API.FunctionArg faName faType _faOptional) name = do
typedParser <- columnParser (RQL.ColumnScalar $ convertScalarType faType) (GQL.Nullability True)
fieldName <- GS.C.textToName name
let argParser = P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing typedParser
pure $ argParser `GS.C.mapField` ((faName,) . DC.AEInput . IR.mkParameter)
namedArgument ::
HashMap Text (DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)) ->
(Text, RQL.FunctionInputArgument 'DataConnector) ->
n (Maybe (Text, DC.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))
namedArgument dictionary (name, inputArgument) = case inputArgument of
RQL.IASessionVariables _ -> pure $ Just (name, sessionPlaceholder)
RQL.IAUserProvided (API.FunctionArg _faName _faType faOptional) -> case HashMap.lookup name dictionary of
Just parsedValue -> pure $ Just (name, parsedValue) -- Names are currently always present
Nothing ->
if faOptional
then pure Nothing
else P.parseErrorWith P.NotSupported "Non default arguments cannot be omitted"
convertScalarType :: API.ScalarType -> RQL.ScalarType 'DataConnector
convertScalarType t = DC.ScalarType (API.getScalarType t) Nothing -- TODO: GQL Type Name
buildTableInsertMutationFields' ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.MkRootFieldName ->
GS.C.Scenario ->
RQL.TableName 'DataConnector ->
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
GQLNameIdentifier ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m [P.FieldParser n (IR.AnnotatedInsert 'DataConnector (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))]
buildTableInsertMutationFields' mkRootFieldName scenario tableName tableInfo gqlName = do
API.Capabilities {..} <- DC._scCapabilities . RQL._siConfiguration @('DataConnector) <$> asks getter
case _cMutations >>= API._mcInsertCapabilities of
Just _insertCapabilities -> GS.B.buildTableInsertMutationFields mkBackendInsertParser mkRootFieldName scenario tableName tableInfo gqlName
Nothing -> pure []
mkBackendInsertParser ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (DC.BackendInsert (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))
mkBackendInsertParser _tableInfo =
pure $ pure DC.BackendInsert
buildTableUpdateMutationFields' ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
GS.C.Scenario ->
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
GQLNameIdentifier ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m [P.FieldParser n (IR.AnnotatedUpdateG 'DataConnector (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))]
buildTableUpdateMutationFields' scenario tableInfo gqlName = do
API.Capabilities {..} <- DC._scCapabilities . RQL._siConfiguration @('DataConnector) <$> asks getter
case _cMutations >>= API._mcUpdateCapabilities of
Just _updateCapabilities -> do
updateRootFields <- GS.B.buildSingleBatchTableUpdateMutationFields DC.SingleBatch scenario tableInfo gqlName
updateManyRootField <- GS.U.B.updateTableMany DC.MultipleBatches scenario tableInfo gqlName
pure $ updateRootFields ++ (maybeToList updateManyRootField)
Nothing -> pure []
parseUpdateOperators' ::
forall m n r.
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
RQL.UpdPermInfo 'DataConnector ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (RQL.Column 'DataConnector) (DC.UpdateOperator (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))))
parseUpdateOperators' tableInfo updatePermissions = do
capabilities <- DC._scCapabilities . RQL._siConfiguration @('DataConnector) <$> asks getter
let scalarTypeCapabilities = API.unScalarTypesCapabilities . API._cScalarTypes $ capabilities
-- Group all the custom operators by operator name
let customOperatorCapabilities =
& HashMap.toList
>>= ( \(scalarType, API.ScalarTypeCapabilities {..}) ->
let scalarType' = DC.mkScalarType capabilities scalarType
in API.unUpdateColumnOperators _stcUpdateColumnOperators
& HashMap.toList
<&> (\(operatorName, operatorDefinition) -> HashMap.singleton operatorName (HashMap.singleton scalarType' operatorDefinition))
& HashMap.unionsWith (<>)
let customOperators =
& HashMap.toList
<&> (\(operatorName, operatorUsages) -> DC.UpdateCustomOperator operatorName <$> updateCustomOp operatorName operatorUsages)
(DC.UpdateSet <$> GS.U.presetColumns updatePermissions)
((DC.UpdateSet <$> GS.U.setOp) : customOperators)
updateCustomOp ::
forall m n r.
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
API.UpdateColumnOperatorName ->
HashMap DC.ScalarType API.UpdateColumnOperatorDefinition ->
GS.U.UpdateOperator 'DataConnector r m n (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)
updateCustomOp (API.UpdateColumnOperatorName operatorName) operatorUsages = GS.U.UpdateOperator {..}
extractColumnScalarType :: RQL.ColumnInfo 'DataConnector -> Maybe DC.ScalarType
extractColumnScalarType RQL.ColumnInfo {..} =
case ciType of
RQL.ColumnScalar columnScalarType -> Just columnScalarType
RQL.ColumnEnumReference _enumReference -> Nothing
updateOperatorApplicableColumn :: RQL.ColumnInfo 'DataConnector -> Bool
updateOperatorApplicableColumn columnInfo =
-- ColumnEnumReferences are not supported at this time
extractColumnScalarType columnInfo
<&> (\columnScalarType -> HashMap.member columnScalarType operatorUsages)
& fromMaybe False
-- Prepend the operator name with underscore
operatorGraphqlFieldIdentifier :: GQLNameIdentifier
operatorGraphqlFieldIdentifier =
fromAutogeneratedName $ GQL.addSuffixes $$(GQL.litName "_") [GQL.convertNameToSuffix operatorName]
updateOperatorParser ::
GQLNameIdentifier ->
RQL.TableName 'DataConnector ->
NonEmpty (RQL.ColumnInfo 'DataConnector) ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (RQL.Column 'DataConnector) (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))
updateOperatorParser tableGQLName tableName columns = do
capabilities <- DC._scCapabilities . RQL._siConfiguration @('DataConnector) <$> asks getter
let operatorIdentifier = fromAutogeneratedName operatorName
let typedParser :: RQL.ColumnInfo 'DataConnector -> GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.Parser 'P.Both n (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))
typedParser columnInfo = do
columnScalarType <- extractColumnScalarType columnInfo `onNothing` throw400 NotSupported "updateOperatorParser: Enum column types not supported"
argumentType <-
( HashMap.lookup columnScalarType operatorUsages
<&> (\API.UpdateColumnOperatorDefinition {..} -> RQL.ColumnScalar $ DC.mkScalarType capabilities _ucodArgumentType)
-- This shouldn't happen 😬 because updateOperatorApplicableColumn should protect this
-- parser from being used with unsupported column types
`onNothing` throw500 ("updateOperatorParser: Unable to find argument type for update column operator " <> toTxt operatorName <> " used with column scalar type " <> toTxt columnScalarType)
fmap IR.mkParameter
<$> columnParser'
(GQL.Nullability $ RQL.ciIsNullable columnInfo)
(GQL.Description $ "applies the " <> toTxt operatorName <> " operator with the given values to the specified columns")
(GQL.Description $ "input type for applying the " <> toTxt operatorName <> " operator to columns in table " <> toTxt tableName)
buildTableDeleteMutationFields' ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.MkRootFieldName ->
GS.C.Scenario ->
RQL.TableName 'DataConnector ->
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
GQLNameIdentifier ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m [P.FieldParser n (IR.AnnDelG 'DataConnector (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))]
buildTableDeleteMutationFields' mkRootFieldName scenario tableName tableInfo gqlName = do
API.Capabilities {..} <- DC._scCapabilities . RQL._siConfiguration @('DataConnector) <$> asks getter
case _cMutations >>= API._mcDeleteCapabilities of
Just _deleteCapabilities -> GS.B.buildTableDeleteMutationFields mkRootFieldName scenario tableName tableInfo gqlName
Nothing -> pure []
experimentalBuildTableRelayQueryFields ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.MkRootFieldName ->
RQL.TableName 'DataConnector ->
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
GQLNameIdentifier ->
NESeq (RQL.ColumnInfo 'DataConnector) ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m [P.FieldParser n a]
experimentalBuildTableRelayQueryFields _mkRootFieldName _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _pkeyColumns =
pure []
columnParser' ::
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.ColumnType 'DataConnector ->
GQL.Nullability ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.Parser 'P.Both n (IR.ValueWithOrigin (RQL.ColumnValue 'DataConnector)))
columnParser' columnType nullability = case columnType of
RQL.ColumnScalar scalarType@(DC.ScalarType name graphQLType) ->
P.memoizeOn 'columnParser' (scalarType, nullability)
$ GS.C.peelWithOrigin
. fmap (RQL.ColumnValue columnType)
. possiblyNullable' scalarType nullability
<$> do
gqlName <-
GQL.mkName name
`onNothing` throw400 ValidationFailed ("The column type name " <> name <<> " is not a valid GraphQL name")
pure $ case graphQLType of
Nothing -> P.jsonScalar gqlName (Just "A custom scalar type")
Just DC.GraphQLInt -> (J.Number . fromIntegral) <$> P.namedInt gqlName
Just DC.GraphQLFloat -> (J.Number . fromFloatDigits) <$> P.namedFloat gqlName
Just DC.GraphQLString -> J.String <$> P.namedString gqlName
Just DC.GraphQLBoolean -> J.Bool <$> P.namedBoolean gqlName
Just DC.GraphQLID -> J.String <$> P.namedIdentifier gqlName
RQL.ColumnEnumReference (RQL.EnumReference tableName enumValues customTableName) ->
case nonEmpty (HashMap.toList enumValues) of
Just enumValuesList ->
. fmap (RQL.ColumnValue columnType)
<$> enumParser' tableName enumValuesList customTableName nullability
Nothing -> throw400 ValidationFailed "empty enum values"
enumParser' ::
(MonadError QErr m) =>
RQL.TableName 'DataConnector ->
NonEmpty (RQL.EnumValue, RQL.EnumValueInfo) ->
Maybe GQL.Name ->
GQL.Nullability ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.Parser 'P.Both n (RQL.ScalarValue 'DataConnector))
enumParser' _tableName _enumValues _customTableName _nullability =
throw400 NotSupported "This column type is unsupported by the Data Connector backend"
possiblyNullable' ::
(MonadParse m) =>
RQL.ScalarType 'DataConnector ->
GQL.Nullability ->
P.Parser 'P.Both m J.Value ->
P.Parser 'P.Both m J.Value
possiblyNullable' _scalarType (GQL.Nullability isNullable)
| isNullable = fmap (fromMaybe J.Null) . P.nullable
| otherwise = id
orderByOperators' :: RQL.SourceInfo 'DataConnector -> NamingCase -> (GQL.Name, NonEmpty (P.Definition P.EnumValueInfo, (RQL.BasicOrderType 'DataConnector, RQL.NullsOrderType 'DataConnector)))
orderByOperators' RQL.SourceInfo {_siConfiguration} _tCase =
let dcName = DC._scDataConnectorName _siConfiguration
orderBy = GQL.addSuffixes (DC.unDataConnectorName dcName) [$$(GQL.litSuffix "_order_by")]
in (orderBy,)
-- NOTE: NamingCase is not being used here as we don't support naming conventions for this DB
[ ( define $$(GQL.litName "asc") "in ascending order",
(DC.Ascending, ())
( define $$(GQL.litName "desc") "in descending order",
(DC.Descending, ())
define name desc = P.Definition name (Just desc) Nothing [] P.EnumValueInfo
comparisonExps' ::
forall m n r.
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.ColumnType 'DataConnector ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.Parser 'P.Input n [ComparisonExp 'DataConnector])
comparisonExps' columnType = do
collapseIfNull <- GS.C.retrieve Options.soDangerousBooleanCollapse
sourceInfo :: RQL.SourceInfo 'DataConnector <- asks getter
let dataConnectorName = sourceInfo ^. RQL.siConfiguration . DC.scDataConnectorName
tCase = RQL._rscNamingConvention $ RQL._siCustomization sourceInfo
P.memoizeOn 'comparisonExps' (dataConnectorName, columnType) do
typedParser <- columnParser' columnType (GQL.Nullability False)
let name = GQL.addSuffixes (P.getName typedParser) [$$(GQL.litSuffix "_"), GQL.convertNameToSuffix (DC.unDataConnectorName dataConnectorName), $$(GQL.litSuffix "_comparison_exp")]
desc =
$ "Boolean expression to compare columns of type "
<> P.getName typedParser
<<> ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."
columnListParser = fmap IR.openValueOrigin <$> P.list typedParser
customOperators <- (fmap . fmap . fmap) IR.ABackendSpecific <$> mkCustomOperators sourceInfo tCase collapseIfNull (P.getName typedParser)
$ P.object name (Just desc)
$ fmap catMaybes
$ sequenceA
$ concat
[ GS.BE.equalityOperators
(IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser)
(mkListLiteral <$> columnListParser),
(IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
mkListLiteral :: [RQL.ColumnValue 'DataConnector] -> IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector
mkListLiteral columnValues =
IR.UVLiteral $ DC.ArrayLiteral (columnTypeToScalarType columnType) (RQL.cvValue <$> columnValues)
mkCustomOperators ::
RQL.SourceInfo 'DataConnector ->
NamingCase ->
Options.DangerouslyCollapseBooleans ->
GQL.Name ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m [P.InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (CustomBooleanOperator (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))]
mkCustomOperators sourceInfo tCase collapseIfNull typeName = do
let capabilities = sourceInfo ^. RQL.siConfiguration . DC.scCapabilities
case HashMap.lookup (DC.fromGQLType typeName) (API.unScalarTypesCapabilities $ API._cScalarTypes capabilities) of
Nothing -> pure []
Just API.ScalarTypeCapabilities {..} -> do
traverse (mkCustomOperator tCase collapseIfNull) $ HashMap.toList $ fmap (DC.mkScalarType capabilities) $ API.unComparisonOperators $ _stcComparisonOperators
mkCustomOperator ::
NamingCase ->
Options.DangerouslyCollapseBooleans ->
(GQL.Name, DC.ScalarType) ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (CustomBooleanOperator (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))))
mkCustomOperator tCase collapseIfNull (operatorName, argType) = do
argParser <- mkArgParser argType
$ GS.BE.mkBoolOperator tCase collapseIfNull (fromCustomName operatorName) Nothing
$ CustomBooleanOperator (GQL.unName operatorName)
. Just
. Right
<$> argParser
mkArgParser :: DC.ScalarType -> GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.Parser 'P.Both n (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector))
mkArgParser argType =
fmap IR.mkParameter
<$> columnParser'
(RQL.ColumnScalar argType)
(GQL.Nullability True)
tableArgs' ::
forall r m n.
(MonadBuildSchema 'DataConnector r m n) =>
RQL.TableInfo 'DataConnector ->
GS.C.SchemaT r m (P.InputFieldsParser n (IR.SelectArgsG 'DataConnector (IR.UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector)))
tableArgs' tableInfo = do
whereParser <- GS.S.tableWhereArg tableInfo
orderByParser <- GS.S.tableOrderByArg tableInfo
let mkSelectArgs whereArg orderByArg limitArg offsetArg =
{ _saWhere = whereArg,
_saOrderBy = orderByArg,
_saLimit = limitArg,
_saOffset = offsetArg,
_saDistinct = Nothing
$ mkSelectArgs
<$> whereParser
<*> orderByParser
<*> GS.S.tableLimitArg
<*> GS.S.tableOffsetArg
countTypeInput' ::
(MonadParse n) =>
Maybe (P.Parser 'P.Both n DC.ColumnName) ->
P.InputFieldsParser n (IR.CountDistinct -> DC.CountAggregate)
countTypeInput' = \case
Just columnEnum -> mkCountAggregate <$> P.fieldOptional Name._column Nothing columnEnum
Nothing -> pure $ mkCountAggregate Nothing
mkCountAggregate :: Maybe DC.ColumnName -> IR.CountDistinct -> DC.CountAggregate
mkCountAggregate Nothing _ = DC.StarCount
mkCountAggregate (Just column) IR.SelectCountDistinct = DC.ColumnDistinctCount column
mkCountAggregate (Just column) IR.SelectCountNonDistinct = DC.ColumnCount column