mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 06:17:29 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4267 GitOrigin-RevId: 2d93c35a7e34dbada3b72aabcae5fc2858bbfc29
779 lines
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779 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema
( buildGQLContext,
import Control.Concurrent.Extended (forConcurrentlyEIO)
import Control.Lens.Extended
import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as JO
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.NonEmpty qualified as NT
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
( Kind (..),
Schema (..),
UnpreparedValue (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Constants qualified as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser (FieldParser (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema.Convert (convertToSchemaIntrospection)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Instances ()
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Introspect
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Postgres
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote (buildRemoteParser)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Tag (HasTag)
import Hasura.Session
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- Building contexts
-- | Builds the full GraphQL context for a given query type.
-- A 'GQLContext' stores how an incoming request should be processed: how to
-- translate each incoming field of a request into a corresponding semantic
-- representation. There is a different one per 'Role', as each role might have
-- different permissions, and therefore not access to the same set of objects in
-- the schema.
-- This function takes all necessary information from the metadata, and the
-- 'GraphQLQueryType', and builds all relevant contexts: a hash map from
-- 'RoleName' to their 'GQLContext' and the "default" context for
-- unauthenticated users.
-- When building the schema for each role, we treat the remote schemas as
-- "second-class citizens" compared to sources; more specifically, we attempt to
-- detect whether the inclusion of a given remote schema would result in root
-- fields conflict, and only keep schemas that don't generate any. This results
-- in a partial schema being available to the users, and a better error message
-- than would arise from 'safeSelectionSet'.
buildGQLContext ::
forall m.
( MonadError QErr m,
MonadIO m
) =>
ServerConfigCtx ->
GraphQLQueryType ->
SourceCache ->
HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject) ->
ActionCache ->
AnnotatedCustomTypes ->
( G.SchemaIntrospection,
HashMap RoleName (RoleContext GQLContext),
HashSet InconsistentMetadata
buildGQLContext ServerConfigCtx {..} queryType sources allRemoteSchemas allActions customTypes = do
let remoteSchemasRoles = concatMap (Map.keys . _rscPermissions . fst . snd) $ Map.toList allRemoteSchemas
nonTableRoles =
Set.insert adminRoleName $
(allActionInfos ^.. folded . aiPermissions . to Map.keys . folded)
<> Set.fromList (bool mempty remoteSchemasRoles $ _sccRemoteSchemaPermsCtx == RemoteSchemaPermsEnabled)
allActionInfos = Map.elems allActions
allTableRoles = Set.fromList $ getTableRoles =<< Map.elems sources
allRoles = nonTableRoles <> allTableRoles
roleContexts <-
-- Buld role contexts in parallel. We'd prefer deterministic parallelism
-- but that isn't really acheivable (see mono #3829). NOTE: the admin role
-- will still be a bottleneck here, even on huge_schema which has many
-- roles.
fmap Map.fromList $
forConcurrentlyEIO 10 (Set.toList allRoles) $ \role ->
<$> case queryType of
QueryHasura ->
(_sccSQLGenCtx, queryType, _sccFunctionPermsCtx)
QueryRelay ->
(,mempty,G.SchemaIntrospection mempty)
<$> buildRelayRoleContext
(_sccSQLGenCtx, queryType, _sccFunctionPermsCtx)
adminIntrospection <-
case Map.lookup adminRoleName roleContexts of
Just (_context, _errors, introspection) -> pure introspection
Nothing -> throw500 "buildGQLContext failed to build for the admin role"
(unauthenticated, unauthenticatedRemotesErrors) <- unauthenticatedContext allRemoteSchemas _sccRemoteSchemaPermsCtx
( adminIntrospection,
view _1 <$> roleContexts,
Set.unions $ unauthenticatedRemotesErrors : map (view _2) (Map.elems roleContexts)
-- | Build the @QueryHasura@ context for a given role.
buildRoleContext ::
forall m.
(MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m) =>
(SQLGenCtx, GraphQLQueryType, FunctionPermissionsCtx) ->
SourceCache ->
HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject) ->
[ActionInfo] ->
AnnotatedCustomTypes ->
RoleName ->
RemoteSchemaPermsCtx ->
( RoleContext GQLContext,
HashSet InconsistentMetadata,
buildRoleContext options sources remotes allActionInfos customTypes role remoteSchemaPermsCtx = do
let ( SQLGenCtx stringifyNum dangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters,
) = options
roleQueryContext =
runMonadSchema role roleQueryContext sources (fst <$> remotes) $ do
-- build all sources
(sourcesQueryFields, sourcesMutationFrontendFields, sourcesMutationBackendFields) <-
fmap mconcat $ traverse (buildBackendSource buildSource) $ toList sources
-- build all remote schemas
-- we only keep the ones that don't result in a name conflict
(remoteSchemaFields, remoteSchemaErrors) <-
buildAndValidateRemoteSchemas remotes sourcesQueryFields sourcesMutationBackendFields role remoteSchemaPermsCtx
let remotesQueryFields = concatMap piQuery remoteSchemaFields
remotesMutationFields = concat $ mapMaybe piMutation remoteSchemaFields
mutationParserFrontend <-
buildMutationParser remotesMutationFields allActionInfos customTypes sourcesMutationFrontendFields
mutationParserBackend <-
buildMutationParser remotesMutationFields allActionInfos customTypes sourcesMutationBackendFields
subscriptionParser <-
buildSubscriptionParser sourcesQueryFields allActionInfos customTypes
queryParserFrontend <-
buildQueryParser sourcesQueryFields remotesQueryFields allActionInfos customTypes mutationParserFrontend subscriptionParser
queryParserBackend <-
buildQueryParser sourcesQueryFields remotesQueryFields allActionInfos customTypes mutationParserBackend subscriptionParser
-- In order to catch errors early, we attempt to generate the data
-- required for introspection, which ends up doing a few correctness
-- checks in the GraphQL schema. Furthermore, we want to persist this
-- information in the case of the admin role.
introspectionSchema <- do
result <-
<$> buildIntrospectionSchema
(P.parserType queryParserBackend)
(P.parserType <$> mutationParserBackend)
(P.parserType <$> subscriptionParser)
pure $
-- TODO(nicuveo): we treat the admin role differently in this function,
-- which is a bit inelegant; we might want to refactor this function and
-- split it into several steps, so that we can make a separate function for
-- the admin role that reuses the common parts and avoid such tests.
if role == adminRoleName
then result
else G.SchemaIntrospection mempty
void $
(P.parserType queryParserFrontend)
(P.parserType <$> mutationParserFrontend)
(P.parserType <$> subscriptionParser)
-- (since we're running this in parallel in caller, be strict)
let !frontendContext =
GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserFrontend) (finalizeParser <$> mutationParserFrontend)
!backendContext =
GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserBackend) (finalizeParser <$> mutationParserBackend)
( RoleContext frontendContext $ Just backendContext,
buildSource ::
forall b.
BackendSchema b =>
SourceInfo b ->
( [FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))],
[FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))],
[FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))]
buildSource (SourceInfo sourceName tables functions sourceConfig queryTagsConfig sourceCustomization) =
withSourceCustomization sourceCustomization do
let validFunctions = takeValidFunctions functions
validTables = takeValidTables tables
mkTypename <- asks getter
<$> customizeFields
(mkTypename <> P.MkTypename (<> G.__query))
(buildQueryFields sourceName sourceConfig validTables validFunctions queryTagsConfig)
<*> customizeFields
(mkTypename <> P.MkTypename (<> G.__mutation_frontend))
(buildMutationFields Frontend sourceName sourceConfig validTables validFunctions queryTagsConfig)
<*> customizeFields
(mkTypename <> P.MkTypename (<> G.__mutation_backend))
(buildMutationFields Backend sourceName sourceConfig validTables validFunctions queryTagsConfig)
buildRelayRoleContext ::
forall m.
(MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m) =>
(SQLGenCtx, GraphQLQueryType, FunctionPermissionsCtx) ->
SourceCache ->
[ActionInfo] ->
AnnotatedCustomTypes ->
RoleName ->
m (RoleContext GQLContext)
buildRelayRoleContext options sources allActionInfos customTypes role = do
let ( SQLGenCtx stringifyNum dangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters,
) = options
-- TODO: At the time of writing this, remote schema queries are not supported in relay.
-- When they are supported, we should get do what `buildRoleContext` does. Since, they
-- are not supported yet, we use `mempty` below for `RemoteSchemaMap`.
roleQueryContext =
runMonadSchema role roleQueryContext sources mempty do
fieldsList <- traverse (buildBackendSource buildSource) $ toList sources
-- Add node root field.
-- FIXME: for now this is PG-only. This isn't a problem yet since for now only PG supports relay.
-- To fix this, we'd need to first generalize `nodeField`.
nodeField_ <- fmap NotNamespaced <$> nodeField
let (queryPGFields', mutationFrontendFields, mutationBackendFields) = mconcat fieldsList
queryPGFields = nodeField_ : queryPGFields'
-- Remote schema mutations aren't exposed in relay because many times it throws
-- the conflicting definitions error between the relay types like `Node`, `PageInfo` etc
mutationParserFrontend <-
buildMutationParser mempty allActionInfos customTypes mutationFrontendFields
mutationParserBackend <-
buildMutationParser mempty allActionInfos customTypes mutationBackendFields
subscriptionParser <-
buildSubscriptionParser queryPGFields [] customTypes
queryParserFrontend <-
queryWithIntrospectionHelper queryPGFields mutationParserFrontend subscriptionParser
queryParserBackend <-
queryWithIntrospectionHelper queryPGFields mutationParserBackend subscriptionParser
-- In order to catch errors early, we attempt to generate the data
-- required for introspection, which ends up doing a few correctness
-- checks in the GraphQL schema.
void $
(P.parserType queryParserBackend)
(P.parserType <$> mutationParserBackend)
(P.parserType <$> subscriptionParser)
void $
(P.parserType queryParserFrontend)
(P.parserType <$> mutationParserFrontend)
(P.parserType <$> subscriptionParser)
let frontendContext =
GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserFrontend) (finalizeParser <$> mutationParserFrontend)
backendContext =
GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserBackend) (finalizeParser <$> mutationParserBackend)
pure $ RoleContext frontendContext $ Just backendContext
buildSource ::
forall b.
BackendSchema b =>
SourceInfo b ->
( [FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))],
[FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))],
[FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))]
buildSource (SourceInfo sourceName tables functions sourceConfig queryTagsConfig sourceCustomization) =
withSourceCustomization sourceCustomization do
let validFunctions = takeValidFunctions functions
validTables = takeValidTables tables
mkTypename <- asks getter
<$> customizeFields
(mkTypename <> P.MkTypename (<> G.__query))
(buildRelayQueryFields sourceName sourceConfig validTables validFunctions queryTagsConfig)
<*> customizeFields
(mkTypename <> P.MkTypename (<> G.__mutation_frontend))
(buildMutationFields Frontend sourceName sourceConfig validTables validFunctions queryTagsConfig)
<*> customizeFields
(mkTypename <> P.MkTypename (<> G.__mutation_backend))
(buildMutationFields Backend sourceName sourceConfig validTables validFunctions queryTagsConfig)
-- | Builds the schema context for unauthenticated users.
-- This context is used whenever the user queries the engine with a role that is
-- unknown, and therefore not present in the context map. Before remote schema
-- permissions were introduced, remotes were considered to be a public entity,
-- and we therefore allowed an unknown role also to query the remotes. To
-- maintain backwards compatibility, we check if remote schema permissions are
-- enabled; remote schemas will only be available to unauthenticated users if
-- permissions aren't enabled.
unauthenticatedContext ::
forall m.
( MonadError QErr m,
MonadIO m
) =>
HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject) ->
RemoteSchemaPermsCtx ->
m (GQLContext, HashSet InconsistentMetadata)
unauthenticatedContext allRemotes remoteSchemaPermsCtx = do
-- Since remote schemas can theoretically join against tables, we need to give
-- some fake data to 'runMonadSchema' in order to trick it into successfully
-- building a restricted schema; namely, we erase all remote relationships
-- from the remote schema contexts, meaning that all the information that is
-- needed for sources is completely irrelevant and filled with default values.
let fakeQueryContext =
LeaveNumbersAlone -- stringifyNum doesn't apply to remotes
True -- booleanCollapse doesn't apply to remotes
FunctionPermissionsInferred -- function permissions don't apply to remotes
-- chosen arbitrarily to be as improbable as possible
fakeRole = mkRoleNameSafe [NT.nonEmptyTextQQ|MyNameIsOzymandiasKingOfKingsLookOnMyWorksYeMightyAndDespair|]
-- we delete all references to remote joins
alteredRemoteSchemas =
allRemotes <&> first \context ->
context {_rscRemoteRelationships = mempty}
runMonadSchema fakeRole fakeQueryContext mempty mempty do
(queryFields, mutationFields, remoteErrors) <- case remoteSchemaPermsCtx of
RemoteSchemaPermsEnabled ->
-- Permissions are enabled, unauthenticated users have access to nothing.
pure ([], [], mempty)
RemoteSchemaPermsDisabled -> do
-- Permissions are disabled, unauthenticated users have access to remote schemas.
(remoteFields, remoteSchemaErrors) <-
buildAndValidateRemoteSchemas alteredRemoteSchemas [] [] fakeRole remoteSchemaPermsCtx
( fmap (fmap RFRemote) <$> concatMap piQuery remoteFields,
fmap (fmap RFRemote) <$> concat (mapMaybe piMutation remoteFields),
mutationParser <-
whenMaybe (not $ null mutationFields) $
P.safeSelectionSet mutationRoot (Just $ G.Description "mutation root") mutationFields
<&> fmap (flattenNamespaces . fmap typenameToNamespacedRawRF)
queryParser <- queryWithIntrospectionHelper queryFields mutationParser Nothing
void $
(P.parserType queryParser)
(P.parserType <$> mutationParser)
pure (GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParser) (finalizeParser <$> mutationParser), remoteErrors)
-- Building parser fields
buildAndValidateRemoteSchemas ::
forall m.
( MonadError QErr m,
MonadIO m
) =>
HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject) ->
[FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
[FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) (NamespacedField (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
RoleName ->
RemoteSchemaPermsCtx ->
ConcreteSchemaT m ([RemoteSchemaParser (P.ParseT Identity)], HashSet InconsistentMetadata)
buildAndValidateRemoteSchemas remotes sourcesQueryFields sourcesMutationFields role remoteSchemaPermsCtx =
runWriterT $ foldlM step [] (Map.elems remotes)
getFieldName = P.getName . fDefinition
sourcesQueryFieldNames = getFieldName <$> sourcesQueryFields
sourcesMutationFieldNames = getFieldName <$> sourcesMutationFields
step validatedSchemas (remoteSchemaContext, metadataId) = do
let previousSchemasQueryFieldNames = map getFieldName $ concatMap piQuery validatedSchemas
previousSchemasMutationFieldNames = map getFieldName $ concat $ mapMaybe piMutation validatedSchemas
reportInconsistency reason = tell $ Set.singleton $ InconsistentObject reason Nothing metadataId
maybeParser <- lift $ buildRemoteSchemaParser remoteSchemaPermsCtx role remoteSchemaContext
case maybeParser of
Nothing -> pure validatedSchemas
Just remoteSchemaParser -> do
(_, inconsistencies) <- listen $ do
let newSchemaQueryFieldNames = map getFieldName $ piQuery remoteSchemaParser
newSchemaMutationFieldNames = foldMap (map getFieldName) $ piMutation remoteSchemaParser
-- First we check for conflicts in query_root:
-- - between this remote and the previous ones:
(duplicates $ newSchemaQueryFieldNames <> previousSchemasQueryFieldNames)
\name -> reportInconsistency $ "Duplicate remote field " <> squote name
-- - between this remote and the sources:
for_ (duplicates $ newSchemaQueryFieldNames <> sourcesQueryFieldNames) $
\name -> reportInconsistency $ "Field cannot be overwritten by remote field " <> squote name
-- Ditto, but for mutations - i.e. with mutation_root:
unless (null newSchemaMutationFieldNames) do
-- - between this remote and the previous ones:
for_ (duplicates $ newSchemaMutationFieldNames <> previousSchemasMutationFieldNames) $
\name -> reportInconsistency $ "Duplicate remote field " <> squote name
-- - between this remote and the sources:
for_ (duplicates $ newSchemaMutationFieldNames <> sourcesMutationFieldNames) $
\name -> reportInconsistency $ "Field cannot be overwritten by remote field " <> squote name
-- No need to check for conflicts between subscription fields, since
-- remote subscriptions aren't supported yet.
-- Only add this new remote to the list if there was no error
pure $
if Set.null inconsistencies
then remoteSchemaParser : validatedSchemas
else validatedSchemas
buildRemoteSchemaParser ::
forall m.
(MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m) =>
RemoteSchemaPermsCtx ->
RoleName ->
RemoteSchemaCtx ->
ConcreteSchemaT m (Maybe (RemoteSchemaParser (P.ParseT Identity)))
buildRemoteSchemaParser remoteSchemaPermsCtx roleName context = do
let maybeIntrospection = getIntrospectionResult remoteSchemaPermsCtx roleName context
for maybeIntrospection \introspection ->
buildRemoteParser introspection (_rscRemoteRelationships context) (_rscInfo context)
buildQueryFields ::
forall b r m n.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
SourceName ->
SourceConfig b ->
TableCache b ->
FunctionCache b ->
Maybe QueryTagsConfig ->
m [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
buildQueryFields sourceName sourceConfig tables (takeExposedAs FEAQuery -> functions) queryTagsConfig = do
roleName <- asks getter
functionPermsCtx <- asks $ qcFunctionPermsContext . getter
tableSelectExpParsers <- for (Map.toList tables) \(tableName, tableInfo) -> do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo
mkRF $ buildTableQueryFields sourceName tableName tableInfo tableGQLName
functionSelectExpParsers <- for (Map.toList functions) \(functionName, functionInfo) -> runMaybeT $ do
guard $
roleName == adminRoleName
|| roleName `Map.member` _fiPermissions functionInfo
|| functionPermsCtx == FunctionPermissionsInferred
let targetTableName = _fiReturnType functionInfo
lift $ mkRF $ buildFunctionQueryFields sourceName functionName functionInfo targetTableName
pure $ concat $ tableSelectExpParsers <> catMaybes functionSelectExpParsers
mkRF = mkRootField sourceName sourceConfig queryTagsConfig QDBR
buildRelayQueryFields ::
forall b r m n.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
SourceName ->
SourceConfig b ->
TableCache b ->
FunctionCache b ->
Maybe QueryTagsConfig ->
m [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
buildRelayQueryFields sourceName sourceConfig tables (takeExposedAs FEAQuery -> functions) queryTagsConfig = do
tableConnectionFields <- for (Map.toList tables) \(tableName, tableInfo) -> runMaybeT do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo
pkeyColumns <- hoistMaybe $ tableInfo ^? tiCoreInfo . tciPrimaryKey . _Just . pkColumns
lift $ mkRF $ buildTableRelayQueryFields sourceName tableName tableInfo tableGQLName pkeyColumns
functionConnectionFields <- for (Map.toList functions) $ \(functionName, functionInfo) -> runMaybeT do
let returnTableName = _fiReturnType functionInfo
-- FIXME: only extract the TableInfo once to avoid redundant cache lookups
returnTableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo sourceName returnTableName
pkeyColumns <- MaybeT $ (^? tiCoreInfo . tciPrimaryKey . _Just . pkColumns) <$> pure returnTableInfo
lift $ mkRF $ buildFunctionRelayQueryFields sourceName functionName functionInfo returnTableName pkeyColumns
pure $ concat $ catMaybes $ tableConnectionFields <> functionConnectionFields
mkRF = mkRootField sourceName sourceConfig queryTagsConfig QDBR
buildMutationFields ::
forall b r m n.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
Scenario ->
SourceName ->
SourceConfig b ->
TableCache b ->
FunctionCache b ->
Maybe QueryTagsConfig ->
m [P.FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
buildMutationFields scenario sourceName sourceConfig tables (takeExposedAs FEAMutation -> functions) queryTagsConfig = do
roleName <- asks getter
tableMutations <- for (Map.toList tables) \(tableName, tableInfo) -> do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo
inserts <-
mkRF (MDBR . MDBInsert) $ buildTableInsertMutationFields scenario sourceName tableName tableInfo tableGQLName
updates <-
mkRF (MDBR . MDBUpdate) $ buildTableUpdateMutationFields @b sourceName tableName tableInfo tableGQLName
deletes <-
mkRF (MDBR . MDBDelete) $ buildTableDeleteMutationFields sourceName tableName tableInfo tableGQLName
pure $ concat [inserts, updates, deletes]
functionMutations <- for (Map.toList functions) \(functionName, functionInfo) -> runMaybeT $ do
let targetTableName = _fiReturnType functionInfo
-- A function exposed as mutation must have a function permission
-- configured for the role. See Note [Function Permissions]
guard $
-- when function permissions are inferred, we don't expose the
-- mutation functions for non-admin roles. See Note [Function Permissions]
roleName == adminRoleName || roleName `Map.member` (_fiPermissions functionInfo)
lift $ mkRF MDBR $ buildFunctionMutationFields sourceName functionName functionInfo targetTableName
pure $ concat $ tableMutations <> catMaybes functionMutations
mkRF :: forall a db remote action raw. (a -> db b) -> m [FieldParser n a] -> m [FieldParser n (RootField db remote action raw)]
mkRF = mkRootField sourceName sourceConfig queryTagsConfig
-- Building root parser from fields
-- | Prepare the parser for query-type GraphQL requests, but with introspection
-- for queries, mutations and subscriptions built in.
buildQueryParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n =>
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (RemoteSchemaRootField (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))] ->
[ActionInfo] ->
AnnotatedCustomTypes ->
Maybe (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))) ->
Maybe (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))) ->
m (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
buildQueryParser sourceQueryFields remoteQueryFields allActions customTypes mutationParser subscriptionParser = do
actionQueryFields <- concat <$> traverse (buildActionQueryFields customTypes) allActions
let allQueryFields = sourceQueryFields <> fmap (fmap NotNamespaced) actionQueryFields <> fmap (fmap $ fmap RFRemote) remoteQueryFields
queryWithIntrospectionHelper allQueryFields mutationParser subscriptionParser
-- | Builds a @Schema@ at query parsing time
parseBuildIntrospectionSchema ::
MonadParse m =>
P.Type 'Output ->
Maybe (P.Type 'Output) ->
Maybe (P.Type 'Output) ->
m Schema
parseBuildIntrospectionSchema q m s = qerrAsMonadParse $ buildIntrospectionSchema q m s
qerrAsMonadParse :: MonadParse m => Except QErr a -> m a
qerrAsMonadParse action =
case runExcept action of
Right a -> pure a
Left QErr {..} -> withPath (++ qePath) $ parseErrorWith qeCode qeError
queryWithIntrospectionHelper ::
forall n m.
(MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m) =>
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
Maybe (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))) ->
Maybe (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))) ->
m (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
queryWithIntrospectionHelper basicQueryFP mutationP subscriptionP = do
let -- Per the GraphQL spec:
-- * "The query root operation type must be provided and must be an Object type." (§3.2.1)
-- * "An Object type must define one or more fields." (§3.6, type validation)
-- Those two requirements cannot both be met when a service is mutations-only, and does not
-- provide any query. In such a case, to meet both of those, we introduce a placeholder query
-- in the schema.
placeholderText = "There are no queries available to the current role. Either there are no sources or remote schemas configured, or the current role doesn't have the required permissions."
placeholderField = NotNamespaced (RFRaw $ JO.String placeholderText) <$ P.selection_ G._no_queries_available (Just $ G.Description placeholderText) P.string
fixedQueryFP = if null basicQueryFP then [placeholderField] else basicQueryFP
basicQueryP <- queryRootFromFields fixedQueryFP
let buildIntrospectionResponse printResponseFromSchema = do
partialSchema <-
(P.parserType basicQueryP)
(P.parserType <$> mutationP)
(P.parserType <$> subscriptionP)
pure $ NotNamespaced $ RFRaw $ printResponseFromSchema partialSchema
introspection = [schema, typeIntrospection] <&> (`P.bindField` buildIntrospectionResponse)
{-# INLINE introspection #-}
partialQueryFields = fixedQueryFP ++ introspection
P.safeSelectionSet queryRoot Nothing partialQueryFields <&> fmap (flattenNamespaces . fmap typenameToNamespacedRawRF)
queryRootFromFields ::
forall n m.
(MonadError QErr m, MonadParse n) =>
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
m (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
queryRootFromFields fps =
P.safeSelectionSet queryRoot Nothing fps <&> fmap (flattenNamespaces . fmap typenameToNamespacedRawRF)
-- | Prepare the parser for subscriptions. Every postgres query field is
-- exposed as a subscription along with fields to get the status of
-- asynchronous actions.
buildSubscriptionParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n =>
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
[ActionInfo] ->
AnnotatedCustomTypes ->
m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))))
buildSubscriptionParser queryFields allActions customTypes = do
actionSubscriptionFields <- fmap (fmap NotNamespaced) . concat <$> traverse (buildActionSubscriptionFields customTypes) allActions
let subscriptionFields = queryFields <> actionSubscriptionFields
whenMaybe (not $ null subscriptionFields) $
P.safeSelectionSet subscriptionRoot Nothing subscriptionFields
<&> fmap (flattenNamespaces . fmap typenameToNamespacedRawRF)
buildMutationParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n =>
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (RemoteSchemaRootField (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))] ->
[ActionInfo] ->
AnnotatedCustomTypes ->
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))] ->
m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (RootFieldMap (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))))
buildMutationParser allRemotes allActions customTypes mutationFields = do
actionParsers <- concat <$> traverse (buildActionMutationFields customTypes) allActions
let mutationFieldsParser =
<> (fmap NotNamespaced <$> actionParsers)
<> (fmap (fmap RFRemote) <$> allRemotes)
whenMaybe (not $ null mutationFieldsParser) $
P.safeSelectionSet mutationRoot (Just $ G.Description "mutation root") mutationFieldsParser
<&> fmap (flattenNamespaces . fmap typenameToNamespacedRawRF)
-- Local helpers
-- | Apply a source's customization options to a list of its fields.
customizeFields ::
forall f n db remote action.
(Functor f, MonadParse n) =>
SourceCustomization ->
P.MkTypename ->
f [FieldParser n (RootField db remote action JO.Value)] ->
f [FieldParser n (NamespacedField (RootField db remote action JO.Value))]
customizeFields SourceCustomization {..} =
fmap . customizeNamespace (_rootfcNamespace =<< _scRootFields) (const typenameToRawRF)
-- | All the 'BackendSchema' methods produce something of the form @m
-- [FieldParser n a]@, where @a@ is something specific to what is being parsed
-- by the given method.
-- In order to build the complete schema these must be
-- homogenised and be annotated with query-tag data, which this function makes
-- easy.
mkRootField ::
forall b m n a db remote action raw.
(HasTag b, Functor m, Functor n) =>
SourceName ->
SourceConfig b ->
Maybe QueryTagsConfig ->
(a -> db b) ->
m [FieldParser n a] ->
m [FieldParser n (RootField db remote action raw)]
mkRootField sourceName sourceConfig queryTagsConfig inj =
( map
( fmap
( RFDB sourceName
. AB.mkAnyBackend @b
. SourceConfigWith sourceConfig queryTagsConfig
. inj
takeExposedAs :: FunctionExposedAs -> FunctionCache b -> FunctionCache b
takeExposedAs x = Map.filter ((== x) . _fiExposedAs)
subscriptionRoot :: G.Name
subscriptionRoot = G._subscription_root
mutationRoot :: G.Name
mutationRoot = G._mutation_root
queryRoot :: G.Name
queryRoot = G._query_root
finalizeParser :: Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) a -> ParserFn a
finalizeParser parser = runIdentity . P.runParseT . P.runParser parser
type ConcreteSchemaT m a =
(P.ParseT Identity)
( ReaderT
( RoleName,
runMonadSchema ::
forall m a.
Monad m =>
RoleName ->
QueryContext ->
SourceCache ->
RemoteSchemaMap ->
ConcreteSchemaT m a ->
m a
runMonadSchema roleName queryContext sources remotes m =
P.runSchemaT m `runReaderT` (roleName, sources, queryContext, mempty, mempty, mempty, remotes)
buildBackendSource ::
(forall b. BackendSchema b => SourceInfo b -> r) ->
AB.AnyBackend SourceInfo ->
buildBackendSource f e = AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendSchema e f
typenameToNamespacedRawRF ::
P.ParsedSelection (NamespacedField (RootField db remote action JO.Value)) ->
NamespacedField (RootField db remote action JO.Value)
typenameToNamespacedRawRF = P.handleTypename $ NotNamespaced . RFRaw . JO.String . toTxt
typenameToRawRF ::
P.ParsedSelection (RootField db remote action JO.Value) ->
RootField db remote action JO.Value
typenameToRawRF = P.handleTypename $ RFRaw . JO.String . toTxt