jkachmar 647231b685 Yeet some default-extensions
Manually enables:
* EmptyCase
* ExistentialQuantification
* QuantifiedConstraints
* QuasiQuotes
* TemplateHaskell
* TypeFamilyDependencies the following components:
* 'graphql-engine' library
* 'graphql-engine' 'src-test'
* 'graphql-engine' 'tests/integration'
* 'graphql-engine' tests-hspec'

Additionally, performs some light refactoring and documentation.

GitOrigin-RevId: 514477d3466b01f60eca8935d0fef60dd0756838
2022-03-16 00:40:17 +00:00

373 lines
16 KiB
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Migrations for the Hasura catalog.
-- To add a new migration:
-- 1. Bump the catalog version number in @src-rsr/catalog_version.txt@.
-- 2. Add a migration script in the @src-rsr/migrations/@ directory with the name
-- @<old version>_to_<new version>.sql@.
-- 3. Create a downgrade script in the @src-rsr/migrations/@ directory with the name
-- @<new version>_to_<old version>.sql@.
-- 4. If making a new release, add the mapping from application version to catalog
-- schema version in @src-rsr/catalog_versions.txt@.
-- 5. If appropriate, add the change to @server/src-rsr/initialise.sql@ for fresh installations
-- of hasura.
-- The Template Haskell code in this module will automatically compile the new migration script into
-- the @graphql-engine@ executable.
-- NOTE: Please have a look at the `server/documentation/` before adding any new migration
-- if you haven't already looked at it
module Hasura.Server.Migrate
( MigrationResult (..),
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Logging (Hasura, LogLevel (..), ToEngineLog (..))
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.LegacyCatalog
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.Server.Init (DowngradeOptions (..), databaseUrlEnv)
import Hasura.Server.Logging (StartupLog (..))
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Internal
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version
( latestCatalogVersion,
import Hasura.Server.Types (MaintenanceMode (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib qualified as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax qualified as TH
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
data MigrationResult
= MRNothingToDo
| MRInitialized
| -- | old catalog version
MRMigrated Text
| MRMaintanenceMode
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToEngineLog MigrationResult Hasura where
toEngineLog result =
toEngineLog $
{ slLogLevel = LevelInfo,
slKind = "catalog_migrate",
slInfo = A.toJSON $ case result of
MRNothingToDo ->
"Already at the latest catalog version (" <> latestCatalogVersionString
<> "); nothing to do."
MRInitialized ->
"Successfully initialized the catalog (at version " <> latestCatalogVersionString <> ")."
MRMigrated oldVersion ->
"Successfully migrated from catalog version " <> oldVersion <> " to version "
<> latestCatalogVersionString
<> "."
MRMaintanenceMode ->
"Catalog migrations are skipped because the graphql-engine is in maintenance mode"
-- A migration and (hopefully) also its inverse if we have it.
-- Polymorphic because `m` can be any `MonadTx`, `MonadIO` when
-- used in the `migrations` function below.
data MigrationPair m = MigrationPair
{ mpMigrate :: m (),
mpDown :: Maybe (m ())
migrateCatalog ::
forall m.
( MonadTx m,
MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m
) =>
Maybe (SourceConnConfiguration ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) ->
MaintenanceMode ->
UTCTime ->
m (MigrationResult, Metadata)
migrateCatalog maybeDefaultSourceConfig maintenanceMode migrationTime = do
catalogSchemaExists <- doesSchemaExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog")
versionTableExists <- doesTableExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") (TableName "hdb_version")
metadataTableExists <- doesTableExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") (TableName "hdb_metadata")
migrationResult <-
| maintenanceMode == MaintenanceModeEnabled -> do
| not catalogSchemaExists ->
throw500 "unexpected: hdb_catalog schema not found in maintenance mode"
| not versionTableExists ->
throw500 "unexpected: hdb_catalog.hdb_version table not found in maintenance mode"
| not metadataTableExists ->
throw500 $
"the \"hdb_catalog.hdb_metadata\" table is expected to exist and contain"
<> " the metadata of the graphql-engine"
| otherwise -> pure MRMaintanenceMode
| otherwise -> case catalogSchemaExists of
False -> initialize True
True -> case versionTableExists of
False -> initialize False
True -> migrateFrom =<< liftTx getCatalogVersion
metadata <- liftTx fetchMetadataFromCatalog
pure (migrationResult, metadata)
-- initializes the catalog, creating the schema if necessary
initialize :: Bool -> m MigrationResult
initialize createSchema = do
liftTx $
Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $
when createSchema $ Q.unitQ "CREATE SCHEMA hdb_catalog" () False
multiQ $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/initialise.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile)
let emptyMetadata' = case maybeDefaultSourceConfig of
Nothing -> emptyMetadata
Just defaultSourceConfig ->
-- insert metadata with default source
let defaultSourceMetadata =
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SourceMetadata @('Postgres 'Vanilla) defaultSource mempty mempty defaultSourceConfig Nothing emptySourceCustomization
sources = OMap.singleton defaultSource defaultSourceMetadata
in emptyMetadata {_metaSources = sources}
liftTx $ insertMetadataInCatalog emptyMetadata'
pure MRInitialized
-- migrates an existing catalog to the latest version from an existing verion
migrateFrom :: Float -> m MigrationResult
migrateFrom previousVersion
| previousVersion == fromInteger latestCatalogVersion = pure MRNothingToDo
| otherwise = do
let upMigrations = migrations maybeDefaultSourceConfig False maintenanceMode
-- 0.8 is the only non-integral catalog version and we'd like to output the version for other
-- versions as integer rather than float, for example: 40 instead of 40.0
previousVersionText = bool (tshow ((floor previousVersion) :: Integer)) "0.8" $ previousVersion == 0.8
case neededMigrations previousVersion upMigrations of
[] ->
throw400 NotSupported $
"Cannot use database previously used with a newer version of graphql-engine (expected"
<> " a catalog version <="
<> latestCatalogVersionString
<> ", but the current version"
<> " is "
<> previousVersionText
<> ")."
migrationsToBeApplied -> do
traverse_ (mpMigrate . snd) migrationsToBeApplied
pure $ MRMigrated previousVersionText
neededMigrations prevVersion upMigrations =
dropWhile ((< prevVersion) . fst) upMigrations
updateCatalogVersion = setCatalogVersion latestCatalogVersionString migrationTime
downgradeCatalog ::
forall m.
(MonadIO m, MonadTx m) =>
Maybe (SourceConnConfiguration ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) ->
DowngradeOptions ->
UTCTime ->
m MigrationResult
downgradeCatalog defaultSourceConfig opts time = do
currentCatalogVersion <- liftTx getCatalogVersion
targetVersionFloat :: Float <-
onLeft (readEither (T.unpack $ dgoTargetVersion opts)) $ \err ->
throw500 $ "Unexpected: couldn't convert " <> dgoTargetVersion opts <> " to a float, error: " <> tshow err
downgradeFrom currentCatalogVersion targetVersionFloat
-- downgrades an existing catalog to the specified version
downgradeFrom :: Float -> Float -> m MigrationResult
downgradeFrom previousVersion targetVersion
| previousVersion == targetVersion = pure MRNothingToDo
| otherwise =
case neededDownMigrations targetVersion of
Left reason ->
throw400 NotSupported $
"This downgrade path (from "
<> tshow previousVersion
<> " to "
<> dgoTargetVersion opts
<> ") is not supported, because "
<> reason
Right path -> do
sequence_ path
unless (dgoDryRun opts) do
setCatalogVersion (dgoTargetVersion opts) time
pure (MRMigrated (dgoTargetVersion opts))
neededDownMigrations newVersion =
(reverse (migrations defaultSourceConfig (dgoDryRun opts) MaintenanceModeDisabled))
downgrade ::
Float ->
Float ->
[(Float, MigrationPair m)] ->
Either Text [m ()]
downgrade lower upper = skipFutureDowngrades
-- We find the list of downgrade scripts to run by first
-- dropping any downgrades which correspond to newer versions
-- of the schema than the one we're running currently.
-- Then we take migrations as needed until we reach the target
-- version, dropping any remaining migrations from the end of the
-- (reversed) list.
skipFutureDowngrades, dropOlderDowngrades :: [(Float, MigrationPair m)] -> Either Text [m ()]
skipFutureDowngrades xs | previousVersion == lower = dropOlderDowngrades xs
skipFutureDowngrades [] = Left "the starting version is unrecognized."
skipFutureDowngrades ((x, _) : xs)
| x == lower = dropOlderDowngrades xs
| otherwise = skipFutureDowngrades xs
dropOlderDowngrades [] = Left "the target version is unrecognized."
dropOlderDowngrades ((x, MigrationPair {mpDown = Nothing}) : _) =
Left $ "there is no available migration back to version " <> tshow x <> "."
dropOlderDowngrades ((x, MigrationPair {mpDown = Just y}) : xs)
| x == upper = Right [y]
| otherwise = (y :) <$> dropOlderDowngrades xs
migrations ::
forall m.
(MonadIO m, MonadTx m) =>
Maybe (SourceConnConfiguration ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) ->
Bool ->
MaintenanceMode ->
[(Float, MigrationPair m)]
migrations maybeDefaultSourceConfig dryRun maintenanceMode =
-- We need to build the list of migrations at compile-time so that we can compile the SQL
-- directly into the executable using `Q.sqlFromFile`. The GHC stage restriction makes
-- doing this a little bit awkward (we cant use any definitions in this module at
-- compile-time), but putting a `let` inside the splice itself is allowed.
$( let migrationFromFile from to =
let path = "src-rsr/migrations/" <> from <> "_to_" <> to <> ".sql"
in [|runTxOrPrint $(makeRelativeToProject path >>= Q.sqlFromFile)|]
migrationFromFileMaybe from to = do
path <- makeRelativeToProject $ "src-rsr/migrations/" <> from <> "_to_" <> to <> ".sql"
exists <- TH.runIO (doesFileExist path)
if exists
then [|Just (runTxOrPrint $(Q.sqlFromFile path))|]
else [|Nothing|]
migrationsFromFile = map $ \(to :: Float) ->
let from = to - 1
fromInt :: Integer = floor from
toInt :: Integer = floor to
in [|
( $(TH.lift from),
$(migrationFromFile (show fromInt) (show toInt))
$(migrationFromFileMaybe (show toInt) (show fromInt))
in TH.listE
-- version 0.8 is the only non-integral catalog version
-- The 40_to_41 migration is consciously omitted from below because its contents
-- have been moved to the `0_to_1.sql` because the `40_to_41` migration only contained
-- source catalog changes and we'd like to keep source catalog migrations in a different
-- path than metadata catalog migrations.
[|(0.8, MigrationPair $(migrationFromFile "08" "1") Nothing)|] :
migrationsFromFile [2 .. 3]
++ [|(3, MigrationPair from3To4 Nothing)|] :
(migrationsFromFile [5 .. 40] ++ migrationsFromFile [42])
++ [|(42, MigrationPair from42To43 (Just from43To42))|] :
migrationsFromFile [44 .. (fromInteger latestCatalogVersion)]
runTxOrPrint :: Q.Query -> m ()
| dryRun =
liftIO . TIO.putStrLn . Q.getQueryText
| otherwise = multiQ
from42To43 = do
when (maintenanceMode == MaintenanceModeEnabled) $
throw500 "cannot migrate to catalog version 43 in maintenance mode"
let query = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/migrations/42_to_43.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile)
if dryRun
then (liftIO . TIO.putStrLn . Q.getQueryText) query
else do
metadataV2 <- fetchMetadataFromHdbTables
multiQ query
defaultSourceConfig <-
onNothing maybeDefaultSourceConfig $
throw400 NotSupported $
"cannot migrate to catalog version 43 without --database-url or env var " <> tshow (fst databaseUrlEnv)
let metadataV3 =
let MetadataNoSources {..} = metadataV2
defaultSourceMetadata =
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SourceMetadata defaultSource _mnsTables _mnsFunctions defaultSourceConfig Nothing emptySourceCustomization
in Metadata
(OMap.singleton defaultSource defaultSourceMetadata)
liftTx $ insertMetadataInCatalog metadataV3
from43To42 = do
let query = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/migrations/43_to_42.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile)
if dryRun
then (liftIO . TIO.putStrLn . Q.getQueryText) query
else do
Metadata {..} <- liftTx fetchMetadataFromCatalog
multiQ query
let emptyMetadataNoSources =
MetadataNoSources mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty emptyCustomTypes mempty mempty
metadataV2 <- case OMap.toList _metaSources of
[] -> pure emptyMetadataNoSources
[(_, exists)] ->
pure $ case AB.unpackAnyBackend exists of
Nothing -> emptyMetadataNoSources
Just SourceMetadata {..} ->
_ -> throw400 NotSupported "Cannot downgrade since there are more than one source"
liftTx $ do
runHasSystemDefinedT (SystemDefined False) $ saveMetadataToHdbTables metadataV2
-- when the graphql-engine is migrated from v1 to v2, we drop the foreign key
-- constraint of the `hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_event` table because the cron triggers
-- in v2 are saved in the `hdb_catalog.hdb_metadata` table. So, when a downgrade
-- happens, we need to delay adding the foreign key constraint until the
-- cron triggers are added in the `hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_triggers`
multiQ :: (MonadTx m) => Q.Query -> m ()
multiQ = liftTx . Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler