Samir Talwar 8db9b77c77 server: Reorganize quasi-quoted names.
Pretty much all quasi-quoted names in the server code base have ended up in `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Constants`. I'm now finding this unpleasant for two reasons:

1. I would like to factor out the parser code into its own Cabal package, and I don't want to have to expose all these names.
2. Most of them really have nothing to do with the parsers.

In order to remedy this, I have:

1. moved the names used by parser code to `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.DirectiveName`, as they're all related to directives;
2. moved `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Constants` to `Hasura.Name`, changing the qualified import name from `G` to `Name`;
3. moved names only used in tests to the appropriate test case;
4. removed unused items from `Hasura.Name`; and
5. grouped related names.

Most of the changes are simply changing `G` to `Name`, which I find much more meaningful.

GitOrigin-RevId: a77aa0aee137b2b5e6faec94495d3a9fbfa1348b
2022-06-23 09:15:31 +00:00

212 lines
10 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.RemoteRelationship
( remoteRelationshipField,
import Control.Lens
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as Map
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Instances ()
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship.Validate
import Hasura.RQL.IR qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (FieldName, RelType (..), relNameToTxt)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Remote
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.ToSchema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.ToSchema qualified as Remote
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResultCustomization
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache hiding (askTableInfo)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization (NamingCase (..), mkCustomizedTypename)
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend
import Hasura.Session
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Remote relationship field parsers
remoteRelationshipField ::
SourceCache ->
RemoteSchemaMap ->
remoteRelationshipField sourceCache remoteSchemaCache = RemoteRelationshipParserBuilder
\RemoteFieldInfo {..} -> runMaybeT do
queryType <- retrieve scSchemaKind
-- The above issue is easily fixable by removing the following guard
guard $ isHasuraSchema queryType
case _rfiRHS of
RFISource anyRemoteSourceFieldInfo ->
dispatchAnyBackend @BackendSchema anyRemoteSourceFieldInfo \remoteSourceFieldInfo -> do
fields <- lift $ remoteRelationshipToSourceField sourceCache remoteSourceFieldInfo
pure $ fmap (IR.RemoteSourceField . mkAnyBackend) <$> fields
RFISchema remoteSchema -> do
fields <- MaybeT $ remoteRelationshipToSchemaField remoteSchemaCache _rfiLHS remoteSchema
pure $ pure $ IR.RemoteSchemaField <$> fields
-- | Parser(s) for remote relationship fields to a remote schema
remoteRelationshipToSchemaField ::
forall r m n lhsJoinField.
(MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n) =>
RemoteSchemaMap ->
Map.HashMap FieldName lhsJoinField ->
RemoteSchemaFieldInfo ->
m (Maybe (FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaSelect (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue))))
remoteRelationshipToSchemaField remoteSchemaCache lhsFields RemoteSchemaFieldInfo {..} = runMaybeT do
remoteSchemaPermsCtx <- retrieve soRemoteSchemaPermsCtx
roleName <- asks getter
remoteSchemaContext <-
Map.lookup _rrfiRemoteSchemaName remoteSchemaCache
`onNothing` throw500 ("invalid remote schema name: " <>> _rrfiRemoteSchemaName)
introspection <- hoistMaybe $ getIntrospectionResult remoteSchemaPermsCtx roleName remoteSchemaContext
let remoteSchemaRelationships = _rscRemoteRelationships remoteSchemaContext
roleIntrospection = irDoc introspection
remoteSchemaRoot = irQueryRoot introspection
remoteSchemaCustomizer = rsCustomizer $ _rscInfo remoteSchemaContext
RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefns = roleIntrospection
let hasuraFieldNames = Map.keysSet lhsFields
relationshipDef = ToSchemaRelationshipDef _rrfiRemoteSchemaName hasuraFieldNames _rrfiRemoteFields
(newInpValDefns :: [G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition], remoteFieldParamMap) <-
if roleName == adminRoleName
then do
-- we don't validate the remote relationship when the role is admin
-- because it's already been validated, when the remote relationship
-- was created
pure (_rrfiInputValueDefinitions, _rrfiParamMap)
else do
(_, roleRemoteField) <-
afold @(Either _) $
-- TODO: this really needs to go way, we shouldn't be doing
-- validation when building parsers
validateToSchemaRelationship relationshipDef _rrfiLHSIdentifier _rrfiName (_rrfiRemoteSchema, introspection) lhsFields
pure (Remote._rrfiInputValueDefinitions roleRemoteField, Remote._rrfiParamMap roleRemoteField)
let -- add the new input value definitions created by the remote relationship
-- to the existing schema introspection of the role
remoteRelationshipIntrospection = RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ typeDefns <> Map.fromListOn getTypeName newInpValDefns
fieldName <- textToName $ relNameToTxt _rrfiName
-- This selection set parser, should be of the remote node's selection set parser, which comes
-- from the fieldCall
let fieldCalls = unRemoteFields _rrfiRemoteFields
nestedFieldType <- lift $ lookupNestedFieldType remoteSchemaRoot roleIntrospection fieldCalls
let typeName = G.getBaseType nestedFieldType
fieldTypeDefinition <-
onNothing (lookupType roleIntrospection typeName)
-- the below case will never happen because we get the type name
-- from the schema document itself i.e. if a field exists for the
-- given role, then it's return type also must exist
throw500 $ "unexpected: " <> typeName <<> " not found "
-- These are the arguments that are given by the user while executing a query
let remoteFieldUserArguments = map snd $ Map.toList remoteFieldParamMap
remoteFld <-
withRemoteSchemaCustomization remoteSchemaCustomizer $
lift $
P.wrapFieldParser nestedFieldType
<$> remoteField remoteRelationshipIntrospection remoteSchemaRelationships remoteSchemaRoot fieldName Nothing remoteFieldUserArguments fieldTypeDefinition
pure $
`P.bindField` \fld@IR.GraphQLField {IR._fArguments = args, IR._fSelectionSet = selSet, IR._fName = fname} -> do
let remoteArgs =
Map.toList args <&> \(argName, argVal) -> IR.RemoteFieldArgument argName $ P.GraphQLValue argVal
let resultCustomizer =
applyFieldCalls fieldCalls $
applyAliasMapping (singletonAliasMapping fname (fcName $ NE.last fieldCalls)) $
makeResultCustomizer remoteSchemaCustomizer fld
pure $
{ IR._rselArgs = remoteArgs,
IR._rselResultCustomizer = resultCustomizer,
IR._rselSelection = selSet,
IR._rselFieldCall = fieldCalls,
IR._rselRemoteSchema = _rrfiRemoteSchema
-- Apply parent field calls so that the result customizer modifies the nested field
applyFieldCalls :: NonEmpty FieldCall -> ResultCustomizer -> ResultCustomizer
applyFieldCalls fieldCalls resultCustomizer =
foldr (modifyFieldByName . fcName) resultCustomizer $ NE.init fieldCalls
lookupNestedFieldType' ::
(MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m) =>
G.Name ->
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
FieldCall ->
m G.GType
lookupNestedFieldType' parentTypeName remoteSchemaIntrospection (FieldCall fcName _) =
case lookupObject remoteSchemaIntrospection parentTypeName of
Nothing -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "object with name " <> parentTypeName <<> " not found"
Just G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..} ->
case find ((== fcName) . G._fldName) _otdFieldsDefinition of
Nothing -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "field with name " <> fcName <<> " not found"
Just G.FieldDefinition {..} -> pure _fldType
lookupNestedFieldType ::
(MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m) =>
G.Name ->
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
NonEmpty FieldCall ->
m G.GType
lookupNestedFieldType parentTypeName remoteSchemaIntrospection (fieldCall :| rest) = do
fieldType <- lookupNestedFieldType' parentTypeName remoteSchemaIntrospection fieldCall
case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> pure fieldType
Just rest' -> do
lookupNestedFieldType (G.getBaseType fieldType) remoteSchemaIntrospection rest'
-- | Parser(s) for remote relationship fields to a database table.
-- Note that when the target is a database table, an array relationship
-- declaration would have the '_aggregate' field in addition to the array
-- relationship field, hence [FieldParser ...] instead of 'FieldParser'
remoteRelationshipToSourceField ::
forall r m n tgt.
(MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n, BackendSchema tgt) =>
SourceCache ->
RemoteSourceFieldInfo tgt ->
m [FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSourceSelect (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) IR.UnpreparedValue tgt)]
remoteRelationshipToSourceField sourceCache RemoteSourceFieldInfo {..} =
withTypenameCustomization (mkCustomizedTypename (Just _rsfiSourceCustomization) HasuraCase) do
sourceInfo <-
onNothing (unsafeSourceInfo @tgt =<< Map.lookup _rsfiSource sourceCache) $
throw500 $ "source not found " <> dquote _rsfiSource
tableInfo <- askTableInfo sourceInfo _rsfiTable
fieldName <- textToName $ relNameToTxt _rsfiName
maybePerms <- tableSelectPermissions @tgt tableInfo
case maybePerms of
Nothing -> pure []
Just tablePerms -> do
parsers <- case _rsfiType of
ObjRel -> do
selectionSetParserM <- tableSelectionSet sourceInfo tableInfo
pure $ case selectionSetParserM of
Nothing -> []
Just selectionSetParser ->
pure $
subselection_ fieldName Nothing selectionSetParser <&> \fields ->
IR.SourceRelationshipObject $
IR.AnnObjectSelectG fields _rsfiTable $ IR._tpFilter $ tablePermissionsInfo tablePerms
ArrRel -> do
let aggFieldName = fieldName <> Name.__aggregate
selectionSetParser <- selectTable sourceInfo tableInfo fieldName Nothing
aggSelectionSetParser <- selectTableAggregate sourceInfo tableInfo aggFieldName Nothing
pure $
[ selectionSetParser <&> fmap IR.SourceRelationshipArray,
aggSelectionSetParser <&> fmap IR.SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate
pure $
parsers <&> fmap \select ->
IR.RemoteSourceSelect _rsfiSource _rsfiSourceConfig select _rsfiMapping