Samir Talwar be67b0db59 server: Make HLint pass, by hook or by crook.
This fixes the simple HLint warnings, and adds a few suppressions to avoid noise.

The suppressions don't really solve the problems, but I think the warnings here are quite benign and I'm uncomfortable with how likely I would be to introduce a bug during refactoring.

In the case of _pg-client_ and _resource-pool_, we can't use the recommended functions anyway, and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell HLint to ignore entire packages.

I have updated the `make` targets to only fail if errors or warnings are found, not suggestions. This brings it in line with the CI job.

GitOrigin-RevId: 596277b4ae5833876fc3f43875208c1279518a59
2023-04-25 14:03:02 +00:00

193 lines
6.7 KiB

# skip contrib with its generated .hs file because it doesn't
# come with a cabal file, which can trigger a bug in ormolu
HS_FILES = $(shell git ls-files '*.hs' '*.hs-boot' | grep -v '^contrib/')
CHANGED_HS_FILES = $(shell git diff --diff-filter=d --name-only `git merge-base HEAD origin/main` | grep '.*\(\.hs\|hs-boot\)$$' | grep -v '^contrib/')
NIX_FILES = $(shell git ls-files '*.nix' 'nix/*.nix')
SHELL_FILES = $(shell git ls-files '*.sh')
CHANGED_SHELL_FILES = $(shell git diff --diff-filter=d --name-only `git merge-base HEAD origin/main` | grep '.*\.sh$$')
HLINT = hlint
HLINT_VERSION = $(shell $(HLINT) --numeric-version)
HLINT_CHECK_VERSION = $(shell jq '.hlint' ./server/VERSIONS.json)
NIX_FMT = nixpkgs-fmt
ORMOLU = ormolu
ORMOLU_VERSION = $(shell $(ORMOLU) --version | awk 'NR==1 { print $$2 }')
ORMOLU_CHECK_VERSION = $(shell jq '.ormolu' ./server/VERSIONS.json)
# Run Shellcheck with access to any file that's sourced, relative to the script's own directory
SHELLCHECK = shellcheck --external-sources --source-path=SCRIPTDIR
.PHONY: check-hlint-version
@if ! [ "$(HLINT_VERSION)" = "$(HLINT_CHECK_VERSION)" ]; then \
echo "WARNING: hlint version mismatch, expected $(HLINT_CHECK_VERSION) but got $(HLINT_VERSION)"; \
.PHONY: check-ormolu-version
@if ! [ "$(ORMOLU_VERSION)" = "$(ORMOLU_CHECK_VERSION)" ]; then \
echo "WARNING: ormolu version mismatch, expected $(ORMOLU_CHECK_VERSION) but got $(ORMOLU_VERSION)"; \
.PHONY: format-hs
## format-hs: auto-format Haskell source code using ormolu
format-hs: check-ormolu-version
@echo running $(ORMOLU) --mode inplace
@$(ORMOLU) --mode inplace $(HS_FILES)
.PHONY: format-hs-changed
## format-hs-changed: auto-format Haskell source code using ormolu (changed files only)
format-hs-changed: check-ormolu-version
@echo running $(ORMOLU) --mode inplace
@if [ -n "$(CHANGED_HS_FILES)" ]; then \
$(ORMOLU) --mode inplace $(CHANGED_HS_FILES); \
.PHONY: check-format-hs
## check-format-hs: check Haskell source code formatting using ormolu
check-format-hs: check-ormolu-version
@echo running $(ORMOLU) --mode check
@$(ORMOLU) --mode check $(HS_FILES)
.PHONY: check-format-hs-changed
## check-format-hs-changed: check Haskell source code formatting using ormolu (changed-files-only)
check-format-hs-changed: check-ormolu-version
@echo running $(ORMOLU) --mode check
@if [ -n "$(CHANGED_HS_FILES)" ]; then \
$(ORMOLU) --mode check $(CHANGED_HS_FILES); \
# We don't bother checking only changed *.nix files, as there's so few.
.PHONY: format-nix
## format-nix: auto-format Nix source code using `nixpkgs-fmt`
@if command -v $(NIX_FMT) > /dev/null; then \
echo "running $(NIX_FMT)"; \
else \
echo "$(NIX_FMT) is not installed; skipping"; \
.PHONY: check-format-nix
## check-format-nix: check Nix source code using `nixpkgs-fmt`
@if command -v $(NIX_FMT) > /dev/null; then \
echo "running $(NIX_FMT) --check"; \
$(NIX_FMT) --check $(NIX_FILES); \
else \
echo "$(NIX_FMT) is not installed; skipping"; \
.PHONY: format-frontend
## format-frontend: auto-format all frontend code
format-frontend: frontend/node_modules
@echo 'running nx format:write'
cd frontend && npm run format:write:all
.PHONY: format-frontend-changed
## format-frontend-changed: auto-format all frontend code (changed files only)
format-frontend-changed: frontend/node_modules
@echo 'running nx format:write'
cd frontend && npm run format:write
.PHONY: check-format-frontend
## check-format-frontend: check frontend code
check-format-frontend: frontend/node_modules
@echo 'running nx format:check'
cd frontend && npx nx format:check --base=origin/main
.PHONY: check-format-frontend-changed
## check-format-frontend-changed: check frontend code (changed files only)
check-format-frontend-changed: frontend/node_modules
@echo 'running nx format:check'
cd frontend && npx nx format:check --base=origin/main
.PHONY: format
format: format-hs format-nix format-frontend
.PHONY: format-changed
format-changed: format-hs-changed format-nix format-frontend-changed
.PHONY: check-format
check-format: check-format-hs check-format-nix check-format-frontend
.PHONY: check-format-changed
check-format-changed: check-format-hs-changed check-format-nix check-format-frontend-changed
.PHONY: lint-hs
## lint-hs: lint Haskell code using `hlint`
lint-hs: check-hlint-version
@echo running hlint
@output=$$(mktemp); \
trap 'rm $$output' EXIT; \
$(HLINT) --no-exit-code $(HS_FILES) | tee "$$output"; \
if grep -E '^[^ ]+: (Error|Warning):' "$$output" > /dev/null; then \
echo 'Errors or warnings found.'; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY: lint-hs-changed
## lint-hs-changed: lint Haskell code using `hlint` (changed files only)
lint-hs-changed: check-hlint-version
@echo running hlint
@if [[ -n "$(CHANGED_HS_FILES)" ]]; then \
output=$$(mktemp); \
trap 'rm $$output' EXIT; \
$(HLINT) --no-exit-code $(CHANGED_HS_FILES) | tee "$$output"; \
if grep -E '^[^ ]+: (Error|Warning):' "$$output" > /dev/null; then \
echo 'Errors or warnings found.'; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
.PHONY: lint-hs-fix
## lint-hs-fix: lint Haskell code using `hlint` and attempt to fix warnings using `apply-refact`
lint-hs-fix: check-hlint-version
@echo running hlint --refactor
@echo $(HS_FILES) | xargs -n1 $(HLINT) --refactor --refactor-options='--inplace'
.PHONY: lint-hs-fix-changed
## lint-hs-fix-changed: lint Haskell code using `hlint` and attempt to fix warnings using `apply-refact` (changed files only)
lint-hs-fix-changed: check-hlint-version
@echo running hlint --refactor
@echo $(CHANGED_HS_FILES) | xargs --no-run-if-empty -n1 $(HLINT) --refactor --refactor-options='--inplace'
.PHONY: lint-shell
## lint-shell: lint shell scripts using `shellcheck`
@echo running shellcheck
.PHONY: lint-shell-changed
## lint-shell-changed: lint shell scripts using `shellcheck` (changed files only)
@echo running shellcheck
@if [ -n "$(CHANGED_SHELL_FILES)" ]; then \
.PHONY: lint-frontend
## lint-frontend: lint all frontend code
lint-frontend: frontend/node_modules
@echo 'running nx lint'
cd frontend && npm run lint
.PHONY: lint-frontend-changed
## lint-frontend-changed: lint all frontend code
lint-frontend-changed: frontend/node_modules
@echo 'running nx lint'
cd frontend && npx nx affected --target=lint --fix --parallel=3 --base=origin/main
.PHONY: lint
## lint: run all lint commands, and check formatting
lint: lint-hs lint-shell lint-frontend check-format
.PHONY: lint-changed
## lint: run all lint commands, and check formatting (changed files only)
lint-changed: lint-hs-changed lint-shell-changed lint-frontend-changed check-format-changed