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module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Remote
( buildExecStepRemote
, collectVariablesFromSelectionSet
, collectVariables
, resolveRemoteVariable
, resolveRemoteField
, runVariableCache
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol as GH
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context (RemoteField, RemoteFieldG (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Prepare
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
mkVariableDefinitionAndValue :: Variable -> (G.VariableDefinition, (G.Name, J.Value))
mkVariableDefinitionAndValue var@(Variable varInfo gType varValue) =
(varDefn, (varName, varJSONValue))
varName = getName var
varDefn = G.VariableDefinition varName gType defaultVal
defaultVal =
case varInfo of
VIRequired _ -> Nothing
VIOptional _ val -> Just val
varJSONValue =
case varValue of
JSONValue v -> v
GraphQLValue val -> graphQLValueToJSON val
:: forall fragments
. Functor fragments
=> G.SelectionSet fragments Variable
-> G.SelectionSet fragments G.Name
unresolveVariables =
fmap (fmap (getName . vInfo))
:: forall fragments var
. (Foldable fragments, Hashable var, Eq var)
=> G.SelectionSet fragments var
-> Set.HashSet var
collectVariables =
Set.unions . fmap (foldMap Set.singleton)
:: G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments Variable
-> [(G.VariableDefinition, (G.Name, J.Value))]
collectVariablesFromSelectionSet =
map mkVariableDefinitionAndValue . Set.toList . collectVariables
:: RemoteSchemaInfo
-> G.OperationType
-> G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments Variable
-> ExecutionStep
buildExecStepRemote remoteSchemaInfo tp selSet =
let unresolvedSelSet = unresolveVariables selSet
allVars = map mkVariableDefinitionAndValue $ Set.toList $ collectVariables selSet
varValues = Map.fromList $ map snd allVars
varValsM = bool (Just varValues) Nothing $ Map.null varValues
varDefs = map fst allVars
_grQuery = G.TypedOperationDefinition tp Nothing varDefs [] unresolvedSelSet
_grVariables = varValsM
in ExecStepRemote remoteSchemaInfo GH.GQLReq{_grOperationName = Nothing, ..}
-- | resolveRemoteVariable resolves a `RemoteSchemaVariable` into a GraphQL `Variable`. A
-- `RemoteSchemaVariable` can either be a query variable i.e. variable provided in the
-- query or it can be a `SessionPresetVariable` in which case we look up the value of the
-- session variable and coerce it into the appropriate type and then construct the GraphQL
-- `Variable`. *NOTE*: The session variable preset is a hard preset i.e. if the session
-- variable doesn't exist, an error will be thrown.
-- The name of the GraphQL variable generated will be a GraphQL-ized (replacing '-' by
-- '_') version of the session variable, since session variables are not valid GraphQL
-- names.
-- Additionally, we need to handle partially traversed JSON values; likewise, we create a
-- new variable out of thin air.
-- For example, considering the following schema for a role:
-- input UserName {
-- firstName : String! @preset(value:"Foo")
-- lastName : String!
-- }
-- type Query {
-- user(
-- user_id: Int! @preset(value:"x-hasura-user-id")
-- user_name: UserName!
-- ): User
-- }
-- and the incoming query to the graphql-engine is:
-- query($foo: UserName!) {
-- user(user_name: $foo) { id name }
-- }
-- with variables:
-- { "foo": {"lastName": "Bar"} }
-- After resolving the session argument presets, the query that will be sent to the remote
-- server will be:
-- query ($x_hasura_user_id: Int!, $hasura_json_var_1: String!) {
-- user (user_id: $x_hasura_user_id, user_name: {firstName: "Foo", lastName: $hasura_json_var_1}) {
-- id
-- name
-- }
-- }
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> UserInfo
-> RemoteSchemaVariable
-> StateT (HashMap J.Value Int) m Variable
resolveRemoteVariable userInfo = \case
SessionPresetVariable sessionVar typeName presetInfo -> do
sessionVarVal <- onNothing (getSessionVariableValue sessionVar $ _uiSession userInfo)
$ throw400 NotFound $ sessionVar <<> " session variable expected, but not found"
let varName = sessionVariableToGraphQLName sessionVar
coercedValue <-
case presetInfo of
SessionArgumentPresetScalar ->
case G.unName typeName of
"Int" ->
case readMaybe $ T.unpack sessionVarVal of
Nothing -> throw400 CoercionError $ sessionVarVal <<> " cannot be coerced into an Int value"
Just i -> pure $ G.VInt i
"Boolean" ->
if | sessionVarVal `elem` ["true", "false"] ->
pure $ G.VBoolean $ "true" == sessionVarVal
| otherwise ->
throw400 CoercionError $ sessionVarVal <<> " cannot be coerced into a Boolean value"
"Float" ->
case readMaybe $ T.unpack sessionVarVal of
Nothing ->
throw400 CoercionError $ sessionVarVal <<> " cannot be coerced into a Float value"
Just i -> pure $ G.VFloat i
-- The `String`,`ID` and the default case all use the same code. But,
-- it will be better to not merge all of them into the default case
-- because it will be helpful to know how all the built-in scalars
-- are handled
"String" -> pure $ G.VString sessionVarVal
"ID" -> pure $ G.VString sessionVarVal
-- When we encounter a custom scalar, we just pass it as a string
_ -> pure $ G.VString sessionVarVal
SessionArgumentPresetEnum enumVals -> do
sessionVarEnumVal <-
G.EnumValue <$>
(G.mkName sessionVarVal)
(throw400 CoercionError $ sessionVarVal <<> " is not a valid GraphQL name")
case sessionVarEnumVal `Set.member` enumVals of
True -> pure $ G.VEnum sessionVarEnumVal
False -> throw400 CoercionError $ sessionVarEnumVal <<> " is not one of the valid enum values"
-- nullability is false, because we treat presets as hard presets
let variableGType = G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) typeName
pure $ Variable (VIRequired varName) variableGType (GraphQLValue coercedValue)
RemoteJSONValue gtype jsonValue -> do
cache <- get
index <- Map.lookup jsonValue cache `onNothing` do
let i = Map.size cache + 1
put $ Map.insert jsonValue i cache
pure i
let varName = G.unsafeMkName $ "hasura_json_var_" <> tshow index
pure $ Variable (VIRequired varName) gtype $ JSONValue jsonValue
QueryVariable variable -> pure variable
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> UserInfo
-> RemoteField
-> StateT (HashMap J.Value Int) m (RemoteFieldG Variable)
resolveRemoteField userInfo = traverse (resolveRemoteVariable userInfo)
:: Monad m
=> StateT (HashMap J.Value Int) m a
-> m a
runVariableCache = flip evalStateT mempty