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module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Rewrite
( prefixNumToAliases
, prefixNumToAliasesSelectWith
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (Identifier (..))
{- Note [Postgres identifier length limitations]
Postgres truncates identifiers to a maximum of 63 characters by default (see
-- Prefix an Int to all aliases to preserve the uniqueness of identifiers.
-- See Note [Postgres identifier length limitations].
prefixNumToAliases :: S.Select -> S.Select
prefixNumToAliases s =
uSelect s `evalState` UniqSt 0 Map.empty
:: S.SelectWithG S.Select -> S.SelectWithG S.Select
prefixNumToAliasesSelectWith s =
uSelectWith s `evalState` UniqSt 0 Map.empty
type Rewrite a = State a
data UniqSt
= UniqSt
{ _uqVar :: !Int
, _uqIdens :: !(Map.HashMap Identifier Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type Uniq = Rewrite UniqSt
withNumPfx :: Identifier -> Int -> Identifier
withNumPfx iden i =
Identifier pfx <> iden
pfx = T.pack $ "_" <> show i <> "_"
addAlias :: S.Alias -> Uniq S.Alias
addAlias (S.Alias iden) = do
UniqSt var idens <- get
put $ UniqSt (var + 1) $ Map.insert iden var idens
return $ S.Alias $ withNumPfx iden var
getIdentifier :: Identifier -> Uniq Identifier
getIdentifier iden = do
UniqSt _ idens <- get
let varNumM = Map.lookup iden idens
return $ maybe iden (withNumPfx iden) varNumM
restoringIdens :: Uniq a -> Uniq a
restoringIdens action = do
UniqSt _ idens <- get
res <- action
-- restore the idens to before the action
modify' $ \s -> s { _uqIdens = idens }
return res
uSelectWith :: S.SelectWithG S.Select -> Uniq (S.SelectWithG S.Select)
uSelectWith (S.SelectWith ctes baseSelect) =
<$> forM ctes (\(als, sel) -> (als,) <$> restoringIdens (uSelect sel))
<*> uSelect baseSelect
uSelect :: S.Select -> Uniq S.Select
uSelect sel = do
-- this has to be the first thing to process
newFromM <- mapM uFromExp fromM
newCTEs <- for ctes $ \(alias, cte) -> (,) <$> addAlias alias <*> uSelect cte
newWhereM <- forM whereM $
\(S.WhereFrag be) -> S.WhereFrag <$> uBoolExp be
newGrpM <- forM grpM $
\(S.GroupByExp l) -> S.GroupByExp <$> mapM uSqlExp l
newHavnM <- forM havnM $
\(S.HavingExp be) -> S.HavingExp <$> uBoolExp be
newOrdM <- mapM uOrderBy ordByM
newDistM <- mapM uDistinct distM
newExtrs <- mapM uExtractor extrs
return $ S.Select newCTEs newDistM newExtrs newFromM newWhereM newGrpM
newHavnM newOrdM limitM offM
S.Select ctes distM extrs fromM whereM grpM havnM ordByM limitM offM = sel
uDistinct = \case
S.DistinctSimple -> return S.DistinctSimple
S.DistinctOn l -> S.DistinctOn <$> mapM uSqlExp l
uExtractor (S.Extractor e alM) =
S.Extractor <$> uSqlExp e <*> return alM
uFromExp :: S.FromExp -> Uniq S.FromExp
uFromExp (S.FromExp fromItems) =
S.FromExp <$> mapM uFromItem fromItems
uFunctionArgs :: S.FunctionArgs -> Uniq S.FunctionArgs
uFunctionArgs (S.FunctionArgs positional named) =
S.FunctionArgs <$> mapM uSqlExp positional <*> mapM uSqlExp named
uFunctionAlias :: S.FunctionAlias -> Uniq S.FunctionAlias
uFunctionAlias (S.FunctionAlias alias definitionList) =
S.FunctionAlias <$> addAlias alias <*> pure definitionList
uFunctionExp :: S.FunctionExp -> Uniq S.FunctionExp
uFunctionExp (S.FunctionExp qf args alM) =
S.FunctionExp qf <$> uFunctionArgs args <*> mapM uFunctionAlias alM
uFromItem :: S.FromItem -> Uniq S.FromItem
uFromItem fromItem = case fromItem of
S.FISimple t alM ->
S.FISimple t <$> mapM addAlias alM
S.FIIdentifier iden ->
S.FIIdentifier <$> return iden
S.FIFunc funcExp ->
S.FIFunc <$> uFunctionExp funcExp
S.FIUnnest args als cols ->
S.FIUnnest <$> mapM uSqlExp args <*> addAlias als <*> mapM uSqlExp cols
S.FISelect isLateral sel al -> do
-- we are kind of ignoring if we have to reset
-- idens to empty based on correlation
-- unless isLateral $ modify' $ \s -> s { _uqIdens = Map.empty}
newSel <- restoringIdens $ uSelect sel
newAls <- addAlias al
return $ S.FISelect isLateral newSel newAls
S.FISelectWith isLateral selectWith al -> do
newSelectWith <- uSelectWith selectWith
newAls <- addAlias al
return $ S.FISelectWith isLateral newSelectWith newAls
S.FIValues (S.ValuesExp tups) als mCols -> do
newValExp <- fmap S.ValuesExp $
forM tups $ \(S.TupleExp ts) ->
S.TupleExp <$> mapM uSqlExp ts
return $ S.FIValues newValExp als mCols
S.FIJoin joinExp ->
S.FIJoin <$> uJoinExp joinExp
uJoinExp :: S.JoinExpr -> Uniq S.JoinExpr
uJoinExp (S.JoinExpr left ty right joinCond) = do
leftN <- uFromItem left
rightN <- uFromItem right
S.JoinExpr leftN ty rightN <$> uJoinCond joinCond
uJoinCond :: S.JoinCond -> Uniq S.JoinCond
uJoinCond joinCond = case joinCond of
S.JoinOn be -> S.JoinOn <$> uBoolExp be
S.JoinUsing cols -> return $ S.JoinUsing cols
uBoolExp :: S.BoolExp -> Uniq S.BoolExp
uBoolExp = restoringIdens . \case
S.BELit b -> return $ S.BELit b
S.BEBin op left right ->
S.BEBin <$> return op <*> uBoolExp left <*> uBoolExp right
S.BENot b -> S.BENot <$> uBoolExp b
S.BECompare op left right ->
S.BECompare <$> return op <*> uSqlExp left <*> uSqlExp right
S.BECompareAny op left right ->
S.BECompareAny <$> return op <*> uSqlExp left <*> uSqlExp right
S.BENull e -> S.BENull <$> uSqlExp e
S.BENotNull e -> S.BENotNull <$> uSqlExp e
S.BEExists sel -> S.BEExists <$> uSelect sel
S.BEIN left exps -> S.BEIN <$> uSqlExp left <*> mapM uSqlExp exps
S.BEExp e -> S.BEExp <$> uSqlExp e
uOrderBy :: S.OrderByExp -> Uniq S.OrderByExp
uOrderBy (S.OrderByExp ordByItems) =
S.OrderByExp <$> mapM uOrderByItem ordByItems
uOrderByItem (S.OrderByItem e ordTyM nullsOrdM) =
<$> uSqlExp e
<*> return ordTyM
<*> return nullsOrdM
uSqlExp :: S.SQLExp -> Uniq S.SQLExp
uSqlExp = restoringIdens . \case
S.SEPrep i -> return $ S.SEPrep i
S.SENull -> return S.SENull
S.SELit t -> return $ S.SELit t
S.SEUnsafe t -> return $ S.SEUnsafe t
S.SESelect s -> S.SESelect <$> uSelect s
S.SEStar qual -> S.SEStar <$> traverse uQual qual
-- this is for row expressions
-- todo: check if this is always okay
S.SEIdentifier iden -> return $ S.SEIdentifier iden
S.SERowIdentifier iden -> S.SERowIdentifier <$> getIdentifier iden
S.SEQIdentifier (S.QIdentifier qual iden) -> do
newQual <- uQual qual
return $ S.SEQIdentifier $ S.QIdentifier newQual iden
S.SEFnApp fn args ordByM ->
<$> return fn
<*> mapM uSqlExp args
<*> mapM uOrderBy ordByM
S.SEOpApp op args ->
S.SEOpApp op
<$> mapM uSqlExp args
S.SETyAnn e ty ->
<$> uSqlExp e
<*> return ty
S.SECond be onTrue onFalse ->
<$> uBoolExp be
<*> uSqlExp onTrue
<*> uSqlExp onFalse
S.SEBool be ->
S.SEBool <$> uBoolExp be
S.SEExcluded t ->
S.SEExcluded <$> return t
S.SEArray l ->
S.SEArray <$> mapM uSqlExp l
S.SEArrayIndex arrayExp indexExp ->
S.SEArrayIndex <$> uSqlExp arrayExp <*> uSqlExp indexExp
S.SETuple (S.TupleExp l) ->
S.SETuple . S.TupleExp <$> mapM uSqlExp l
S.SECount cty -> return $ S.SECount cty
S.SENamedArg arg val -> S.SENamedArg arg <$> uSqlExp val
S.SEFunction funcExp -> S.SEFunction <$> uFunctionExp funcExp
uQual = \case
S.QualifiedIdentifier iden ty -> S.QualifiedIdentifier <$> getIdentifier iden <*> pure ty
S.QualTable t -> return $ S.QualTable t
S.QualVar t -> return $ S.QualVar t