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synced 2025-01-05 14:27:59 +03:00
This upgrades the version of Ormolu required by the HGE repository to v0.5.0.1, and reformats all code accordingly. Ormolu v0.5 reformats code that uses infix operators. This is mostly useful, adding newlines and indentation to make it clear which operators are applied first, but in some cases, it's unpleasant. To make this easier on the eyes, I had to do the following: * Add a few fixity declarations (search for `infix`) * Add parentheses to make precedence clear, allowing Ormolu to keep everything on one line * Rename `relevantEq` to `(==~)` in #6651 and set it to `infix 4` * Add a few _.ormolu_ files (thanks to @hallettj for helping me get started), mostly for Autodocodec operators that don't have explicit fixity declarations In general, I think these changes are quite reasonable. They mostly affect indentation. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6675 GitOrigin-RevId: cd47d87f1d089fb0bc9dcbbe7798dbceedcd7d83
500 lines
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500 lines
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-- | Tools to analyze the structure of a GraphQL request.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Analyse
( -- * Query structure
Structure (..),
FieldInfo (..),
InputFieldInfo (..),
VariableInfo (..),
ScalarInfo (..),
EnumInfo (..),
ObjectInfo (..),
InputObjectInfo (..),
-- * Analysis
import Control.Monad.Circular
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, runWriter)
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as Map
import Data.Sequence ((|>))
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name qualified as GName
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- GraphQL query structure
-- | Overall structure of a given query. We extract the tree of fields in the
-- output, and the graph of input variables.
data Structure = Structure
{ _stSelection :: HashMap G.Name FieldInfo,
_stVariables :: HashMap G.Name VariableInfo
-- | Information about the type of an output field; whether the base type is an
-- object or a scalar, we store the correspoding 'GType' to keep track of the
-- modifiers applied to it (list or non-nullability).
data FieldInfo
= FieldObjectInfo G.GType ObjectInfo
| FieldScalarInfo G.GType ScalarInfo
| FieldEnumInfo G.GType EnumInfo
data ScalarInfo = ScalarInfo
{ _siTypeDefinition :: G.ScalarTypeDefinition
data EnumInfo = EnumInfo
{ _eiTypeDefinition :: G.EnumTypeDefinition
data ObjectInfo = ObjectInfo
{ _oiTypeDefinition :: G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition,
_oiSelection :: HashMap G.Name FieldInfo
-- | Information about a single variable of the query.
data VariableInfo = VariableInfo
{ _viType :: G.GType,
_viTypeInfo :: InputFieldInfo,
_viDefaultValue :: Maybe (G.Value Void)
-- | Information about the type of an input field; whether the base type is an
-- object or a scalar, we store the correspoding 'GType' to keep track of the
-- modifiers applied to it (list or non-nullability).
data InputFieldInfo
= InputFieldScalarInfo ScalarInfo
| InputFieldEnumInfo EnumInfo
| InputFieldObjectInfo InputObjectInfo
data InputObjectInfo = InputObjectInfo
{ _ioiTypeDefinition :: G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition,
-- | lazy for knot-tying, as we build a graph
_ioiFields :: ~(HashMap G.Name (G.GType, InputFieldInfo))
-- Analysis
-- | Given the schema's definition, and a query, validate that the query is
-- consistent. We do this by running the analysis, but discarding the result: we
-- do not care about the structure, only about the validity of the query.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if the query is valid, or a list of messages otherwise.
diagnoseGraphQLQuery ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments G.Name ->
Maybe [Text]
diagnoseGraphQLQuery schema query =
let (_structure, errors) = analyzeGraphQLQuery schema query
in if null errors
then Nothing
else Just errors
-- | Given the schema's definition, and a query, run the analysis.
-- We process all possible fields, and return a partially filled structure if
-- necessary. Given the following query:
-- > query {
-- > foo {
-- > bar
-- > }
-- > does_not_exist {
-- > ghsdflgh
-- > }
-- > }
-- We would return a structure containing:
-- > foo: {
-- > bar: {
-- > }
-- > }
-- AND an error about "does_not_exist" not existing.
-- In some cases, however, we might not be able to produce a structure at all,
-- in which case we return 'Nothing'. This either indicates that something was
-- fundamentally wrong with the structure of the query (such as not finding an
-- object at the top level), or that a recoverable error was not caught properly
-- (see 'withCatchAndRecord').
analyzeGraphQLQuery ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments G.Name ->
(Maybe Structure, [Text])
analyzeGraphQLQuery schema G.TypedOperationDefinition {..} = runAnalysis schema do
-- analyze the selection
selection <- withCatchAndRecord do
let rootTypeName = case _todType of
G.OperationTypeQuery -> queryRootName
G.OperationTypeMutation -> mutationRootName
G.OperationTypeSubscription -> subscriptionRootName
rootTypeDefinition <-
lookupType rootTypeName
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound rootTypeName)
case rootTypeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionObject otd ->
analyzeObjectSelectionSet otd _todSelectionSet
_ ->
throwDiagnosis RootTypeNotAnObject
-- analyze the variables
variables <- analyzeVariables _todVariableDefinitions
pure $
(fromMaybe mempty selection)
-- Selection analysis
-- | Analyze the fields of an object selection set against its definition, and
-- emit the corresponding 'Selection'. We ignore the fields that fail, and we
-- continue accumulating the others.
analyzeObjectSelectionSet ::
G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition ->
G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name ->
Analysis (HashMap G.Name FieldInfo)
analyzeObjectSelectionSet (G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..}) selectionSet = do
fields <- traverse analyzeSelection selectionSet
foldlM (Map.unionWithM mergeFields) mempty $ catMaybes fields
analyzeSelection :: G.Selection G.NoFragments G.Name -> Analysis (Maybe (HashMap G.Name FieldInfo))
analyzeSelection = \case
G.SelectionInlineFragment inlineFrag ->
mconcat <$> traverse analyzeSelection (G._ifSelectionSet inlineFrag)
G.SelectionField field@G.Field {..} ->
fmap join $
withField _fName $ withCatchAndRecord do
-- attempt to find that field in the object's definition
G.FieldDefinition {..} <-
findDefinition _fName
`onNothing` throwDiagnosis (ObjectFieldNotFound _otdName _fName)
-- attempt to find its type in the schema
let baseType = G.getBaseType _fldType
typeDefinition <-
lookupType baseType
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound baseType)
-- attempt to build a corresponding FieldInfo
maybeFieldInfo <- analyzeField _fldType typeDefinition field
pure $ Map.singleton (fromMaybe _fName _fAlias) <$> maybeFieldInfo
-- Additional hidden fields that are allowed despite not being listed in the
-- schema.
systemFields :: [G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition]
systemFields =
if _otdName `elem` [queryRootName, mutationRootName, subscriptionRootName]
then [typenameField, schemaField, typeField]
else [typenameField]
-- Search for that field in the schema's definition.
findDefinition :: G.Name -> Maybe (G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)
findDefinition name =
(\fieldDef -> G._fldName fieldDef == name)
(_otdFieldsDefinition <> systemFields)
-- We collect fields in a @Hashmap Name FieldInfo@; in some cases, we might
-- end up with two entries with the same name, in the case where a query
-- selects the same field twice; when that happens we attempt to gracefully
-- merge the info.
mergeFields :: G.Name -> FieldInfo -> FieldInfo -> Analysis FieldInfo
mergeFields name field1 field2 = case (field1, field2) of
-- both are scalars: we check that they're the same
(FieldScalarInfo t1 s1, FieldScalarInfo t2 _) -> do
when (t1 /= t2) $
throwDiagnosis $
MismatchedFields name t1 t2
pure $ FieldScalarInfo t1 s1
-- both are enums: we check that they're the same
(FieldEnumInfo t1 e1, FieldEnumInfo t2 _) -> do
when (t1 /= t2) $
throwDiagnosis $
MismatchedFields name t1 t2
pure $ FieldEnumInfo t1 e1
-- both are objects, we merge their selection sets
(FieldObjectInfo t1 o1, FieldObjectInfo t2 o2) -> do
when (t1 /= t2) $
throwDiagnosis $
MismatchedFields name t1 t2
mergedSelection <-
(_oiSelection o1)
(_oiSelection o2)
pure $ FieldObjectInfo t1 o1 {_oiSelection = mergedSelection}
-- they do not match
_ ->
throwDiagnosis $ MismatchedFields name (getFieldType field1) (getFieldType field2)
-- Extract the GType of a given field
getFieldType = \case
FieldEnumInfo t _ -> t
FieldScalarInfo t _ -> t
FieldObjectInfo t _ -> t
-- | Analyze a given field, and attempt to build a corresponding 'FieldInfo'.
analyzeField ::
G.GType ->
G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition ->
G.Field G.NoFragments G.Name ->
Analysis (Maybe FieldInfo)
analyzeField gType typeDefinition G.Field {..} = case typeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject iotd -> do
-- input objects aren't allowed in selection sets
throwDiagnosis $ InputObjectInOutput $ G._iotdName iotd
G.TypeDefinitionScalar std -> do
-- scalars do not admit a selection set
unless (null _fSelectionSet) $
throwDiagnosis $
ScalarSelectionSet $
G._stdName std
pure $ Just $ FieldScalarInfo gType $ ScalarInfo std
G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd -> do
-- enums do not admit a selection set
unless (null _fSelectionSet) $
throwDiagnosis $
EnumSelectionSet $
G._etdName etd
pure $ Just $ FieldEnumInfo gType $ EnumInfo etd
G.TypeDefinitionUnion _utd ->
-- TODO: implement unions
pure Nothing
G.TypeDefinitionInterface _itd ->
-- TODO: implement interfaces
pure Nothing
G.TypeDefinitionObject otd -> do
-- TODO: check field arguments?
when (null _fSelectionSet) $
throwDiagnosis $
ObjectMissingSelectionSet $
G._otdName otd
subselection <- analyzeObjectSelectionSet otd _fSelectionSet
pure $
Just $
FieldObjectInfo gType $
{ _oiTypeDefinition = otd,
_oiSelection = subselection
-- Variables analysis
-- | Analyzes the variables in the given query. This builds the graph of input
-- types associated with the variable. This process is, like any GraphQL schema
-- operation, inherently self-recursive, and we use 'CircularT' (a lesser
-- 'SchemaT') to tie the knot.
analyzeVariables ::
[G.VariableDefinition] ->
Analysis (HashMap G.Name VariableInfo)
analyzeVariables variables = do
result <- runCircularT $ for variables \G.VariableDefinition {..} -> do
-- TODO: do we want to differentiate field from variable in the error path?
withField _vdName $ withCatchAndRecord do
let baseType = G.getBaseType _vdType
typeDefinition <-
lookupType baseType
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound baseType)
ifInfo <- analyzeInputField baseType typeDefinition
pure $ Map.singleton _vdName $ VariableInfo _vdType ifInfo _vdDefaultValue
pure $ fold $ catMaybes result
-- | Builds an 'InputFieldInfo' for a given typename.
-- This function is "memoized" using 'withCircular' to prevent processing the
-- same type more than once in case the input types are self-recursive.
analyzeInputField ::
G.Name ->
G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition ->
CircularT G.Name InputFieldInfo Analysis InputFieldInfo
analyzeInputField typeName typeDefinition =
withCircular typeName $ case typeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar std ->
pure $ InputFieldScalarInfo (ScalarInfo std)
G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd ->
pure $ InputFieldEnumInfo (EnumInfo etd)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject iotd -> do
fields <- for (G._iotdValueDefinitions iotd) \G.InputValueDefinition {..} -> do
withField _ivdName $ withCatchAndRecord do
let baseType = G.getBaseType _ivdType
typeDef <-
lookupType baseType
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound baseType)
info <- analyzeInputField baseType typeDef
pure (_ivdName, (_ivdType, info))
pure $ InputFieldObjectInfo (InputObjectInfo iotd $ Map.fromList $ catMaybes fields)
G.TypeDefinitionObject _otd -> throwDiagnosis $ ObjectInInput typeName
G.TypeDefinitionInterface _itd -> throwDiagnosis $ InterfaceInInput typeName
G.TypeDefinitionUnion _utd -> throwDiagnosis $ UnionInInput typeName
-- Internal Analysis monad and helpers
-- | The monad in which we run our analysis.
-- Has three capabilities:
-- - reader carries the current path, and the full schema for lookups
-- - writer logs all errors we have caught
-- - except allows for short-circuiting errors
newtype Analysis a
= Analysis
( ExceptT
( ReaderT
(Path, G.SchemaIntrospection)
(Writer [AnalysisError])
deriving newtype
( Functor,
MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection),
MonadWriter [AnalysisError],
MonadError AnalysisError,
runAnalysis :: G.SchemaIntrospection -> Analysis a -> (Maybe a, [Text])
runAnalysis schema (Analysis a) =
postProcess $
runWriter $
flip runReaderT (pure "$", schema) $
runExceptT a
-- if there was an uncaught error, add it to the list
postProcess = \case
(Left err, errors) ->
(Nothing, map render $ errors ++ [err])
(Right result, errors) ->
(Just result, map render errors)
-- | Look up a type in the schema.
lookupType ::
(MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m) =>
G.Name ->
m (Maybe (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition))
lookupType name = do
G.SchemaIntrospection types <- asks snd
pure $ Map.lookup name types
-- | Add the current field to the error path.
withField ::
(MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m) =>
G.Name ->
m a ->
m a
withField name = local $ first (|> G.unName name)
-- | Throws an 'AnalysisError' by combining the given diagnosis with the current
-- path. This interrupts the computation in the given branch, and must be caught
-- for the analysis to resume.
throwDiagnosis ::
( MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m,
MonadError AnalysisError m
) =>
Diagnosis ->
m a
throwDiagnosis d = do
currentPath <- asks fst
throwError $ AnalysisError currentPath d
-- | Runs the given computation. if it fails, cacthes the error, records it in
-- the monad, and return 'Nothing'. This allows for a clean recovery.
withCatchAndRecord ::
( MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m,
MonadWriter [AnalysisError] m,
MonadError AnalysisError m
) =>
m a ->
m (Maybe a)
withCatchAndRecord action =
fmap Just action `catchError` \e -> do
tell [e]
pure Nothing
-- Analysis errors
data AnalysisError = AnalysisError
{ _aePath :: Path,
_aeDiagnosis :: Diagnosis
type Path = Seq Text
data Diagnosis
= RootTypeNotAnObject
| TypeNotFound G.Name
| EnumSelectionSet G.Name
| ScalarSelectionSet G.Name
| InputObjectInOutput G.Name
| UnionInInput G.Name
| ObjectInInput G.Name
| InterfaceInInput G.Name
| ObjectFieldNotFound G.Name G.Name
| ObjectMissingSelectionSet G.Name
| MismatchedFields G.Name G.GType G.GType
render :: AnalysisError -> Text
render (AnalysisError path diagnosis) =
T.intercalate "." (toList path) <> ": " <> case diagnosis of
RootTypeNotAnObject ->
"the root type is not an object"
TypeNotFound name ->
"type '" <> G.unName name <> "' not found in the schema"
EnumSelectionSet name ->
"enum '" <> G.unName name <> "' does not accept a selection set"
ScalarSelectionSet name ->
"scalar '" <> G.unName name <> "' does not accept a selection set"
InputObjectInOutput name ->
"input object '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used for output"
UnionInInput name ->
"union '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used in an input type"
ObjectInInput name ->
"object '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used in an input type"
InterfaceInInput name ->
"interface '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used in an input type"
ObjectFieldNotFound objName fieldName ->
"field '" <> G.unName fieldName <> "' not found in object '" <> G.unName objName <> "'"
ObjectMissingSelectionSet objName ->
"object of type '" <> G.unName objName <> "' must have a selection set"
MismatchedFields name type1 type2 ->
"field '" <> G.unName name <> "' seen with two different types: " <> tshow type1 <> " and " <> tshow type2
-- GraphQL internals
-- Special type names
queryRootName :: G.Name
queryRootName = Name._query_root
mutationRootName :: G.Name
mutationRootName = Name._mutation_root
subscriptionRootName :: G.Name
subscriptionRootName = Name._subscription_root
-- Reserved fields
typenameField :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
typenameField = mkReservedField GName.___typename GName._String
schemaField :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
schemaField = mkReservedField GName.___schema GName.___Schema
typeField :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
typeField = mkReservedField GName.___type GName.___Type
mkReservedField :: G.Name -> G.Name -> G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
mkReservedField fieldName typeName =
G.FieldDefinition Nothing fieldName [] (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) typeName) []