mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 13:31:43 +03:00
[NDAT-501]: https://hasurahq.atlassian.net/browse/NDAT-501?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNWRkNTljNzYxNjVmNDY3MDlhMDU5Y2ZhYzA5YTRkZjUiLCJwIjoiZ2l0aHViLWNvbS1KU1cifQ PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/8614 GitOrigin-RevId: 24530130499174a1a02e0fb4510859fcfeed207d
490 lines
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490 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Instances.Schema () where
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Casing qualified as C
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Name
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Parser.Scalars qualified as BQP
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types qualified as BigQuery
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage (toErrorMessage)
import Hasura.Function.Cache
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build qualified as GSB
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.NamingCase
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options qualified as Options
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser
( FieldParser,
Kind (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename
import Hasura.LogicalModel.Schema (defaultBuildLogicalModelRootFields)
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- BackendSchema instance
instance BackendSchema 'BigQuery where
-- top level parsers
buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields = GSB.buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields
buildTableRelayQueryFields _ _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildTableStreamingSubscriptionFields = GSB.buildTableStreamingSubscriptionFields
buildTableInsertMutationFields _ _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildTableUpdateMutationFields _ _ _ = pure []
buildTableDeleteMutationFields _ _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildFunctionQueryFields _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildFunctionRelayQueryFields _ _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildFunctionMutationFields _ _ _ _ = pure []
buildLogicalModelRootFields = defaultBuildLogicalModelRootFields
-- backend extensions
relayExtension = Nothing
nodesAggExtension = Just ()
streamSubscriptionExtension = Nothing
-- individual components
columnParser = bqColumnParser
enumParser = bqEnumParser
possiblyNullable = const bqPossiblyNullable
scalarSelectionArgumentsParser _ = pure Nothing
orderByOperators _sourceInfo = bqOrderByOperators
comparisonExps = bqComparisonExps
countTypeInput = bqCountTypeInput
aggregateOrderByCountType = BigQuery.IntegerScalarType
computedField = bqComputedField
instance BackendTableSelectSchema 'BigQuery where
tableArguments = defaultTableArgs
selectTable = defaultSelectTable
selectTableAggregate = defaultSelectTableAggregate
tableSelectionSet = defaultTableSelectionSet
instance BackendCustomTypeSelectSchema 'BigQuery where
logicalModelArguments = defaultLogicalModelArgs
logicalModelSelectionSet = defaultLogicalModelSelectionSet
-- Individual components
bqColumnParser ::
MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n =>
ColumnType 'BigQuery ->
G.Nullability ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (IR.ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue 'BigQuery)))
bqColumnParser columnType nullability = case columnType of
ColumnScalar scalarType -> P.memoizeOn 'bqColumnParser (columnType, nullability) do
Options.SchemaOptions {soBigQueryStringNumericInput} <- asks getter
let numericInputParser :: forall a. a -> a -> a
numericInputParser builtin custom =
case soBigQueryStringNumericInput of
Options.EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput -> custom
Options.DisableBigQueryStringNumericInput -> builtin
peelWithOrigin . fmap (ColumnValue columnType) . bqPossiblyNullable nullability
<$> case scalarType of
-- bytestrings
-- we only accept string literals
BigQuery.BytesScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> stringBased _Bytes
-- text
BigQuery.StringScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> P.string
-- floating point values
BigQuery.FloatScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser (BigQuery.doubleToFloat64 <$> P.float) BQP.bqFloat64
BigQuery.IntegerScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser (BigQuery.intToInt64 . fromIntegral <$> P.int) BQP.bqInt64
BigQuery.DecimalScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser
(BigQuery.Decimal . BigQuery.scientificToText <$> P.scientific)
BigQuery.BigDecimalScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser
(BigQuery.BigDecimal . BigQuery.scientificToText <$> P.scientific)
-- boolean type
BigQuery.BoolScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.BoolValue <$> P.boolean
BigQuery.DateScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.DateValue . BigQuery.Date <$> stringBased _Date
BigQuery.TimeScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.TimeValue . BigQuery.Time <$> stringBased _Time
BigQuery.JsonScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.JsonValue <$> P.json
BigQuery.DatetimeScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.DatetimeValue . BigQuery.Datetime <$> stringBased _Datetime
BigQuery.GeographyScalarType ->
pure $ BigQuery.GeographyValue . BigQuery.Geography <$> throughJSON _Geography
BigQuery.TimestampScalarType ->
pure $ BigQuery.TimestampValue . BigQuery.Timestamp <$> stringBased _Timestamp
ty -> throwError $ internalError $ T.pack $ "Type currently unsupported for BigQuery: " ++ show ty
ColumnEnumReference (EnumReference tableName enumValues customTableName) ->
case nonEmpty (Map.toList enumValues) of
Just enumValuesList ->
peelWithOrigin . fmap (ColumnValue columnType) . bqPossiblyNullable nullability
<$> bqEnumParser tableName enumValuesList customTableName nullability
Nothing -> throw400 ValidationFailed "empty enum values"
throughJSON scalarName =
let schemaType = P.TNamed P.NonNullable $ P.Definition scalarName Nothing Nothing [] P.TIScalar
in P.Parser
{ pType = schemaType,
pParser =
P.valueToJSON (P.toGraphQLType schemaType)
>=> either (P.parseErrorWith P.ParseFailed . toErrorMessage . qeError) pure . runAesonParser J.parseJSON
stringBased :: MonadParse m => G.Name -> Parser 'Both m Text
stringBased scalarName =
P.string {P.pType = P.TNamed P.NonNullable $ P.Definition scalarName Nothing Nothing [] P.TIScalar}
bqEnumParser ::
MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n =>
TableName 'BigQuery ->
NonEmpty (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) ->
Maybe G.Name ->
G.Nullability ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (ScalarValue 'BigQuery))
bqEnumParser tableName enumValues customTableName nullability = do
enumName <- mkEnumTypeName @'BigQuery tableName customTableName
pure $ bqPossiblyNullable nullability $ P.enum enumName Nothing (mkEnumValue <$> enumValues)
mkEnumValue :: (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) -> (P.Definition P.EnumValueInfo, ScalarValue 'BigQuery)
mkEnumValue (EnumValue value, EnumValueInfo description) =
( P.Definition value (G.Description <$> description) Nothing [] P.EnumValueInfo,
BigQuery.StringValue $ G.unName value
bqPossiblyNullable ::
MonadParse m =>
G.Nullability ->
Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue 'BigQuery) ->
Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue 'BigQuery)
bqPossiblyNullable (G.Nullability isNullable)
| isNullable = fmap (fromMaybe BigQuery.NullValue) . P.nullable
| otherwise = id
bqOrderByOperators ::
NamingCase ->
( G.Name,
( P.Definition P.EnumValueInfo,
(BasicOrderType 'BigQuery, NullsOrderType 'BigQuery)
bqOrderByOperators _tCase =
(Name._order_by,) $
-- NOTE: NamingCase is not being used here as we don't support naming conventions for this DB
[ ( define Name._asc "in ascending order, nulls first",
(BigQuery.AscOrder, BigQuery.NullsFirst)
( define Name._asc_nulls_first "in ascending order, nulls first",
(BigQuery.AscOrder, BigQuery.NullsFirst)
( define Name._asc_nulls_last "in ascending order, nulls last",
(BigQuery.AscOrder, BigQuery.NullsLast)
( define Name._desc "in descending order, nulls last",
(BigQuery.DescOrder, BigQuery.NullsLast)
( define Name._desc_nulls_first "in descending order, nulls first",
(BigQuery.DescOrder, BigQuery.NullsFirst)
( define Name._desc_nulls_last "in descending order, nulls last",
(BigQuery.DescOrder, BigQuery.NullsLast)
define name desc = P.Definition name (Just desc) Nothing [] P.EnumValueInfo
bqComparisonExps ::
forall m n r.
(MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n) =>
ColumnType 'BigQuery ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp 'BigQuery])
bqComparisonExps = P.memoize 'comparisonExps $ \columnType -> do
collapseIfNull <- retrieve Options.soDangerousBooleanCollapse
dWithinGeogOpParser <- geographyWithinDistanceInput
tCase <- retrieve $ _rscNamingConvention . _siCustomization @'BigQuery
-- see Note [Columns in comparison expression are never nullable]
typedParser <- columnParser columnType (G.Nullability False)
-- textParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar @'BigQuery BigQuery.StringScalarType) (G.Nullability False)
let name = P.getName typedParser <> Name.__BigQuery_comparison_exp
desc =
G.Description $
"Boolean expression to compare columns of type "
<> P.getName typedParser
<<> ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."
-- textListParser = fmap openValueOrigin <$> P.list textParser
columnListParser = fmap IR.openValueOrigin <$> P.list typedParser
mkListLiteral :: [ColumnValue 'BigQuery] -> IR.UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery
mkListLiteral =
IR.UVLiteral . BigQuery.ListExpression . fmap (BigQuery.ValueExpression . cvValue)
pure $
P.object name (Just desc) $
fmap catMaybes $
sequenceA $
[ -- from https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-types:
-- GEOGRAPHY comparisons are not supported. To compare GEOGRAPHY values, use ST_Equals.
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (/= BigQuery.GeographyScalarType) columnType)
*> equalityOperators
(IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser)
(mkListLiteral <$> columnListParser),
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (/= BigQuery.GeographyScalarType) columnType)
*> comparisonOperators
(IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
-- Ops for String type
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (== BigQuery.StringScalarType) columnType)
*> [ mkBoolOperator
(C.fromAutogeneratedName Name.__like)
(Just "does the column match the given pattern")
(ALIKE . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedName Name.__nlike)
(Just "does the column NOT match the given pattern")
(ANLIKE . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser)
-- Ops for Bytes type
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (== BigQuery.BytesScalarType) columnType)
*> [ mkBoolOperator
(C.fromAutogeneratedName Name.__like)
(Just "does the column match the given pattern")
(ALIKE . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedName Name.__nlike)
(Just "does the column NOT match the given pattern")
(ANLIKE . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser)
-- Ops for Geography type
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (== BigQuery.GeographyScalarType) columnType)
*> [ mkBoolOperator
(C.fromAutogeneratedTuple $$(G.litGQLIdentifier ["_st", "contains"]))
(Just "does the column contain the given geography value")
(ABackendSpecific . BigQuery.ASTContains . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedTuple $$(G.litGQLIdentifier ["_st", "equals"]))
(Just "is the column equal to given geography value (directionality is ignored)")
(ABackendSpecific . BigQuery.ASTEquals . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedTuple $$(G.litGQLIdentifier ["_st", "touches"]))
(Just "does the column have at least one point in common with the given geography value")
(ABackendSpecific . BigQuery.ASTTouches . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedTuple $$(G.litGQLIdentifier ["_st", "within"]))
(Just "is the column contained in the given geography value")
(ABackendSpecific . BigQuery.ASTWithin . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedTuple $$(G.litGQLIdentifier ["_st", "intersects"]))
(Just "does the column spatially intersect the given geography value")
(ABackendSpecific . BigQuery.ASTIntersects . IR.mkParameter <$> typedParser),
(C.fromAutogeneratedTuple $$(G.litGQLIdentifier ["_st", "d", "within"]))
(Just "is the column within a given distance from the given geometry value")
(ABackendSpecific . BigQuery.ASTDWithin <$> dWithinGeogOpParser)
bqCountTypeInput ::
MonadParse n =>
Maybe (Parser 'Both n (Column 'BigQuery)) ->
InputFieldsParser n (IR.CountDistinct -> CountType 'BigQuery)
bqCountTypeInput = \case
Just columnEnum -> do
columns <- P.fieldOptional Name._columns Nothing $ P.list columnEnum
pure $ flip mkCountType columns
Nothing -> pure $ flip mkCountType Nothing
mkCountType :: IR.CountDistinct -> Maybe [Column 'BigQuery] -> CountType 'BigQuery
mkCountType _ Nothing = BigQuery.StarCountable
mkCountType IR.SelectCountDistinct (Just cols) =
maybe BigQuery.StarCountable BigQuery.DistinctCountable $ nonEmpty cols
mkCountType IR.SelectCountNonDistinct (Just cols) =
maybe BigQuery.StarCountable BigQuery.NonNullFieldCountable $ nonEmpty cols
geographyWithinDistanceInput ::
forall m n r.
MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n =>
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Input n (DWithinGeogOp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)))
geographyWithinDistanceInput = do
geographyParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar BigQuery.GeographyScalarType) (G.Nullability False)
-- practically BigQuery (as of 2021-11-19) doesn't support TRUE as use_spheroid parameter for ST_DWITHIN
booleanParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar BigQuery.BoolScalarType) (G.Nullability True)
floatParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar BigQuery.FloatScalarType) (G.Nullability False)
pure $
P.object Name._st_dwithin_input Nothing $
<$> (IR.mkParameter <$> P.field Name._distance Nothing floatParser)
<*> (IR.mkParameter <$> P.field Name._from Nothing geographyParser)
<*> (IR.mkParameter <$> P.fieldWithDefault Name._use_spheroid Nothing (G.VBoolean False) booleanParser)
-- | Computed field parser.
bqComputedField ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n =>
ComputedFieldInfo 'BigQuery ->
TableName 'BigQuery ->
TableInfo 'BigQuery ->
SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField 'BigQuery)))
bqComputedField ComputedFieldInfo {..} tableName tableInfo = runMaybeT do
sourceInfo :: SourceInfo 'BigQuery <- asks getter
let customization = _siCustomization sourceInfo
mkTypename = runMkTypename $ _rscTypeNames customization
stringifyNumbers <- retrieve Options.soStringifyNumbers
roleName <- retrieve scRole
fieldName <- lift $ textToName $ computedFieldNameToText _cfiName
functionArgsParser <- lift $ computedFieldFunctionArgs mkTypename _cfiFunction
case _cfiReturnType of
BigQuery.ReturnExistingTable returnTable -> do
returnTableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo returnTable
returnTablePermissions <- hoistMaybe $ tableSelectPermissions roleName returnTableInfo
selectionSetParser <- MaybeT (fmap (P.multiple . P.nonNullableParser) <$> tableSelectionSet returnTableInfo)
selectArgsParser <- lift $ tableArguments returnTableInfo
let fieldArgsParser = liftA2 (,) functionArgsParser selectArgsParser
pure $
P.subselection fieldName fieldDescription fieldArgsParser selectionSetParser
<&> \((functionArgs', args), fields) ->
IR.AFComputedField _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName $
IR.CFSTable JASMultipleRows $
{ IR._asnFields = fields,
IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction (_cffName _cfiFunction) functionArgs' Nothing,
IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo returnTablePermissions,
IR._asnArgs = args,
IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNumbers,
IR._asnNamingConvention = Nothing
BigQuery.ReturnTableSchema returnFields -> do
-- Check if the computed field is available in the select permission
selectPermissions <- hoistMaybe $ tableSelectPermissions roleName tableInfo
guard $ Map.member _cfiName $ spiComputedFields selectPermissions
objectTypeName <-
mkTypename <$> do
computedFieldGQLName <- textToName $ computedFieldNameToText _cfiName
pure $ computedFieldGQLName <> Name.__ <> Name.__fields
selectionSetParser <- do
fieldParsers <- lift $ for returnFields selectArbitraryField
let description = G.Description $ "column fields returning by " <>> _cfiName
pure $
P.selectionSetObject objectTypeName (Just description) fieldParsers []
<&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.AFExpression
pure $
P.subselection fieldName fieldDescription functionArgsParser selectionSetParser
<&> \(functionArgs', fields) ->
IR.AFComputedField _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName $
IR.CFSTable JASMultipleRows $
{ IR._asnFields = fields,
IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction (_cffName _cfiFunction) functionArgs' Nothing,
IR._asnPerm = IR.noTablePermissions,
IR._asnArgs = IR.noSelectArgs,
IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNumbers,
IR._asnNamingConvention = Nothing
fieldDescription :: Maybe G.Description
fieldDescription = G.Description <$> _cfiDescription
selectArbitraryField ::
(BigQuery.ColumnName, G.Name, BigQuery.ScalarType) ->
SchemaT r m (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField 'BigQuery))
selectArbitraryField (columnName, graphQLName, columnType) = do
field <- columnParser @'BigQuery (ColumnScalar columnType) (G.Nullability True)
pure $
P.selection_ graphQLName Nothing field
$> IR.mkAnnColumnField columnName (ColumnScalar columnType) Nothing Nothing
computedFieldFunctionArgs ::
(G.Name -> G.Name) ->
ComputedFieldFunction 'BigQuery ->
SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (FunctionArgsExp 'BigQuery (IR.UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)))
computedFieldFunctionArgs mkTypename ComputedFieldFunction {..} = do
objectName <-
mkTypename <$> do
computedFieldGQLName <- textToName $ computedFieldNameToText _cfiName
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @'BigQuery tableInfo
pure $ computedFieldGQLName <> Name.__ <> tableGQLName <> Name.__args
let userInputArgs = filter (not . flip Map.member _cffComputedFieldImplicitArgs . BigQuery._faName) (toList _cffInputArgs)
argumentParsers <- sequenceA <$> forM userInputArgs parseArgument
let userArgsParser = P.object objectName Nothing argumentParsers
let fieldDesc =
G.Description $
"input parameters for computed field "
<> _cfiName <<> " defined on table " <>> tableName
| null userInputArgs = P.fieldOptional Name._args (Just fieldDesc) userArgsParser
| otherwise = Just <$> P.field Name._args (Just fieldDesc) userArgsParser
pure $
argsField `P.bindFields` \maybeInputArguments -> do
let tableColumnInputs = Map.map BigQuery.AETableColumn $ Map.mapKeys getFuncArgNameTxt _cffComputedFieldImplicitArgs
pure $ FunctionArgsExp mempty $ maybe mempty Map.fromList maybeInputArguments <> tableColumnInputs
parseArgument :: BigQuery.FunctionArgument -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (Text, BigQuery.ArgumentExp (IR.UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)))
parseArgument arg = do
typedParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar $ BigQuery._faType arg) (G.Nullability False)
let argumentName = getFuncArgNameTxt $ BigQuery._faName arg
fieldName <- textToName argumentName
let argParser = P.field fieldName Nothing typedParser
pure $ argParser `P.bindFields` \inputValue -> pure ((argumentName, BigQuery.AEInput $ IR.mkParameter inputValue))