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add remote joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392) Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <ola.zxcvbnm@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Chris Done <chrisdone@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Chris Done <github@chrisdone.com> Co-authored-by: wawhal <rishichandra.wawhal@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Aravind Shankar <aravind@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <brandon.m.simmons@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <rishi@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <brandon@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: nizar-m <19857260+nizar-m@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Praveen Durairaju <praveend.web@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <12475069+rakeshkky@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Anon Ray <rayanon004@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Shahidh K Muhammed <shahidh@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: soorajshankar <soorajshankar@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Sooraj Sanker <sooraj@Soorajs-MacBook-Pro.local> Co-authored-by: Karthikeyan Chinnakonda <karthikeyan@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <ola.zxcvbnm@gmail.com>
348 lines
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348 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.InputValue
( validateInputValue
, jsonParser
, valueParser
, constValueParser
, pPrintValueC
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Data.Has
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Utils
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
newtype P a = P { unP :: Maybe (Either (G.Variable, AnnInpVal) a)}
pNull :: (Monad m) => m (P a)
pNull = return $ P Nothing
pVal :: (Monad m) => a -> m (P a)
pVal = return . P . Just . Right
:: ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader ValidationCtx m)
=> G.Variable -> m AnnInpVal
resolveVar var = do
varVals <- _vcVarVals <$> ask
onNothing (Map.lookup var varVals) $
throwVE $ "no such variable defined in the operation: "
<> showName (G.unVariable var)
:: ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader ValidationCtx m)
=> G.Variable -> m (P a)
pVar var = do
annInpVal <- resolveVar var
return . P . Just $ Left (var, annInpVal)
data InputValueParser a m
= InputValueParser
{ getScalar :: a -> m (P J.Value)
, getList :: a -> m (P [a])
, getObject :: a -> m (P [(G.Name, a)])
, getEnum :: a -> m (P G.EnumValue)
jsonParser :: (MonadError QErr m) => InputValueParser J.Value m
jsonParser =
InputValueParser jScalar jList jObject jEnum
jEnum (J.String t) = pVal $ G.EnumValue $ G.Name t
jEnum J.Null = pNull
jEnum _ = throwVE "expecting a JSON string for Enum"
jList (J.Array l) = pVal $ V.toList l
jList J.Null = pNull
jList v = pVal [v]
jObject (J.Object m) = pVal [(G.Name t, v) | (t, v) <- Map.toList m]
jObject J.Null = pNull
jObject _ = throwVE "expecting a JSON object"
jScalar J.Null = pNull
jScalar v = pVal v
toJValue :: (MonadError QErr m) => G.Value -> m J.Value
toJValue = \case
G.VVariable _ ->
throwVE "variables are not allowed in scalars"
G.VInt i -> return $ J.toJSON i
G.VFloat f -> return $ J.toJSON f
G.VString (G.StringValue t) -> return $ J.toJSON t
G.VBoolean b -> return $ J.toJSON b
G.VNull -> return J.Null
G.VEnum (G.EnumValue n) -> return $ J.toJSON n
G.VList (G.ListValueG vals) ->
J.toJSON <$> mapM toJValue vals
G.VObject (G.ObjectValueG objs) ->
J.toJSON . Map.fromList <$> mapM toTup objs
toTup (G.ObjectFieldG f v) = (f,) <$> toJValue v
:: ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader ValidationCtx m)
=> InputValueParser G.Value m
valueParser =
InputValueParser pScalar pList pObject pEnum
pEnum (G.VVariable var) = pVar var
pEnum (G.VEnum e) = pVal e
pEnum G.VNull = pNull
pEnum _ = throwVE "expecting an enum"
pList (G.VVariable var) = pVar var
pList (G.VList lv) = pVal $ G.unListValue lv
pList G.VNull = pNull
pList v = pVal [v]
pObject (G.VVariable var) = pVar var
pObject (G.VObject ov) = pVal
[(G._ofName oFld, G._ofValue oFld) | oFld <- G.unObjectValue ov]
pObject G.VNull = pNull
pObject _ = throwVE "expecting an object"
-- scalar json
pScalar (G.VVariable var) = pVar var
pScalar G.VNull = pNull
pScalar (G.VInt v) = pVal $ J.Number $ fromIntegral v
pScalar (G.VFloat v) = pVal $ J.Number v
pScalar (G.VBoolean b) = pVal $ J.Bool b
pScalar (G.VString sv) = pVal $ J.String $ G.unStringValue sv
pScalar (G.VEnum _) = throwVE "unexpected enum for a scalar"
pScalar v = pVal =<< toJValue v
pPrintValueC :: G.ValueConst -> Text
pPrintValueC = \case
G.VCInt i -> T.pack $ show i
G.VCFloat f -> T.pack $ show f
G.VCString (G.StringValue t) -> T.pack $ show t
G.VCBoolean b -> bool "false" "true" b
G.VCNull -> "null"
G.VCEnum (G.EnumValue n) -> G.unName n
G.VCList (G.ListValueG vals) -> withSquareBraces $ T.intercalate ", " $ map pPrintValueC vals
G.VCObject (G.ObjectValueG objs) -> withCurlyBraces $ T.intercalate ", " $ map ppObjFld objs
ppObjFld (G.ObjectFieldG f v) = G.unName f <> ": " <> pPrintValueC v
withSquareBraces t = "[" <> t <> "]"
withCurlyBraces t = "{" <> t <> "}"
toJValueC :: G.ValueConst -> J.Value
toJValueC = \case
G.VCInt i -> J.toJSON i
G.VCFloat f -> J.toJSON f
G.VCString (G.StringValue t) -> J.toJSON t
G.VCBoolean b -> J.toJSON b
G.VCNull -> J.Null
G.VCEnum (G.EnumValue n) -> J.toJSON n
G.VCList (G.ListValueG vals) ->
J.toJSON $ map toJValueC vals
G.VCObject (G.ObjectValueG objs) ->
J.toJSON . OMap.fromList $ map toTup objs
toTup (G.ObjectFieldG f v) = (f, toJValueC v)
constValueParser :: (MonadError QErr m) => InputValueParser G.ValueConst m
constValueParser =
InputValueParser pScalar pList pObject pEnum
pEnum (G.VCEnum e) = pVal e
pEnum G.VCNull = pNull
pEnum _ = throwVE "expecting an enum"
pList (G.VCList lv) = pVal $ G.unListValue lv
pList G.VCNull = pNull
pList v = pVal [v]
pObject (G.VCObject ov) = pVal
[(G._ofName oFld, G._ofValue oFld) | oFld <- G.unObjectValue ov]
pObject G.VCNull = pNull
pObject _ = throwVE "expecting an object"
-- scalar json
pScalar G.VCNull = pNull
pScalar (G.VCInt v) = pVal $ J.Number $ fromIntegral v
pScalar (G.VCFloat v) = pVal $ J.Number v
pScalar (G.VCBoolean b) = pVal $ J.Bool b
pScalar (G.VCString sv) = pVal $ J.String $ G.unStringValue sv
pScalar (G.VCEnum _) = throwVE "unexpected enum for a scalar"
pScalar v = pVal $ toJValueC v
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m
=> InputValueParser a m
-> InpObjTyInfo -> [(G.Name, a)] -> m AnnGObject
validateObject valParser tyInfo flds = do
-- check duplicates
unless (null dups) $
throwVE $ "when parsing a value of type: " <> showNamedTy (_iotiName tyInfo)
<> ", the following fields are duplicated: "
<> showNames dups
-- make default values object
defValObj <- fmap (OMap.fromList . catMaybes) $
forM (Map.toList $ _iotiFields tyInfo) $
\(fldName, inpValInfo) -> do
let ty = _iviType inpValInfo
isNotNull = G.isNotNull ty
defValM = _iviDefVal inpValInfo
hasDefVal = isJust defValM
fldPresent = fldName `elem` inpFldNames
when (not fldPresent && isNotNull && not hasDefVal) $
throwVE $ "field " <> G.unName fldName <> " of type "
<> G.showGT ty <> " is required, but not found"
convDefValM <- validateInputValue constValueParser ty `mapM` defValM
return $ (fldName,) <$> convDefValM
-- compute input values object
inpValObj <- fmap OMap.fromList $ forM flds $ \(fldName, fldVal) ->
withPathK (G.unName fldName) $ do
fldTy <- getInpFieldInfo tyInfo fldName
convFldVal <- validateInputValue valParser fldTy fldVal
return (fldName, convFldVal)
return $ inpValObj `OMap.union` defValObj
inpFldNames = map fst flds
dups = duplicates inpFldNames
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> InputValueParser a m
-> (G.Nullability, G.NamedType) -> a -> m AnnInpVal
validateNamedTypeVal inpValParser (nullability, nt) val = do
tyInfo <- getTyInfo nt
case tyInfo of
-- this should never happen
TIObj _ ->
throwUnexpTypeErr "object"
TIIFace _ ->
throwUnexpTypeErr "interface"
TIUnion _ ->
throwUnexpTypeErr "union"
TIInpObj ioti ->
withParsed gType (getObject inpValParser) val $
fmap (AGObject nt) . mapM (validateObject inpValParser ioti)
TIEnum eti ->
withParsed gType (getEnum inpValParser) val $
fmap (AGEnum nt) . validateEnum eti
TIScalar (ScalarTyInfo _ _ pgColTy _) ->
withParsed gType (getScalar inpValParser) val $
fmap (AGScalar pgColTy) . mapM (validateScalar pgColTy)
throwUnexpTypeErr ty = throw500 $ "unexpected " <> ty <> " type info for: "
<> showNamedTy nt
validateEnum enumTyInfo maybeEnumValue = case (_etiValues enumTyInfo, maybeEnumValue) of
(EnumValuesSynthetic _, Nothing) -> pure $ AGESynthetic Nothing
(EnumValuesReference reference, Nothing) -> pure $ AGEReference reference Nothing
(EnumValuesSynthetic values, Just enumValue)
| Map.member enumValue values -> pure $ AGESynthetic (Just enumValue)
(EnumValuesReference reference@(EnumReference _ values), Just enumValue)
| rqlEnumValue <- RQL.EnumValue . G.unName $ G.unEnumValue enumValue
, Map.member rqlEnumValue values
-> pure $ AGEReference reference (Just rqlEnumValue)
(_, Just enumValue) -> throwVE $
"unexpected value " <> showName (G.unEnumValue enumValue) <> " for enum: " <> showNamedTy nt
validateScalar pgColTy = runAesonParser (parsePGValue pgColTy)
gType = G.TypeNamed nullability nt
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r)
=> InputValueParser a m
-> (G.Nullability, G.ListType)
-> a
-> m AnnInpVal
validateList inpValParser (nullability, listTy) val =
withParsed ty (getList inpValParser) val $ \lM -> do
let baseTy = G.unListType listTy
AGArray listTy <$>
mapM (indexedMapM (validateInputValue inpValParser baseTy)) lM
ty = G.TypeList nullability listTy
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r)
=> InputValueParser a m
-> G.GType
-> a
-> m AnnInpVal
validateInputValue inpValParser ty val =
case ty of
G.TypeNamed nullability nt ->
validateNamedTypeVal inpValParser (nullability, nt) val
G.TypeList nullability lt ->
validateList inpValParser (nullability, lt) val
:: (Monad m, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.GType
-> (val -> m (P specificVal))
-> val
-> (Maybe specificVal -> m AnnGValue)
-> m AnnInpVal
withParsed expectedTy valParser val fn = do
parsedVal <- valParser val
case unP parsedVal of
Nothing ->
if G.isNullable expectedTy
then AnnInpVal expectedTy Nothing <$> fn Nothing
else throwVE $ "null value found for non-nullable type: "
<> G.showGT expectedTy
Just (Right v) -> AnnInpVal expectedTy Nothing <$> fn (Just v)
Just (Left (var, v)) -> do
let varTxt = G.unName $ G.unVariable var
unless (isTypeAllowed expectedTy $ _aivType v) $
throwVE $ "variable " <> varTxt
<> " of type " <> G.showGT (_aivType v)
<> " is used in position expecting " <> G.showGT expectedTy
return $ v { _aivVariable = Just var }
-- is the type 'ofType' allowed at a position of type 'atType'
-- Examples:
-- . a! is allowed at a
-- . [a!]! is allowed at [a]
-- . but 'a' is not allowed at 'a!'
isTypeAllowed ofType atType =
case (ofType, atType) of
(G.TypeNamed ofTyN ofNt, G.TypeNamed atTyN atNt) ->
checkNullability ofTyN atTyN && (ofNt == atNt)
(G.TypeList ofTyN ofLt, G.TypeList atTyN atLt) ->
checkNullability ofTyN atTyN &&
isTypeAllowed (G.unListType ofLt) (G.unListType atLt)
_ -> False
-- only when 'atType' is non nullable and 'ofType' is nullable,
-- this check fails
checkNullability (G.Nullability ofNullable) (G.Nullability atNullable) =
case (ofNullable, atNullable) of
(True, _) -> True
(False, False) -> True
(False, True) -> False