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module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Select
( selectQuerySQL
, selectAggregateQuerySQL
, connectionSelectQuerySQL
, asSingleRowJsonResp
, mkSQLSelect
, mkAggregateSelect
, mkConnectionSelect
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import Control.Lens hiding (op)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Rewrite
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.BoolExp
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Types
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common (currentNodeIdVersion, nodeIdVersionInt)
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal
import Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select
import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (Identifier)
import Hasura.SQL.Types
selectQuerySQL :: JsonAggSelect -> AnnSimpleSel 'Postgres -> Q.Query
selectQuerySQL jsonAggSelect sel =
Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $ mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect sel
selectAggregateQuerySQL :: AnnAggregateSelect 'Postgres -> Q.Query
selectAggregateQuerySQL =
Q.fromBuilder . toSQL . mkAggregateSelect
connectionSelectQuerySQL :: ConnectionSelect 'Postgres S.SQLExp -> Q.Query
connectionSelectQuerySQL =
Q.fromBuilder . toSQL . mkConnectionSelect
asSingleRowJsonResp :: Q.Query -> [Q.PrepArg] -> Q.TxE QErr EncJSON
asSingleRowJsonResp query args =
encJFromBS . runIdentity . Q.getRow
<$> Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler query args True
-- Conversion of SelectQ happens in 2 Stages.
-- Stage 1 : Convert input query into an annotated AST
-- Stage 2 : Convert annotated AST to SQL Select
functionToIdentifier :: QualifiedFunction -> Identifier
functionToIdentifier = Identifier . qualifiedObjectToText
selectFromToFromItem :: Identifier -> SelectFrom 'Postgres -> S.FromItem
selectFromToFromItem pfx = \case
FromTable tn -> S.FISimple tn Nothing
FromIdentifier i -> S.FIIdentifier i
FromFunction qf args defListM ->
S.FIFunc $ S.FunctionExp qf (fromTableRowArgs pfx args) $
Just $ S.mkFunctionAlias (functionToIdentifier qf) defListM
-- This function shouldn't be present ideally
-- You should be able to retrieve this information
-- from the FromItem generated with selectFromToFromItem
-- however given from S.FromItem is modelled, it is not
-- possible currently
selectFromToQual :: SelectFrom 'Postgres -> S.Qual
selectFromToQual = \case
FromTable tn -> S.QualTable tn
FromIdentifier i -> S.QualifiedIdentifier i Nothing
FromFunction qf _ _ -> S.QualifiedIdentifier (functionToIdentifier qf) Nothing
aggregateFieldToExp :: AggregateFields 'Postgres -> Bool -> S.SQLExp
aggregateFieldToExp aggFlds strfyNum = jsonRow
jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj (concatMap aggToFlds aggFlds)
withAls fldName sqlExp = [S.SELit fldName, sqlExp]
aggToFlds (FieldName t, fld) = withAls t $ case fld of
AFCount cty -> S.SECount cty
AFOp aggOp -> aggOpToObj aggOp
AFExp e -> S.SELit e
aggOpToObj (AggregateOp opText flds) =
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ concatMap (colFldsToExtr opText) flds
colFldsToExtr opText (FieldName t, CFCol col ty) =
[ S.SELit t
, toJSONableExp strfyNum ty False
$ S.SEFnApp opText [S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier col] Nothing
colFldsToExtr _ (FieldName t, CFExp e) =
[ S.SELit t , S.SELit e]
asSingleRowExtr :: S.Alias -> S.SQLExp
asSingleRowExtr col =
S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "null"] Nothing
jsonAgg = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->")
[ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier col] Nothing
, S.SEUnsafe "0"
:: PermissionLimitSubQuery -> Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Alias -> S.SQLExp
withJsonAggExtr permLimitSubQuery ordBy alias =
-- if select has aggregations then use subquery to apply permission limit
case permLimitSubQuery of
PLSQRequired permLimit -> withPermLimit permLimit
PLSQNotRequired -> simpleJsonAgg
simpleJsonAgg = mkSimpleJsonAgg rowIdenExp ordBy
rowIdenExp = S.SEIdentifier $ S.getAlias alias
subSelAls = Identifier "sub_query"
unnestTable = Identifier "unnest_table"
mkSimpleJsonAgg rowExp ob =
let jsonAggExp = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] ob
in S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAggExp, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing
withPermLimit limit =
let subSelect = mkSubSelect limit
rowIdentifier = S.mkQIdenExp subSelAls alias
extr = S.Extractor (mkSimpleJsonAgg rowIdentifier newOrderBy) Nothing
fromExp = S.FromExp $ pure $
S.mkSelFromItem subSelect $ S.Alias subSelAls
in S.SESelect $ S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = pure extr
, S.selFrom = Just fromExp
mkSubSelect limit =
let jsonRowExtr = flip S.Extractor (Just alias) $
S.mkQIdenExp unnestTable alias
obExtrs = flip map newOBAliases $ \a ->
S.Extractor (S.mkQIdenExp unnestTable a) $ Just $ S.Alias a
in S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = jsonRowExtr : obExtrs
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp $ pure unnestFromItem
, S.selLimit = Just $ S.LimitExp $ S.intToSQLExp limit
, S.selOrderBy = newOrderBy
unnestFromItem =
let arrayAggItems = flip map (rowIdenExp : obCols) $
\s -> S.SEFnApp "array_agg" [s] Nothing
in S.FIUnnest arrayAggItems (S.Alias unnestTable) $
rowIdenExp : map S.SEIdentifier newOBAliases
newOrderBy = S.OrderByExp <$> NE.nonEmpty newOBItems
(newOBItems, obCols, newOBAliases) = maybe ([], [], []) transformOrderBy ordBy
transformOrderBy (S.OrderByExp l) = unzip3 $
flip map (zip (toList l) [1..]) $ \(obItem, i::Int) ->
let iden = Identifier $ "ob_col_" <> tshow i
in ( obItem{S.oColumn = S.SEIdentifier iden}
, S.oColumn obItem
, iden
:: JsonAggSelect -> S.Alias -> PermissionLimitSubQuery -> Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Extractor
asJsonAggExtr jsonAggSelect als permLimitSubQuery ordByExpM =
flip S.Extractor (Just als) $ case jsonAggSelect of
JASMultipleRows -> withJsonAggExtr permLimitSubQuery ordByExpM als
JASSingleObject -> asSingleRowExtr als
-- array relationships are not grouped, so have to be prefixed by
-- parent's alias
mkUniqArrayRelationAlias :: FieldName -> [FieldName] -> Identifier
mkUniqArrayRelationAlias parAls flds =
let sortedFields = sort flds
in Identifier $
getFieldNameTxt parAls <> "."
<> T.intercalate "." (map getFieldNameTxt sortedFields)
mkArrayRelationTableAlias :: Identifier -> FieldName -> [FieldName] -> Identifier
mkArrayRelationTableAlias pfx parAls flds =
pfx <> Identifier ".ar." <> uniqArrRelAls
uniqArrRelAls = mkUniqArrayRelationAlias parAls flds
mkObjectRelationTableAlias :: Identifier -> RelName -> Identifier
mkObjectRelationTableAlias pfx relName =
pfx <> Identifier ".or." <> toIdentifier relName
mkComputedFieldTableAlias :: Identifier -> FieldName -> Identifier
mkComputedFieldTableAlias pfx fldAls =
pfx <> Identifier ".cf." <> toIdentifier fldAls
mkBaseTableAlias :: Identifier -> Identifier
mkBaseTableAlias pfx =
pfx <> Identifier ".base"
mkBaseTableColumnAlias :: Identifier -> PGCol -> Identifier
mkBaseTableColumnAlias pfx pgColumn =
pfx <> Identifier ".pg." <> toIdentifier pgColumn
mkOrderByFieldName :: RelName -> FieldName
mkOrderByFieldName relName =
FieldName $ relNameToTxt relName <> "." <> "order_by"
mkAggregateOrderByAlias :: AnnAggregateOrderBy 'Postgres -> S.Alias
mkAggregateOrderByAlias = (S.Alias . Identifier) . \case
AAOCount -> "count"
AAOOp opText col -> opText <> "." <> getPGColTxt (pgiColumn col)
:: Identifier
-> FieldName
-> HM.HashMap FieldName [FieldName]
-> FieldName
-> Identifier
mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix parentSourcePrefix parentFieldName similarFieldsMap fieldName =
mkArrayRelationTableAlias parentSourcePrefix parentFieldName $
HM.lookupDefault [fieldName] fieldName similarFieldsMap
:: FieldName
-> HM.HashMap FieldName [FieldName]
-> FieldName
-> S.Alias
mkArrayRelationAlias parentFieldName similarFieldsMap fieldName =
S.Alias $ mkUniqArrayRelationAlias parentFieldName $
HM.lookupDefault [fieldName] fieldName similarFieldsMap
:: Identifier -> FunctionArgsExpTableRow 'Postgres S.SQLExp -> S.FunctionArgs
fromTableRowArgs pfx = toFunctionArgs . fmap toSQLExp
toFunctionArgs (FunctionArgsExp positional named) =
S.FunctionArgs positional named
toSQLExp (AETableRow Nothing) = S.SERowIdentifier $ mkBaseTableAlias pfx
toSQLExp (AETableRow (Just acc)) = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias pfx) acc
toSQLExp (AESession s) = s
toSQLExp (AEInput s) = s
-- uses row_to_json to build a json object
:: FieldName -> [S.Extractor] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
withRowToJSON parAls extrs =
(S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow)
jsonRow = S.applyRowToJson extrs
-- uses json_build_object to build a json object
:: FieldName -> [S.SQLExp] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
withJsonBuildObj parAls exps =
(S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow)
jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj exps
-- | Forces aggregation
withForceAggregation :: S.TypeAnn -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
withForceAggregation tyAnn e =
-- bool_or to force aggregation
S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [e, S.SETyAnn (S.SEUnsafe "bool_or('true')") tyAnn] Nothing
:: AnnAggregateOrderBy 'Postgres -> (S.Extractor, AggregateFields 'Postgres)
mkAggregateOrderByExtractorAndFields annAggOrderBy =
case annAggOrderBy of
AAOCount ->
( S.Extractor S.countStar alias
, [(FieldName "count", AFCount S.CTStar)]
AAOOp opText pgColumnInfo ->
let pgColumn = pgiColumn pgColumnInfo
pgType = pgiType pgColumnInfo
in ( S.Extractor (S.SEFnApp opText [S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier pgColumn] Nothing) alias
, [ ( FieldName opText
, AFOp $ AggregateOp opText
[ ( fromCol @'Postgres pgColumn
, CFCol pgColumn pgType
alias = Just $ mkAggregateOrderByAlias annAggOrderBy
:: Identifier -> FieldName -> SimilarArrayFields -> AnnOrderByElementG 'Postgres v -> S.Alias
mkAnnOrderByAlias pfx parAls similarFields = \case
AOCColumn pgColumnInfo ->
let pgColumn = pgiColumn pgColumnInfo
obColAls = mkBaseTableColumnAlias pfx pgColumn
in S.Alias obColAls
-- "pfx.or.relname"."pfx.ob.or.relname.rest" AS "pfx.ob.or.relname.rest"
AOCObjectRelation relInfo _ rest ->
let rn = riName relInfo
relPfx = mkObjectRelationTableAlias pfx rn
ordByFldName = mkOrderByFieldName rn
nesAls = mkAnnOrderByAlias relPfx ordByFldName mempty rest
in nesAls
AOCArrayAggregation relInfo _ aggOrderBy ->
let rn = riName relInfo
arrPfx = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix pfx parAls similarFields $
mkOrderByFieldName rn
obAls = arrPfx <> Identifier "." <> toIdentifier (mkAggregateOrderByAlias aggOrderBy)
in S.Alias obAls
:: Identifier
-> NE.NonEmpty PGCol
-> ( S.DistinctExpr
, [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] -- additional column extractors
processDistinctOnColumns pfx neCols = (distOnExp, colExtrs)
cols = toList neCols
distOnExp = S.DistinctOn $ map (S.SEIdentifier . toIdentifier . mkQColAls) cols
mkQCol c = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias pfx) $ toIdentifier c
mkQColAls = S.Alias . mkBaseTableColumnAlias pfx
colExtrs = flip map cols $ mkQColAls &&& mkQCol
type SimilarArrayFields = HM.HashMap FieldName [FieldName]
:: Eq v
=> AnnFieldsG 'Postgres v
-> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (AnnOrderByItemG 'Postgres v))
-> SimilarArrayFields
mkSimilarArrayFields annFields maybeOrderBys =
HM.fromList $ flip map allTuples $
\(relNameAndArgs, fieldName) -> (fieldName, getSimilarFields relNameAndArgs)
getSimilarFields relNameAndArgs = map snd $ filter ((== relNameAndArgs) . fst) allTuples
allTuples = arrayRelationTuples <> aggOrderByRelationTuples
arrayRelationTuples =
let arrayFields = mapMaybe getAnnArr annFields
in flip map arrayFields $
\(f, relSel) -> (getArrayRelNameAndSelectArgs relSel, f)
aggOrderByRelationTuples =
let mkItem (relName, fieldName) = ( (relName, noSelectArgs)
, fieldName
in map mkItem $ maybe []
(mapMaybe (fetchAggOrderByRels . obiColumn) . toList) maybeOrderBys
fetchAggOrderByRels (AOCArrayAggregation ri _ _) =
Just (riName ri, mkOrderByFieldName $ riName ri)
fetchAggOrderByRels _ = Nothing
getArrayRelNameAndSelectArgs :: ArraySelectG 'Postgres v -> (RelName, SelectArgsG 'Postgres v)
getArrayRelNameAndSelectArgs = \case
ASSimple r -> (aarRelationshipName r, _asnArgs $ aarAnnSelect r)
ASAggregate r -> (aarRelationshipName r, _asnArgs $ aarAnnSelect r)
ASConnection r -> (aarRelationshipName r, _asnArgs $ _csSelect $ aarAnnSelect r)
getAnnArr :: (a, AnnFieldG 'Postgres v) -> Maybe (a, ArraySelectG 'Postgres v)
getAnnArr (f, annFld) = case annFld of
AFArrayRelation (ASConnection _) -> Nothing
AFArrayRelation ar -> Just (f, ar)
_ -> Nothing
:: (MonadWriter JoinTree m)
=> (JoinTree -> b -> JoinTree)
-> m (a, b)
-> m a
withWriteJoinTree joinTreeUpdater action =
pass $ do
(out, result) <- action
let fromJoinTree joinTree =
joinTreeUpdater joinTree result
pure (out, fromJoinTree)
:: (MonadWriter JoinTree m)
=> m ( ObjectRelationSource
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
, a
-> m a
withWriteObjectRelation action =
withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do
(source, nodeExtractors, out) <- action
pure (out, (source, nodeExtractors))
updateJoinTree joinTree (source, nodeExtractors) =
let selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
in mempty{_jtObjectRelations = HM.singleton source selectNode}
:: (MonadWriter JoinTree m)
=> m ( ArrayRelationSource
, S.Extractor
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
, a
-> m a
withWriteArrayRelation action =
withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do
(source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors, out) <- action
pure (out, (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors))
updateJoinTree joinTree (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) =
let arraySelectNode = ArraySelectNode [topExtractor] $
SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
in mempty{_jtArrayRelations = HM.singleton source arraySelectNode}
:: (MonadWriter JoinTree m)
=> m ( ArrayConnectionSource
, S.Extractor
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
, a
-> m a
withWriteArrayConnection action =
withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do
(source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors, out) <- action
pure (out, (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors))
updateJoinTree joinTree (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) =
let arraySelectNode = ArraySelectNode [topExtractor] $
SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
in mempty{_jtArrayConnections = HM.singleton source arraySelectNode}
:: (MonadWriter JoinTree m)
=> m ( ComputedFieldTableSetSource
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
, a
-> m a
withWriteComputedFieldTableSet action =
withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do
(source, nodeExtractors, out) <- action
pure (out, (source, nodeExtractors))
updateJoinTree joinTree (source, nodeExtractors) =
let selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
in mempty{_jtComputedFieldTableSets = HM.singleton source selectNode}
:: forall m . ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> SourcePrefixes
-> FieldName
-> PermissionLimitSubQuery
-> AnnSimpleSel 'Postgres
-> m ( SelectSource
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
processAnnSimpleSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias permLimitSubQuery annSimpleSel = do
(selectSource, orderByAndDistinctExtrs, _) <-
processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrayFields tableFrom
permLimitSubQuery tablePermissions tableArgs
annFieldsExtr <- processAnnFields (_pfThis sourcePrefixes) fieldAlias similarArrayFields annSelFields
let allExtractors = HM.fromList $ annFieldsExtr : orderByAndDistinctExtrs
pure (selectSource, allExtractors)
AnnSelectG annSelFields tableFrom tablePermissions tableArgs _ = annSimpleSel
similarArrayFields =
mkSimilarArrayFields annSelFields $ _saOrderBy tableArgs
:: forall m. ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> SourcePrefixes
-> FieldName
-> AnnAggregateSelect 'Postgres
-> m ( SelectSource
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
, S.Extractor
processAnnAggregateSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias annAggSel = do
(selectSource, orderByAndDistinctExtrs, _) <-
processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrayFields tableFrom
permLimitSubQuery tablePermissions tableArgs
let thisSourcePrefix = _pfThis sourcePrefixes
processedFields <- forM aggSelFields $ \(fieldName, field) ->
(fieldName,) <$>
case field of
TAFAgg aggFields ->
pure ( aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps thisSourcePrefix aggFields
, aggregateFieldToExp aggFields strfyNum
TAFNodes _ annFields -> do
annFieldExtr <- processAnnFields thisSourcePrefix fieldName similarArrayFields annFields
pure ( [annFieldExtr]
, withJsonAggExtr permLimitSubQuery (_ssOrderBy selectSource) $
S.Alias $ toIdentifier fieldName
TAFExp e ->
pure ( []
, withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ S.SELit e
let topLevelExtractor =
flip S.Extractor (Just $ S.Alias $ toIdentifier fieldAlias) $
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap (map (second snd) processedFields) $
\(FieldName fieldText, fieldExp) -> [S.SELit fieldText, fieldExp]
nodeExtractors = HM.fromList $
concatMap (fst . snd) processedFields <> orderByAndDistinctExtrs
pure (selectSource, nodeExtractors, topLevelExtractor)
AnnSelectG aggSelFields tableFrom tablePermissions tableArgs strfyNum = annAggSel
permLimit = _tpLimit tablePermissions
orderBy = _saOrderBy tableArgs
permLimitSubQuery = mkPermissionLimitSubQuery permLimit aggSelFields orderBy
similarArrayFields = HM.unions $
flip map (map snd aggSelFields) $ \case
TAFAgg _ -> mempty
TAFNodes _ annFlds ->
mkSimilarArrayFields annFlds orderBy
TAFExp _ -> mempty
:: Maybe Int
-> TableAggregateFields 'Postgres
-> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (AnnOrderByItem 'Postgres))
-> PermissionLimitSubQuery
mkPermissionLimitSubQuery permLimit aggFields orderBys =
case permLimit of
Nothing -> PLSQNotRequired
Just limit ->
if hasAggregateField || hasAggOrderBy then PLSQRequired limit
else PLSQNotRequired
hasAggregateField = flip any (map snd aggFields) $
TAFAgg _ -> True
_ -> False
hasAggOrderBy = case orderBys of
Nothing -> False
Just l -> flip any (concatMap toList $ toList l) $
AOCArrayAggregation{} -> True
_ -> False
:: forall m. ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> SourcePrefixes
-> FieldName
-> S.Alias
-> ArraySelect 'Postgres
-> m ()
processArrayRelation sourcePrefixes fieldAlias relAlias arrSel =
case arrSel of
ASSimple annArrRel -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do
let AnnRelationSelectG _ colMapping sel = annArrRel
permLimitSubQuery =
maybe PLSQNotRequired PLSQRequired $ _tpLimit $ _asnPerm sel
(source, nodeExtractors) <-
processAnnSimpleSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias permLimitSubQuery sel
let topExtr = asJsonAggExtr JASMultipleRows (S.toAlias fieldAlias)
permLimitSubQuery $ _ssOrderBy source
pure ( ArrayRelationSource relAlias colMapping source
, topExtr
, nodeExtractors
, ()
ASAggregate aggSel -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do
let AnnRelationSelectG _ colMapping sel = aggSel
(source, nodeExtractors, topExtr) <-
processAnnAggregateSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias sel
pure ( ArrayRelationSource relAlias colMapping source
, topExtr
, nodeExtractors
, ()
ASConnection connSel -> withWriteArrayConnection $ do
let AnnRelationSelectG _ colMapping sel = connSel
(source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) <-
processConnectionSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias relAlias colMapping sel
pure ( source
, topExtractor
, nodeExtractors
, ()
:: forall m. ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> SourcePrefixes
-> FieldName
-> SimilarArrayFields
-> SelectFrom 'Postgres
-> PermissionLimitSubQuery
-> TablePerm 'Postgres
-> SelectArgs 'Postgres
-> m ( SelectSource
, [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)]
, Maybe S.SQLExp -- Order by cursor
processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrFields selectFrom
permLimitSubQ tablePermissions tableArgs = do
maybeOrderBy <- mapM
(processOrderByItems thisSourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrFields)
let fromItem = selectFromToFromItem (_pfBase sourcePrefixes) selectFrom
(maybeDistinct, distinctExtrs) =
maybe (Nothing, []) (first Just) $ processDistinctOnColumns thisSourcePrefix . snd <$> distM
finalWhere = toSQLBoolExp (selectFromToQual selectFrom) $
maybe permFilter (andAnnBoolExps permFilter) whereM
selectSource = SelectSource thisSourcePrefix fromItem maybeDistinct finalWhere
((^. _2) <$> maybeOrderBy) finalLimit offsetM
orderByExtrs = maybe [] (^. _1) maybeOrderBy
pure ( selectSource
, orderByExtrs <> distinctExtrs
, (^. _3) <$> maybeOrderBy
thisSourcePrefix = _pfThis sourcePrefixes
SelectArgs whereM orderByM inpLimitM offsetM distM = tableArgs
TablePerm permFilter permLimit = tablePermissions
finalLimit =
-- if sub query is required, then only use input limit
-- because permission limit is being applied in subquery
-- else compare input and permission limits
case permLimitSubQ of
PLSQRequired _ -> inpLimitM
PLSQNotRequired -> compareLimits
compareLimits =
case (inpLimitM, permLimit) of
(inpLim, Nothing) -> inpLim
(Nothing, permLim) -> permLim
(Just inp, Just perm) -> Just $ if inp < perm then inp else perm
:: forall m. ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> Identifier
-> FieldName
-> SimilarArrayFields
-> NE.NonEmpty (AnnOrderByItem 'Postgres)
-> m ( [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] -- Order by Extractors
, S.OrderByExp
, S.SQLExp -- The cursor expression
processOrderByItems sourcePrefix' fieldAlias' similarArrayFields orderByItems = do
orderByItemExps <- forM orderByItems processAnnOrderByItem
let orderByExp = S.OrderByExp $ toOrderByExp <$> orderByItemExps
orderByExtractors = concat $ toList $ map snd . toList <$> orderByItemExps
cursor = mkCursorExp $ toList orderByItemExps
pure (orderByExtractors, orderByExp, cursor)
processAnnOrderByItem :: AnnOrderByItem 'Postgres -> m (OrderByItemExp 'Postgres)
processAnnOrderByItem orderByItem =
forM orderByItem $ \ordByCol -> (ordByCol,) <$>
processAnnOrderByElement sourcePrefix' fieldAlias' ordByCol
:: Identifier -> FieldName -> AnnOrderByElement 'Postgres S.SQLExp -> m (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
processAnnOrderByElement sourcePrefix fieldAlias annObCol = do
let ordByAlias = mkAnnOrderByAlias sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields annObCol
(ordByAlias, ) <$> case annObCol of
AOCColumn pgColInfo -> pure $
S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) $ toIdentifier $ pgiColumn pgColInfo
AOCObjectRelation relInfo relFilter rest -> withWriteObjectRelation $ do
let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ _ = relInfo
relSourcePrefix = mkObjectRelationTableAlias sourcePrefix relName
fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName relName
(relOrderByAlias, relOrdByExp) <-
processAnnOrderByElement relSourcePrefix fieldName rest
let selectSource = ObjectSelectSource relSourcePrefix
(S.FISimple relTable Nothing)
(toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable relTable) relFilter)
relSource = ObjectRelationSource relName colMapping selectSource
pure ( relSource
, HM.singleton relOrderByAlias relOrdByExp
, S.mkQIdenExp relSourcePrefix relOrderByAlias
AOCArrayAggregation relInfo relFilter aggOrderBy -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do
let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ _ = relInfo
fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName relName
relSourcePrefix = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix sourcePrefix fieldAlias
similarArrayFields fieldName
relAlias = mkArrayRelationAlias fieldAlias similarArrayFields fieldName
(topExtractor, fields) = mkAggregateOrderByExtractorAndFields aggOrderBy
selectSource = SelectSource relSourcePrefix
(S.FISimple relTable Nothing) Nothing
(toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable relTable) relFilter)
Nothing Nothing Nothing
relSource = ArrayRelationSource relAlias colMapping selectSource
pure ( relSource
, topExtractor
, HM.fromList $ aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps relSourcePrefix fields
, S.mkQIdenExp relSourcePrefix (mkAggregateOrderByAlias aggOrderBy)
toOrderByExp :: OrderByItemExp 'Postgres -> S.OrderByItem
toOrderByExp orderByItemExp =
let OrderByItemG obTyM expAlias obNullsM = fst . snd <$> orderByItemExp
in S.OrderByItem (S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier expAlias) obTyM obNullsM
mkCursorExp :: [OrderByItemExp 'Postgres] -> S.SQLExp
mkCursorExp orderByItemExps =
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap orderByItemExps $
\orderByItemExp ->
let OrderByItemG _ (annObCol, (_, valExp)) _ = orderByItemExp
in annObColToJSONField valExp annObCol
annObColToJSONField valExp = \case
AOCColumn pgCol -> [S.SELit $ getPGColTxt $ pgiColumn pgCol, valExp]
AOCObjectRelation relInfo _ obCol ->
[ S.SELit $ relNameToTxt $ riName relInfo
, S.applyJsonBuildObj $ annObColToJSONField valExp obCol
AOCArrayAggregation relInfo _ aggOrderBy ->
[ S.SELit $ relNameToTxt (riName relInfo) <> "_aggregate"
, S.applyJsonBuildObj $
case aggOrderBy of
AAOCount -> [S.SELit "count", valExp]
AAOOp opText colInfo ->
[ S.SELit opText
, S.applyJsonBuildObj [S.SELit $ getPGColTxt $ pgiColumn colInfo, valExp]
:: Identifier -> AggregateFields 'Postgres -> [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)]
aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps sourcePrefix aggregateFields =
flip concatMap aggregateFields $ \(_, field) ->
case field of
AFCount cty -> case cty of
S.CTStar -> []
S.CTSimple cols -> colsToExps cols
S.CTDistinct cols -> colsToExps cols
AFOp aggOp -> aggOpToExps aggOp
AFExp _ -> []
colsToExps = fmap mkColExp
aggOpToExps = mapMaybe colToMaybeExp . _aoFields
colToMaybeExp = \case
(_, CFCol col _) -> Just $ mkColExp col
_ -> Nothing
mkColExp c =
let qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) (toIdentifier c)
colAls = toIdentifier c
in (S.Alias colAls, qualCol)
{- Note: [SQL generation for inherited roles]
When a query is executed by an inherited role, each column may contain a predicate
(AnnColumnCaseBoolExp 'Postgres SQLExp) along with it. The predicate is then
converted to a BoolExp, which will be used to check if the said column should
be nullified. For example,
Suppose there are two roles, role1 gives access only to the `addr` column with
row filter P1 and role2 gives access to both addr and phone column with row
filter P2. The `OR`ing of the predicates will have already been done while
the schema has been generated. The SQL generated will look like this:
(case when (P1 or P2) then addr else null end) as addr,
(case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone
from employee
where (P1 or P2)
:: forall m
. ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> Identifier
-> FieldName
-> SimilarArrayFields
-> AnnFields 'Postgres
-> m (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
processAnnFields sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrFields annFields = do
fieldExps <- forM annFields $ \(fieldName, field) ->
(fieldName,) <$>
case field of
AFExpression t -> pure $ S.SELit t
AFNodeId _ tn pKeys -> pure $ mkNodeId tn pKeys
AFColumn c -> toSQLCol c
AFRemote _ _ -> pure $ S.SELit "null: remote field selected"
AFObjectRelation objSel -> withWriteObjectRelation $ do
let AnnRelationSelectG relName relMapping annObjSel = objSel
AnnObjectSelectG objAnnFields tableFrom tableFilter = annObjSel
objRelSourcePrefix = mkObjectRelationTableAlias sourcePrefix relName
sourcePrefixes = mkSourcePrefixes objRelSourcePrefix
annFieldsExtr <- processAnnFields (_pfThis sourcePrefixes) fieldName HM.empty objAnnFields
let selectSource = ObjectSelectSource (_pfThis sourcePrefixes)
(S.FISimple tableFrom Nothing)
(toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tableFrom) tableFilter)
objRelSource = ObjectRelationSource relName relMapping selectSource
pure ( objRelSource
, HM.fromList [annFieldsExtr]
, S.mkQIdenExp objRelSourcePrefix fieldName
AFArrayRelation arrSel -> do
let arrRelSourcePrefix = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrFields fieldName
arrRelAlias = mkArrayRelationAlias fieldAlias similarArrFields fieldName
processArrayRelation (mkSourcePrefixes arrRelSourcePrefix) fieldName arrRelAlias arrSel
pure $ S.mkQIdenExp arrRelSourcePrefix fieldName
AFComputedField _ (CFSScalar scalar caseBoolExpMaybe) -> do
computedFieldSQLExp <- fromScalarComputedField scalar
-- The computed field is conditionally outputed depending
-- on the presence of `caseBoolExpMaybe` and the value it
-- evaluates to. `caseBoolExpMaybe` will be set only in the
-- case of an inherited role.
-- See [SQL generation for inherited role]
case caseBoolExpMaybe of
Nothing -> pure computedFieldSQLExp
Just caseBoolExp ->
let boolExp = S.simplifyBoolExp $ toSQLBoolExp (S.QualifiedIdentifier baseTableIdentifier Nothing)
$ _accColCaseBoolExpField <$> caseBoolExp
in pure $ S.SECond boolExp computedFieldSQLExp S.SENull
AFComputedField _ (CFSTable selectTy sel) -> withWriteComputedFieldTableSet $ do
let computedFieldSourcePrefix =
mkComputedFieldTableAlias sourcePrefix fieldName
(selectSource, nodeExtractors) <-
processAnnSimpleSelect (mkSourcePrefixes computedFieldSourcePrefix)
fieldName PLSQNotRequired sel
let computedFieldTableSetSource =
ComputedFieldTableSetSource fieldName selectTy selectSource
pure ( computedFieldTableSetSource
, nodeExtractors
, S.mkQIdenExp computedFieldSourcePrefix fieldName
pure $
-- postgres ignores anything beyond 63 chars for an iden
-- in this case, we'll need to use json_build_object function
-- json_build_object is slower than row_to_json hence it is only
-- used when needed
if any ( (> 63) . T.length . getFieldNameTxt . fst ) fieldExps then
withJsonBuildObj fieldAlias $ concatMap toJsonBuildObjectExps fieldExps
else withRowToJSON fieldAlias $ map toRowToJsonExtr fieldExps
mkSourcePrefixes newPrefix = SourcePrefixes newPrefix sourcePrefix
toJsonBuildObjectExps (fieldName, fieldExp) =
[S.SELit $ getFieldNameTxt fieldName, fieldExp]
toRowToJsonExtr (fieldName, fieldExp) =
S.Extractor fieldExp $ Just $ S.toAlias fieldName
baseTableIdentifier = mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix
toSQLCol :: AnnColumnField 'Postgres S.SQLExp -> m S.SQLExp
toSQLCol (AnnColumnField col asText colOpM caseBoolExpMaybe) = do
strfyNum <- ask
let sqlExpression =
withColumnOp colOpM $
S.mkQIdenExp baseTableIdentifier $ pgiColumn col
finalSQLExpression =
-- Check out [SQL generation for inherited role]
case caseBoolExpMaybe of
Nothing -> sqlExpression
Just caseBoolExp ->
let boolExp =
S.simplifyBoolExp $ toSQLBoolExp (S.QualifiedIdentifier baseTableIdentifier Nothing) $
_accColCaseBoolExpField <$> caseBoolExp
in S.SECond boolExp sqlExpression S.SENull
pure $ toJSONableExp strfyNum (pgiType col) asText finalSQLExpression
fromScalarComputedField :: ComputedFieldScalarSelect 'Postgres S.SQLExp -> m S.SQLExp
fromScalarComputedField computedFieldScalar = do
strfyNum <- ask
pure $ toJSONableExp strfyNum (ColumnScalar ty) False $ withColumnOp colOpM $
S.SEFunction $ S.FunctionExp fn (fromTableRowArgs sourcePrefix args) Nothing
ComputedFieldScalarSelect fn args ty colOpM = computedFieldScalar
withColumnOp :: Maybe (ColumnOp 'Postgres) -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
withColumnOp colOpM sqlExp = case colOpM of
Nothing -> sqlExp
Just (ColumnOp opText cExp) -> S.mkSQLOpExp opText sqlExp cExp
mkNodeId :: QualifiedTable -> PrimaryKeyColumns 'Postgres -> S.SQLExp
mkNodeId (QualifiedObject tableSchema tableName) pkeyColumns =
let columnInfoToSQLExp pgColumnInfo =
toJSONableExp False (pgiType pgColumnInfo) False $
S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo
-- See Note [Relay Node id].
in encodeBase64 $ flip S.SETyAnn S.textTypeAnn $ S.applyJsonBuildArray $
[ S.intToSQLExp $ nodeIdVersionInt currentNodeIdVersion
, S.SELit (getSchemaTxt tableSchema)
, S.SELit (toTxt tableName)
] <> map columnInfoToSQLExp (toList pkeyColumns)
injectJoinCond :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Join condition
-> S.BoolExp -- ^ Where condition
-> S.WhereFrag -- ^ New where frag
injectJoinCond joinCond whereCond =
S.WhereFrag $ S.simplifyBoolExp $ S.BEBin S.AndOp joinCond whereCond
mkJoinCond :: S.Alias -> HashMap PGCol PGCol -> S.BoolExp
mkJoinCond baseTablepfx colMapn =
foldl' (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $ flip map (HM.toList colMapn) $ \(lCol, rCol) ->
S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.mkQIdenExp baseTablepfx lCol) (S.mkSIdenExp rCol)
:: S.BoolExp -- ^ Pre join condition
-> SelectSource
-> SelectNode
-> S.Select
generateSQLSelect joinCondition selectSource selectNode =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor e $ Just a | (a, e) <- HM.toList extractors]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [joinedFrom]
, S.selOrderBy = maybeOrderby
, S.selLimit = S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp <$> maybeLimit
, S.selOffset = S.OffsetExp <$> maybeOffset
, S.selDistinct = maybeDistinct
SelectSource sourcePrefix fromItem maybeDistinct whereExp
maybeOrderby maybeLimit maybeOffset = selectSource
SelectNode extractors joinTree = selectNode
JoinTree objectRelations arrayRelations arrayConnections computedFields = joinTree
-- this is the table which is aliased as "sourcePrefix.base"
baseSelect = S.mkSelect
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor (S.SEStar Nothing) Nothing]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
, S.selWhere = Just $ injectJoinCond joinCondition whereExp
baseSelectAlias = S.Alias $ mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix
baseFromItem = S.mkSelFromItem baseSelect baseSelectAlias
-- function to create a joined from item from two from items
leftOuterJoin current new =
S.FIJoin $ S.JoinExpr current S.LeftOuter new $
S.JoinOn $ S.BELit True
-- this is the from eexp for the final select
joinedFrom :: S.FromItem
joinedFrom = foldl' leftOuterJoin baseFromItem $
map objectRelationToFromItem (HM.toList objectRelations) <>
map arrayRelationToFromItem (HM.toList arrayRelations) <>
map arrayConnectionToFromItem (HM.toList arrayConnections) <>
map computedFieldToFromItem (HM.toList computedFields)
:: (ObjectRelationSource, SelectNode) -> S.FromItem
objectRelationToFromItem (objectRelationSource, node) =
let ObjectRelationSource _ colMapping objectSelectSource = objectRelationSource
alias = S.Alias $ _ossPrefix objectSelectSource
source = objectSelectSourceToSelectSource objectSelectSource
select = generateSQLSelect (mkJoinCond baseSelectAlias colMapping) source node
in S.mkLateralFromItem select alias
:: (ArrayRelationSource, ArraySelectNode) -> S.FromItem
arrayRelationToFromItem (arrayRelationSource, arraySelectNode) =
let ArrayRelationSource _ colMapping source = arrayRelationSource
alias = S.Alias $ _ssPrefix source
select = generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode source arraySelectNode $
mkJoinCond baseSelectAlias colMapping
in S.mkLateralFromItem select alias
:: (ArrayConnectionSource, ArraySelectNode) -> S.FromItem
arrayConnectionToFromItem (arrayConnectionSource, arraySelectNode) =
let selectWith = connectionToSelectWith baseSelectAlias arrayConnectionSource arraySelectNode
alias = S.Alias $ _ssPrefix $ _acsSource arrayConnectionSource
in S.FISelectWith (S.Lateral True) selectWith alias
:: (ComputedFieldTableSetSource, SelectNode) -> S.FromItem
computedFieldToFromItem (computedFieldTableSource, node) =
let ComputedFieldTableSetSource fieldName selectTy source = computedFieldTableSource
internalSelect = generateSQLSelect (S.BELit True) source node
extractor = asJsonAggExtr selectTy (S.toAlias fieldName) PLSQNotRequired $
_ssOrderBy source
alias = S.Alias $ _ssPrefix source
select = S.mkSelect
{ S.selExtr = [extractor]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.mkSelFromItem internalSelect alias]
in S.mkLateralFromItem select alias
:: SelectSource
-> ArraySelectNode
-> S.BoolExp
-> S.Select
generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode selectSource arraySelectNode joinCondition =
{ S.selExtr = topExtractors
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [selectFrom]
ArraySelectNode topExtractors selectNode = arraySelectNode
selectFrom = S.mkSelFromItem
(generateSQLSelect joinCondition selectSource selectNode) $
S.Alias $ _ssPrefix selectSource
mkAggregateSelect :: AnnAggregateSelect 'Postgres -> S.Select
mkAggregateSelect annAggSel =
let ((selectSource, nodeExtractors, topExtractor), joinTree) =
runWriter $ flip runReaderT strfyNum $
processAnnAggregateSelect sourcePrefixes rootFieldName annAggSel
selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
arrayNode = ArraySelectNode [topExtractor] selectNode
in prefixNumToAliases $
generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode selectSource arrayNode $ S.BELit True
strfyNum = _asnStrfyNum annAggSel
rootFieldName = FieldName "root"
rootIdentifier = toIdentifier rootFieldName
sourcePrefixes = SourcePrefixes rootIdentifier rootIdentifier
mkSQLSelect :: JsonAggSelect -> AnnSimpleSel 'Postgres -> S.Select
mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect annSel =
let permLimitSubQuery = PLSQNotRequired
((selectSource, nodeExtractors), joinTree) =
runWriter $ flip runReaderT strfyNum $
processAnnSimpleSelect sourcePrefixes rootFldName permLimitSubQuery annSel
selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
topExtractor = asJsonAggExtr jsonAggSelect rootFldAls permLimitSubQuery
$ _ssOrderBy selectSource
arrayNode = ArraySelectNode [topExtractor] selectNode
in prefixNumToAliases $
generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode selectSource arrayNode $ S.BELit True
strfyNum = _asnStrfyNum annSel
rootFldIdentifier = toIdentifier rootFldName
sourcePrefixes = SourcePrefixes rootFldIdentifier rootFldIdentifier
rootFldName = FieldName "root"
rootFldAls = S.Alias $ toIdentifier rootFldName
mkConnectionSelect :: ConnectionSelect 'Postgres S.SQLExp -> S.SelectWithG S.Select
mkConnectionSelect connectionSelect =
let ((connectionSource, topExtractor, nodeExtractors), joinTree) =
runWriter $ flip runReaderT strfyNum $
processConnectionSelect sourcePrefixes rootFieldName
(S.Alias rootIdentifier) mempty connectionSelect
selectNode = ArraySelectNode [topExtractor] $
SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree
in prefixNumToAliasesSelectWith $
connectionToSelectWith (S.Alias rootIdentifier) connectionSource selectNode
strfyNum = _asnStrfyNum $ _csSelect connectionSelect
rootFieldName = FieldName "root"
rootIdentifier = toIdentifier rootFieldName
sourcePrefixes = SourcePrefixes rootIdentifier rootIdentifier
-- | First element extractor expression from given record set
-- For example:- To get first "id" column from given row set,
-- the function generates the SQL expression AS `(array_agg("id"))[1]`
mkFirstElementExp :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
mkFirstElementExp expIdentifier =
-- For Example
S.SEArrayIndex (S.SEFnApp "array_agg" [expIdentifier] Nothing) (S.intToSQLExp 1)
-- | Last element extractor expression from given record set.
-- For example:- To get first "id" column from given row set,
-- the function generates the SQL expression AS `(array_agg("id"))[array_length(array_agg("id"), 1)]`
mkLastElementExp :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
mkLastElementExp expIdentifier =
let arrayExp = S.SEFnApp "array_agg" [expIdentifier] Nothing
in S.SEArrayIndex arrayExp $
S.SEFnApp "array_length" [arrayExp, S.intToSQLExp 1] Nothing
cursorIdentifier :: Identifier
cursorIdentifier = Identifier "__cursor"
startCursorIdentifier :: Identifier
startCursorIdentifier = Identifier "__start_cursor"
endCursorIdentifier :: Identifier
endCursorIdentifier = Identifier "__end_cursor"
hasPreviousPageIdentifier :: Identifier
hasPreviousPageIdentifier = Identifier "__has_previous_page"
hasNextPageIdentifier :: Identifier
hasNextPageIdentifier = Identifier "__has_next_page"
pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier :: Identifier
pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier = Identifier "__page_info"
cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier :: Identifier
cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier = Identifier "__cursors_select"
encodeBase64 :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
encodeBase64 =
removeNewline . bytesToBase64Text . convertToBytes
convertToBytes e =
S.SEFnApp "convert_to" [e, S.SELit "UTF8"] Nothing
bytesToBase64Text e =
S.SEFnApp "encode" [e, S.SELit "base64"] Nothing
removeNewline e =
S.SEFnApp "regexp_replace" [e, S.SELit "\\n", S.SELit "", S.SELit "g"] Nothing
:: ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
=> SourcePrefixes
-> FieldName
-> S.Alias
-> HM.HashMap PGCol PGCol
-> ConnectionSelect 'Postgres S.SQLExp
-> m ( ArrayConnectionSource
, S.Extractor
, HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp
processConnectionSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias relAlias colMapping connectionSelect = do
(selectSource, orderByAndDistinctExtrs, maybeOrderByCursor) <-
processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrayFields selectFrom
permLimitSubQuery tablePermissions tableArgs
let mkCursorExtractor = (S.Alias cursorIdentifier,) . (`S.SETyAnn` S.textTypeAnn)
cursorExtractors = case maybeOrderByCursor of
Just orderByCursor -> [mkCursorExtractor orderByCursor]
Nothing ->
-- Extract primary key columns from base select along with cursor expression.
-- Those columns are required to perform connection split via a WHERE clause.
mkCursorExtractor primaryKeyColumnsObjectExp : primaryKeyColumnExtractors
orderByExp = _ssOrderBy selectSource
(topExtractorExp, exps) <- flip runStateT [] $ processFields orderByExp
let topExtractor = S.Extractor topExtractorExp $ Just $ S.Alias fieldIdentifier
allExtractors = HM.fromList $ cursorExtractors <> exps <> orderByAndDistinctExtrs
arrayConnectionSource = ArrayConnectionSource relAlias colMapping
(mkSplitBoolExp <$> maybeSplit) maybeSlice selectSource
pure ( arrayConnectionSource
, topExtractor
, allExtractors
ConnectionSelect _ primaryKeyColumns maybeSplit maybeSlice select = connectionSelect
AnnSelectG fields selectFrom tablePermissions tableArgs _ = select
fieldIdentifier = toIdentifier fieldAlias
thisPrefix = _pfThis sourcePrefixes
permLimitSubQuery = PLSQNotRequired
primaryKeyColumnsObjectExp =
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap (toList primaryKeyColumns) $
\pgColumnInfo ->
[ S.SELit $ getPGColTxt $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo
, toJSONableExp False (pgiType pgColumnInfo) False $
S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias thisPrefix) $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo
primaryKeyColumnExtractors =
flip map (toList primaryKeyColumns) $
\pgColumnInfo ->
let pgColumn = pgiColumn pgColumnInfo
in ( S.Alias $ mkBaseTableColumnAlias thisPrefix pgColumn
, S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias thisPrefix) pgColumn
mkSplitBoolExp (firstSplit NE.:| rest) =
S.BEBin S.OrOp (mkSplitCompareExp firstSplit) $ mkBoolExpFromRest firstSplit rest
mkBoolExpFromRest previousSplit =
S.BEBin S.AndOp (mkEqualityCompareExp previousSplit) . \case
[] -> S.BELit False
(thisSplit:remainingSplit) -> mkSplitBoolExp (thisSplit NE.:| remainingSplit)
mkSplitCompareExp (ConnectionSplit kind v (OrderByItemG obTyM obCol _)) =
let obAlias = mkAnnOrderByAlias thisPrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields obCol
obTy = fromMaybe S.OTAsc obTyM
compareOp = case (kind, obTy) of
(CSKAfter, S.OTAsc) -> S.SGT
(CSKAfter, S.OTDesc) -> S.SLT
(CSKBefore, S.OTAsc) -> S.SLT
(CSKBefore, S.OTDesc) -> S.SGT
in S.BECompare compareOp (S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier obAlias) v
mkEqualityCompareExp (ConnectionSplit _ v orderByItem) =
let obAlias = mkAnnOrderByAlias thisPrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields $
obiColumn orderByItem
in S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier obAlias) v
similarArrayFields = HM.unions $
flip map (map snd fields) $ \case
ConnectionTypename{} -> mempty
ConnectionPageInfo{} -> mempty
ConnectionEdges edges -> HM.unions $
flip map (map snd edges) $ \case
EdgeTypename{} -> mempty
EdgeCursor{} -> mempty
EdgeNode annFields ->
mkSimilarArrayFields annFields $ _saOrderBy tableArgs
mkSimpleJsonAgg rowExp ob =
let jsonAggExp = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] ob
in S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAggExp, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing
:: ( MonadReader Bool m
, MonadWriter JoinTree m
, MonadState [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] m
=> Maybe S.OrderByExp -> m S.SQLExp
processFields orderByExp =
fmap (S.applyJsonBuildObj . concat) $
forM fields $
\(FieldName fieldText, field) -> (S.SELit fieldText:) . pure <$>
case field of
ConnectionTypename t -> pure $ withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ S.SELit t
ConnectionPageInfo pageInfoFields -> pure $ processPageInfoFields pageInfoFields
ConnectionEdges edges ->
fmap (flip mkSimpleJsonAgg orderByExp . S.applyJsonBuildObj . concat) $ forM edges $
\(FieldName edgeText, edge) -> (S.SELit edgeText:) . pure <$>
case edge of
EdgeTypename t -> pure $ S.SELit t
EdgeCursor -> pure $ encodeBase64 $ S.SEIdentifier (toIdentifier cursorIdentifier)
EdgeNode annFields -> do
let edgeFieldName = FieldName $
getFieldNameTxt fieldAlias <> "." <> fieldText <> "." <> edgeText
edgeFieldIdentifier = toIdentifier edgeFieldName
annFieldsExtrExp <- processAnnFields thisPrefix edgeFieldName similarArrayFields annFields
modify' (<> [annFieldsExtrExp])
pure $ S.SEIdentifier edgeFieldIdentifier
processPageInfoFields infoFields =
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap infoFields $
\(FieldName fieldText, field) -> (:) (S.SELit fieldText) $ pure case field of
PageInfoTypename t -> withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ S.SELit t
PageInfoHasNextPage -> withForceAggregation S.boolTypeAnn $
mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier hasNextPageIdentifier) pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier
PageInfoHasPreviousPage -> withForceAggregation S.boolTypeAnn $
mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier hasPreviousPageIdentifier) pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier
PageInfoStartCursor -> withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $
encodeBase64 $ mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier startCursorIdentifier) cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier
PageInfoEndCursor -> withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $
encodeBase64 $ mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier endCursorIdentifier) cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier
mkSingleFieldSelect field fromIdentifier = S.SESelect
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor field Nothing]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier fromIdentifier]
:: S.Alias
-> ArrayConnectionSource
-> ArraySelectNode
-> S.SelectWithG S.Select
connectionToSelectWith baseSelectAlias arrayConnectionSource arraySelectNode =
let extractionSelect = S.mkSelect
{ S.selExtr = topExtractors
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier finalSelectIdentifier]
in S.SelectWith fromBaseSelections extractionSelect
ArrayConnectionSource _ columnMapping maybeSplit maybeSlice selectSource =
ArraySelectNode topExtractors selectNode = arraySelectNode
baseSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__base_select"
splitSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__split_select"
sliceSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__slice_select"
finalSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__final_select"
rowNumberIdentifier = Identifier "__row_number"
rowNumberExp = S.SEUnsafe "(row_number() over (partition by 1))"
startRowNumberIdentifier = Identifier "__start_row_number"
endRowNumberIdentifier = Identifier "__end_row_number"
startCursorExp = mkFirstElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier cursorIdentifier
endCursorExp = mkLastElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier cursorIdentifier
startRowNumberExp = mkFirstElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier
endRowNumberExp = mkLastElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier
fromBaseSelections =
let joinCond = mkJoinCond baseSelectAlias columnMapping
baseSelectFrom = S.mkSelFromItem
(generateSQLSelect joinCond selectSource selectNode)
$ S.Alias $ _ssPrefix selectSource
select =
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [ S.selectStar
, S.Extractor rowNumberExp $ Just $ S.Alias rowNumberIdentifier
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [baseSelectFrom]
in (S.Alias baseSelectIdentifier, select):fromSplitSelection
mkStarSelect fromIdentifier =
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.selectStar]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier fromIdentifier]
fromSplitSelection = case maybeSplit of
Nothing -> fromSliceSelection baseSelectIdentifier
Just splitBool ->
let select =
(mkStarSelect baseSelectIdentifier){S.selWhere = Just $ S.WhereFrag splitBool}
in (S.Alias splitSelectIdentifier, select):fromSliceSelection splitSelectIdentifier
fromSliceSelection prevSelect = case maybeSlice of
Nothing -> fromFinalSelect prevSelect
Just slice ->
let select = case slice of
SliceFirst limit ->
(mkStarSelect prevSelect)
{S.selLimit = (Just . S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp) limit}
SliceLast limit ->
let mkRowNumberOrderBy obType =
let orderByItem =
S.OrderByItem (S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier) (Just obType) Nothing
in S.OrderByExp $ orderByItem NE.:| []
sliceLastSelect = (mkStarSelect prevSelect)
{ S.selLimit = (Just . S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp) limit
, S.selOrderBy = Just $ mkRowNumberOrderBy S.OTDesc
sliceLastSelectFrom =
S.mkSelFromItem sliceLastSelect $ S.Alias sliceSelectIdentifier
in S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.selectStar]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [sliceLastSelectFrom]
, S.selOrderBy = Just $ mkRowNumberOrderBy S.OTAsc
in (S.Alias sliceSelectIdentifier, select):fromFinalSelect sliceSelectIdentifier
fromFinalSelect prevSelect =
let select = mkStarSelect prevSelect
in (S.Alias finalSelectIdentifier, select):fromCursorSelection
fromCursorSelection =
let extrs = [ S.Extractor startCursorExp $ Just $ S.Alias startCursorIdentifier
, S.Extractor endCursorExp $ Just $ S.Alias endCursorIdentifier
, S.Extractor startRowNumberExp $ Just $ S.Alias startRowNumberIdentifier
, S.Extractor endRowNumberExp $ Just $ S.Alias endRowNumberIdentifier
select =
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = extrs
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier finalSelectIdentifier]
in (S.Alias cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier, select):fromPageInfoSelection
fromPageInfoSelection =
let hasPrevPage = S.SEBool $
S.mkExists (S.FIIdentifier baseSelectIdentifier) $
S.BECompare S.SLT (S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier) $
S.SESelect $ S.mkSelect { S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier]
, S.selExtr = [S.Extractor (S.SEIdentifier startRowNumberIdentifier) Nothing]
hasNextPage = S.SEBool $
S.mkExists (S.FIIdentifier baseSelectIdentifier) $
S.BECompare S.SGT (S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier) $
S.SESelect $ S.mkSelect { S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier]
, S.selExtr = [S.Extractor (S.SEIdentifier endRowNumberIdentifier) Nothing]
select =
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [ S.Extractor hasPrevPage $ Just $ S.Alias hasPreviousPageIdentifier
, S.Extractor hasNextPage $ Just $ S.Alias hasNextPageIdentifier
in pure (S.Alias pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier, select)