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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/5062 GitOrigin-RevId: a8fdad5bc87093b8117541dd39499065e2b4370f
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
-- | GraphQL quasi quoter with built-in interpolation.
-- Interpolation works via the #{expression} syntax.
module Harness.Quoter.Graphql (graphql, ToGraphqlString (..)) where
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Language.Haskell.Meta (parseExp)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Text.Parsec qualified as P
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Prelude
-- | a class for values that can be interpolated in GraphQL queries
class ToGraphqlString a where
showGql :: a -> String
instance ToGraphqlString Bool where
showGql True = "true"
showGql False = "false"
-- | Transforms GraphQL to its JSON representation. Does string interpolation.
-- For every expression enclosed as #{expression}, this Quasi Quoter will
-- evaluate 'expression' in the context it was written. For example:
-- let x = True
-- [graphql| Hello, #{not x}! |]
-- Will get translated to "Hello, false!". Note that we convert the Haskell
-- value to a string using Show. If the expression
-- fails to evaluate, the compilation will fail.
graphql :: QuasiQuoter
graphql =
{ quoteExp = evalGraphql,
quotePat = \_ -> fail "invalid",
quoteType = \_ -> fail "invalid",
quoteDec = \_ -> fail "invalid"
-- | We parse the raw string to this structure: raw strings or expressions to
-- be interpolated.
data GraphqlPart
= GPRaw String
| GPExpression Exp
-- | Parses raw QQ text to a list of 'GraphqlPart' then interprets it.
evalGraphql :: String -> ExpQ
evalGraphql txt =
case parseInterpolatedGQL txt of
Left err -> fail $ "Parsing error: " <> err
Right result -> interpret result
parseInterpolatedGQL :: String -> Either String [GraphqlPart]
parseInterpolatedGQL = first show . P.parse parseParts "graphqlQQ"
-- This can probably be made more succinct. We start by trying to parse
-- an interpolated expression, then we try to parse a comment. The reasoning
-- behind it is that both start with a '#' character, and raw parsing does
-- NOT parse '#' chars.
-- TODO: is there a way to escape '#' chars such that they are valid in
-- graphql? If yes, then this parser will fail on those.
parseParts :: Parser [GraphqlPart]
parseParts =
P.many (P.try parseInterpolatedExpr P.<|> P.try parseComment P.<|> parseRaw)
-- Parses raw text. Will never parse a '#'.
parseRaw :: Parser GraphqlPart
parseRaw = GPRaw <$> P.many1 (P.try $ P.noneOf "#")
-- Parses a comment: wherever we encounter a '#', until the end of line.
parseComment :: Parser GraphqlPart
parseComment = do
_ <- P.char '#'
it <- P.manyTill P.anyChar P.newline
pure $ GPRaw ('#' : it <> "\n")
-- Parses an interpolated expression.
parseInterpolatedExpr :: Parser GraphqlPart
parseInterpolatedExpr = do
_ <- P.string "#{"
code <- P.manyTill P.anyChar (P.char '}')
case parseExp code of
Left err -> fail $ "could not find name: " <> err
Right r -> pure $ GPExpression r
-- TODO: Is there a better way of doing this? I am not sure 'fromString' is
-- ideal here, but this is what was (implicitly) happening before.
interpret :: [GraphqlPart] -> ExpQ
interpret =
appE [|fromString|]
. appE [|concat|]
. listE
. fmap go
go :: GraphqlPart -> ExpQ
go (GPRaw s) = stringE s
go (GPExpression e) = appE [|exprToGql|] (pure e)
exprToGql :: (ToGraphqlString a) => a -> String
exprToGql a = showGql a