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synced 2024-12-19 21:41:44 +03:00
This reverts the remote schema type customisation and namespacing feature temporarily as we test for certain conditions. GitOrigin-RevId: f8ee97233da4597f703970c3998664c03582d8e7
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module Hasura.Session
( RoleName
, mkRoleName
, adminRoleName
, isAdmin
, roleNameToTxt
, SessionVariable
, mkSessionVariable
, SessionVariables
, filterSessionVariables
, SessionVariableValue
, sessionVariableToText
, sessionVariableToGraphQLName
, mkSessionVariablesText
, mkSessionVariablesHeaders
, sessionVariablesToHeaders
, getSessionVariableValue
, getSessionVariablesSet
, getSessionVariables
, UserAdminSecret(..)
, UserRoleBuild(..)
, UserInfo(..)
, UserInfoM(..)
, askCurRole
, mkUserInfo
, adminUserInfo
, BackendOnlyFieldAccess(..)
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, toJSONKeyText)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.NonEmpty
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Tracing (TraceT)
newtype RoleName
= RoleName {getRoleTxt :: NonEmptyText}
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, FromJSON
, ToJSON, Q.FromCol, Q.ToPrepArg, Generic, Arbitrary, NFData, Cacheable )
roleNameToTxt :: RoleName -> Text
roleNameToTxt = unNonEmptyText . getRoleTxt
instance ToTxt RoleName where
toTxt = roleNameToTxt
mkRoleName :: Text -> Maybe RoleName
mkRoleName = fmap RoleName . mkNonEmptyText
adminRoleName :: RoleName
adminRoleName = RoleName $ mkNonEmptyTextUnsafe "admin"
isAdmin :: RoleName -> Bool
isAdmin = (adminRoleName ==)
newtype SessionVariable = SessionVariable {unSessionVariable :: CI.CI Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, IsString, Cacheable, Data, NFData, Ord)
instance ToJSON SessionVariable where
toJSON = toJSON . CI.original . unSessionVariable
instance ToJSONKey SessionVariable where
toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText sessionVariableToText
instance ToTxt SessionVariable where
toTxt = sessionVariableToText
-- | converts a `SessionVariable` value to a GraphQL name
sessionVariableToGraphQLName :: SessionVariable -> G.Name
sessionVariableToGraphQLName = G.unsafeMkName . T.replace "-" "_" . sessionVariableToText
parseSessionVariable :: Text -> Parser SessionVariable
parseSessionVariable t =
if isSessionVariable t then pure $ mkSessionVariable t
else fail $ show t <> " is not a Hasura session variable"
instance FromJSON SessionVariable where
parseJSON = withText "String" parseSessionVariable
instance FromJSONKey SessionVariable where
fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser parseSessionVariable
sessionVariableToText :: SessionVariable -> Text
sessionVariableToText = T.toLower . CI.original . unSessionVariable
mkSessionVariable :: Text -> SessionVariable
mkSessionVariable = SessionVariable . CI.mk
type SessionVariableValue = Text
newtype SessionVariables =
SessionVariables { unSessionVariables :: Map.HashMap SessionVariable SessionVariableValue}
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Semigroup, Monoid)
:: (SessionVariable -> SessionVariableValue -> Bool)
-> SessionVariables -> SessionVariables
filterSessionVariables f = SessionVariables . Map.filterWithKey f . unSessionVariables
instance ToJSON SessionVariables where
toJSON (SessionVariables varMap) =
toJSON $ mapKeys sessionVariableToText varMap
instance FromJSON SessionVariables where
parseJSON v = mkSessionVariablesText <$> parseJSON v
mkSessionVariablesText :: Map.HashMap Text Text -> SessionVariables
mkSessionVariablesText = SessionVariables . mapKeys mkSessionVariable
mkSessionVariablesHeaders :: [HTTP.Header] -> SessionVariables
mkSessionVariablesHeaders =
. Map.fromList
. map (first SessionVariable)
. filter (isSessionVariable . CI.original . fst) -- Only x-hasura-* headers
. map (CI.map bsToTxt *** bsToTxt)
sessionVariablesToHeaders :: SessionVariables -> [HTTP.Header]
sessionVariablesToHeaders =
map ((CI.map txtToBs . unSessionVariable) *** txtToBs)
. Map.toList
. unSessionVariables
getSessionVariables :: SessionVariables -> [Text]
getSessionVariables = map sessionVariableToText . Map.keys . unSessionVariables
getSessionVariablesSet :: SessionVariables -> Set.HashSet SessionVariable
getSessionVariablesSet = Map.keysSet . unSessionVariables
getSessionVariableValue :: SessionVariable -> SessionVariables -> Maybe SessionVariableValue
getSessionVariableValue k = Map.lookup k . unSessionVariables
-- | Represent the admin secret state; whether the secret is sent
-- in the request or if actually authorization is not configured.
data UserAdminSecret
= UAdminSecretSent
| UAdminSecretNotSent
| UAuthNotSet
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Represents the 'X-Hasura-Use-Backend-Only-Permissions' session variable
-- and request made with 'X-Hasura-Admin-Secret' if any auth configured.
-- For more details see Note [Backend only permissions]
data BackendOnlyFieldAccess
= BOFAAllowed
| BOFADisallowed
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable BackendOnlyFieldAccess
data UserInfo
= UserInfo
{ _uiRole :: !RoleName
, _uiSession :: !SessionVariables
, _uiBackendOnlyFieldAccess :: !BackendOnlyFieldAccess
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable UserInfo
class (Monad m) => UserInfoM m where
askUserInfo :: m UserInfo
instance (UserInfoM m) => UserInfoM (ReaderT r m) where
askUserInfo = lift askUserInfo
instance (UserInfoM m) => UserInfoM (ExceptT r m) where
askUserInfo = lift askUserInfo
instance (UserInfoM m) => UserInfoM (StateT s m) where
askUserInfo = lift askUserInfo
instance (UserInfoM m) => UserInfoM (TraceT m) where
askUserInfo = lift askUserInfo
askCurRole :: (UserInfoM m) => m RoleName
askCurRole = _uiRole <$> askUserInfo
-- | Represents how to build a role from the session variables
data UserRoleBuild
= URBFromSessionVariables
-- ^ Look for `x-hasura-role` session variable value and absence will raise an exception
| URBFromSessionVariablesFallback !RoleName
-- ^ Look for `x-hasura-role` session variable value, if absent fall back to given role
| URBPreDetermined !RoleName
-- ^ Use only the pre-determined role
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Build @'UserInfo' from @'SessionVariables'
:: forall m. (MonadError QErr m)
=> UserRoleBuild -> UserAdminSecret -> SessionVariables -> m UserInfo
mkUserInfo roleBuild userAdminSecret sessionVariables = do
roleName <- case roleBuild of
URBFromSessionVariables -> onNothing maybeSessionRole $
throw400 InvalidParams $ userRoleHeader <> " not found in session variables"
URBFromSessionVariablesFallback roleName' -> pure $ fromMaybe roleName' maybeSessionRole
URBPreDetermined roleName' -> pure roleName'
backendOnlyFieldAccess <- getBackendOnlyFieldAccess
let modifiedSession = modifySessionVariables roleName sessionVariables
pure $ UserInfo roleName modifiedSession backendOnlyFieldAccess
maybeSessionRole = maybeRoleFromSessionVariables sessionVariables
-- | Add x-hasura-role header and remove admin secret headers
modifySessionVariables :: RoleName -> SessionVariables -> SessionVariables
modifySessionVariables roleName =
. Map.insert userRoleHeader (roleNameToTxt roleName)
. Map.delete adminSecretHeader
. Map.delete deprecatedAccessKeyHeader
. unSessionVariables
-- | See Note [Backend only permissions] to know more about the function
getBackendOnlyFieldAccess :: m BackendOnlyFieldAccess
getBackendOnlyFieldAccess = case userAdminSecret of
UAdminSecretNotSent -> pure BOFADisallowed
UAdminSecretSent -> lookForBackendOnlyPermissionsConfig
UAuthNotSet -> lookForBackendOnlyPermissionsConfig
lookForBackendOnlyPermissionsConfig =
case getSessionVariableValue useBackendOnlyPermissionsHeader sessionVariables of
Nothing -> pure BOFADisallowed
Just varVal ->
case parseStringAsBool (T.unpack varVal) of
Left err -> throw400 BadRequest $
useBackendOnlyPermissionsHeader <> ": " <> T.pack err
Right privilege -> pure $ if privilege then BOFAAllowed else BOFADisallowed
maybeRoleFromSessionVariables :: SessionVariables -> Maybe RoleName
maybeRoleFromSessionVariables sessionVariables =
-- returns Nothing if x-hasura-role is an empty string
getSessionVariableValue userRoleHeader sessionVariables >>= mkRoleName
adminUserInfo :: UserInfo
adminUserInfo = UserInfo adminRoleName mempty BOFADisallowed