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synced 2024-12-19 05:21:47 +03:00
This upgrades the version of Ormolu required by the HGE repository to v0.5.0.1, and reformats all code accordingly. Ormolu v0.5 reformats code that uses infix operators. This is mostly useful, adding newlines and indentation to make it clear which operators are applied first, but in some cases, it's unpleasant. To make this easier on the eyes, I had to do the following: * Add a few fixity declarations (search for `infix`) * Add parentheses to make precedence clear, allowing Ormolu to keep everything on one line * Rename `relevantEq` to `(==~)` in #6651 and set it to `infix 4` * Add a few _.ormolu_ files (thanks to @hallettj for helping me get started), mostly for Autodocodec operators that don't have explicit fixity declarations In general, I think these changes are quite reasonable. They mostly affect indentation. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6675 GitOrigin-RevId: cd47d87f1d089fb0bc9dcbbe7798dbceedcd7d83
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134 lines
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module Hasura.Server.SchemaCacheRef
( SchemaCacheRef,
-- * Utility
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import Control.Concurrent.STM qualified as STM
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.IORef
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Metrics
( ServerMetrics (smSchemaCacheMetadataResourceVersion),
import System.Metrics.Gauge (Gauge)
import System.Metrics.Gauge qualified as Gauge
-- | A mutable reference to a 'RebuildableSchemaCache', plus
-- * a write lock,
-- * update version tracking, and
-- * a gauge metric that tracks the metadata version of the 'SchemaCache'.
data SchemaCacheRef = SchemaCacheRef
{ -- | The idea behind explicit locking here is to
-- 1. Allow maximum throughput for serving requests (/v1/graphql) (as each
-- request reads the current schemacache)
-- 2. We don't want to process more than one request at any point of time
-- which would modify the schema cache as such queries are expensive.
-- Another option is to consider removing this lock in place of `_scrCache ::
-- MVar ...` if it's okay or in fact correct to block during schema update in
-- e.g. _wseGCtxMap. Vamshi says: It is theoretically possible to have a
-- situation (in between building new schemacache and before writing it to
-- the IORef) where we serve a request with a stale schemacache but I guess
-- it is an okay trade-off to pay for a higher throughput (I remember doing a
-- bunch of benchmarks to test this hypothesis).
_scrLock :: MVar (),
_scrCache :: IORef (RebuildableSchemaCache, SchemaCacheVer),
-- | The gauge metric that tracks the current metadata version.
-- Invariant: This gauge must be updated via 'updateMetadataVersionGauge'
-- whenever the _scrCache IORef is updated.
_scrMetadataVersionGauge :: Gauge
-- | Build a new 'SchemaCacheRef'
initialiseSchemaCacheRef ::
MonadIO m => ServerMetrics -> RebuildableSchemaCache -> m SchemaCacheRef
initialiseSchemaCacheRef serverMetrics schemaCache = liftIO $ do
cacheLock <- newMVar ()
cacheCell <- newIORef (schemaCache, initSchemaCacheVer)
let metadataVersionGauge = smSchemaCacheMetadataResourceVersion serverMetrics
updateMetadataVersionGauge metadataVersionGauge schemaCache
pure $ SchemaCacheRef cacheLock cacheCell metadataVersionGauge
-- | Set the 'SchemaCacheRef' to the 'RebuildableSchemaCache' produced by the
-- given action.
-- An internal lock ensures that at most one update to the 'SchemaCacheRef' may
-- proceed at a time.
withSchemaCacheUpdate ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
SchemaCacheRef ->
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
Maybe (STM.TVar Bool) ->
m (a, RebuildableSchemaCache) ->
m a
withSchemaCacheUpdate (SchemaCacheRef lock cacheRef metadataVersionGauge) logger mLogCheckerTVar action =
withMVarMasked lock $ \() -> do
(!res, !newSC) <- action
liftIO $ do
-- update schemacache in IO reference
modifyIORef' cacheRef $ \(_, prevVer) ->
let !newVer = incSchemaCacheVer prevVer
in (newSC, newVer)
-- update metric with new metadata version
updateMetadataVersionGauge metadataVersionGauge newSC
let inconsistentObjectsList = scInconsistentObjs $ lastBuiltSchemaCache newSC
logInconsistentMetadata' = logInconsistentMetadata logger inconsistentObjectsList
-- log any inconsistent objects only once and not everytime this method is called
case mLogCheckerTVar of
Nothing -> do logInconsistentMetadata'
Just logCheckerTVar -> do
logCheck <- liftIO $ STM.readTVarIO logCheckerTVar
if null inconsistentObjectsList && logCheck
then do
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar logCheckerTVar False
else do
unless (logCheck || null inconsistentObjectsList) $ do
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar logCheckerTVar True
return res
-- | Read the contents of the 'SchemaCacheRef'
readSchemaCacheRef :: SchemaCacheRef -> IO (RebuildableSchemaCache, SchemaCacheVer)
readSchemaCacheRef scRef = readIORef $ _scrCache scRef
-- | Utility function. Read the latest 'SchemaCache' from the 'SchemaCacheRef'.
-- > getSchemaCache == fmap (lastBuiltSchemaCache . fst) . readSchemaCacheRef
getSchemaCache :: SchemaCacheRef -> IO SchemaCache
getSchemaCache scRef = lastBuiltSchemaCache . fst <$> readSchemaCacheRef scRef
-- | Utility function
logInconsistentMetadata :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> [InconsistentMetadata] -> IO ()
logInconsistentMetadata logger objs =
unless (null objs) $
L.unLogger logger $
mkInconsMetadataLog objs
-- Internal helper. Set the gauge metric to the metadata version of the schema
-- cache, if it exists.
updateMetadataVersionGauge :: MonadIO m => Gauge -> RebuildableSchemaCache -> m ()
updateMetadataVersionGauge metadataVersionGauge schemaCache = do
let metadataVersion = scMetadataResourceVersion . lastBuiltSchemaCache $ schemaCache
liftIO $ traverse_ (Gauge.set metadataVersionGauge . getMetadataResourceVersion) metadataVersion