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218 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
-- | This module provides an API for suggesting relationships so that
-- the console (or client) does not need to construct and submit relationship queries itself.
-- This suggests reciprocal object relationships A -> object -> B -> object -> A if there is a unique
-- constraint on the column(s) in A mapping A->B, and if not then a reciprocal array relationship
-- A -> object -> B -> array -> A is suggested.
-- All JSON fields to the main exported function `runSuggestRels` are optional and behave as follows:
-- * _srsSource: The source to suggest relationships for - Defaults to `defaultSource`
-- * _srsTables: The tables to suggest relationships between - Defaults to all tables
-- * _srsOmitTracked: Only suggest untracked relationships - Defaults to False
-- Autodocodec Codecs instances are implemented for these datatypes.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Suggest
( SuggestRels,
import Autodocodec
import Autodocodec.OpenAPI ()
import Control.Lens (preview)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.NonEmpty qualified as MapNE
import Data.HashSet qualified as H
import Data.OpenApi (ToSchema (..))
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local (RelInfo (riMapping, riRTable))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table (ForeignKey, UniqueConstraint, _cName, _fkColumnMapping, _fkConstraint, _fkForeignTable, _ucColumns)
-- | Datatype used by Metadata API to represent Request for Suggested Relationships
data SuggestRels b = SuggestRels
{ _srsSource :: SourceName,
_srsTables :: Maybe [TableName b],
_srsOmitTracked :: Bool
deriving (Generic)
deriving (Aeson.FromJSON, Aeson.ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec (SuggestRels b)
instance Backend b => HasCodec (SuggestRels b) where
codec =
( SuggestRels
<$> optionalFieldWithOmittedDefault "source" defaultSource "The source to suggest relationships for - Defaults to 'default'."
.= _srsSource
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "tables" "The list of tables to suggest relationships for - Defaults to all tracked tables."
.= _srsTables
<*> optionalFieldWithOmittedDefault "omit_tracked" False "Determines if currently tracked relationships should be ommited from suggestions - Defaults to false."
.= _srsOmitTracked
<??> ["API call to request suggestions for relationships"]
newtype SuggestedRelationships b = Relationships
{ sRelationships :: [Relationship b]
deriving (Generic)
deriving (Aeson.FromJSON, Aeson.ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec (SuggestedRelationships b)
instance Backend b => HasCodec (SuggestedRelationships b) where
codec =
( Relationships
<$> requiredField' "relationships"
.= sRelationships
data Relationship b = Relationship
{ rType :: RelType,
rFrom :: Mapping b,
rTo :: Mapping b
deriving (Generic)
deriving (Aeson.FromJSON, Aeson.ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec (Relationship b)
instance Backend b => HasCodec (Relationship b) where
codec =
( Relationship
<$> requiredField' "type"
.= rType
<*> requiredField' "from"
.= rFrom
<*> requiredField' "to"
.= rTo
data Mapping b = Mapping
{ mTable :: TableName b,
mColumns :: [Column b],
mConstraintName :: Maybe Aeson.Value
deriving (Generic)
deriving (Aeson.FromJSON, Aeson.ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec (Mapping b)
instance Backend b => HasCodec (Mapping b) where
codec =
( Mapping
<$> requiredField' "table"
.= mTable
<*> requiredField' "columns"
.= mColumns
<*> optionalFieldOrNull' "constraint_name"
.= mConstraintName
-- | Most of the heavy lifting for this module occurs in this function.
-- Suggests reciprocal relationships for foreign keys.
-- Incorporates logic to omit previously-tracked relationships
-- and only considers required tables.
suggestRelsFK ::
forall b.
Backend b =>
-- | Omits currently tracked relationships from recommendations if True.
Bool ->
HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfo b) ->
TableName b ->
HashSet (UniqueConstraint b) ->
H.HashSet (TableName b, HashMap (Column b) (Column b)) ->
(TableName b -> Bool) ->
ForeignKey b ->
[Relationship b]
suggestRelsFK omitTracked tables name uniqueConstraints tracked predicate foreignKey
| not (predicate name || predicate relatedTableName) = [] -- Neither table appears in tables list
| isNothing relatedTable = [] -- There is no information for the related table
| omitTracked = catMaybes [discard toTracked toRelationship, discard fromTracked fromRelationship] -- Discard tracked relationships if that's requested
| otherwise = [toRelationship, fromRelationship] -- Otherwise, return the reciprocal relationships
toTracked = H.member (relatedTableName, columnRelationships) tracked
fromTracked = H.member (name, invert columnRelationships) trackedBack
toRelationship =
{ rType = ObjRel,
rFrom = Mapping {mTable = name, mColumns = localColumns, mConstraintName = Just constraintName},
rTo = Mapping {mTable = relatedTableName, mColumns = relatedColumns, mConstraintName = Nothing}
fromRelationship =
{ rType = if H.fromList localColumns `H.member` uniqueConstraintColumns then ObjRel else ArrRel,
rTo = Mapping {mTable = name, mColumns = localColumns, mConstraintName = Just constraintName},
rFrom = Mapping {mTable = relatedTableName, mColumns = relatedColumns, mConstraintName = Nothing}
columnRelationships = MapNE.toHashMap (_fkColumnMapping foreignKey)
localColumns = Map.keys columnRelationships
relatedColumns = Map.elems columnRelationships
uniqueConstraintColumns = H.map _ucColumns uniqueConstraints
relatedTableName = _fkForeignTable foreignKey
relatedTable = Map.lookup relatedTableName tables
constraintName = Aeson.toJSON (_cName (_fkConstraint foreignKey))
discard b x = bool Nothing (Just x) (not b)
invert = Map.fromList . map swap . Map.toList
trackedBack = H.fromList $ mapMaybe (relationships (riRTable &&& riMapping)) $ maybe [] (Map.elems . _tciFieldInfoMap) relatedTable
suggestRelsTable ::
forall b.
Backend b =>
Bool ->
HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfo b) ->
(TableName b -> Bool) ->
(TableName b, TableCoreInfo b) ->
[Relationship b]
suggestRelsTable omitTracked tables predicate (name, table) =
suggestRelsFK omitTracked tables name constraints tracked predicate =<< toList foreignKeys
foreignKeys = _tciForeignKeys table
constraints = _tciUniqueConstraints table
tracked = H.fromList $ mapMaybe (relationships (riRTable &&& riMapping)) $ Map.elems $ _tciFieldInfoMap table
relationships :: (RelInfo b1 -> b2) -> FieldInfo b1 -> Maybe b2
relationships f = fmap f . preview _FIRelationship
-- NOTE: This could be grouped by table instead of a list, console stakeholders are happy with this being a list.
suggestRelsResponse ::
forall b.
Backend b =>
Bool ->
HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfo b) ->
(TableName b -> Bool) ->
SuggestedRelationships b
suggestRelsResponse omitTracked tables predicate =
Relationships $
suggestRelsTable omitTracked tables predicate =<< Map.toList tables
tablePredicate :: Hashable a => Maybe [a] -> a -> Bool
tablePredicate Nothing _ = True
tablePredicate (Just ns) n = n `H.member` hash
hash = H.fromList ns
-- | The method invoked when dispatching on metadata calls in POST /v1/metadata
runSuggestRels ::
forall b m.
(MonadError QErr m, CacheRWM m, BackendMetadata b) =>
SuggestRels b ->
runSuggestRels (SuggestRels source tablesM omitExistingB) = do
tableCacheM <- fmap (fmap (_tiCoreInfo)) <$> askTableCache @b source
case tableCacheM of
Nothing -> throw500 "Couldn't find any schema source information"
Just tableCache -> pure $ encJFromJValue $ suggestRelsResponse @b omitExistingB tableCache (tablePredicate tablesM)