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synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
Query plan caching was introduced by - I believe - hasura/graphql-engine#1934 in order to reduce the query response latency. During the development of PDV in hasura/graphql-engine#4111, it was found out that the new architecture (for which query plan caching wasn't implemented) performed comparably to the pre-PDV architecture with caching. Hence, it was decided to leave query plan caching until some day in the future when it was deemed necessary. Well, we're in the future now, and there still isn't a convincing argument for query plan caching. So the time has come to remove some references to query plan caching from the codebase. For the most part, any code being removed would probably not be very well suited to the post-PDV architecture of query execution, so arguably not much is lost. Apart from simplifying the code, this PR will contribute towards making the GraphQL schema generation more modular, testable, and easier to profile. I'd like to eventually work towards a situation in which it's easy to generate a GraphQL schema parser *in isolation*, without being connected to a database, and then parse a GraphQL query *in isolation*, without even listening any HTTP port. It is important that both of these operations can be examined in detail, and in isolation, since they are two major performance bottlenecks, as well as phases where many important upcoming features hook into. Implementation The following have been removed: - The entirety of `server/src-lib/Hasura/GraphQL/Execute/Plan.hs` - The core phases of query parsing and execution no longer have any references to query plan caching. Note that this is not to be confused with query *response* caching, which is not affected by this PR. This includes removal of the types: - - `Opaque`, which is replaced by a tuple. Note that the old implementation was broken and did not adequately hide the constructors. - - `QueryReusability` (and the `markNotReusable` method). Notably, the implementation of the `ParseT` monad now consists of two, rather than three, monad transformers. - Cache-related tests (in `server/src-test/Hasura/CacheBoundedSpec.hs`) have been removed . - References to query plan caching in the documentation. - The `planCacheOptions` in the `TenantConfig` type class was removed. However, during parsing, unrecognized fields in the YAML config get ignored, so this does not cause a breaking change. (Confirmed manually, as well as in consultation with @sordina.) - The metrics no longer send cache hit/miss messages. There are a few places in which one can still find references to query plan caching: - We still accept the `--query-plan-cache-size` command-line option for backwards compatibility. The `HASURA_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_SIZE` environment variable is not read. https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1815 GitOrigin-RevId: 17d92b254ec093c62a7dfeec478658ede0813eb7
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-- | Types and functions related to the server initialisation
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
module Hasura.Server.Init
( module Hasura.Server.Init
, module Hasura.Server.Init.Config
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.String as DataString
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedStringFile, makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
import Data.URL.Template
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (HostPreference)
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Hasura.Cache.Bounded as Cache (CacheSize, parseCacheSize)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Options as LQ
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Eventing.EventTrigger (defaultFetchBatchSize)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Auth
import Hasura.Server.Cors
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Session
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI (Query, QueryItem, parseQuery,
import Network.URI (URI (..), parseURI, uriQuery)
getDbId :: Q.TxE QErr Text
getDbId =
runIdentity . Q.getRow <$>
Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler
SELECT (hasura_uuid :: text) FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_version
|] () False
getPgVersion :: Q.TxE QErr PGVersion
getPgVersion = PGVersion <$> Q.serverVersion
generateInstanceId :: IO InstanceId
generateInstanceId = InstanceId <$> generateFingerprint
data StartupTimeInfo
= StartupTimeInfo
{ _stiMessage :: !Text
, _stiTimeTaken :: !Double
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''StartupTimeInfo)
returnJust :: Monad m => a -> m (Maybe a)
returnJust = return . Just
considerEnv :: FromEnv a => String -> WithEnv (Maybe a)
considerEnv envVar = do
env <- ask
case lookup envVar env of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just val -> either throwErr returnJust $ fromEnv val
throwErr s = throwError $
"Fatal Error:- Environment variable " ++ envVar ++ ": " ++ s
considerEnvs :: FromEnv a => [String] -> WithEnv (Maybe a)
considerEnvs envVars = foldl1 (<|>) <$> mapM considerEnv envVars
withEnv :: FromEnv a => Maybe a -> String -> WithEnv (Maybe a)
withEnv mVal envVar =
maybe (considerEnv envVar) returnJust mVal
withEnvs :: FromEnv a => Maybe a -> [String] -> WithEnv (Maybe a)
withEnvs mVal envVars =
maybe (considerEnvs envVars) returnJust mVal
withEnvBool :: Bool -> String -> WithEnv Bool
withEnvBool bVal envVar =
bool considerEnv' (return True) bVal
considerEnv' = do
mEnvVal <- considerEnv envVar
return $ Just True == mEnvVal
withEnvJwtConf :: Maybe JWTConfig -> String -> WithEnv (Maybe JWTConfig)
withEnvJwtConf jVal envVar =
maybe (considerEnv envVar) returnJust jVal
:: L.EnabledLogTypes impl => RawHGEOptions impl -> WithEnv (HGEOptions impl)
mkHGEOptions (HGEOptionsG rawDbUrl rawMetadataDbUrl rawCmd) =
HGEOptionsG <$> dbUrl <*> metadataDbUrl <*> cmd
dbUrl = processPostgresConnInfo rawDbUrl
metadataDbUrl = withEnv rawMetadataDbUrl $ fst metadataDbUrlEnv
cmd = case rawCmd of
HCServe rso -> HCServe <$> mkServeOptions rso
HCExport -> return HCExport
HCClean -> return HCClean
HCExecute -> return HCExecute
HCVersion -> return HCVersion
HCDowngrade tgt -> return (HCDowngrade tgt)
:: PostgresConnInfo (Maybe PostgresRawConnInfo)
-> WithEnv (PostgresConnInfo (Maybe UrlConf))
processPostgresConnInfo PostgresConnInfo{..} = do
withEnvRetries <- withEnv _pciRetries $ fst retriesNumEnv
databaseUrl <- rawConnInfoToUrlConf _pciDatabaseConn
pure $ PostgresConnInfo databaseUrl withEnvRetries
rawConnInfoToUrlConf :: Maybe PostgresRawConnInfo -> WithEnv (Maybe UrlConf)
rawConnInfoToUrlConf maybeRawConnInfo = do
env <- ask
let databaseUrlEnvVar = fst databaseUrlEnv
hasDatabaseUrlEnv = any ((== databaseUrlEnvVar) . fst) env
pure $ case maybeRawConnInfo of
-- If no --database-url or connection options provided in CLI command
Nothing -> if hasDatabaseUrlEnv then
-- Consider env variable as is in order to store it as @`UrlConf`
-- in default source configuration in metadata
Just $ UrlFromEnv $ T.pack databaseUrlEnvVar
else Nothing
Just databaseConn ->
Just . UrlValue . InputWebhook $ case databaseConn of
PGConnDatabaseUrl urlTemplate -> urlTemplate
PGConnDetails connDetails -> rawConnDetailsToUrl connDetails
mkServeOptions :: L.EnabledLogTypes impl => RawServeOptions impl -> WithEnv (ServeOptions impl)
mkServeOptions rso = do
port <- fromMaybe 8080 <$>
withEnv (rsoPort rso) (fst servePortEnv)
host <- fromMaybe "*" <$>
withEnv (rsoHost rso) (fst serveHostEnv)
connParams <- mkConnParams $ rsoConnParams rso
txIso <- fromMaybe Q.ReadCommitted <$> withEnv (rsoTxIso rso) (fst txIsoEnv)
adminScrt <- withEnvs (rsoAdminSecret rso) $ map fst [adminSecretEnv, accessKeyEnv]
authHook <- mkAuthHook $ rsoAuthHook rso
jwtSecret <- withEnvJwtConf (rsoJwtSecret rso) $ fst jwtSecretEnv
unAuthRole <- withEnv (rsoUnAuthRole rso) $ fst unAuthRoleEnv
corsCfg <- mkCorsConfig $ rsoCorsConfig rso
enableConsole <- withEnvBool (rsoEnableConsole rso) $
fst enableConsoleEnv
consoleAssetsDir <- withEnv (rsoConsoleAssetsDir rso) (fst consoleAssetsDirEnv)
enableTelemetry <- fromMaybe True <$>
withEnv (rsoEnableTelemetry rso) (fst enableTelemetryEnv)
strfyNum <- withEnvBool (rsoStringifyNum rso) $ fst stringifyNumEnv
dangerousBooleanCollapse <-
fromMaybe False <$> withEnv (rsoDangerousBooleanCollapse rso) (fst dangerousBooleanCollapseEnv)
enabledAPIs <- Set.fromList . fromMaybe defaultAPIs <$>
withEnv (rsoEnabledAPIs rso) (fst enabledAPIsEnv)
lqOpts <- mkLQOpts
enableAL <- withEnvBool (rsoEnableAllowlist rso) $ fst enableAllowlistEnv
enabledLogs <- maybe L.defaultEnabledLogTypes Set.fromList <$>
withEnv (rsoEnabledLogTypes rso) (fst enabledLogsEnv)
serverLogLevel <- fromMaybe L.LevelInfo <$> withEnv (rsoLogLevel rso) (fst logLevelEnv)
devMode <- withEnvBool (rsoDevMode rso) $ fst devModeEnv
adminInternalErrors <- fromMaybe True <$> -- Default to `true` to enable backwards compatibility
withEnv (rsoAdminInternalErrors rso) (fst adminInternalErrorsEnv)
let internalErrorsConfig =
if | devMode -> InternalErrorsAllRequests
| adminInternalErrors -> InternalErrorsAdminOnly
| otherwise -> InternalErrorsDisabled
eventsHttpPoolSize <- withEnv (rsoEventsHttpPoolSize rso) (fst eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv)
eventsFetchInterval <- withEnv (rsoEventsFetchInterval rso) (fst eventsFetchIntervalEnv)
maybeAsyncActionsFetchInterval <- withEnv (rsoAsyncActionsFetchInterval rso) (fst asyncActionsFetchIntervalEnv)
logHeadersFromEnv <- withEnvBool (rsoLogHeadersFromEnv rso) (fst logHeadersFromEnvEnv)
enableRemoteSchemaPerms <-
bool RemoteSchemaPermsDisabled RemoteSchemaPermsEnabled <$>
withEnvBool (rsoEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions rso) (fst enableRemoteSchemaPermsEnv)
webSocketCompressionFromEnv <- withEnvBool (rsoWebSocketCompression rso) $
fst webSocketCompressionEnv
maybeSchemaPollInterval <- withEnv (rsoSchemaPollInterval rso) (fst schemaPollIntervalEnv)
let connectionOptions = WS.defaultConnectionOptions {
WS.connectionCompressionOptions =
if webSocketCompressionFromEnv
then WS.PermessageDeflateCompression WS.defaultPermessageDeflate
else WS.NoCompression
asyncActionsFetchInterval = maybe defaultAsyncActionsFetchInterval msToOptionalInterval maybeAsyncActionsFetchInterval
schemaPollInterval = maybe defaultSchemaPollInterval msToOptionalInterval maybeSchemaPollInterval
webSocketKeepAlive <- KeepAliveDelay . fromIntegral . fromMaybe 5
<$> withEnv (rsoWebSocketKeepAlive rso) (fst webSocketKeepAliveEnv)
experimentalFeatures <- maybe mempty Set.fromList <$> withEnv (rsoExperimentalFeatures rso) (fst experimentalFeaturesEnv)
inferFunctionPerms <-
maybe FunctionPermissionsInferred (bool FunctionPermissionsManual FunctionPermissionsInferred) <$>
withEnv (rsoInferFunctionPermissions rso) (fst inferFunctionPermsEnv)
maintenanceMode <-
bool MaintenanceModeDisabled MaintenanceModeEnabled
<$> withEnvBool (rsoEnableMaintenanceMode rso) (fst maintenanceModeEnv)
eventsFetchBatchSize <-
fromMaybe defaultFetchBatchSize
<$> withEnv (rsoEventsFetchBatchSize rso) (fst eventsFetchBatchSizeEnv)
gracefulShutdownTime <-
fromMaybe 60 <$> withEnv (rsoGracefulShutdownTimeout rso) (fst gracefulShutdownEnv)
pure $ ServeOptions
#ifdef DeveloperAPIs
defaultAsyncActionsFetchInterval = Interval 1000 -- 1000 Milliseconds or 1 Second
defaultSchemaPollInterval = Interval 1000 -- 1000 Milliseconds or 1 Second
mkConnParams (RawConnParams s c i cl p pt) = do
stripes <- fromMaybe 1 <$> withEnv s (fst pgStripesEnv)
-- Note: by Little's Law we can expect e.g. (with 50 max connections) a
-- hard throughput cap at 1000RPS when db queries take 50ms on average:
conns <- fromMaybe 50 <$> withEnv c (fst pgConnsEnv)
iTime <- fromMaybe 180 <$> withEnv i (fst pgTimeoutEnv)
connLifetime <- withEnv cl (fst pgConnLifetimeEnv) <&> parseConnLifeTime
allowPrepare <- fromMaybe True <$> withEnv p (fst pgUsePrepareEnv)
poolTimeout <- withEnv pt (fst pgPoolTimeoutEnv)
return $ Q.ConnParams
stripes conns iTime allowPrepare connLifetime poolTimeout
mkAuthHook (AuthHookG mUrl mType) = do
mUrlEnv <- withEnv mUrl $ fst authHookEnv
authModeM <- withEnv mType (fst authHookModeEnv)
ty <- onNothing authModeM (authHookTyEnv mType)
return (flip AuthHookG ty <$> mUrlEnv)
-- TODO (from master):- drop this in next major update
authHookTyEnv mType = fromMaybe AHTGet <$>
mkCorsConfig mCfg = do
corsDisabled <- withEnvBool False (fst corsDisableEnv)
corsCfg <- if corsDisabled
then return (CCDisabled True)
else fromMaybe CCAllowAll <$> withEnv mCfg (fst corsDomainEnv)
readCookVal <- withEnvBool (rsoWsReadCookie rso) (fst wsReadCookieEnv)
wsReadCookie <- case (isCorsDisabled corsCfg, readCookVal) of
(True, _) -> return readCookVal
(False, True) -> throwError $ fst wsReadCookieEnv
<> " can only be used when CORS is disabled"
(False, False) -> return False
return $ case corsCfg of
CCDisabled _ -> CCDisabled wsReadCookie
_ -> corsCfg
mkLQOpts = do
mxRefetchIntM <- withEnv (rsoMxRefetchInt rso) $ fst mxRefetchDelayEnv
mxBatchSizeM <- withEnv (rsoMxBatchSize rso) $ fst mxBatchSizeEnv
return $ LQ.mkLiveQueriesOptions mxBatchSizeM mxRefetchIntM
mkExamplesDoc :: [[String]] -> PP.Doc
mkExamplesDoc exampleLines =
PP.text "Examples: " PP.<$> PP.indent 2 (PP.vsep examples)
examples = map PP.text $ intercalate [""] exampleLines
mkEnvVarDoc :: [(String, String)] -> PP.Doc
mkEnvVarDoc envVars =
PP.text "Environment variables: " PP.<$>
PP.indent 2 (PP.vsep $ map mkEnvVarLine envVars)
mkEnvVarLine (var, desc) =
(PP.fillBreak 40 (PP.text var) PP.<+> prettifyDesc desc) <> PP.hardline
prettifyDesc = PP.align . PP.fillSep . map PP.text . words
mainCmdFooter :: PP.Doc
mainCmdFooter =
examplesDoc PP.<$> PP.text "" PP.<$> envVarDoc
examplesDoc = mkExamplesDoc examples
examples =
[ "# Serve GraphQL Engine on default port (8080) with console disabled"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve"
, [ "# For more options, checkout"
, "graphql-engine serve --help"
envVarDoc = mkEnvVarDoc [databaseUrlEnv, retriesNumEnv]
databaseUrlEnv :: (String, String)
databaseUrlEnv =
, "Postgres database URL. Example postgres://foo:bar@example.com:2345/database"
metadataDbUrlEnv :: (String, String)
metadataDbUrlEnv =
, "Postgres database URL for Metadata storage. Example postgres://foo:bar@example.com:2345/database"
serveCmdFooter :: PP.Doc
serveCmdFooter =
examplesDoc PP.<$> PP.text "" PP.<$> envVarDoc
examplesDoc = mkExamplesDoc examples
examples =
[ "# Start GraphQL Engine on default port (8080) with console enabled"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --enable-console"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine on default port (8080) with console disabled"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine on a different port (say 9090) with console disabled"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --server-port 9090"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with admin secret key"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --admin-secret <adminsecretkey>"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with restrictive CORS policy (only allow https://example.com:8080)"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --cors-domain https://example.com:8080"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with multiple domains for CORS (https://example.com, http://localhost:3000 and https://*.foo.bar.com)"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --cors-domain \"https://example.com, https://*.foo.bar.com, http://localhost:3000\""
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with Authentication Webhook (GET)"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --admin-secret <adminsecretkey>"
<> " --auth-hook https://mywebhook.com/get"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with Authentication Webhook (POST)"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --admin-secret <adminsecretkey>"
<> " --auth-hook https://mywebhook.com/post --auth-hook-mode POST"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with telemetry enabled/disabled"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --enable-telemetry true|false"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with HTTP compression enabled for '/v1/query' and '/v1/graphql' endpoints"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --enable-compression"
, [ "# Start GraphQL Engine with enable/disable including 'internal' information in an error response for the request made by an 'admin'"
, "graphql-engine --database-url <database-url> serve --admin-internal-errors true|false"
envVarDoc = mkEnvVarDoc $ envVars <> eventEnvs
envVars =
[ accessKeyEnv
, adminInternalErrorsEnv
, adminSecretEnv
, asyncActionsFetchIntervalEnv
, authHookEnv
, authHookModeEnv
, corsDisableEnv
, corsDomainEnv
, dangerousBooleanCollapseEnv
, databaseUrlEnv
, devModeEnv
, enableAllowlistEnv
, enableConsoleEnv
, enableTelemetryEnv
, enabledAPIsEnv
, enabledLogsEnv
, jwtSecretEnv
, logLevelEnv
, pgConnsEnv
, pgStripesEnv
, pgTimeoutEnv
, pgUsePrepareEnv
, retriesNumEnv
, serveHostEnv
, servePortEnv
, stringifyNumEnv
, txIsoEnv
, unAuthRoleEnv
, webSocketKeepAliveEnv
, wsReadCookieEnv
eventEnvs = [ eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv, eventsFetchIntervalEnv ]
eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv :: (String, String)
eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv =
, "Max event processing threads (default: 100)"
eventsFetchIntervalEnv :: (String, String)
eventsFetchIntervalEnv =
, "Interval in milliseconds to sleep before trying to fetch events again after a fetch returned no events from postgres."
eventsFetchBatchSizeEnv :: (String, String)
eventsFetchBatchSizeEnv =
, "The maximum number of events to be fetched from the events table in a single batch. Default 100"
asyncActionsFetchIntervalEnv :: (String, String)
asyncActionsFetchIntervalEnv =
, "Interval in milliseconds to sleep before trying to fetch new async actions. "
++ "Value \"0\" implies completely disable fetching async actions from storage. "
++ "Default 1000 milliseconds"
logHeadersFromEnvEnv :: (String, String)
logHeadersFromEnvEnv =
, "Log headers sent instead of logging referenced environment variables."
retriesNumEnv :: (String, String)
retriesNumEnv =
, "No.of retries if Postgres connection error occurs (default: 1)"
servePortEnv :: (String, String)
servePortEnv =
, "Port on which graphql-engine should be served (default: 8080)"
serveHostEnv :: (String, String)
serveHostEnv =
, "Host on which graphql-engine will listen (default: *)"
pgConnsEnv :: (String, String)
pgConnsEnv =
, "Maximum number of Postgres connections that can be opened per stripe (default: 50). "
<> "When the maximum is reached we will block until a new connection becomes available, "
<> "even if there is capacity in other stripes."
pgStripesEnv :: (String, String)
pgStripesEnv =
, "Number of stripes (distinct sub-pools) to maintain with Postgres (default: 1). "
<> "New connections will be taken from a particular stripe pseudo-randomly."
pgTimeoutEnv :: (String, String)
pgTimeoutEnv =
, "Each connection's idle time before it is closed (default: 180 sec)"
pgConnLifetimeEnv :: (String, String)
pgConnLifetimeEnv =
, "Time from connection creation after which the connection should be destroyed and a new one "
<> "created. A value of 0 indicates we should never destroy an active connection. If 0 is "
<> "passed, memory from large query results may not be reclaimed. (default: 600 sec)"
pgPoolTimeoutEnv :: (String, String)
pgPoolTimeoutEnv =
, "How long to wait when acquiring a Postgres connection, in seconds (default: forever)."
pgUsePrepareEnv :: (String, String)
pgUsePrepareEnv =
, "Use prepared statements for queries (default: true)"
txIsoEnv :: (String, String)
txIsoEnv =
, "transaction isolation. read-committed / repeatable-read / serializable (default: read-commited)"
accessKeyEnv :: (String, String)
accessKeyEnv =
, "Admin secret key, required to access this instance (deprecated: use HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET instead)"
adminSecretEnv :: (String, String)
adminSecretEnv =
, "Admin Secret key, required to access this instance"
authHookEnv :: (String, String)
authHookEnv =
, "URL of the authorization webhook required to authorize requests"
authHookModeEnv :: (String, String)
authHookModeEnv =
, "HTTP method to use for authorization webhook (default: GET)"
jwtSecretEnv :: (String, String)
jwtSecretEnv =
, jwtSecretHelp
unAuthRoleEnv :: (String, String)
unAuthRoleEnv =
, "Unauthorized role, used when admin-secret is not sent in admin-secret only mode "
++ "or \"Authorization\" header is absent in JWT mode"
corsDisableEnv :: (String, String)
corsDisableEnv =
, "Disable CORS. Do not send any CORS headers on any request"
corsDomainEnv :: (String, String)
corsDomainEnv =
, "CSV of list of domains, excluding scheme (http/https) and including port, "
++ "to allow CORS for. Wildcard domains are allowed. See docs for details."
enableConsoleEnv :: (String, String)
enableConsoleEnv =
, "Enable API Console (default: false)"
enableTelemetryEnv :: (String, String)
enableTelemetryEnv =
-- TODO (from master): better description
, "Enable anonymous telemetry (default: true)"
wsReadCookieEnv :: (String, String)
wsReadCookieEnv =
, "Read cookie on WebSocket initial handshake, even when CORS is disabled."
++ " This can be a potential security flaw! Please make sure you know "
++ "what you're doing."
++ "This configuration is only applicable when CORS is disabled."
stringifyNumEnv :: (String, String)
stringifyNumEnv =
, "Stringify numeric types (default: false)"
dangerousBooleanCollapseEnv :: (String, String)
dangerousBooleanCollapseEnv =
, "Emulate V1's behaviour re. boolean expression, where an explicit 'null'"
<> " value will be interpreted to mean that the field should be ignored"
<> " [DEPRECATED, WILL BE REMOVED SOON] (default: false)"
enabledAPIsEnv :: (String, String)
enabledAPIsEnv =
, "Comma separated list of enabled APIs. (default: metadata,graphql,pgdump,config)"
experimentalFeaturesEnv :: (String, String)
experimentalFeaturesEnv =
, "Comma separated list of experimental features. (all: inherited_roles)"
gracefulShutdownEnv :: (String, String)
gracefulShutdownEnv =
, "Timeout for graceful shutdown before which in-flight scheduled events, " <>
" cron events and async actions to complete (default: 60 seconds)"
consoleAssetsDirEnv :: (String, String)
consoleAssetsDirEnv =
, "A directory from which static assets required for console is served at"
++ "'/console/assets' path. Can be set to '/srv/console-assets' on the"
++ " default docker image to disable loading assets from CDN."
enabledLogsEnv :: (String, String)
enabledLogsEnv =
, "Comma separated list of enabled log types "
<> "(default: startup,http-log,webhook-log,websocket-log)"
<> "(all: startup,http-log,webhook-log,websocket-log,query-log)"
logLevelEnv :: (String, String)
logLevelEnv =
, "Server log level (default: info) (all: error, warn, info, debug)"
devModeEnv :: (String, String)
devModeEnv =
, "Set dev mode for GraphQL requests; include 'internal' key in the errors extensions (if required) of the response"
enableRemoteSchemaPermsEnv :: (String, String)
enableRemoteSchemaPermsEnv =
, "Enables remote schema permissions (default: false)"
inferFunctionPermsEnv :: (String, String)
inferFunctionPermsEnv =
, "Infers function permissions (default: true)"
maintenanceModeEnv :: (String, String)
maintenanceModeEnv =
, "Flag to enable maintenance mode in the graphql-engine"
schemaPollIntervalEnv :: (String, String)
schemaPollIntervalEnv =
, "Interval to poll metadata storage for updates in milliseconds - Default 1000 (1s) - Set to 0 to disable"
adminInternalErrorsEnv :: (String, String)
adminInternalErrorsEnv =
, "Enables including 'internal' information in an error response for requests made by an 'admin' (default: true)"
parsePostgresConnInfo :: Parser (PostgresConnInfo (Maybe PostgresRawConnInfo))
parsePostgresConnInfo = do
retries' <- retries
maybeRawConnInfo <-
(fmap PGConnDatabaseUrl <$> parseDatabaseUrl)
<|> (fmap PGConnDetails <$> parseRawConnDetails)
pure $ PostgresConnInfo maybeRawConnInfo retries'
retries = optional $
option auto ( long "retries" <>
metavar "NO OF RETRIES" <>
help (snd retriesNumEnv)
parseDatabaseUrl :: Parser (Maybe URLTemplate)
parseDatabaseUrl = optional $
option (eitherReader (parseURLTemplate . T.pack) )
( long "database-url" <>
metavar "<DATABASE-URL>" <>
help (snd databaseUrlEnv)
parseRawConnDetails :: Parser (Maybe PostgresRawConnDetails)
parseRawConnDetails = do
host' <- host
port' <- port
user' <- user
password' <- password
dbName' <- dbName
options' <- options
pure $ PostgresRawConnDetails
<$> host' <*> port' <*> user' <*> pure password'
<*> dbName' <*> pure options'
host = optional $
strOption ( long "host" <>
metavar "<HOST>" <>
help "Postgres server host" )
port = optional $
option auto ( long "port" <>
short 'p' <>
metavar "<PORT>" <>
help "Postgres server port" )
user = optional $
strOption ( long "user" <>
short 'u' <>
metavar "<USER>" <>
help "Database user name" )
password =
strOption ( long "password" <>
metavar "<PASSWORD>" <>
value "" <>
help "Password of the user"
dbName = optional $
strOption ( long "dbname" <>
short 'd' <>
metavar "<DBNAME>" <>
help "Database name to connect to"
options = optional $
strOption ( long "pg-connection-options" <>
short 'o' <>
metavar "<DATABASE-OPTIONS>" <>
help "PostgreSQL options"
parseMetadataDbUrl :: Parser (Maybe String)
parseMetadataDbUrl = optional $
strOption ( long "metadata-database-url" <>
help (snd metadataDbUrlEnv)
parseTxIsolation :: Parser (Maybe Q.TxIsolation)
parseTxIsolation = optional $
option (eitherReader readIsoLevel)
( long "tx-iso" <>
short 'i' <>
metavar "<TXISO>" <>
help (snd txIsoEnv)
parseConnParams :: Parser RawConnParams
parseConnParams =
RawConnParams <$> stripes <*> conns <*> idleTimeout <*> connLifetime <*> allowPrepare <*> poolTimeout
stripes = optional $
option auto
( long "stripes" <>
short 's' <>
metavar "<NO OF STRIPES>" <>
help (snd pgStripesEnv)
conns = optional $
option auto
( long "connections" <>
short 'c' <>
metavar "<NO OF CONNS>" <>
help (snd pgConnsEnv)
idleTimeout = optional $
option auto
( long "timeout" <>
metavar "<SECONDS>" <>
help (snd pgTimeoutEnv)
connLifetime = fmap (fmap (realToFrac :: Int -> NominalDiffTime)) $ optional $
option auto
( long "conn-lifetime" <>
metavar "<SECONDS>" <>
help (snd pgConnLifetimeEnv)
allowPrepare = optional $
option (eitherReader parseStringAsBool)
( long "use-prepared-statements" <>
metavar "<true|false>" <>
help (snd pgUsePrepareEnv)
poolTimeout = fmap (fmap (realToFrac :: Int -> NominalDiffTime)) $ optional $
option auto
( long "pool-timeout" <>
metavar "<SECONDS>" <>
help (snd pgPoolTimeoutEnv)
parseServerPort :: Parser (Maybe Int)
parseServerPort = optional $
option auto
( long "server-port" <>
metavar "<PORT>" <>
help (snd servePortEnv)
parseServerHost :: Parser (Maybe HostPreference)
parseServerHost = optional $ strOption ( long "server-host" <>
metavar "<HOST>" <>
help "Host on which graphql-engine will listen (default: *)"
parseAccessKey :: Parser (Maybe AdminSecretHash)
parseAccessKey =
optional $ hashAdminSecret <$>
strOption ( long "access-key" <>
metavar "ADMIN SECRET KEY (DEPRECATED: USE --admin-secret)" <>
help (snd adminSecretEnv)
parseAdminSecret :: Parser (Maybe AdminSecretHash)
parseAdminSecret =
optional $ hashAdminSecret <$>
strOption ( long "admin-secret" <>
metavar "ADMIN SECRET KEY" <>
help (snd adminSecretEnv)
parseWebHook :: Parser RawAuthHook
parseWebHook =
AuthHookG <$> url <*> urlType
url = optional $
strOption ( long "auth-hook" <>
metavar "<WEB HOOK URL>" <>
help (snd authHookEnv)
urlType = optional $
option (eitherReader readHookType)
( long "auth-hook-mode" <>
metavar "<GET|POST>" <>
help (snd authHookModeEnv)
parseJwtSecret :: Parser (Maybe JWTConfig)
parseJwtSecret =
optional $
option (eitherReader readJson)
( long "jwt-secret" <>
metavar "<JSON CONFIG>" <>
help (snd jwtSecretEnv)
jwtSecretHelp :: String
jwtSecretHelp = "The JSON containing type and the JWK used for verifying. e.g: "
<> "`{\"type\": \"HS256\", \"key\": \"<your-hmac-shared-secret>\", \"claims_namespace\": \"<optional-custom-claims-key-name>\"}`,"
<> "`{\"type\": \"RS256\", \"key\": \"<your-PEM-RSA-public-key>\", \"claims_namespace\": \"<optional-custom-claims-key-name>\"}`"
parseUnAuthRole :: Parser (Maybe RoleName)
parseUnAuthRole = fmap mkRoleName' $ optional $
strOption ( long "unauthorized-role" <>
metavar "<ROLE>" <>
help (snd unAuthRoleEnv)
mkRoleName' mText = mText >>= mkRoleName
parseCorsConfig :: Parser (Maybe CorsConfig)
parseCorsConfig = mapCC <$> disableCors <*> corsDomain
corsDomain = optional $
option (eitherReader readCorsDomains)
( long "cors-domain" <>
metavar "<DOMAINS>" <>
help (snd corsDomainEnv)
disableCors =
switch ( long "disable-cors" <>
help (snd corsDisableEnv)
mapCC isDisabled domains =
bool domains (Just $ CCDisabled False) isDisabled
parseEnableConsole :: Parser Bool
parseEnableConsole =
switch ( long "enable-console" <>
help (snd enableConsoleEnv)
parseConsoleAssetsDir :: Parser (Maybe Text)
parseConsoleAssetsDir = optional $
option (eitherReader fromEnv)
( long "console-assets-dir" <>
help (snd consoleAssetsDirEnv)
parseEnableTelemetry :: Parser (Maybe Bool)
parseEnableTelemetry = optional $
option (eitherReader parseStringAsBool)
( long "enable-telemetry" <>
help (snd enableTelemetryEnv)
parseWsReadCookie :: Parser Bool
parseWsReadCookie =
switch ( long "ws-read-cookie" <>
help (snd wsReadCookieEnv)
parseStringifyNum :: Parser Bool
parseStringifyNum =
switch ( long "stringify-numeric-types" <>
help (snd stringifyNumEnv)
parseDangerousBooleanCollapse :: Parser (Maybe Bool)
parseDangerousBooleanCollapse = optional $
option (eitherReader parseStrAsBool)
( long "v1-boolean-null-collapse" <>
help (snd dangerousBooleanCollapseEnv)
parseEnabledAPIs :: Parser (Maybe [API])
parseEnabledAPIs = optional $
option (eitherReader readAPIs)
( long "enabled-apis" <>
help (snd enabledAPIsEnv)
parseExperimentalFeatures :: Parser (Maybe [ExperimentalFeature])
parseExperimentalFeatures = optional $
option (eitherReader readExperimentalFeatures)
( long "experimental-features" <>
help (snd experimentalFeaturesEnv)
parseGracefulShutdownTimeout :: Parser (Maybe Seconds)
parseGracefulShutdownTimeout = optional $
option (eitherReader readEither)
( long "graceful-shutdown-timeout" <>
metavar "<INTERVAL (seconds)>" <>
help (snd gracefulShutdownEnv)
parseMxRefetchInt :: Parser (Maybe LQ.RefetchInterval)
parseMxRefetchInt =
optional $
option (eitherReader fromEnv)
( long "live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval" <>
metavar "<INTERVAL(ms)>" <>
help (snd mxRefetchDelayEnv)
parseMxBatchSize :: Parser (Maybe LQ.BatchSize)
parseMxBatchSize =
optional $
option (eitherReader fromEnv)
( long "live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size" <>
metavar "BATCH_SIZE" <>
help (snd mxBatchSizeEnv)
parseEnableAllowlist :: Parser Bool
parseEnableAllowlist =
switch ( long "enable-allowlist" <>
help (snd enableAllowlistEnv)
parseGraphqlDevMode :: Parser Bool
parseGraphqlDevMode =
switch ( long "dev-mode" <>
help (snd devModeEnv)
parseGraphqlAdminInternalErrors :: Parser (Maybe Bool)
parseGraphqlAdminInternalErrors = optional $
option (eitherReader parseStrAsBool)
( long "admin-internal-errors" <>
help (snd adminInternalErrorsEnv)
parseGraphqlEventsHttpPoolSize :: Parser (Maybe Int)
parseGraphqlEventsHttpPoolSize = optional $
option (eitherReader fromEnv)
( long "events-http-pool-size" <>
metavar (fst eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv) <>
help (snd eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv)
parseGraphqlEventsFetchInterval :: Parser (Maybe Milliseconds)
parseGraphqlEventsFetchInterval = optional $
option (eitherReader readEither)
( long "events-fetch-interval" <>
metavar (fst eventsFetchIntervalEnv) <>
help (snd eventsFetchIntervalEnv)
parseEventsFetchBatchSize :: Parser (Maybe NonNegativeInt)
parseEventsFetchBatchSize = optional $
option (eitherReader readNonNegativeInt)
( long "events-fetch-batch-size" <>
metavar (fst eventsFetchBatchSizeEnv) <>
help (snd eventsFetchBatchSizeEnv)
parseGraphqlAsyncActionsFetchInterval :: Parser (Maybe Milliseconds)
parseGraphqlAsyncActionsFetchInterval = optional $
option (eitherReader readEither)
( long "async-actions-fetch-interval" <>
metavar (fst asyncActionsFetchIntervalEnv) <>
help (snd eventsFetchIntervalEnv)
parseLogHeadersFromEnv :: Parser Bool
parseLogHeadersFromEnv =
switch ( long "log-headers-from-env" <>
help (snd devModeEnv)
parseEnableRemoteSchemaPerms :: Parser Bool
parseEnableRemoteSchemaPerms =
switch ( long "enable-remote-schema-permissions" <>
help (snd enableRemoteSchemaPermsEnv)
parseInferFunctionPerms :: Parser (Maybe Bool)
parseInferFunctionPerms = optional $
option ( eitherReader parseStrAsBool )
( long "infer-function-permissions" <>
help (snd inferFunctionPermsEnv))
parseEnableMaintenanceMode :: Parser Bool
parseEnableMaintenanceMode =
switch ( long "enable-maintenance-mode" <>
help (snd maintenanceModeEnv)
parseSchemaPollInterval :: Parser (Maybe Milliseconds)
parseSchemaPollInterval = optional $
option (eitherReader readEither)
( long "schema-sync-poll-interval" <>
metavar (fst schemaPollIntervalEnv) <>
help (snd schemaPollIntervalEnv)
mxRefetchDelayEnv :: (String, String)
mxRefetchDelayEnv =
, "results will only be sent once in this interval (in milliseconds) for "
<> "live queries which can be multiplexed. Default: 1000 (1sec)"
mxBatchSizeEnv :: (String, String)
mxBatchSizeEnv =
, "multiplexed live queries are split into batches of the specified "
<> "size. Default 100. "
enableAllowlistEnv :: (String, String)
enableAllowlistEnv =
, "Only accept allowed GraphQL queries"
parsePlanCacheSize :: Parser (Maybe Cache.CacheSize)
parsePlanCacheSize =
optional $
option (eitherReader Cache.parseCacheSize)
( long "query-plan-cache-size" <>
help ("[DEPRECATED: value ignored.] The maximum number of query plans " <>
"that can be cached, allowed values: 0-65535, " <>
"0 disables the cache. Default 4000")
parseEnabledLogs :: L.EnabledLogTypes impl => Parser (Maybe [L.EngineLogType impl])
parseEnabledLogs = optional $
option (eitherReader L.parseEnabledLogTypes)
( long "enabled-log-types" <>
help (snd enabledLogsEnv)
parseLogLevel :: Parser (Maybe L.LogLevel)
parseLogLevel = optional $
option (eitherReader readLogLevel)
( long "log-level" <>
help (snd logLevelEnv)
censorQueryItem :: Text -> QueryItem -> QueryItem
censorQueryItem sensitive (key, Just _) | key == encodeUtf8 sensitive = (key, Just "...")
censorQueryItem _ qi = qi
censorQuery :: Text -> Query -> Query
censorQuery sensitive = fmap (censorQueryItem sensitive)
updateQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> URI -> URI
updateQuery f uri =
let queries = parseQuery $ pack $ uriQuery uri
in uri { uriQuery = unpack (renderQuery True $ f queries) }
censorURI :: Text -> URI -> URI
censorURI sensitive uri = updateQuery (censorQuery sensitive) uri
-- Init logging related
connInfoToLog :: Q.ConnInfo -> StartupLog
connInfoToLog connInfo =
StartupLog L.LevelInfo "postgres_connection" infoVal
Q.ConnInfo retries details = connInfo
infoVal = case details of
Q.CDDatabaseURI uri -> mkDBUriLog $ T.unpack $ bsToTxt uri
Q.CDOptions co ->
J.object [ "host" J..= Q.connHost co
, "port" J..= Q.connPort co
, "user" J..= Q.connUser co
, "database" J..= Q.connDatabase co
, "retries" J..= retries
mkDBUriLog uri =
case show . censorURI "sslpassword" <$> parseURI uri of
Nothing -> J.object
[ "error" J..= ("parsing database url failed" :: String)]
Just s -> J.object
[ "retries" J..= retries
, "database_url" J..= s
serveOptsToLog :: J.ToJSON (L.EngineLogType impl) => ServeOptions impl -> StartupLog
serveOptsToLog so =
StartupLog L.LevelInfo "server_configuration" infoVal
infoVal =
[ "port" J..= soPort so
, "server_host" J..= show (soHost so)
, "transaction_isolation" J..= show (soTxIso so)
, "admin_secret_set" J..= isJust (soAdminSecret so)
, "auth_hook" J..= (ahUrl <$> soAuthHook so)
, "auth_hook_mode" J..= (show . ahType <$> soAuthHook so)
, "jwt_secret" J..= (J.toJSON <$> soJwtSecret so)
, "unauth_role" J..= soUnAuthRole so
, "cors_config" J..= soCorsConfig so
, "enable_console" J..= soEnableConsole so
, "console_assets_dir" J..= soConsoleAssetsDir so
, "enable_telemetry" J..= soEnableTelemetry so
, "use_prepared_statements" J..= (Q.cpAllowPrepare . soConnParams) so
, "stringify_numeric_types" J..= soStringifyNum so
, "v1-boolean-null-collapse" J..= soDangerousBooleanCollapse so
, "enabled_apis" J..= soEnabledAPIs so
, "live_query_options" J..= soLiveQueryOpts so
, "enable_allowlist" J..= soEnableAllowlist so
, "enabled_log_types" J..= soEnabledLogTypes so
, "log_level" J..= soLogLevel so
, "remote_schema_permissions" J..= soEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions so
, "websocket_compression_options" J..= show (WS.connectionCompressionOptions . soConnectionOptions $ so)
, "websocket_keep_alive" J..= show (soWebsocketKeepAlive so)
, "infer_function_permissions" J..= soInferFunctionPermissions so
, "enable_maintenance_mode" J..= soEnableMaintenanceMode so
, "experimental_features" J..= soExperimentalFeatures so
, "events_fetch_batch_size" J..= soEventsFetchBatchSize so
, "graceful_shutdown_timeout" J..= soGracefulShutdownTimeout so
mkGenericStrLog :: L.LogLevel -> Text -> String -> StartupLog
mkGenericStrLog logLevel k msg =
StartupLog logLevel k $ J.toJSON msg
mkGenericLog :: (J.ToJSON a) => L.LogLevel -> Text -> a -> StartupLog
mkGenericLog logLevel k msg =
StartupLog logLevel k $ J.toJSON msg
inconsistentMetadataLog :: SchemaCache -> StartupLog
inconsistentMetadataLog sc =
StartupLog L.LevelWarn "inconsistent_metadata" infoVal
infoVal = J.object ["objects" J..= scInconsistentObjs sc]
serveOptionsParser :: L.EnabledLogTypes impl => Parser (RawServeOptions impl)
serveOptionsParser =
<$> parseServerPort
<*> parseServerHost
<*> parseConnParams
<*> parseTxIsolation
<*> (parseAdminSecret <|> parseAccessKey)
<*> parseWebHook
<*> parseJwtSecret
<*> parseUnAuthRole
<*> parseCorsConfig
<*> parseEnableConsole
<*> parseConsoleAssetsDir
<*> parseEnableTelemetry
<*> parseWsReadCookie
<*> parseStringifyNum
<*> parseDangerousBooleanCollapse
<*> parseEnabledAPIs
<*> parseMxRefetchInt
<*> parseMxBatchSize
<*> parseEnableAllowlist
<*> parseEnabledLogs
<*> parseLogLevel
<* parsePlanCacheSize -- parsed (for backwards compatibility reasons) but ignored
<*> parseGraphqlDevMode
<*> parseGraphqlAdminInternalErrors
<*> parseGraphqlEventsHttpPoolSize
<*> parseGraphqlEventsFetchInterval
<*> parseGraphqlAsyncActionsFetchInterval
<*> parseLogHeadersFromEnv
<*> parseEnableRemoteSchemaPerms
<*> parseWebSocketCompression
<*> parseWebSocketKeepAlive
<*> parseInferFunctionPerms
<*> parseEnableMaintenanceMode
<*> parseSchemaPollInterval
<*> parseExperimentalFeatures
<*> parseEventsFetchBatchSize
<*> parseGracefulShutdownTimeout
-- | This implements the mapping between application versions
-- and catalog schema versions.
downgradeShortcuts :: [(String, String)]
downgradeShortcuts =
$(do let s = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/catalog_versions.txt" >>= embedStringFile)
parseVersions = map (parseVersion . words) . lines
parseVersion [tag, version] = (tag, version)
parseVersion other = error ("unrecognized tag/catalog mapping " ++ show other)
TH.lift (parseVersions s))
downgradeOptionsParser :: Parser DowngradeOptions
downgradeOptionsParser =
<$> choice
( long "to-catalog-version" <>
metavar "<VERSION>" <>
help "The target catalog schema version (e.g. 31)"
: map (uncurry shortcut) downgradeShortcuts
<*> switch
( long "dryRun" <>
help "Don't run any migrations, just print out the SQL."
shortcut v catalogVersion =
flag' (DataString.fromString catalogVersion)
( long ("to-" <> v) <>
help ("Downgrade to graphql-engine version " <> v <> " (equivalent to --to-catalog-version " <> catalogVersion <> ")")
webSocketCompressionEnv :: (String, String)
webSocketCompressionEnv =
, "Enable WebSocket permessage-deflate compression (default: false)"
parseWebSocketCompression :: Parser Bool
parseWebSocketCompression =
switch ( long "websocket-compression" <>
help (snd webSocketCompressionEnv)
webSocketKeepAliveEnv :: (String, String)
webSocketKeepAliveEnv =
, "Control websocket keep-alive timeout (default 5 seconds)"
parseWebSocketKeepAlive :: Parser (Maybe Int)
parseWebSocketKeepAlive =
optional $
option (eitherReader readEither)
( long "websocket-keepalive" <>
help (snd webSocketKeepAliveEnv)