mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
> ### Description > This PR is an incremental work towards [enabling insert mutations on MSSQL](https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1974). In this PR, we generate insert mutation schema parser for MSSQL backend. ### Changelog - [ ] `CHANGELOG.md` is updated with user-facing content relevant to this PR. If no changelog is required, then add the `no-changelog-required` label. ### Affected components - [x] Server https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2141 GitOrigin-RevId: 8595008dece35f7fded9c52e134de8b97b64f53f
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Instances.Schema () where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Has
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types as BigQuery
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser as P
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build as GSB
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Select as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Update as IR
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser hiding (EnumValueInfo, field)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser hiding (field)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
-- BackendSchema instance
instance BackendSchema 'BigQuery where
-- top level parsers
buildTableQueryFields = GSB.buildTableQueryFields
buildTableRelayQueryFields = bqBuildTableRelayQueryFields
buildTableInsertMutationFields = bqBuildTableInsertMutationFields
buildTableUpdateMutationFields = bqBuildTableUpdateMutationFields
buildTableDeleteMutationFields = bqBuildTableDeleteMutationFields
buildFunctionQueryFields = bqBuildFunctionQueryFields
buildFunctionRelayQueryFields = bqBuildFunctionRelayQueryFields
buildFunctionMutationFields = bqBuildFunctionMutationFields
-- backend extensions
relayExtension = Nothing
nodesAggExtension = Just ()
nestedInsertsExtension = Nothing
-- table arguments
tableArguments = bqTableArgs
-- indivdual components
columnParser = bqColumnParser
jsonPathArg = bqJsonPathArg
orderByOperators = bqOrderByOperators
comparisonExps = bqComparisonExps
updateOperators = bqUpdateOperators
mkCountType = bqMkCountType
aggregateOrderByCountType = BigQuery.IntegerScalarType
computedField = bqComputedField
node = bqNode
-- SQL literals
columnDefaultValue = error "TODO: Make impossible by the type system. BigQuery doesn't support insertions."
-- Top level parsers
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> TableInfo 'BigQuery
-> G.Name
-> NESeq (ColumnInfo 'BigQuery)
-> SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildTableRelayQueryFields _sourceName _sourceInfo _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _pkeyColumns _selPerms =
pure []
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> TableInfo 'BigQuery
-> G.Name
-> InsPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo 'BigQuery)
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo 'BigQuery)
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildTableInsertMutationFields _sourceName _sourceInfo _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _insPerms _selPerms _updPerms =
pure []
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> TableInfo 'BigQuery
-> G.Name
-> UpdPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo 'BigQuery)
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildTableUpdateMutationFields _sourceName _sourceInfo _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _updPerns _selPerms =
pure []
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> TableInfo 'BigQuery
-> G.Name
-> DelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo 'BigQuery)
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildTableDeleteMutationFields _sourceName _sourceInfo _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _delPerns _selPerms =
pure []
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> FunctionName 'BigQuery
-> FunctionInfo 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildFunctionQueryFields _ _ _ _ _ _ =
pure []
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> FunctionName 'BigQuery
-> FunctionInfo 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> NESeq (ColumnInfo 'BigQuery)
-> SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildFunctionRelayQueryFields _sourceName _sourceInfo _functionName _functionInfo _tableName _pkeyColumns _selPerms =
pure []
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> FunctionName 'BigQuery
-> FunctionInfo 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
bqBuildFunctionMutationFields _ _ _ _ _ _ =
pure []
-- Table arguments
:: forall r m n
. MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo 'BigQuery
-> SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> m (InputFieldsParser n (IR.SelectArgsG 'BigQuery (UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)))
bqTableArgs sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do
whereParser <- tableWhereArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions
orderByParser <- tableOrderByArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions
pure do
whereArg <- whereParser
orderByArg <- orderByParser
limitArg <- tableLimitArg
offsetArg <- tableOffsetArg
pure $ IR.SelectArgs
{ IR._saWhere = whereArg
, IR._saOrderBy = orderByArg
, IR._saLimit = limitArg
, IR._saOffset = offsetArg
-- not supported on BigQuery for now
, IR._saDistinct = Nothing
-- Individual components
:: (MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m)
=> ColumnType 'BigQuery
-> G.Nullability
-> m (Parser 'Both n (ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue 'BigQuery)))
bqColumnParser columnType (G.Nullability isNullable) =
peelWithOrigin . fmap (ColumnValue columnType) <$> case columnType of
ColumnScalar scalarType -> case scalarType of
-- bytestrings
-- we only accept string literals
BigQuery.BytesScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> P.string
-- text
BigQuery.StringScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> P.string
-- floating point values
-- TODO: we do not perform size checks here, meaning we would accept an
-- out-of-bounds value as long as it can be represented by a GraphQL float; this
-- will in all likelihood error on the BigQuery side. Do we want to handle those
-- properly here?
BigQuery.FloatScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.FloatValue . BigQuery.doubleToFloat64 <$> P.float
BigQuery.IntegerScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.IntegerValue . BigQuery.intToInt64 . fromIntegral <$> P.int
BigQuery.DecimalScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.DecimalValue . BigQuery.doubleToDecimal <$> P.float
BigQuery.BigDecimalScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.BigDecimalValue . BigQuery.doubleToBigDecimal <$> P.float
-- boolean type
BigQuery.BoolScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.BoolValue <$> P.boolean
BigQuery.DateScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.DateValue . BigQuery.Date <$> P.string
BigQuery.TimeScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.TimeValue . BigQuery.Time <$> P.string
BigQuery.DatetimeScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.DatetimeValue . BigQuery.Datetime <$> P.string
BigQuery.GeographyScalarType -> pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ BigQuery.GeographyValue . BigQuery.Geography <$> P.string
BigQuery.TimestampScalarType -> do
let schemaType = P.Nullable . P.TNamed $ P.mkDefinition stringScalar Nothing P.TIScalar
pure $ possiblyNullable scalarType $ Parser
{ pType = schemaType
, pParser =
valueToJSON (P.toGraphQLType schemaType)
>=> fmap (BigQuery.StringValue . BigQuery.utctimeToISO8601Text)
. either (parseErrorWith ParseFailed . qeError) pure
. runAesonParser (J.withText "TimestampColumn" BigQuery.textToUTCTime)
ty -> throwError $ internalError $ T.pack $ "Type currently unsupported for BigQuery: " ++ show ty
ColumnEnumReference (EnumReference tableName enumValues) ->
case nonEmpty (Map.toList enumValues) of
Just enumValuesList -> do
tableGQLName <- tableGraphQLName @'BigQuery tableName `onLeft` throwError
let enumName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_enum")
pure $ possiblyNullable BigQuery.StringScalarType $ P.enum enumName Nothing (mkEnumValue <$> enumValuesList)
Nothing -> throw400 ValidationFailed "empty enum values"
possiblyNullable _scalarType
| isNullable = fmap (fromMaybe BigQuery.NullValue) . P.nullable
| otherwise = id
mkEnumValue :: (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) -> (P.Definition P.EnumValueInfo, ScalarValue 'BigQuery)
mkEnumValue (EnumValue value, EnumValueInfo description) =
( P.mkDefinition value (G.Description <$> description) P.EnumValueInfo
, BigQuery.StringValue $ G.unName value
throughJSON scalarName =
let schemaType = P.NonNullable $ P.TNamed $ P.mkDefinition scalarName Nothing P.TIScalar
in Parser
{ pType = schemaType
, pParser =
valueToJSON (P.toGraphQLType schemaType) >=>
either (parseErrorWith ParseFailed . qeError) pure . runAesonParser J.parseJSON
:: MonadParse n
=> ColumnType 'BigQuery
-> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (IR.ColumnOp 'BigQuery))
bqJsonPathArg _columnType = pure Nothing
:: NonEmpty
( Definition P.EnumValueInfo
, (BasicOrderType 'BigQuery, NullsOrderType 'BigQuery)
bqOrderByOperators = NE.fromList
[ ( define $$(G.litName "asc") "in ascending order, nulls first"
, (BigQuery.AscOrder, BigQuery.NullsFirst)
, ( define $$(G.litName "asc_nulls_first") "in ascending order, nulls first"
, (BigQuery.AscOrder, BigQuery.NullsFirst)
, ( define $$(G.litName "asc_nulls_last") "in ascending order, nulls last"
, (BigQuery.AscOrder, BigQuery.NullsLast)
, ( define $$(G.litName "desc") "in descending order, nulls last"
, (BigQuery.DescOrder, BigQuery.NullsLast)
, ( define $$(G.litName "desc_nulls_first") "in descending order, nulls first"
, (BigQuery.DescOrder, BigQuery.NullsFirst)
, ( define $$(G.litName "desc_nulls_last") "in descending order, nulls last"
, (BigQuery.DescOrder, BigQuery.NullsLast)
define name desc = P.mkDefinition name (Just desc) P.EnumValueInfo
:: forall m n r
. (BackendSchema 'BigQuery, MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has QueryContext r)
=> ColumnType 'BigQuery
-> m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp 'BigQuery])
bqComparisonExps = P.memoize 'comparisonExps $ \columnType -> do
collapseIfNull <- asks $ qcDangerousBooleanCollapse . getter
-- see Note [Columns in comparison expression are never nullable]
typedParser <- columnParser columnType (G.Nullability False)
nullableTextParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar @'BigQuery BigQuery.StringScalarType) (G.Nullability True)
textParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar @'BigQuery BigQuery.StringScalarType) (G.Nullability False)
let name = P.getName typedParser <> $$(G.litName "_BigQuery_comparison_exp")
desc = G.Description $ "Boolean expression to compare columns of type "
<> P.getName typedParser
<<> ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."
textListParser = fmap openValueOrigin <$> P.list textParser
columnListParser = fmap openValueOrigin <$> P.list typedParser
mkListLiteral :: [ColumnValue 'BigQuery] -> UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery
mkListLiteral =
P.UVLiteral . BigQuery.ListExpression . fmap (BigQuery.ValueExpression . cvValue)
pure $ P.object name (Just desc) $ fmap catMaybes $ sequenceA $ concat
[ equalityOperators
(mkParameter <$> typedParser)
(mkListLiteral <$> columnListParser)
, comparisonOperators
(mkParameter <$> typedParser)
:: Maybe Bool
-- ^ distinct values
-> Maybe [Column 'BigQuery]
-> CountType 'BigQuery
bqMkCountType _ Nothing = BigQuery.StarCountable
bqMkCountType (Just True) (Just cols) =
maybe BigQuery.StarCountable BigQuery.DistinctCountable $ nonEmpty cols
bqMkCountType _ (Just cols) =
maybe BigQuery.StarCountable BigQuery.NonNullFieldCountable $ nonEmpty cols
-- | Various update operators
-- :: forall m n r. (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m)
:: Applicative m
=> TableInfo 'BigQuery -- ^ qualified name of the table
-> UpdPermInfo 'BigQuery -- ^ update permissions of the table
-> m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n [(Column 'BigQuery, IR.UpdOpExpG (UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery))]))
bqUpdateOperators _tableInfo _updatePermissions = pure Nothing
-- | Computed field parser.
-- Currently unsupported: returns Nothing for now.
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> SourceName
-> ComputedFieldInfo 'BigQuery
-> TableName 'BigQuery
-> SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
-> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField 'BigQuery)))
bqComputedField _sourceName _fieldInfo _table _selectPemissions = pure Nothing
-- | Remote join field parser.
-- Currently unsupported: returns Nothing for now.
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> RemoteFieldInfo 'BigQuery
-> m (Maybe [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField 'BigQuery)])
bqRemoteRelationshipField _remoteFieldInfo = pure Nothing
-- | The 'node' root field of a Relay request. Relay is currently unsupported on BigQuery,
-- meaning this parser will never be called: any attempt to create this parser should
-- therefore fail.
:: MonadBuildSchema 'BigQuery r m n
=> m ( Parser 'Output n
( HashMap
( TableName 'BigQuery)
( SourceName, SourceConfig 'BigQuery
, SelPermInfo 'BigQuery
, PrimaryKeyColumns 'BigQuery
, AnnotatedFields 'BigQuery
bqNode = throw500 "BigQuery does not support relay; `node` should never be exposed in the schema."