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-- | This module defines the monads required to run parser tests.
-- Warning: a lot of the implementations are currently 'undefined'. As we write
-- more advanced tests, they might require implementations.
module Test.Parser.Monad
( ParserTest (..),
SchemaEnvironment (..),
import Control.Monad.Memoize
import Data.Aeson.Internal (JSONPathElement)
import Data.Has (Has (..))
import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Stack
import Hasura.Base.Error (QErr)
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.ErrorCode
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.NamingCase
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options (SchemaOptions (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options qualified as Options
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization (MkRootFieldName)
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache (CustomizeRemoteFieldName)
import Hasura.Session (adminRoleName)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax qualified as TH
import Test.HUnit.Lang (assertFailure)
-- | Placeholder value for test inputs that are not relevant yet.
notImplementedYet :: HasCallStack => String -> a
notImplementedYet thing =
withFrozenCallStack $
error $
( unlines
[ "\"" ++ thing ++ "\" is not yet defined, because it hasn't been touched by tests yet.",
"If you see this message you likely need to provide/mock a value here"
-- | Monad builder environment.
-- Parser functions generally have a return type of @m (Parser n)@. The @m@
-- parameter is mocked through 'SchemaTestM', which requires a bunch of 'Has'
-- instances, as well as a 'ReaderT' instance for environment
-- settings/configurations. This type repesents these settings.
-- SchemaEnvironment: currently void. This is subject to change if we require
-- more complex setup.
data SchemaEnvironment = SchemaEnvironment
{seSchemaOptions :: SchemaOptions}
defaultSchemaOptions :: SchemaOptions
defaultSchemaOptions =
{ soStringifyNumbers = Options.Don'tStringifyNumbers,
soDangerousBooleanCollapse = Options.Don'tDangerouslyCollapseBooleans,
soInferFunctionPermissions = Options.InferFunctionPermissions,
soOptimizePermissionFilters = Options.Don'tOptimizePermissionFilters,
soIncludeUpdateManyFields = Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields,
soIncludeAggregationPredicates = Options.IncludeAggregationPredicates,
soIncludeStreamFields = Options.IncludeStreamFields,
soBigQueryStringNumericInput = Options.EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput
instance Has NamingCase SchemaEnvironment where
getter :: SchemaEnvironment -> NamingCase
getter = const HasuraCase
modifier :: (NamingCase -> NamingCase) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment
modifier = notImplementedYet "modifier<Has NamingCase SchemaEnvironment>"
instance Has SchemaOptions SchemaEnvironment where
getter :: SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaOptions
getter =
modifier :: (SchemaOptions -> SchemaOptions) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment
modifier f env = env {seSchemaOptions = f (seSchemaOptions env)}
instance Has SchemaContext SchemaEnvironment where
getter :: SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaContext
getter =
{ scSchemaKind = HasuraSchema,
scRemoteRelationshipParserBuilder = ignoreRemoteRelationship,
scRole = adminRoleName
modifier :: (SchemaContext -> SchemaContext) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment
modifier = notImplementedYet "modifier<Has SchemaContext SchemaEnvironment>"
instance Has MkTypename SchemaEnvironment where
getter :: SchemaEnvironment -> MkTypename
getter = const (MkTypename id)
modifier :: (MkTypename -> MkTypename) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment
modifier = notImplementedYet "modifier<Has MkTypeName SchemaEnvironment>"
instance Has MkRootFieldName SchemaEnvironment where
getter :: SchemaEnvironment -> MkRootFieldName
getter = const mempty
modifier :: (MkRootFieldName -> MkRootFieldName) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment
modifier = notImplementedYet "modifier<Has MkRootFieldName SchemaEnvironment>"
instance Has CustomizeRemoteFieldName SchemaEnvironment where
getter :: SchemaEnvironment -> CustomizeRemoteFieldName
getter = notImplementedYet "getter<Has CustomizeRemoteFieldName SchemaEnvironment>"
modifier :: (CustomizeRemoteFieldName -> CustomizeRemoteFieldName) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment
modifier = notImplementedYet "modifier<Has CustomizeRemoteFieldName SchemaEnvironment>"
-- | SchemaTest
type SchemaTest = SchemaT SchemaEnvironment SchemaTestInternal
runSchemaTest :: SchemaTest a -> a
runSchemaTest = runSchemaTestInternal . flip runReaderT (SchemaEnvironment defaultSchemaOptions) . runSchemaT
newtype SchemaTestInternal a = SchemaTestInternal {runSchemaTestInternal :: a}
deriving stock (Functor)
deriving (Applicative, Monad) via Identity
instance MonadError QErr SchemaTestInternal where
throwError :: forall a. QErr -> SchemaTestInternal a
throwError = notImplementedYet "throwError<MonadError QErr SchemaTestT>"
catchError :: forall a. SchemaTestInternal a -> (QErr -> SchemaTestInternal a) -> SchemaTestInternal a
catchError = notImplementedYet "catchError<MonadError QErr SchemaTestInternal>"
instance MonadMemoize SchemaTestInternal where
memoizeOn :: TH.Name -> a -> SchemaTestInternal p -> SchemaTestInternal p
memoizeOn _ _ = id
-- | ParserTest
newtype ParserTest a = ParserTest {runParserTest :: IO a}
deriving stock (Functor)
deriving newtype (Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadParse ParserTest where
withKey :: JSONPathElement -> ParserTest a -> ParserTest a
withKey = const id
parseErrorWith :: ParseErrorCode -> ErrorMessage -> ParserTest a
parseErrorWith code text =
ParserTest . assertFailure $ show code <> ": " <> T.unpack (fromErrorMessage text)