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183 lines
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module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.RemoteRelationshipPlan
( mkRemoteRelationshipPlan,
import Control.Lens ((?~))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS qualified as CPS
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as JE
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Extended (toTxt)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.Common
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.QueryPlan qualified as QueryPlan
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.Session
import Witch qualified
mkRemoteRelationshipPlan ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
SessionVariables ->
SourceConfig ->
-- | List of join json objects, each of which contains IDs to be laterally-joined against
-- as well as an argument ID that identifies the particular set of IDs (ie 'row' to join against).
-- This the response to the query constructed by this function is expected to contain a list
-- of result objects, one per item in this list.
-- Each object looks like: @{"__argument_id__": 1, "SomeIdColumn": 123}@
NonEmpty J.Object ->
-- | Schema of the IDs in the join json objects, excluding the argument ID
HashMap FieldName (ColumnName, ScalarType) ->
-- | The name of the argument ID property in the join json object. This property name and associated
-- value must be in the result object
FieldName ->
-- | The field name the result of the join should be stored in the result object
FieldName ->
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void UnpreparedValue ->
m (Plan API.QueryRequest API.QueryResponse)
mkRemoteRelationshipPlan sessionVariables _sourceConfig joinIds joinIdsSchema argumentIdFieldName resultFieldName ir = do
foreachRowFilter <- traverse (translateForeachRowFilter argumentIdFieldName joinIdsSchema) joinIds
argumentIds <- extractArgumentIds argumentIdFieldName joinIds
queryRequest <- translateSourceRelationshipSelection foreachRowFilter ir
pure $ Plan queryRequest (reshapeResponseToRemoteRelationshipQueryShape argumentIdFieldName argumentIds resultFieldName ir)
translateSourceRelationshipSelection ::
NonEmpty (HashMap API.ColumnName API.ScalarValue) ->
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void UnpreparedValue ->
m API.QueryRequest
translateSourceRelationshipSelection foreachRowFilter = \case
SourceRelationshipObject objectSelect ->
translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest foreachRowFilter objectSelect
SourceRelationshipArray simpleSelect ->
QueryPlan.translateAnnSimpleSelectToQueryRequest sessionVariables simpleSelect
<&> (API.qrForeach ?~ foreachRowFilter)
SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate aggregateSelect ->
QueryPlan.translateAnnAggregateSelectToQueryRequest sessionVariables aggregateSelect
<&> (API.qrForeach ?~ foreachRowFilter)
translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest ::
NonEmpty (HashMap API.ColumnName API.ScalarValue) ->
AnnObjectSelectG 'DataConnector Void (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
m API.QueryRequest
translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest foreachRowFilter AnnObjectSelectG {..} = do
let tableName = Witch.from _aosTableFrom
((fields, whereClause), (TableRelationships tableRelationships)) <- CPS.runWriterT $ do
fields <- QueryPlan.translateAnnFields sessionVariables noPrefix tableName _aosFields
whereClause <- translateBoolExpToExpression sessionVariables tableName _aosTableFilter
pure (fields, whereClause)
let apiTableRelationships = uncurry API.TableRelationships <$> HashMap.toList tableRelationships
pure $
{ _qrTable = tableName,
_qrTableRelationships = apiTableRelationships,
_qrQuery =
{ _qFields = Just $ mapFieldNameHashMap fields,
_qAggregates = Nothing,
_qAggregatesLimit = Nothing,
_qLimit = Nothing,
_qOffset = Nothing,
_qWhere = whereClause,
_qOrderBy = Nothing
_qrForeach = Just foreachRowFilter
translateForeachRowFilter :: MonadError QErr m => FieldName -> HashMap FieldName (ColumnName, ScalarType) -> J.Object -> m (HashMap API.ColumnName API.ScalarValue)
translateForeachRowFilter argumentIdFieldName joinIdsSchema joinIds =
& KM.toList
-- Exclude the argument ID field
-- The argument ID field and its value is added back to the result during response reshaping
& mapMaybe
( \(propertyKey, value) ->
let propertyKeyText = Text.pack $ K.toString propertyKey
joinIdField = FieldName propertyKeyText
in if joinIdField == argumentIdFieldName
then Nothing
else Just (joinIdField, value)
& traverse
( \(joinIdField, value) -> do
(columnName, scalarType) <-
HashMap.lookup joinIdField joinIdsSchema
`onNothing` throw500 ("translateForeachRowFilter: Unable to find join id field " <> toTxt joinIdField <> " in join id schema")
let scalarValue = API.ScalarValue value (Witch.from scalarType)
pure (Witch.from columnName, scalarValue)
& fmap HashMap.fromList
extractArgumentIds :: MonadError QErr m => FieldName -> NonEmpty J.Object -> m (NonEmpty J.Value)
extractArgumentIds argumentIdFieldName joinIds =
let argumentIdPropertyKey = K.fromText $ getFieldNameTxt argumentIdFieldName
in joinIds
& traverse
( \joinIdsObj ->
KM.lookup argumentIdPropertyKey joinIdsObj
`onNothing` throw500 ("translateForeachRowFilter: Unable to find argument id field " <> toTxt argumentIdFieldName <> " in join id object")
reshapeResponseToRemoteRelationshipQueryShape ::
MonadError QErr m =>
FieldName ->
NonEmpty J.Value ->
FieldName ->
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void v ->
API.QueryResponse ->
m J.Encoding
reshapeResponseToRemoteRelationshipQueryShape argumentIdFieldName argumentIdValues resultFieldName sourceRelationshipSelection API.QueryResponse {..} = do
when (actualRowCount /= expectedRowCount) $
throw500 ("Data Connector agent returned " <> tshow actualRowCount <> " foreach query response rows, but " <> tshow expectedRowCount <> " were expected")
argumentResultObjects <- forM (zip rows (NE.toList argumentIdValues)) $ \(row, argumentId) -> do
queryFieldValue <-
HashMap.lookup (API.FieldName "query") row
`onNothing` throw500 "Data Connector agent returned foreach query response row without expected 'query' field"
foreachQueryResponse <-
API.deserializeAsRelationshipFieldValue queryFieldValue
`onLeft` (\err -> throw500 $ "Found column field value where relationship field value was expected in foreach query response field returned by Data Connector agent: " <> err)
reshapedForeachQueryResponse <- reshapeForeachQueryResponse sourceRelationshipSelection foreachQueryResponse
let argumentResponseWrapperFields =
[ (getFieldNameTxt resultFieldName, reshapedForeachQueryResponse),
(getFieldNameTxt argumentIdFieldName, J.toEncoding argumentId)
pure $ encodeAssocListAsObject argumentResponseWrapperFields
pure $ JE.list id argumentResultObjects
rows = fromMaybe mempty _qrRows
actualRowCount = length rows
expectedRowCount = length argumentIdValues
reshapeForeachQueryResponse ::
MonadError QErr m =>
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void v ->
API.QueryResponse ->
m J.Encoding
reshapeForeachQueryResponse sourceRelationshipSelection response =
case sourceRelationshipSelection of
SourceRelationshipObject objectSelect -> QueryPlan.reshapeSimpleSelectRows Single (_aosFields objectSelect) response
SourceRelationshipArray simpleSelect -> QueryPlan.reshapeSimpleSelectRows Many (_asnFields simpleSelect) response
SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate aggregateSelect -> QueryPlan.reshapeTableAggregateFields (_asnFields aggregateSelect) response