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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/8947 GitOrigin-RevId: 18e52c928e1df535579e2077b4af6c2ce92bdcef
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265 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.ConnectionTemplate
( PrimaryTag (..),
DefaultTag (..),
ReadReplicasTag (..),
ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext (..),
RequestContextHeaders (..),
QueryContext (..),
RequestContext (..),
PostgresConnectionTemplateContext (..),
PostgresResolvedConnectionTemplate (..),
QueryOperationType (..),
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection.Settings
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Session (SessionVariables)
import Kriti.Eval qualified as Kriti
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
-- | This connection tag represents primary database connection
data PrimaryTag = PrimaryTag deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable PrimaryTag
instance NFData PrimaryTag
primaryTagValue :: J.Value
primaryTagValue = J.String "PRIMARY"
instance J.ToJSON PrimaryTag where
toJSON PrimaryTag = primaryTagValue
instance J.FromJSON PrimaryTag where
parseJSON v
| v == primaryTagValue = pure PrimaryTag
| otherwise = fail $ "expected value " <> show primaryTagValue
-- | This connection tag represents default behaviour of database connections.
-- For example, if read replica is set, then it will redirect GQL queries to
-- read replicas and mutations to the primary connection
data DefaultTag = DefaultTag deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable DefaultTag
instance NFData DefaultTag
defaultTagValue :: J.Value
defaultTagValue = J.String "DEFAULT"
instance J.ToJSON DefaultTag where
toJSON DefaultTag = defaultTagValue
instance J.FromJSON DefaultTag where
parseJSON v
| v == defaultTagValue = pure DefaultTag
| otherwise = fail $ "expected value " <> show defaultTagValue
-- | This connection tag represents read replica database connection
data ReadReplicasTag = ReadReplicasTag deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable ReadReplicasTag
instance NFData ReadReplicasTag
readReplicasTagValue :: J.Value
readReplicasTagValue = J.String "READ_REPLICAS"
instance J.ToJSON ReadReplicasTag where
toJSON ReadReplicasTag = readReplicasTagValue
instance J.FromJSON ReadReplicasTag where
parseJSON v
| v == readReplicasTagValue = pure ReadReplicasTag
| otherwise = fail $ "expected value " <> show readReplicasTagValue
-- | The connection_set template context type. Always encodes to "connection_set"
-- string value in template context.
data ConnectionSetTemplateContextType = ConnectionSetTemplateContextType
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable ConnectionSetTemplateContextType
instance NFData ConnectionSetTemplateContextType
instance J.ToJSON ConnectionSetTemplateContextType where
toJSON ConnectionSetTemplateContextType = J.String "connection_set"
instance J.FromJSON ConnectionSetTemplateContextType where
parseJSON = J.withText "ConnectionSetTemplateContextType" \case
"connection_set" -> pure ConnectionSetTemplateContextType
t -> fail $ "unexpected type for connection set member " <> show t
-- | Data type for single member in connection_set for connection template context
data ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext = ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext
{ _cseType :: ConnectionSetTemplateContextType,
_cseName :: PostgresConnectionSetMemberName
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext)
instance Hashable ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext
instance NFData ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext
mkConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext :: PostgresConnectionSetMemberName -> ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext
mkConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext memberName =
{ _cseType = ConnectionSetTemplateContextType,
_cseName = memberName
-- | Outcome of the connection template resolution
data PostgresResolvedConnectionTemplate
= PCTODefault DefaultTag
| PCTOPrimary PrimaryTag
| PCTOReadReplicas ReadReplicasTag
| PCTOConnectionSet PostgresConnectionSetMemberName
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable PostgresResolvedConnectionTemplate
instance NFData PostgresResolvedConnectionTemplate
instance J.FromJSON PostgresResolvedConnectionTemplate where
parseJSON v =
(PCTOPrimary <$> J.parseJSON v)
<|> (PCTODefault <$> J.parseJSON v)
<|> (PCTOReadReplicas <$> J.parseJSON v)
<|> (PCTOConnectionSet . _cseName <$> J.parseJSON v)
instance J.ToJSON PostgresResolvedConnectionTemplate where
toJSON resolvedConnTemplate =
let (routingTo, value) = case resolvedConnTemplate of
(PCTOPrimary _) -> ("primary", J.Null)
(PCTODefault _) -> ("default", J.Null)
(PCTOReadReplicas _) -> ("read_replicas", J.Null)
(PCTOConnectionSet v) -> ("connection_set", J.toJSON v)
in J.object ["routing_to" J..= (routingTo :: Text), "value" J..= value]
-- | Headers information for the connection template context
data RequestContextHeaders = RequestContextHeaders (HashMap Text Text)
deriving (Show)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''RequestContextHeaders)
-- | Data type for connection_set for connection template context
newtype ConnectionSetTemplateContext = ConnectionSetTemplateContext {_getConnectionSet :: HashMap PostgresConnectionSetMemberName ConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext}
deriving (Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
instance J.FromJSON ConnectionSetTemplateContext where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ConnectionSetTemplateContext" \o -> do
connections <-
( \(k, v) -> do
connSetMember <- J.parseJSON v
connSetMemberName <- PostgresConnectionSetMemberName <$> J.parseJSON (J.toJSON k)
pure (connSetMemberName, connSetMember)
(KM.toList o)
pure $ ConnectionSetTemplateContext (HashMap.fromList connections)
instance J.ToJSON ConnectionSetTemplateContext where
toJSON (ConnectionSetTemplateContext connections) =
J.Object $ KM.fromHashMap $ HashMap.map (J.toJSON) (HashMap.mapKeys (K.fromText . toTxt) connections)
newtype QueryOperationType = QueryOperationType G.OperationType
deriving (Show)
instance J.FromJSON QueryOperationType where
parseJSON (J.String "query") = pure (QueryOperationType G.OperationTypeQuery)
parseJSON (J.String "mutation") = pure (QueryOperationType G.OperationTypeMutation)
parseJSON (J.String "subscription") = pure (QueryOperationType G.OperationTypeSubscription)
parseJSON _ = fail "operation type can only be one of the following: query, mutation or subscription"
instance J.ToJSON QueryOperationType where
toJSON (QueryOperationType operationType) =
J.String $ case operationType of
G.OperationTypeQuery -> "query"
G.OperationTypeSubscription -> "subscription"
G.OperationTypeMutation -> "mutation"
-- | Query information (operation name and operation type) for connection
-- template context
data QueryContext = QueryContext
{ _qcOperationName :: Maybe G.Name,
_qcOperationType :: QueryOperationType
deriving (Show)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON {J.omitNothingFields = True} ''QueryContext)
-- | Request information for connection template context
data RequestContext = RequestContext
{ _rcHeaders :: RequestContextHeaders,
_rcSession :: SessionVariables,
_rcQuery :: Maybe QueryContext
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance J.FromJSON RequestContext where
parseJSON = J.withObject "RequestContext" $ \o -> do
headers <- o J..:? "headers" J..!= (RequestContextHeaders mempty)
sessionVars <- o J..:? "session" J..!= mempty
queryContext <- o J..:? "query"
pure (RequestContext headers sessionVars queryContext)
instance J.ToJSON RequestContext where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON hasuraJSON {J.omitNothingFields = True}
-- | The complete connection template context used for resolving connection
-- template
data PostgresConnectionTemplateContext = PostgresConnectionTemplateContext
{ _pctcRequest :: RequestContext,
_pctcPrimary :: PrimaryTag,
_pctcReadReplicas :: ReadReplicasTag,
_pctcDefault :: DefaultTag,
_pctcConnectionSet :: ConnectionSetTemplateContext
deriving (Show)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''PostgresConnectionTemplateContext)
-- | Construct template context
makeConnectionTemplateContext :: RequestContext -> [PostgresConnectionSetMemberName] -> PostgresConnectionTemplateContext
makeConnectionTemplateContext reqCtx connectionSetMembers =
connectionSet =
ConnectionSetTemplateContext $ HashMap.fromList $ map (id &&& mkConnectionSetMemberTemplateContext) connectionSetMembers
-- | We should move this to Data.Aeson.Kriti.Functions
runKritiEval :: PostgresConnectionTemplateContext -> KritiTemplate -> Either Kriti.EvalError J.Value
runKritiEval ktcContext (KritiTemplate rawTemplate templateAST) = Kriti.runEval templateBS templateAST templateCtx
templateBS = txtToBs rawTemplate
templateCtx = [("$", J.toJSON ktcContext)]
makeRequestContext :: Maybe QueryContext -> [HTTP.Header] -> SessionVariables -> RequestContext
makeRequestContext queryContext reqHeaders sessionVars =
let reqHeaderHashMap = HashMap.fromList $ map (\(hdrName, hdrVal) -> (bsToTxt (CI.original hdrName), bsToTxt hdrVal)) reqHeaders
in RequestContext (RequestContextHeaders reqHeaderHashMap) sessionVars queryContext