mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 09:22:43 +03:00
* export metadata without nulls, empty arrays * property tests for 'ReplaceMetadata' using QuickCheck -> Derive Arbitrary class for 'ReplaceMetadata' dependant types * reduce property test cases number to 30 QuickCheck generates the `ReplaceMetadata` value really large for higher number test cases. Encoded JSON for such values is large and consumes more memory. Thus, CI is giving up while running property tests. * circle-ci: Add property tests as saperate job * add no command mode to tests * add yaml.v2 to go mod * remove indirect comment for yaml.v2 dependency
143 lines
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143 lines
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module Main (main) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeStrict)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Options.Applicative
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Aeson.Ordered as AO
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as HTTP
import qualified Test.Hspec.Runner as Hspec
import Hasura.Db (PGExecCtx (..))
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata (ClearMetadata (..),
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata.Generator (genReplaceMetadata)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata.Types (ReplaceMetadata,
import Hasura.RQL.Types (QErr, SQLGenCtx (..),
import Hasura.Server.Init (RawConnInfo, mkConnInfo,
import Hasura.Server.Migrate
import Hasura.Server.PGDump
import Hasura.Server.Query (Run, RunCtx (..), peelRun)
data TestCommand
= TCMigrate !RawConnInfo -- ^ Run migrate tests
| TCProperty -- ^ Run property tests
data TestArgs
= TANoCommand !RawConnInfo -- ^ Run all tests
| TACommand !TestCommand -- ^ Run specified tests
parseArgs :: ParserInfo TestArgs
parseArgs =
info (helper <*> (parseNoCommand <|> (TACommand <$> parseSubCommand))) $
fullDesc <> header "Hasura GraphQL Engine test suite"
parseNoCommand = TANoCommand <$> parseRawConnInfo
parseSubCommand = subparser
( command "migrate" (info (helper <*> (TCMigrate <$> parseRawConnInfo))
(progDesc "Run catalog migrate tests")
<> command "property" (info (pure TCProperty)
(progDesc "Run property tests")
main :: IO ()
main = do
testArgs <- execParser parseArgs
case testArgs of
TANoCommand pgConnOptions -> runMigrateTests pgConnOptions >> runPropertyTests
TACommand (TCMigrate pgConnOptions) -> runMigrateTests pgConnOptions
TACommand TCProperty -> runPropertyTests
runMigrateTests pgConnOptions = do
env <- getEnvironment
rawPGConnInfo <- flip onLeft printErrExit $ runWithEnv env (mkRawConnInfo pgConnOptions)
pgConnInfo <- flip onLeft printErrExit $ mkConnInfo rawPGConnInfo
pgPool <- Q.initPGPool pgConnInfo Q.defaultConnParams { Q.cpConns = 1 } print
httpManager <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
let runContext = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager (SQLGenCtx False)
pgContext = PGExecCtx pgPool Q.Serializable
runAsAdmin :: Run a -> IO (Either QErr a)
runAsAdmin = runExceptT . fmap fst . peelRun emptySchemaCache runContext pgContext Q.ReadWrite
runHspec $ do
describe "Hasura.Server.Migrate" $ do
let dropAndInit time = runAsAdmin (dropCatalog *> migrateCatalog time)
describe "migrateCatalog" $ do
it "initializes the catalog" $ do
(dropAndInit =<< getCurrentTime) `shouldReturn` Right MRInitialized
it "is idempotent" $ do
let dumpSchema = runAsAdmin $
execPGDump (PGDumpReqBody ["--schema-only"] (Just False)) pgConnInfo
time <- getCurrentTime
dropAndInit time `shouldReturn` Right MRInitialized
firstDump <- dumpSchema
firstDump `shouldSatisfy` isRight
dropAndInit time `shouldReturn` Right MRInitialized
secondDump <- dumpSchema
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
describe "recreateSystemMetadata" $ do
let dumpMetadata = runAsAdmin $
execPGDump (PGDumpReqBody ["--schema=hdb_catalog"] (Just False)) pgConnInfo
it "is idempotent" $ do
(dropAndInit =<< getCurrentTime) `shouldReturn` Right MRInitialized
firstDump <- dumpMetadata
firstDump `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runAsAdmin recreateSystemMetadata `shouldReturn` Right ()
secondDump <- dumpMetadata
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
it "does not create any objects affected by ClearMetadata" $ do
(dropAndInit =<< getCurrentTime) `shouldReturn` Right MRInitialized
firstDump <- dumpMetadata
firstDump `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runAsAdmin (runClearMetadata ClearMetadata) `shouldReturn` Right successMsg
secondDump <- dumpMetadata
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
runPropertyTests = do
putStrLn "Running property tests"
passed <- isSuccess <$> quickCheckResult (withMaxSuccess 30 prop_replacemetadata)
unless passed $ printErrExit "Property tests failed"
prop_replacemetadata =
forAll (resize 3 genReplaceMetadata) $ \metadata ->
let encodedString = encJToBS $ AO.toEncJSON $ replaceMetadataToOrdJSON metadata
eitherResult :: Either String ReplaceMetadata
= eitherDecodeStrict encodedString
in case eitherResult of
Left err -> counterexample err False
Right _ -> property True
runHspec :: Spec -> IO ()
runHspec m = do
config <- Hspec.readConfig Hspec.defaultConfig []
Hspec.evaluateSummary =<< Hspec.runSpec m config
printErrExit :: String -> IO a
printErrExit = (*> exitFailure) . putStrLn