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synced 2024-12-19 13:31:43 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/3687 Co-authored-by: awjchen <13142944+awjchen@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: ae217690ee0371f6fc696fc2e18c72e087dcaff2
353 lines
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353 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | A module for running graphql-engine in a testing context.
module Hasura.Test.App
( TestM,
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Managed (lowerManagedT)
import Data.Environment (mkEnvironment)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.App
( GlobalCtx (..),
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection (checkDbConnection)
import Hasura.Base.Error
( Code (AccessDenied),
import Hasura.Eventing.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute (checkQueryInAllowlist)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Backend (ExecutionStep (..), MonadQueryTags (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Common (MonadGQLExecutionCheck (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Logging (MonadQueryLog (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP
( CacheStoreSuccess (CacheStoreSkipped),
MonadExecuteQuery (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol (toParsed)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server (MonadWSLog (..))
import Hasura.Logging qualified as Logging
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
( MetadataStorageT (..),
MonadMetadataStorage (..),
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.QueryTags (emptyQueryTagsComment)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Catalog
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Allowlist (AllowlistMode (AllowlistModeGlobalOnly))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source (MonadResolveSource (..))
import Hasura.Server.API.Query (requiresAdmin)
import Hasura.Server.App
( ConsoleRenderer (..),
HandlerCtx (hcUser),
MonadConfigApiHandler (..),
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization (..),
import Hasura.Server.Auth
( AuthHookG (AuthHookG),
UserAuthentication (..),
import Hasura.Server.Init (getDbId, logLevelEnv, mkServeOptions)
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config
( API (..),
PostgresConnInfo (PostgresConnInfo),
RawConnParams (RawConnParams),
RawServeOptions (..),
ServeOptions (soEnabledAPIs),
import Hasura.Server.Limits (HasResourceLimits (..), ResourceLimits (..))
import Hasura.Server.Logging (HttpLog (..))
import Hasura.Server.Metrics (ServerMetrics, createServerMetrics)
import Hasura.Session (UserInfo (_uiRole), adminRoleName)
import Hasura.Tracing (HasReporter (..), TraceT, noReporter)
import Network.Wai (Application)
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Metrics qualified as EKG
-- | A concrete monad for running the GraphQL-engine. This is the context in
-- which tests will run.
newtype TestM a = TestM {_runTestM :: TestConfig -> IO a}
( Functor,
MonadBase IO,
MonadBaseControl IO,
MonadReader TestConfig
via (ReaderT TestConfig IO)
-- | Exposed `TestM` deconstructor
runTestM :: TestM a -> TestConfig -> IO a
runTestM = _runTestM
-- | The testing environment
data TestConfig = TestConfig
{ tcPostgresPool :: Q.PGPool,
tcPostgresLogger :: Q.PGLogger
-- | Exposed `TestConfig` constructor
mkTestConfig :: Q.ConnInfo -> IO TestConfig
mkTestConfig pgConnInfo = do
let pgLogger = print
connParams = Q.defaultConnParams {Q.cpConns = 1}
pgPool <- Q.initPGPool pgConnInfo connParams pgLogger
pure $
{ tcPostgresPool = pgPool,
tcPostgresLogger = pgLogger
-- GraphQL-engine instances
-- Note: For consistency, the following typeclass instances should mirror those
-- used by the open source graphql-engine, unless we intend to mock certain
-- operations.
instance MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT TestM) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = runInSeparateTx fetchMetadataResourceVersionFromCatalog
fetchMetadata = runInSeparateTx fetchMetadataAndResourceVersionFromCatalog
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = runInSeparateTx $ fetchMetadataNotificationsFromCatalog a b
setMetadata r = runInSeparateTx . setMetadataInCatalog r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = runInSeparateTx $ notifySchemaCacheSyncTx a b c
getCatalogState = runInSeparateTx getCatalogStateTx
setCatalogState a b = runInSeparateTx $ setCatalogStateTx a b
getDatabaseUid = runInSeparateTx getDbId
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift (asks tcPostgresPool) >>= checkDbConnection
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = runInSeparateTx . getDeprivedCronTriggerStatsTx
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = runInSeparateTx getScheduledEventsForDeliveryTx
insertCronEvents = runInSeparateTx . insertCronEventsTx
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = runInSeparateTx . insertOneOffScheduledEventTx
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = runInSeparateTx $ insertInvocationTx a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = runInSeparateTx $ setScheduledEventOpTx a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = runInSeparateTx $ unlockScheduledEventsTx a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = runInSeparateTx unlockAllLockedScheduledEventsTx
clearFutureCronEvents = runInSeparateTx . dropFutureCronEventsTx
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = runInSeparateTx $ getOneOffScheduledEventsTx a b
getCronEvents a b c = runInSeparateTx $ getCronEventsTx a b c
getInvocations a b = runInSeparateTx $ getInvocationsTx a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = runInSeparateTx $ deleteScheduledEventTx a b
insertAction a b c d = runInSeparateTx $ insertActionTx a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = runInSeparateTx fetchUndeliveredActionEventsTx
setActionStatus a b = runInSeparateTx $ setActionStatusTx a b
fetchActionResponse = runInSeparateTx . fetchActionResponseTx
clearActionData = runInSeparateTx . clearActionDataTx
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = runInSeparateTx . setProcessingActionLogsToPendingTx
runInSeparateTx :: Q.TxE QErr a -> MetadataStorageT TestM a
runInSeparateTx tx = do
pool <- lift $ asks tcPostgresPool
liftEitherM $ liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool (Q.RepeatableRead, Nothing) tx
instance MonadResolveSource TestM where
getPGSourceResolver = mkPgSourceResolver <$> asks tcPostgresLogger
getMSSQLSourceResolver = return mkMSSQLSourceResolver
instance UserAuthentication (TraceT TestM) where
resolveUserInfo logger manager headers authMode reqs =
runExceptT $ getUserInfoWithExpTime logger manager headers authMode reqs
instance MonadMetadataApiAuthorization TestM where
authorizeV1QueryApi query handlerCtx = runExceptT do
let currRole = _uiRole $ hcUser handlerCtx
when (requiresAdmin query && currRole /= adminRoleName) $
withPathK "args" $ throw400 AccessDenied accessDeniedErrMsg
authorizeV1MetadataApi _ handlerCtx = runExceptT do
let currRole = _uiRole $ hcUser handlerCtx
when (currRole /= adminRoleName) $
withPathK "args" $ throw400 AccessDenied accessDeniedErrMsg
authorizeV2QueryApi _ handlerCtx = runExceptT do
let currRole = _uiRole $ hcUser handlerCtx
when (currRole /= adminRoleName) $
withPathK "args" $ throw400 AccessDenied accessDeniedErrMsg
instance MonadGQLExecutionCheck TestM where
checkGQLExecution userInfo _ enableAL sc query = runExceptT $ do
req <- toParsed query
checkQueryInAllowlist enableAL AllowlistModeGlobalOnly userInfo req sc
return req
executeIntrospection _ introspectionQuery _ =
pure $ Right $ ExecStepRaw introspectionQuery
instance HttpLog TestM where
type ExtraHttpLogMetadata TestM = ()
emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata = ()
buildExtraHttpLogMetadata = const ()
logHttpError _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h = pure ()
logHttpSuccess _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i _j _k _l = pure ()
instance MonadQueryLog TestM where
logQueryLog = Logging.unLogger
instance MonadQueryTags TestM where
createQueryTags _qtSourceConfig _attributes = pure emptyQueryTagsComment
instance HasReporter TestM where
askReporter = pure noReporter
instance HasResourceLimits TestM where
askHTTPHandlerLimit = pure $ ResourceLimits id
askGraphqlOperationLimit = pure $ \_ _ -> ResourceLimits id
instance MonadExecuteQuery TestM where
cacheLookup _ _ _ _ = pure ([], Nothing)
cacheStore _ _ _ = pure (Right CacheStoreSkipped)
-- Instances not currently needed
instance ConsoleRenderer TestM where
renderConsole = error "renderConsole: unimplemented for testing"
instance MonadWSLog TestM where
logWSLog = error "logWSLog: unimplemented for testing"
instance MonadConfigApiHandler TestM where
runConfigApiHandler = error "runConfigApiHandler: unimplemented for testing"
-- | Run an instance of the GraphQL-engine in a testing environment, exposed as
-- a WAI app.
withHasuraTestApp ::
-- | Metadata database URL
String ->
(Application -> TestM a) ->
IO a
withHasuraTestApp metadataDbUrl action = do
let setupHook = \_ -> pure ()
postPollHook = Nothing
initTime <- getCurrentTime
(ekgStore, serverMetrics) <- initMetrics
rawEnv <- filter ((`elem` envAllowList) . fst) <$> getEnvironment
let serveOptions = makeServeOptions rawEnv
env = mkEnvironment rawEnv
globalCtx <-
initGlobalCtx env (Just metadataDbUrl) $ PostgresConnInfo Nothing Nothing
testConfig <- mkTestConfig (_gcMetadataDbConnInfo globalCtx)
flip runTestM testConfig $
lowerManagedT $ do
serveCtx <- initialiseServeCtx env globalCtx serveOptions serverMetrics
waiApp <-
lift $ action waiApp
-- A whitelist of environment variables that are safe to use in testing
envAllowList :: [String]
envAllowList = [fst logLevelEnv]
-- For now, we use the default server options for simplicity.
makeServeOptions :: [(String, String)] -> ServeOptions Logging.Hasura
makeServeOptions env =
case runWithEnv env (mkServeOptions defaultRawServeOptions) of
Left errMsg -> error $ "makeServeOptions: " ++ errMsg
Right opts -> setEnabledAPIs opts
-- Enabling only those APIs needed for testing
setEnabledAPIs ::
ServeOptions Logging.Hasura -> ServeOptions Logging.Hasura
setEnabledAPIs serveOptions =
serveOptions {soEnabledAPIs = HS.fromList [GRAPHQL, METADATA]}
initMetrics :: IO (EKG.Store EKG.EmptyMetrics, ServerMetrics)
initMetrics = do
ekgStore <- liftIO EKG.newStore
serverMetrics <- liftIO $ createServerMetrics ekgStore
pure (EKG.subset EKG.emptyOf ekgStore, serverMetrics)
defaultRawServeOptions :: RawServeOptions impl
defaultRawServeOptions =
{ rsoPort = Nothing,
rsoHost = Nothing,
rsoConnParams =
rsoTxIso = Nothing,
rsoAdminSecret = Nothing,
rsoAuthHook = AuthHookG Nothing Nothing,
rsoJwtSecret = Nothing,
rsoUnAuthRole = Nothing,
rsoCorsConfig = Nothing,
rsoEnableConsole = False,
rsoConsoleAssetsDir = Nothing,
rsoEnableTelemetry = Nothing,
rsoWsReadCookie = False,
rsoStringifyNum = False,
rsoDangerousBooleanCollapse = Nothing,
rsoEnabledAPIs = Nothing,
rsoMxRefetchInt = Nothing,
rsoMxBatchSize = Nothing,
rsoEnableAllowlist = False,
rsoEnabledLogTypes = Nothing,
-- Setting lowest log level by default in order to make the tests more
-- legible
rsoLogLevel = Just Logging.LevelError,
rsoDevMode = False,
rsoAdminInternalErrors = Nothing,
rsoEventsHttpPoolSize = Nothing,
rsoEventsFetchInterval = Nothing,
rsoAsyncActionsFetchInterval = Nothing,
rsoLogHeadersFromEnv = False,
rsoEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions = False,
rsoWebSocketCompression = False,
rsoWebSocketKeepAlive = Nothing,
rsoInferFunctionPermissions = Nothing,
rsoEnableMaintenanceMode = False,
rsoSchemaPollInterval = Nothing,
rsoExperimentalFeatures = Nothing,
rsoEventsFetchBatchSize = Nothing,
rsoGracefulShutdownTimeout = Nothing,
rsoWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout = Nothing