Puru Gupta 328b7b793f server: add support for redis clusters
Co-authored-by: paritosh-08 <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 6ab173b02f6b8bf97ccbcdb00110fe147771c751
2023-06-05 12:11:59 +00:00

456 lines
16 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
import Prelude hiding (interact)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString, interact)
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM (toList)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy, groupBy, intersperse)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
-- * New groups have to be listed in cmdGroups below.
-- * The command blacklist allows to specify the name of a manual
-- implementation.
-- |Whitelist for the command groups
groupCmds :: Cmds -> Cmds
groupCmds (Cmds cmds) =
Cmds [cmd | cmd <- cmds, group <- groups, cmdGroup cmd == group]
groups = [ "generic"
, "string"
, "list"
, "set"
, "sorted_set"
, "hash"
, "hyperloglog"
-- , "pubsub" commands implemented in Database.Redis.PubSub
-- , "transactions" implemented in Database.Redis.Transactions
, "connection"
, "server"
, "scripting"
-- not implemented:
-- , "cluster"
-- , "geo"
-- |Blacklisted commands, optionally paired with the name of their
-- implementation in the "Database.Redis.ManualCommands" module.
blacklist :: [(String, Maybe ([String],[String]))]
blacklist = [ manual "AUTH" ["auth"]
, manual "SELECT" ["select"]
, manual "PING" ["ping"]
, manual "OBJECT"
, manualWithType "TYPE" ["getType"] ["RedisType(..)"]
, manual "EVAL" ["eval"]
, manual "EVALSHA" ["evalsha"]
, manualWithType "SORT"
, manual "BITCOUNT" ["bitcount", "bitcountRange"]
, manual "BITOP" ["bitopAnd", "bitopOr", "bitopXor", "bitopNot"]
, manual "LINSERT" ["linsertBefore", "linsertAfter"]
, manualWithType "SLOWLOG"
["slowlogGet", "slowlogLen", "slowlogReset"]
, manualWithType "ZINTERSTORE"
, manual "ZRANGE" ["zrange", "zrangeWithscores"]
["zrangebyscore", "zrangebyscoreWithscores"
,"zrangebyscoreLimit", "zrangebyscoreWithscoresLimit"]
, manual "ZREVRANGE" ["zrevrange", "zrevrangeWithscores"]
["zrevrangebyscore", "zrevrangebyscoreWithscores"
,"zrevrangebyscoreLimit", "zrevrangebyscoreWithscoresLimit"]
, manual "ZUNIONSTORE" ["zunionstore","zunionstoreWeights"]
, manualWithType "SET"
["set", "setOpts"]
["Condition(..)", "SetOpts(..)"]
, manualWithType "ZADD"
["zadd", "zaddOpts"]
["ZaddOpts(..)", "defaultZaddOpts"]
, manualWithType "MIGRATE"
["migrate", "migrateMultiple"]
["MigrateOpts(..)", "defaultMigrateOpts"]
, manual "RESTORE"
["restore", "restoreReplace"]
, manualWithType "CLIENT REPLY"
, manualWithType "SCRIPT DEBUG"
, manual "SRANDMEMBER" ["srandmember", "srandmemberN"]
, manual "SPOP" ["spop", "spopN"]
, manual "INFO" ["info", "infoSection"]
, manual "EXISTS" ["exists"]
, manualWithType "SCAN"
["scan", "scanOpts"]
["Cursor", "cursor0", "ScanOpts(..)", "defaultScanOpts"]
, manual "SSCAN" ["sscan", "sscanOpts"]
, manual "HSCAN" ["hscan", "hscanOpts"]
, manual "ZSCAN" ["zscan", "zscanOpts"]
, manualWithType "ZRANGEBYLEX"
["zrangebylex, zrangebylexLimit"]
, unimplemented "COMMAND"
, unimplemented "COMMAND GETKEYS"
, unimplemented "ROLE"
, unimplemented "CLIENT KILL"
, unimplemented "ZREVRANGEBYLEX"
, unimplemented "ZRANGEBYSCORE"
, unimplemented "ZREVRANGEBYSCORE"
, unimplemented "MONITOR" -- debugging command
, unimplemented "SYNC" -- internal command
, unimplemented "SHUTDOWN" -- kills server, throws exception
, unimplemented "DEBUG SEGFAULT" -- crashes the server
unimplemented cmd = (cmd, Nothing)
manual cmd aliases = (cmd, Just (aliases, []))
manualWithType cmd aliases types = (cmd, Just (aliases, types))
-- Read JSON from STDIN, write Haskell module source to STDOUT.
main :: IO ()
main = interact generateCommands
generateCommands :: ByteString -> ByteString
generateCommands json =
toLazyByteString . hsFile . groupCmds . fromJust $ decode' json
-- Types to represent Commands. They are parsed from the JSON input.
data Cmd = Cmd { cmdName, cmdGroup :: String
, cmdRetType :: Maybe String
, cmdArgs :: [Arg]
, cmdSummary :: String
, cmdSince :: Maybe String
deriving (Show)
newtype Cmds = Cmds [Cmd]
instance Show Cmds where
show (Cmds cmds) = intercalate "\n" (map show cmds)
data Arg = Arg { argName, argType :: String }
| Pair Arg Arg
| Multiple Arg
| Command String
| Enum [String]
deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON Cmds where
parseJSON (Object cmds) = do
Cmds <$> forM (HM.toList cmds) (\(name,Object cmd) -> do
let cmdName = unpack $ encodeUtf8 name
cmdGroup <- cmd .: "group"
cmdRetType <- cmd .:? "returns"
cmdSummary <- cmd .: "summary"
cmdSince <- cmd .:? "since"
cmdArgs <- cmd .:? "arguments" .!= []
<|> error ("failed to parse args: " ++ cmdName)
return Cmd{..})
instance FromJSON Arg where
parseJSON (Object arg) = asum
[ parseEnum, parseCommand, parseMultiple
, parsePair, parseSingle, parseSingleList
] <|> error ("failed to parse arg: " ++ show arg)
parseSingle = do
argName <- arg .: "name"
argType <- arg .: "type"
return Arg{..}
-- "multiple": "true"
parseMultiple = do
True <- arg .: "multiple"
Multiple <$> (parsePair <|> parseSingle)
-- example: SUBSCRIBE
parseSingleList = do
[argName] <- arg .: "name"
[argType] <- arg .: "type"
return Arg{..}
-- example: MSETNX
parsePair = do
[name1,name2] <- arg .: "name"
[typ1,typ2] <- arg .: "type"
return $ Pair Arg{ argName = name1, argType = typ1 }
Arg{ argName = name2, argType = typ2 }
parseCommand = do
s <- arg .: "command"
return $ Command s
-- example: LINSERT
parseEnum = do
enum <- arg .: "enum"
return $ Enum enum
-- Generate source code for Haskell module exporting the given commands.
hsFile :: Cmds -> Builder
hsFile (Cmds cmds) = mconcat
[ fromString "-- Generated by GenCmds.hs. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n\
\{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}\n\n\
\module Database.Redis.Commands (\n"
, exportList cmds
, newline
, unimplementedCmds
, fromString ") where\n\n"
, imprts, newline
, mconcat (map fromCmd cmds)
, newline
, newline
unimplementedCmds :: Builder
unimplementedCmds =
fromString "-- * Unimplemented Commands\n\
\-- |These commands are not implemented, as of now. Library\n\
\-- users can implement these or other commands from\n\
\-- experimental Redis versions by using the 'sendRequest'\n\
\-- function.\n"
mconcat (map unimplementedCmd unimplemented)
unimplemented = map fst . filter (isNothing . snd) $ blacklist
unimplementedCmd cmd = mconcat
[ fromString "--\n"
, fromString "-- * "
, fromString cmd, fromString " ("
, cmdDescriptionLink cmd
, fromString ")\n"
, fromString "--\n"
exportList :: [Cmd] -> Builder
exportList cmds =
mconcat . map exportGroup . groupBy ((==) `on` cmdGroup) $
sortBy (comparing cmdGroup) cmds
exportGroup group = mconcat
[ newline
, fromString "-- ** ", fromString $ translateGroup (head group)
, newline
, mconcat . map exportCmd $ sortBy (comparing cmdName) group
exportCmd cmd@Cmd{..}
| implemented cmd = exportCmdNames cmd
| otherwise = mempty
implemented Cmd{..} =
case lookup cmdName blacklist of
Nothing -> True
Just (Just _) -> True
Just Nothing -> False
translateGroup Cmd{..} = case cmdGroup of
"generic" -> "Keys"
"string" -> "Strings"
"list" -> "Lists"
"set" -> "Sets"
"sorted_set" -> "Sorted Sets"
"hash" -> "Hashes"
"hyperloglog" -> "HyperLogLogs"
-- "pubsub" ->
-- "transactions" -> "Transactions"
"connection" -> "Connection"
"server" -> "Server"
"scripting" -> "Scripting"
_ -> error $ "untranslated group: " ++ cmdGroup
exportCmdNames :: Cmd -> Builder
exportCmdNames Cmd{..} = types `mappend` functions
types = mconcat $ flip map typeNames
(\name -> mconcat [fromString name, fromString ",\n"])
functions = mconcat $ flip map funNames
(\name -> mconcat [fromString name, fromString ", ", haddock, newline])
funNames = case lookup cmdName blacklist of
Nothing -> [camelCase cmdName]
Just (Just (xs,_)) -> xs
Just Nothing -> error "unhandled"
typeNames = case lookup cmdName blacklist of
Nothing -> []
Just (Just (_,ts)) -> ts
Just Nothing -> error "unhandled"
dropTrailingDot s = case reverse s of
('.':rest) -> reverse rest
_ -> s
haddock = mconcat
[ fromString "-- |", fromString (dropTrailingDot cmdSummary)
, fromString " ("
, cmdDescriptionLink cmdName
, fromString ")."
, if length funNames > 1
then mconcat
[ fromString " The Redis command @"
, fromString cmdName
, fromString "@ is split up into '"
, mconcat . map fromString $ intersperse "', '" funNames
, fromString "'."
else mempty
, case cmdSince of
Just ver -> mconcat [fromString " Since Redis ", fromString ver]
Nothing -> fromString " In unstable version of Redis"
cmdDescriptionLink :: String -> Builder
cmdDescriptionLink cmd = mconcat $ map fromString
[ "<"
, map (\c -> if isSpace c then '-' else toLower c) cmd
, ">"
newline :: Builder
newline = fromChar '\n'
imprts :: Builder
imprts = mconcat $ flip map moduls (\modul ->
fromString "import " `mappend` fromString modul `mappend`newline)
moduls = [ "Prelude hiding (min,max)" -- name shadowing warnings.
, "Data.ByteString (ByteString)"
, "Database.Redis.ManualCommands"
, "Database.Redis.Types"
, "Database.Redis.Core"
blackListed :: Cmd -> Bool
blackListed Cmd{..} = isJust $ lookup cmdName blacklist
fromCmd :: Cmd -> Builder
fromCmd cmd@Cmd{..}
| blackListed cmd = mempty
| otherwise = mconcat [sig, newline, fun, newline, newline]
sig = mconcat
[ fromString name
, fromString "\n :: (RedisCtx m f)"
, fromString "\n => "
, mconcat $ map argumentType cmdArgs
, fromString "m (f ", retType cmd, fromString ")"
fun = mconcat
[ fromString name, fromString " "
, mconcat $ intersperse (fromString " ") (map argumentName cmdArgs)
, fromString " = "
, fromString "sendRequest ([\""
, mconcat $ map fromString $ intersperse "\",\"" $ words cmdName
, fromString "\"]"
, mconcat $ map argumentList cmdArgs
, fromString " )"
name = camelCase cmdName
retType :: Cmd -> Builder
retType Cmd{..} = maybe err translate cmdRetType
err = error $ "Command without return type: " ++ cmdName
translate t = fromString $ case t of
"status" -> "Status"
"bool" -> "Bool"
"integer" -> "Integer"
"maybe-integer"-> "(Maybe Integer)"
"key" -> "ByteString"
"maybe-key" -> "(Maybe ByteString)"
"string" -> "ByteString"
"maybe-string" -> "(Maybe ByteString)"
"list-string" -> "[ByteString]"
"list-maybe" -> "[Maybe ByteString]"
"list-bool" -> "[Bool]"
"hash" -> "[(ByteString,ByteString)]"
"set" -> "[ByteString]"
"maybe-pair" -> "(Maybe (ByteString,ByteString))"
"double" -> "Double"
"maybe-double" -> "(Maybe Double)"
"reply" -> "Reply"
"time" -> "(Integer,Integer)"
_ -> error $ "untranslated return type: " ++ t
argumentList :: Arg -> Builder
argumentList a = fromString " ++ " `mappend` go a
go (Multiple p@(Pair _a _a')) = mconcat
[ fromString "concatMap (\\(x,y) -> [encode x,encode y])"
, argumentName p
go (Multiple a) = fromString "map encode " `mappend` argumentName a
go a@Arg{..} = mconcat
[ fromString "[encode ", argumentName a, fromString "]" ]
argumentName :: Arg -> Builder
argumentName a = go a
go (Multiple a) = go a
go (Pair a a') = fromString . camelCase $ argName a ++ " " ++ argName a'
go a@Arg{..} = name a
name Arg{..} = fromString (camelCase argName)
argumentType :: Arg -> Builder
argumentType a = mconcat [ go a
, fromString " -- ^ ", argumentName a
, fromString "\n -> "
go (Multiple a) =
mconcat [fromString "[", go a, fromString "]"]
go (Pair a a') =
mconcat [fromString "(", go a, fromString ",", go a', fromString ")"]
go a@Arg{..} = translateArgType a
go a = error ("failed to user argument type: " ++ show a)
translateArgType Arg{..} = fromString $ case argType of
"integer" -> "Integer"
"string" -> "ByteString"
"key" -> "ByteString"
"pattern" -> "ByteString"
"posix time" -> "Integer"
"double" -> "Double"
_ -> error $ "untranslated arg type: " ++ argType
-- |Convert all-uppercase string to camelCase
camelCase :: String -> String
camelCase s = case split (map toLower s) of
[] -> ""
w:ws -> concat $ w : map upcaseFirst ws
upcaseFirst [] = ""
upcaseFirst (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
-- modified version of Data.List.words
split s = case dropWhile (not . isAlphaNum) s of
"" -> []
s' -> w:split s'' where (w,s'') = break (not . isAlphaNum) s'