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module Test.QuerySpec.AggregatesSpec (spec) where
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Lens (ix, (%~), (&), (?~), (^?))
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap (KeyMap)
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
describe "Star Count" $ do
it "counts all rows" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", StarCount)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "counts all rows, after applying filters" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "BillingCity") (ScalarValue (String "Oslo"))
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", StarCount)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? ix "BillingCity" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "Oslo")) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "counts all rows, after applying pagination" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", StarCount)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery %~ (qLimit ?~ 20 >>> qOffset ?~ 400)
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length . take 20 $ drop 400 Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
describe "Column Count" $ do
it "counts all rows with non-null columns" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", ColumnCount $ ColumnCountAggregate (ColumnName "BillingState") False)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (/= Nothing)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "can count all rows with non-null values in a column, after applying pagination and filtering" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThanOrEqual (Data.localComparisonColumn "InvoiceId") (ScalarValue (Number 380))
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", ColumnCount $ ColumnCountAggregate (ColumnName "BillingState") False)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery %~ (qLimit ?~ 20 >>> qWhere ?~ where')
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount =
& filter ((^? ix "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (>= Just 380))
& take 20
& mapMaybe ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString))
& length
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "can count all rows with distinct non-null values in a column" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", ColumnCount $ ColumnCountAggregate (ColumnName "BillingState") True)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral billingStateCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "can count all rows with distinct non-null values in a column, after applying pagination and filtering" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThanOrEqual (Data.localComparisonColumn "InvoiceId") (ScalarValue (Number 380))
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", ColumnCount $ ColumnCountAggregate (ColumnName "BillingState") True)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery %~ (qLimit ?~ 20 >>> qWhere ?~ where')
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let billingStateCount =
& filter ((^? ix "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (>= Just 380))
& take 20
& mapMaybe ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString))
& HashSet.fromList
& length
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral billingStateCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
describe "Single Column Function" $ do
it "can get the max total from all rows" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("max", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Max (ColumnName "Total"))]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let maxTotal = maximum $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("max", Number maxTotal)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "can get the max total from all rows, after applying pagination, filtering and ordering" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "BillingCountry") (ScalarValue (String "USA"))
let orderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "BillingPostalCode") Descending :| [OrderBy (ColumnName "InvoiceId") Ascending]
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("max", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Max (ColumnName "Total"))]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery %~ (qLimit ?~ 20 >>> qWhere ?~ where' >>> qOrderBy ?~ orderBy)
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let maxTotal =
& filter ((^? ix "BillingCountry" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "USA"))
& sortOn (Down . (^? ix "BillingPostalCode"))
& take 20
& mapMaybe ((^? ix "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber))
& maximum
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("max", Number maxTotal)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
describe "Multiple Aggregates and Returning Rows" $ do
it "can get the max total from all rows, the count and the distinct count, simultaneously" $ do
let aggregates =
[ ("count", StarCount),
("distinctBillingStates", ColumnCount $ ColumnCountAggregate (ColumnName "BillingState") True),
("maxTotal", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Max (ColumnName "Total"))
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length Data.invoicesRows
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) Data.invoicesRows
let maxTotal = maximum $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates =
[ ("count", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount),
("distinctBillingStates", Number $ fromIntegral billingStateCount),
("maxTotal", Number maxTotal)
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "can reuse the same aggregate twice" $ do
let aggregates =
[ ("minInvoiceId", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Min (ColumnName "InvoiceId")),
("minTotal", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Min (ColumnName "Total"))
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let maxInvoiceId = minimum $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let maxTotal = minimum $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates =
[ ("minInvoiceId", Number maxInvoiceId),
("minTotal", Number maxTotal)
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
it "can also query for the rows involved in the aggregate" $ do
let fields =
[ ("InvoiceId", Data.columnField "InvoiceId"),
("BillingCountry", Data.columnField "BillingCountry")
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "BillingCountry") (ScalarValue (String "Canada"))
let orderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "BillingAddress") Ascending :| [OrderBy (ColumnName "InvoiceId") Ascending]
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("min", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Min (ColumnName "Total"))]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery %~ (qFields ?~ fields >>> qLimit ?~ 30 >>> qWhere ?~ where' >>> qOrderBy ?~ orderBy)
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceRows =
& filter ((^? ix "BillingCountry" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "Canada"))
& sortOn (^? ix "BillingAddress")
& take 30
let maxTotal =
& mapMaybe ((^? ix "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber))
& minimum
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("min", Number maxTotal)]
let expectedRows = Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (_qrQuery queryRequest) <$> invoiceRows
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` expectedRows
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
describe "Aggregates via Relationships" $ do
it "can query aggregates via an array relationship" $ do
let query = artistsWithAlbumsQuery id & qrQuery . qLimit ?~ 5
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInAlbums (artist :: KeyMap FieldValue) = fromMaybe artist $ do
artistId <- artist ^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums =
& filter ((^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just artistId))
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count", Number . fromIntegral $ length albums)]
pure $ KeyMap.insert "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse Nothing (Just aggregates)) artist
let expectedArtists =
& take 5
& fmap joinInAlbums
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
it "can query aggregates via an array relationship and include the rows in that relationship" $ do
let albumFields =
[ ("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"),
("Title", Data.columnField "Title")
let query = artistsWithAlbumsQuery (qFields ?~ albumFields) & qrQuery . qLimit ?~ 5
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInAlbums (artist :: KeyMap FieldValue) = fromMaybe artist $ do
artistId <- artist ^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums =
& filter ((^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just artistId))
& Data.filterColumns ["AlbumId", "Title"]
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count", Number . fromIntegral $ length albums)]
pure $ KeyMap.insert "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just albums) (Just aggregates)) artist
let expectedArtists =
& take 5
& fmap joinInAlbums
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
it "can query with many nested relationships, with aggregates at multiple levels, with filtering, pagination and ordering" $ do
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config deeplyNestedArtistsQuery
let joinInMediaType (track :: KeyMap FieldValue) = fromMaybe track $ do
mediaTypeId <- track ^? ix "MediaTypeId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let mediaTypes =
& filter ((^? ix "MediaTypeId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just mediaTypeId))
& Data.filterColumns ["Name"]
pure $ KeyMap.insert "nodes_MediaType" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just mediaTypes) Nothing) track
let joinInInvoiceLines (track :: KeyMap FieldValue) = fromMaybe track $ do
trackId <- track ^? ix "TrackId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let invoiceLines =
& filter ((^? ix "TrackId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just trackId))
let getQuantity invoiceLine = invoiceLine ^? ix "Quantity" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let invoiceLinesAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("aggregate_sum_Quantity", Number . sum $ mapMaybe getQuantity invoiceLines)]
pure $ KeyMap.insert "nodes_InvoiceLines_aggregate" (mkSubqueryResponse Nothing (Just invoiceLinesAggregates)) track
let joinInTracks (album :: KeyMap FieldValue) = fromMaybe album $ do
albumId <- album ^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let tracks =
& filter
( \track ->
track ^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just albumId
&& track ^? ix "Milliseconds" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber < Just 300000
& sortOn (Down . (^? ix "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString))
& fmap (joinInMediaType >>> joinInInvoiceLines)
& Data.renameColumns [("Name", "nodes_Name")]
& Data.filterColumns ["nodes_Name", "nodes_MediaType", "nodes_InvoiceLines_aggregate"]
let tracksAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("aggregate_count", Number . fromIntegral $ length tracks)]
pure $ KeyMap.insert "nodes_Tracks_aggregate" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just tracks) (Just tracksAggregates)) album
let joinInAlbums (artist :: KeyMap FieldValue) = fromMaybe artist $ do
artistId <- artist ^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums =
& filter ((^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just artistId))
& fmap joinInTracks
& Data.renameColumns [("Title", "nodes_Title")]
& Data.filterColumns ["nodes_Title", "nodes_Tracks_aggregate"]
pure $ KeyMap.insert "Albums_aggregate" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just albums) Nothing) artist
let expectedArtists =
& sortOn (Down . (^? ix "Name"))
& filter ((^? ix "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (\name -> name > Just "A" && name < Just "B"))
& drop 1
& take 3
& fmap joinInAlbums
& Data.filterColumns ["Name", "Albums_aggregate"]
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` mempty
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count", StarCount)]
albumsSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ albumAggregates & modifySubquery
artistFields =
[ ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.albumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
artistOrderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "ArtistId") Ascending :| []
artistQuery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ artistFields & qOrderBy ?~ artistOrderBy
artistsTableRelationships = Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [artistsTableRelationships] artistQuery
-- | This query is basically what would be generated by this complex HGE GraphQL query
-- @
-- query {
-- Artist(where: {_and: [{Name: {_gt: "A"}}, {Name: {_lt: "B"}}]}, limit: 3, offset: 1, order_by: {Name: desc}) {
-- Name
-- Albums_aggregate {
-- nodes {
-- Title
-- Tracks_aggregate(where: {Milliseconds: {_lt: 300000}}, order_by: {Name: desc}) {
-- aggregate {
-- count
-- }
-- nodes {
-- Name
-- MediaType {
-- Name
-- }
-- InvoiceLines_aggregate {
-- aggregate {
-- sum {
-- Quantity
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- @
deeplyNestedArtistsQuery :: QueryRequest
deeplyNestedArtistsQuery =
let invoiceLinesAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("aggregate_sum_Quantity", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Sum (ColumnName "Quantity"))]
invoiceLinesSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ invoiceLinesAggregates
mediaTypeFields = KeyMap.fromList [("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
mediaTypeSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ mediaTypeFields
tracksFields =
[ ("nodes_Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("nodes_MediaType", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.mediaTypeRelationshipName mediaTypeSubquery),
("nodes_InvoiceLines_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.invoiceLinesRelationshipName invoiceLinesSubquery)
tracksAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("aggregate_count", StarCount)]
tracksWhere = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "Milliseconds") (ScalarValue $ Number 300000)
tracksOrderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "Name") Descending :| []
tracksSubquery = Query (Just tracksFields) (Just tracksAggregates) Nothing Nothing (Just tracksWhere) (Just tracksOrderBy)
albumsFields =
[ ("nodes_Title", Data.columnField "Title"),
("nodes_Tracks_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.tracksRelationshipName tracksSubquery)
albumsSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ albumsFields
artistFields =
[ ("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.albumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
artistWhere =
[ ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "A"),
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "B")
artistOrderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "Name") Descending :| []
artistQuery = Query (Just artistFields) Nothing (Just 3) (Just 1) (Just artistWhere) (Just artistOrderBy)
in QueryRequest
[ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.tracksRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.invoiceLinesRelationshipName, Data.mediaTypeRelationshipName] Data.tracksTableRelationships
invoicesQueryRequest :: KeyMap Aggregate -> QueryRequest
invoicesQueryRequest aggregates =
let query = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ aggregates
in QueryRequest Data.invoicesTableName [] query
mkSubqueryResponse :: Maybe [KeyMap FieldValue] -> Maybe (KeyMap Value) -> FieldValue
mkSubqueryResponse rows aggregates =
mkRelationshipFieldValue $ QueryResponse rows aggregates