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module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Update
( mkUpdateCTE
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.BoolExp
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Insert
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Returning
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Update
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
:: Backend ('Postgres pgKind)
=> AnnUpd ('Postgres pgKind)
-> S.CTE
mkUpdateCTE (AnnUpd tn opExps (permFltr, wc) chk _ columnsInfo) =
S.CTEUpdate update
update =
S.SQLUpdate tn setExp Nothing tableFltr
. Just
. S.RetExp
$ [ S.selectStar
, asCheckErrorExtractor $ insertCheckConstraint checkExpr
setExp = S.SetExp $ map (expandOperator columnsInfo) opExps
tableFltr = Just $ S.WhereFrag tableFltrExpr
tableFltrExpr = toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) $ andAnnBoolExps permFltr wc
checkExpr = toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) chk
expandOperator :: [ColumnInfo ('Postgres pgKind)] -> (PGCol, UpdOpExpG S.SQLExp) -> S.SetExpItem
expandOperator infos (column, op) = S.SetExpItem $ (column,) $ case op of
UpdSet e -> e
UpdInc e -> S.mkSQLOpExp S.incOp identifier (asNum e)
UpdAppend e -> S.mkSQLOpExp S.jsonbConcatOp identifier (asJSON e)
UpdPrepend e -> S.mkSQLOpExp S.jsonbConcatOp (asJSON e) identifier
UpdDeleteKey e -> S.mkSQLOpExp S.jsonbDeleteOp identifier (asText e)
UpdDeleteElem e -> S.mkSQLOpExp S.jsonbDeleteOp identifier (asInt e)
UpdDeleteAtPath a -> S.mkSQLOpExp S.jsonbDeleteAtPathOp identifier (asArray a)
identifier = S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier column
asInt e = S.SETyAnn e S.intTypeAnn
asText e = S.SETyAnn e S.textTypeAnn
asJSON e = S.SETyAnn e S.jsonbTypeAnn
asArray a = S.SETyAnn (S.SEArray a) S.textArrTypeAnn
asNum e = S.SETyAnn e $
case find (\info -> pgiColumn info == column) infos <&> pgiType of
Just (ColumnScalar s) -> S.mkTypeAnn $ CollectableTypeScalar s
_ -> S.numericTypeAnn