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synced 2025-01-05 22:34:22 +03:00
This PR proposes some changes to the hspec testsuite: * It amends the framework to make it easier to test from the ghci REPL * It introduces a new module `Fixture`, distinguished from `Context` by: * using a new concept of `SetupAction`s which bundle setup and teardown actions into one abstraction, making test system state setup more concise, modularized and safe (because the fixture know knows about the ordering of setup actions and can do partial rollbacks) * somewhat opinionated, elides the `Options` of `Context`, preferring instead that tests that care about stringification of json numbers manage that themselves. (Note that this PR builds on #4390, so contains some spurious commits which will become irrelevant once that PR is merged) PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4630 GitOrigin-RevId: 619c8d985aed0aa42de31d6f16891d0782f4b4b5
192 lines
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192 lines
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# HLint configuration file
# https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint
# This file contains a template configuration file, which is typically
# placed as .hlint.yaml in the root of your project
# Specify additional command line arguments
# - arguments: [--color, --cpp-simple, -XQuasiQuotes]
- arguments: -XQuasiQuotes
# Control which extensions/flags/modules/functions can be used
# - extensions:
# - default: false # all extension are banned by default
# - name: [PatternGuards, ViewPatterns] # only these listed extensions can be used
# - {name: CPP, within: CrossPlatform} # CPP can only be used in a given module
# - flags:
# - {name: -w, within: []} # -w is allowed nowhere
# - modules:
# - {name: [Data.Set, Data.HashSet], as: Set} # if you import Data.Set qualified, it must be as 'Set'
# - {name: Control.Arrow, within: []} # Certain modules are banned entirely
# - functions:
# - {name: unsafePerformIO, within: []} # unsafePerformIO can only appear in no modules
- functions:
- name: "Test.Hspec.focus"
within: []
message: "Specs with focusing should only be used during development"
- name: "Test.Hspec.fit"
within: []
message: "Specs with focusing should only be used during development"
- name: "Test.Hspec.fspecify"
within: []
message: "Specs with focusing should only be used during development"
- name: "Test.Hspec.fdescribe"
within: []
message: "Specs with focusing should only be used during development"
- name: "Test.Hspec.fcontext"
within: []
message: "Specs with focusing should only be used during development"
# Add custom hints for this project
# Will suggest replacing "wibbleMany [myvar]" with "wibbleOne myvar"
# - error: {lhs: "wibbleMany [x]", rhs: wibbleOne x}
# Turn on hints that are off by default
# Ban "module X(module X) where", to require a real export list
# - warn: {name: Use explicit module export list}
# Replace a $ b $ c with a . b $ c
# - group: {name: dollar, enabled: true}
# Generalise map to fmap, ++ to <>
# - group: {name: generalise, enabled: true}
# Ignore some builtin hints
# - ignore: {name: Use let}
# - ignore: {name: Use const, within: SpecialModule} # Only within certain modules
- ignore: {name: Reduce duplication}
- ignore: {name: Redundant $}
- ignore: {name: Redundant bracket}
- ignore: {name: Use fmap}
- ignore: {name: Use first}
- ignore: {name: Use if}
- ignore: {name: Redundant <$>}
- ignore: {name: Use ++}
- ignore: {name: Use const}
- ignore: {name: Eta reduce}
- ignore: {name: Redundant multi-way if}
- ignore: {name: Use newtype instead of data}
- ignore: {name: Use bimap}
- ignore: {name: Use $>}
- ignore: {name: Use <$>}
- ignore: {name: "Use ?~"}
- ignore: {name: Use <=<}
- ignore: {name: Use sequenceA}
- ignore: {name: Use camelCase}
- ignore: {name: Redundant return}
- ignore: {name: Use <$>, within: [Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata, Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Instances]}
- ignore: {name: Functor law, within: Hasura.Server.AuthSpec}
- ignore: {name: Use underscore} # suggests to format port numbers
# Define some custom infix operators
# - fixity: infixr 3 ~^#^~
# To generate a suitable file for HLint do:
# $ hlint --default > .hlint.yaml
- group:
name: hasura-prelude
enabled: true
- package base
- warn: {lhs: "a == []", rhs: "null a"}
- warn: {lhs: "a /= []", rhs: "not (null a)"}
- warn: {lhs: "maybe b return a", rhs: "onNothing a b"}
- warn: {lhs: "maybe b pure a", rhs: "onNothing a b"}
- warn: {lhs: "maybe (return ()) b a", rhs: "onJust a b"}
- warn: {lhs: "maybe (pure ()) b a", rhs: "onJust a b"}
- warn: {lhs: "either b return a", rhs: "onLeft a b"}
- warn: {lhs: "either b pure a", rhs: "onLeft a b"}
- warn: {lhs: "maybe (f x) f", rhs: "f . fromMaybe x"}
- warn: {lhs: "maybe (f x) f", rhs: "f . fromMaybe x"}
- warn: {lhs: "either (f . g) (f . h)", rhs: "f . either g h"}
- warn: {lhs: "either (f . g) (f . h)", rhs: "f . either g h"}
- warn: {lhs: "onNothing x (return y)", rhs: "return (fromMaybe y x)"}
- warn: {lhs: "onNothing x (pure y)", rhs: "pure (fromMaybe y x)"}
- warn: {lhs: "onLeft x (return . f)", rhs: "return (either f id x)"}
- warn: {lhs: "onLeft x (pure . f)", rhs: "pure (either f id x)"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Right a -> pure a; Left c -> d}", rhs: "onLeft x (\\ c -> d)"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Left c -> d; Right a -> pure a}", rhs: "onLeft x (\\ c -> d)"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Right a -> return a; Left c -> d}", rhs: "onLeft x (\\ c -> d)"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Left c -> d; Right a -> return a}", rhs: "onLeft x (\\ c -> d)"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Nothing -> a; Just b -> pure b}", rhs: "onNothing x a"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Just b -> pure b; Nothing -> a}", rhs: "onNothing x a"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Nothing -> a; Just b -> return b}", rhs: "onNothing x a"}
- warn: {lhs: "case x of {Just b -> return b; Nothing -> a}", rhs: "onNothing x a"}
- warn: {lhs: "if x then pure (); else y", rhs: "unless x y"}
- warn: {lhs: "if x then return (); else y", rhs: "unless x y"}
- warn: {lhs: "if x then y; else pure ()", rhs: "when x y"}
- warn: {lhs: "if x then y; else return ()", rhs: "when x y"}
- warn: {lhs: "unless (not x)", rhs: "when x"}
- warn: {lhs: "when (not x)", rhs: "unless x"}
- suggest: {lhs: "not x && not y", rhs: "not (x || y)"}
- suggest: {lhs: "not x || not y", rhs: "not (x && y)"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.Text.pack (Prelude.show x)", rhs: "Hasura.Prelude.tshow x"}
- warn: {lhs: "map f xs == map f ys", rhs: "liftEq ((==) `on` f)", note: "This is liable to be faster"}
- suggest: {lhs: "fmap f xs == fmap f ys", rhs: "liftEq ((==) `on` f)", note: "This is liable to be faster"}
# mapKeys:
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.fromList . map (first f) . Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.toList", rhs: "mapKeys f"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.fromList . map (first f) . Data.HashMap.Strict.toList", rhs: "mapKeys f"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.fromList $ map (first f) $ Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.toList x", rhs: "mapKeys f x"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.fromList $ map (first f) $ Data.HashMap.Strict.toList x", rhs: "mapKeys f x"}
# MaybeT
- warn: {lhs: "MaybeT (pure x)", rhs: "hoistMaybe x"}
- warn: {lhs: "MaybeT (return x)", rhs: "hoistMaybe x"}
- warn: {lhs: "MaybeT (pure Nothing)", rhs: "Control.Applicative.empty"}
- warn: {lhs: "MaybeT (return Nothing)", rhs: "Control.Applicative.empty"}
# catMaybes
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.mapMaybe id", rhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.catMaybes"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.mapMaybe id", rhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.catMaybes"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.mapMaybe id", rhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended.catMaybes"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended.mapMaybe id", rhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended.catMaybes"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.IntMap.Strict.mapMaybe id", rhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.catMaybes"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.IntMap.Strict.Extended.mapMaybe id", rhs: "Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended.catMaybes"}
- group:
name: data-text-extended
enabled: true
- package base
- warn: {lhs: "Data.Text.intercalate \", \" x", rhs: "commaSeparated x", note: "From Data.Text.Extended"}
- warn: {lhs: "Data.Text.Extended.intercalate \", \" x", rhs: "commaSeparated x"}
- group:
name: mssql-transaction
enabled: true
- package base
- warn: {lhs: "Database.MSSQL.runTxE id tx pool", rhs: "Database.MSSQL.runTx tx pool"}
- warn: {lhs: "Database.MSSQL.unitQueryE id q", rhs: "Database.MSSQL.unitQuery q"}
- warn: {lhs: "Database.MSSQL.singleRowQueryE id tx pool", rhs: "Database.MSSQL.singleRowQuery tx pool"}
- warn: {lhs: "Database.MSSQL.multiRowQueryE id tx pool", rhs: "Database.MSSQL.multiRowQuery tx pool"}
- group:
name: unsafe
enabled: true
- package base
- suggest: {lhs: "Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.unsafeMkName", rhs: "Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.mkName", note: "avoid unsafeMkName if possible"}