mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
* read cookie while initialising websocket connection (fix #1660) * add tests for cookie on websocket init * fix logic for tests * enforce cors, and flag to force read cookie when cors disabled - as browsers don't enforce SOP on websockets, we enforce CORS policy on websocket handshake - if CORS is disabled, by default cookie is not read (because XSS risk!). Add special flag to force override this behaviour * add log and forward origin header to webhook - add log notice when cors is disabled, and cookie is not read on websocket handshake - forward origin header to webhook in POST mode. So that when CORS is disabled, webhook can also enforce CORS independently. * add docs, and forward all client headers to webhook
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162 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
-- | CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) related configuration
module Hasura.Server.Cors
( CorsConfig (..)
, CorsPolicy (..)
, parseOrigin
, readCorsDomains
, mkDefaultCorsPolicy
, isCorsDisabled
, Domains (..)
, inWildcardList
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Utils (fmapL)
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
data DomainParts =
{ wdScheme :: !Text
, wdHost :: !Text -- the hostname part (without the *.)
, wdPort :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Hashable)
$(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''DomainParts)
data Domains
= Domains
{ dmFqdns :: !(Set.HashSet Text)
, dmWildcards :: !(Set.HashSet DomainParts)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''Domains)
data CorsConfig
= CCAllowAll
| CCAllowedOrigins Domains
| CCDisabled Bool -- should read cookie?
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance J.ToJSON CorsConfig where
toJSON c = case c of
CCDisabled wsrc -> toJ True J.Null (Just wsrc)
CCAllowAll -> toJ False (J.String "*") Nothing
CCAllowedOrigins d -> toJ False (J.toJSON d) Nothing
toJ :: Bool -> J.Value -> Maybe Bool -> J.Value
toJ dis origs mWsRC =
J.object [ "disabled" J..= dis
, "ws_read_cookie" J..= mWsRC
, "allowed_origins" J..= origs
isCorsDisabled :: CorsConfig -> Bool
isCorsDisabled = \case
CCDisabled _ -> True
_ -> False
readCorsDomains :: String -> Either String CorsConfig
readCorsDomains str
| str == "*" = pure CCAllowAll
| otherwise = do
let domains = map T.strip $ T.splitOn "," (T.pack str)
pDomains <- mapM parseOptWildcardDomain domains
let (fqdns, wcs) = (lefts pDomains, rights pDomains)
return $ CCAllowedOrigins $ Domains (Set.fromList fqdns) (Set.fromList wcs)
data CorsPolicy
= CorsPolicy
{ cpConfig :: !CorsConfig
, cpMethods :: ![Text]
, cpMaxAge :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkDefaultCorsPolicy :: CorsConfig -> CorsPolicy
mkDefaultCorsPolicy cfg =
{ cpConfig = cfg
, cpMethods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"]
, cpMaxAge = 1728000
inWildcardList :: Domains -> Text -> Bool
inWildcardList (Domains _ wildcards) origin =
either (const False) (`Set.member` wildcards) $ parseOrigin origin
-- | Parsers for wildcard domains
runParser :: AT.Parser a -> Text -> Either String a
runParser = AT.parseOnly
parseOrigin :: Text -> Either String DomainParts
parseOrigin = runParser originParser
originParser :: AT.Parser DomainParts
originParser =
domainParser (Just ignoreSubdomain)
where ignoreSubdomain = do
s <- AT.takeTill (== '.')
void $ AT.char '.'
return s
parseOptWildcardDomain :: Text -> Either String (Either Text DomainParts)
parseOptWildcardDomain d =
fmapL (const errMsg) $ runParser optWildcardDomainParser d
optWildcardDomainParser :: AT.Parser (Either Text DomainParts)
optWildcardDomainParser =
Right <$> wildcardDomainParser <|> Left <$> fqdnParser
errMsg = "invalid domain: '" <> T.unpack d <> "'. " <> helpMsg
helpMsg = "All domains should have scheme + (optional wildcard) host + "
<> "(optional port)"
wildcardDomainParser :: AT.Parser DomainParts
wildcardDomainParser = domainParser $ Just (AT.string "*" *> AT.string ".")
fqdnParser :: AT.Parser Text
fqdnParser = do
(DomainParts scheme host port) <- domainParser Nothing
let sPort = maybe "" (\p -> ":" <> T.pack (show p)) port
return $ scheme <> host <> sPort
domainParser :: Maybe (AT.Parser Text) -> AT.Parser DomainParts
domainParser parser = do
scheme <- schemeParser
forM_ parser void
host <- hostPortParser
port <- optional portParser
return $ DomainParts scheme host port
schemeParser :: AT.Parser Text
schemeParser = AT.string "http://" <|> AT.string "https://"
hostPortParser :: AT.Parser Text
hostPortParser = hostWithPortParser <|> AT.takeText
hostWithPortParser :: AT.Parser Text
hostWithPortParser = do
h <- AT.takeWhile1 (/= ':')
void $ AT.char ':'
return h
portParser :: AT.Parser Int
portParser = AT.decimal