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.. meta::
:description: Set default field values using SQL functions
:keywords: hasura, docs, schema, default value, sql function, stored procedure
.. _sql_functions_as_default:
Setting values of fields using SQL functions
.. contents:: Table of contents
:backlinks: none
:depth: 1
Let's say you want to set the value of some fields as the output of some `custom SQL functions <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createfunction.html>`__
(a.k.a. stored procedures). This is useful to set values of fields which depend on other fields passed in the input. E.g. set
``submission_time`` of an online quiz as 1 hour from the ``start_time``.
This can be achieved by:
#. Modifying the table to allow the columns we want to be set by the SQL functions to be nullable (to allow the initial
insert before the SQL function is run).
#. Creating an insert/update trigger on the table that calls your SQL function and sets the output values in the output
#. Making your mutation requests without setting the SQL function output columns.
.. note::
This approach enforces the value set in the field to always be the result of the defined SQL function even if a
value is explicitly passed in the insert object.
**For example**, say we have a table ``sql_function_table`` with columns ``input`` and ``output`` and we would like
to set the value of the ``output`` column as the uppercased value of the string received in the ``input`` field.
Step 1: Modify the table
Modify the table ``sql_function_table`` and make its ``output`` column nullable.
.. rst-class:: api_tabs
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Console
Open the console and head to ``Data -> [sql_function_table] -> Modify``:
.. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/core/schema/modify-sql-fn-table.png
:alt: Modify the table
.. tab:: CLI
:ref:`Create a migration manually <manual_migrations>` and add the following SQL statement to the ``up.sql`` file:
.. code-block:: SQL
ALTER TABLE "public"."sql_function_table" ALTER COLUMN "output" DROP NOT NULL;
Add the following statement to the ``down.sql`` file in case you need to :ref:`roll back <roll_back_migrations>` the above statement:
.. code-block:: sql
ALTER TABLE "public"."sql_function_table" ALTER COLUMN "output" SET NOT NULL;
Apply the migration by running:
.. code-block:: bash
hasura migrate apply
.. tab:: API
You can modify a table column by using the :ref:`run_sql metadata API <run_sql>`:
.. code-block:: http
POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type": "run_sql",
"args": {
"sql": "ALTER TABLE sql_function_table ALTER COLUMN output DROP NOT NULL;"
Step 2: Create a trigger
The below SQL defines a ``trigger`` which will simply uppercase the value passed in the ``input`` field and set it to
the ``output`` field whenever an insert or update is made to the ``sql_function_table``:
.. code-block:: plpgsql
CREATE FUNCTION test_func() RETURNS trigger AS $emp_stamp$
NEW.output := UPPER(NEW.input);
$emp_stamp$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER test_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON sql_function_table
.. rst-class:: api_tabs
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Console
Head to ``Data -> SQL`` and run the above SQL:
.. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/core/schema/create-trigger.png
:alt: Create a trigger with SQL
.. tab:: CLI
:ref:`Create a migration manually <manual_migrations>` and add the above SQL to the ``up.sql`` file. Also, add a statement to revert the previous statement to the ``down.sql``.
Apply the migration by running:
.. code-block:: bash
hasura migrate apply
.. tab:: API
You can create a trigger by using the :ref:`run_sql metadata API <run_sql>`:
.. code-block:: http
POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type": "run_sql",
"args": {
"sql": "<above SQL>"
Step 3: Run an insert mutation
Run a mutation to insert an object with (input = "yabba dabba doo!", output=null) and you'll see the output
value (output="YABBA DABBA DOO!") will be set automatically.
.. graphiql::
mutation {
insert_sql_function_table (
objects: [
{input: "yabba dabba doo!"}
) {
returning {
"data": {
"insert_sql_function_table": {
"returning": [
"input": "yabba dabba doo!",
"output": "YABBA DABBA DOO!"
Also see
- :ref:`postgres_defaults`
- :ref:`column_presets`