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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9284 GitOrigin-RevId: 2f2cf2ad01900a54e4bdb970205ac0ef313c7e00
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-- | Tools to analyze the structure of a GraphQL request.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Analyse
( -- * Query structure
Structure (..),
FieldInfo (..),
InputFieldInfo (..),
VariableInfo (..),
ScalarInfo (..),
EnumInfo (..),
ObjectInfo (..),
InputObjectInfo (..),
-- * Analysis
import Control.Monad.Circular
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, runWriter)
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as HashMap
import Data.Sequence ((|>))
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name qualified as GName
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- GraphQL query structure
-- | Overall structure of a given query. We extract the tree of fields in the
-- output, and the graph of input variables.
data Structure = Structure
{ _stSelection :: HashMap G.Name FieldInfo,
_stVariables :: HashMap G.Name VariableInfo
-- | Information about the type of an output field; whether the base type is an
-- object or a scalar, we store the correspoding 'GType' to keep track of the
-- modifiers applied to it (list or non-nullability).
data FieldInfo
= FieldObjectInfo G.GType ObjectInfo
| FieldScalarInfo G.GType ScalarInfo
| FieldEnumInfo G.GType EnumInfo
data ScalarInfo = ScalarInfo
{ _siTypeDefinition :: G.ScalarTypeDefinition
data EnumInfo = EnumInfo
{ _eiTypeDefinition :: G.EnumTypeDefinition
data ObjectInfo = ObjectInfo
{ _oiTypeDefinition :: G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition,
_oiSelection :: HashMap G.Name FieldInfo
-- | Information about a single variable of the query.
data VariableInfo = VariableInfo
{ _viType :: G.GType,
_viTypeInfo :: InputFieldInfo,
_viDefaultValue :: Maybe (G.Value Void)
-- | Information about the type of an input field; whether the base type is an
-- object or a scalar, we store the correspoding 'GType' to keep track of the
-- modifiers applied to it (list or non-nullability).
data InputFieldInfo
= InputFieldScalarInfo ScalarInfo
| InputFieldEnumInfo EnumInfo
| InputFieldObjectInfo InputObjectInfo
data InputObjectInfo = InputObjectInfo
{ _ioiTypeDefinition :: G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition,
-- | lazy for knot-tying, as we build a graph
_ioiFields :: ~(HashMap G.Name (G.GType, InputFieldInfo))
-- Analysis
-- | Given the schema's definition, and a query, validate that the query is
-- consistent. We do this by running the analysis, but discarding the result: we
-- do not care about the structure, only about the validity of the query.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if the query is valid, or a list of messages otherwise.
diagnoseGraphQLQuery ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments G.Name ->
Maybe [Text]
diagnoseGraphQLQuery schema query =
let (_structure, errors) = analyzeGraphQLQuery schema query
in if null errors
then Nothing
else Just errors
-- | Given the schema's definition, and a query, run the analysis.
-- We process all possible fields, and return a partially filled structure if
-- necessary. Given the following query:
-- > query {
-- > foo {
-- > bar
-- > }
-- > does_not_exist {
-- > ghsdflgh
-- > }
-- > }
-- We would return a structure containing:
-- > foo: {
-- > bar: {
-- > }
-- > }
-- AND an error about "does_not_exist" not existing.
-- In some cases, however, we might not be able to produce a structure at all,
-- in which case we return 'Nothing'. This either indicates that something was
-- fundamentally wrong with the structure of the query (such as not finding an
-- object at the top level), or that a recoverable error was not caught properly
-- (see 'withCatchAndRecord').
analyzeGraphQLQuery ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments G.Name ->
(Maybe Structure, [Text])
analyzeGraphQLQuery schema G.TypedOperationDefinition {..} = runAnalysis schema do
-- analyze the selection
selection <- withCatchAndRecord do
let rootTypeName = case _todType of
G.OperationTypeQuery -> queryRootName
G.OperationTypeMutation -> mutationRootName
G.OperationTypeSubscription -> subscriptionRootName
rootTypeDefinition <-
lookupType rootTypeName
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound rootTypeName)
case rootTypeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionObject otd ->
analyzeObjectSelectionSet otd _todSelectionSet
_ ->
throwDiagnosis RootTypeNotAnObject
-- analyze the variables
variables <- analyzeVariables _todVariableDefinitions
$ Structure
(fromMaybe mempty selection)
-- Selection analysis
-- | Analyze the fields of an object selection set against its definition, and
-- emit the corresponding 'Selection'. We ignore the fields that fail, and we
-- continue accumulating the others.
analyzeObjectSelectionSet ::
G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition ->
G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name ->
Analysis (HashMap G.Name FieldInfo)
analyzeObjectSelectionSet (G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..}) selectionSet = do
fields <- traverse analyzeSelection selectionSet
foldlM (HashMap.unionWithM mergeFields) mempty $ catMaybes fields
analyzeSelection :: G.Selection G.NoFragments G.Name -> Analysis (Maybe (HashMap G.Name FieldInfo))
analyzeSelection = \case
G.SelectionInlineFragment inlineFrag ->
mconcat <$> traverse analyzeSelection (G._ifSelectionSet inlineFrag)
G.SelectionField field@G.Field {..} ->
fmap join
$ withField _fName
$ withCatchAndRecord do
-- attempt to find that field in the object's definition
G.FieldDefinition {..} <-
findDefinition _fName
`onNothing` throwDiagnosis (ObjectFieldNotFound _otdName _fName)
-- attempt to find its type in the schema
let baseType = G.getBaseType _fldType
typeDefinition <-
lookupType baseType
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound baseType)
-- attempt to build a corresponding FieldInfo
maybeFieldInfo <- analyzeField _fldType typeDefinition field
pure $ HashMap.singleton (fromMaybe _fName _fAlias) <$> maybeFieldInfo
-- Additional hidden fields that are allowed despite not being listed in the
-- schema.
systemFields :: [G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition]
systemFields =
if _otdName `elem` [queryRootName, mutationRootName, subscriptionRootName]
then [typenameField, schemaField, typeField]
else [typenameField]
-- Search for that field in the schema's definition.
findDefinition :: G.Name -> Maybe (G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)
findDefinition name =
(\fieldDef -> G._fldName fieldDef == name)
(_otdFieldsDefinition <> systemFields)
-- We collect fields in a @Hashmap Name FieldInfo@; in some cases, we might
-- end up with two entries with the same name, in the case where a query
-- selects the same field twice; when that happens we attempt to gracefully
-- merge the info.
mergeFields :: G.Name -> FieldInfo -> FieldInfo -> Analysis FieldInfo
mergeFields name field1 field2 = case (field1, field2) of
-- both are scalars: we check that they're the same
(FieldScalarInfo t1 s1, FieldScalarInfo t2 _) -> do
when (t1 /= t2)
$ throwDiagnosis
$ MismatchedFields name t1 t2
pure $ FieldScalarInfo t1 s1
-- both are enums: we check that they're the same
(FieldEnumInfo t1 e1, FieldEnumInfo t2 _) -> do
when (t1 /= t2)
$ throwDiagnosis
$ MismatchedFields name t1 t2
pure $ FieldEnumInfo t1 e1
-- both are objects, we merge their selection sets
(FieldObjectInfo t1 o1, FieldObjectInfo t2 o2) -> do
when (t1 /= t2)
$ throwDiagnosis
$ MismatchedFields name t1 t2
mergedSelection <-
(_oiSelection o1)
(_oiSelection o2)
pure $ FieldObjectInfo t1 o1 {_oiSelection = mergedSelection}
-- they do not match
_ ->
throwDiagnosis $ MismatchedFields name (getFieldType field1) (getFieldType field2)
-- Extract the GType of a given field
getFieldType = \case
FieldEnumInfo t _ -> t
FieldScalarInfo t _ -> t
FieldObjectInfo t _ -> t
-- | Analyze a given field, and attempt to build a corresponding 'FieldInfo'.
analyzeField ::
G.GType ->
G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition ->
G.Field G.NoFragments G.Name ->
Analysis (Maybe FieldInfo)
analyzeField gType typeDefinition G.Field {..} = case typeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject iotd -> do
-- input objects aren't allowed in selection sets
throwDiagnosis $ InputObjectInOutput $ G._iotdName iotd
G.TypeDefinitionScalar std -> do
-- scalars do not admit a selection set
unless (null _fSelectionSet)
$ throwDiagnosis
$ ScalarSelectionSet
$ G._stdName std
pure $ Just $ FieldScalarInfo gType $ ScalarInfo std
G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd -> do
-- enums do not admit a selection set
unless (null _fSelectionSet)
$ throwDiagnosis
$ EnumSelectionSet
$ G._etdName etd
pure $ Just $ FieldEnumInfo gType $ EnumInfo etd
G.TypeDefinitionUnion _utd ->
-- TODO: implement unions
pure Nothing
G.TypeDefinitionInterface _itd ->
-- TODO: implement interfaces
pure Nothing
G.TypeDefinitionObject otd -> do
-- TODO: check field arguments?
when (null _fSelectionSet)
$ throwDiagnosis
$ ObjectMissingSelectionSet
$ G._otdName otd
subselection <- analyzeObjectSelectionSet otd _fSelectionSet
$ Just
$ FieldObjectInfo gType
$ ObjectInfo
{ _oiTypeDefinition = otd,
_oiSelection = subselection
-- Variables analysis
-- | Analyzes the variables in the given query. This builds the graph of input
-- types associated with the variable. This process is, like any GraphQL schema
-- operation, inherently self-recursive, and we use 'CircularT' (a lesser
-- 'SchemaT') to tie the knot.
analyzeVariables ::
[G.VariableDefinition] ->
Analysis (HashMap G.Name VariableInfo)
analyzeVariables variables = do
result <- runCircularT $ for variables \G.VariableDefinition {..} -> do
-- TODO: do we want to differentiate field from variable in the error path?
withField _vdName $ withCatchAndRecord do
let baseType = G.getBaseType _vdType
typeDefinition <-
lookupType baseType
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound baseType)
ifInfo <- analyzeInputField baseType typeDefinition
pure $ HashMap.singleton _vdName $ VariableInfo _vdType ifInfo _vdDefaultValue
pure $ fold $ catMaybes result
-- | Builds an 'InputFieldInfo' for a given typename.
-- This function is "memoized" using 'withCircular' to prevent processing the
-- same type more than once in case the input types are self-recursive.
analyzeInputField ::
G.Name ->
G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition ->
CircularT G.Name InputFieldInfo Analysis InputFieldInfo
analyzeInputField typeName typeDefinition =
withCircular typeName $ case typeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar std ->
pure $ InputFieldScalarInfo (ScalarInfo std)
G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd ->
pure $ InputFieldEnumInfo (EnumInfo etd)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject iotd -> do
fields <- for (G._iotdValueDefinitions iotd) \G.InputValueDefinition {..} -> do
withField _ivdName $ withCatchAndRecord do
let baseType = G.getBaseType _ivdType
typeDef <-
lookupType baseType
`onNothingM` throwDiagnosis (TypeNotFound baseType)
info <- analyzeInputField baseType typeDef
pure (_ivdName, (_ivdType, info))
pure $ InputFieldObjectInfo (InputObjectInfo iotd $ HashMap.fromList $ catMaybes fields)
G.TypeDefinitionObject _otd -> throwDiagnosis $ ObjectInInput typeName
G.TypeDefinitionInterface _itd -> throwDiagnosis $ InterfaceInInput typeName
G.TypeDefinitionUnion _utd -> throwDiagnosis $ UnionInInput typeName
-- Internal Analysis monad and helpers
-- | The monad in which we run our analysis.
-- Has three capabilities:
-- - reader carries the current path, and the full schema for lookups
-- - writer logs all errors we have caught
-- - except allows for short-circuiting errors
newtype Analysis a
= Analysis
( ExceptT
( ReaderT
(Path, G.SchemaIntrospection)
(Writer [AnalysisError])
deriving newtype
( Functor,
MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection),
MonadWriter [AnalysisError],
MonadError AnalysisError,
runAnalysis :: G.SchemaIntrospection -> Analysis a -> (Maybe a, [Text])
runAnalysis schema (Analysis a) =
$ runWriter
$ flip runReaderT (pure "$", schema)
$ runExceptT a
-- if there was an uncaught error, add it to the list
postProcess = \case
(Left err, errors) ->
(Nothing, map render $ errors ++ [err])
(Right result, errors) ->
(Just result, map render errors)
-- | Look up a type in the schema.
lookupType ::
(MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m) =>
G.Name ->
m (Maybe (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition))
lookupType name = do
G.SchemaIntrospection types <- asks snd
pure $ HashMap.lookup name types
-- | Add the current field to the error path.
withField ::
(MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m) =>
G.Name ->
m a ->
m a
withField name = local $ first (|> G.unName name)
-- | Throws an 'AnalysisError' by combining the given diagnosis with the current
-- path. This interrupts the computation in the given branch, and must be caught
-- for the analysis to resume.
throwDiagnosis ::
( MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m,
MonadError AnalysisError m
) =>
Diagnosis ->
m a
throwDiagnosis d = do
currentPath <- asks fst
throwError $ AnalysisError currentPath d
-- | Runs the given computation. if it fails, cacthes the error, records it in
-- the monad, and return 'Nothing'. This allows for a clean recovery.
withCatchAndRecord ::
( MonadReader (Path, G.SchemaIntrospection) m,
MonadWriter [AnalysisError] m,
MonadError AnalysisError m
) =>
m a ->
m (Maybe a)
withCatchAndRecord action =
fmap Just action `catchError` \e -> do
tell [e]
pure Nothing
-- Analysis errors
data AnalysisError = AnalysisError
{ _aePath :: Path,
_aeDiagnosis :: Diagnosis
type Path = Seq Text
data Diagnosis
= RootTypeNotAnObject
| TypeNotFound G.Name
| EnumSelectionSet G.Name
| ScalarSelectionSet G.Name
| InputObjectInOutput G.Name
| UnionInInput G.Name
| ObjectInInput G.Name
| InterfaceInInput G.Name
| ObjectFieldNotFound G.Name G.Name
| ObjectMissingSelectionSet G.Name
| MismatchedFields G.Name G.GType G.GType
render :: AnalysisError -> Text
render (AnalysisError path diagnosis) =
T.intercalate "." (toList path) <> ": " <> case diagnosis of
RootTypeNotAnObject ->
"the root type is not an object"
TypeNotFound name ->
"type '" <> G.unName name <> "' not found in the schema"
EnumSelectionSet name ->
"enum '" <> G.unName name <> "' does not accept a selection set"
ScalarSelectionSet name ->
"scalar '" <> G.unName name <> "' does not accept a selection set"
InputObjectInOutput name ->
"input object '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used for output"
UnionInInput name ->
"union '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used in an input type"
ObjectInInput name ->
"object '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used in an input type"
InterfaceInInput name ->
"interface '" <> G.unName name <> "' cannot be used in an input type"
ObjectFieldNotFound objName fieldName ->
"field '" <> G.unName fieldName <> "' not found in object '" <> G.unName objName <> "'"
ObjectMissingSelectionSet objName ->
"object of type '" <> G.unName objName <> "' must have a selection set"
MismatchedFields name type1 type2 ->
"field '" <> G.unName name <> "' seen with two different types: " <> tshow type1 <> " and " <> tshow type2
-- GraphQL internals
-- Special type names
queryRootName :: G.Name
queryRootName = Name._query_root
mutationRootName :: G.Name
mutationRootName = Name._mutation_root
subscriptionRootName :: G.Name
subscriptionRootName = Name._subscription_root
-- Reserved fields
typenameField :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
typenameField = mkReservedField GName.___typename GName._String
schemaField :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
schemaField = mkReservedField GName.___schema GName.___Schema
typeField :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
typeField = mkReservedField GName.___type GName.___Type
mkReservedField :: G.Name -> G.Name -> G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
mkReservedField fieldName typeName =
G.FieldDefinition Nothing fieldName [] (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) typeName) []