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module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Collect
( RemoteJoins
, RemoteJoinMap
, FieldPath(..)
, appendPath
, getRemoteJoins
, getRemoteJoinsSelect
, getRemoteJoinsMutationDB
, getRemoteJoinsActionQuery
, getRemoteJoinsActionMutation
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Control.Lens
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Column (UnpreparedValue (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning
import Hasura.RQL.Types
{- Note: [Remote Joins Architecture]
Unparsed Incoming GraphQL +------------------------------+
--------------------------> | Parsing of the GraphQL query |-----+
+------------------------------+ |
| DB Query and remote joins (if any)
+----------------------------------+ SQL query response +----------------------------+
| Traverse the DB response to | <------------------- | Execution of the DB query |
| get the values of the arguments | +----------------------------+
| of the remote field |
| Remote field arguments
+--------------------------+ Remote schema response +----------------------------------------+
| Query the remote schema | ------------------------> | Replace the remote join fields in |
| with the remote field | | the SQL query response (JSON) with |
| arguments to the remote | | the response obtained from the remote |
| field configured in the | | schema at appropriate places. |
| remote join. | +----------------------------------------+
-- | Collects remote joins from the AST and also adds the necessary join fields
:: Backend b
=> QueryDB b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (QueryDB b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoins = \case
QDBMultipleRows s -> first QDBMultipleRows $ getRemoteJoinsSelect s
QDBSingleRow s -> first QDBSingleRow $ getRemoteJoinsSelect s
QDBAggregation s -> first QDBAggregation $ getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect s
QDBConnection s -> first QDBConnection $ getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect s
-- | Traverse through 'AnnSimpleSel' and collect remote join fields (if any).
:: Backend b
=> AnnSimpleSelectG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (AnnSimpleSelectG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsSelect =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformSelect mempty
-- | Traverse through @'AnnAggregateSelect' and collect remote join fields (if any).
:: Backend b
=> AnnAggregateSelectG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (AnnAggregateSelectG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformAggregateSelect mempty
-- | Traverse through @'ConnectionSelect' and collect remote join fields (if any).
:: Backend b
=> ConnectionSelect b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (ConnectionSelect b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformConnectionSelect mempty
-- | Traverse through 'MutationOutput' and collect remote join fields (if any)
:: Backend b
=> MutationOutputG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (MutationOutputG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformMutationOutput mempty
transformMutationOutput path = \case
MOutMultirowFields mutationFields ->
MOutMultirowFields <$> transfromMutationFields mutationFields
MOutSinglerowObject annFields ->
MOutSinglerowObject <$> transformAnnFields path annFields
transfromMutationFields fields =
forM fields $ \(fieldName, field') -> do
let fieldPath = appendPath fieldName path
(fieldName,) <$> case field' of
MCount -> pure MCount
MExp t -> pure $ MExp t
MRet annFields -> MRet <$> transformAnnFields fieldPath annFields
-- local helpers
:: Backend b
=> AnnFieldsG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (AnnFieldsG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsAnnFields =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformAnnFields mempty
:: Backend b
=> MutationDB b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (MutationDB b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsMutationDB = \case
MDBInsert insert ->
first MDBInsert $ getRemoteJoinsInsert insert
MDBUpdate update ->
first MDBUpdate $ getRemoteJoinsUpdate update
MDBDelete delete ->
first MDBDelete $ getRemoteJoinsDelete delete
MDBFunction aggSelect select ->
first (MDBFunction aggSelect) $ getRemoteJoinsSelect select
getRemoteJoinsInsert insert =
let (output', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput $ _aiOutput insert
in (insert{ _aiOutput = output'}, remoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsUpdate update =
let (output', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput $ uqp1Output update
in (update{ uqp1Output = output'}, remoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsDelete delete =
let (output', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput $ dqp1Output delete
in (delete{ dqp1Output = output'}, remoteJoins)
:: (Backend b)
=> AnnActionExecution b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (AnnActionExecution b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsSyncAction actionExecution =
let (fields', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsAnnFields $ _aaeFields actionExecution
in (actionExecution { _aaeFields = fields' }, remoteJoins)
:: (Backend b)
=> ActionQuery b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (ActionQuery b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsActionQuery = \case
AQQuery sync ->
first AQQuery $ getRemoteJoinsSyncAction sync
AQAsync async ->
first AQAsync $ getRemoteJoinsAsyncQuery async
getRemoteJoinsAsyncQuery async =
let (fields', remoteJoins) =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformAsyncFields mempty $
_aaaqFields async
in (async { _aaaqFields = fields' }, remoteJoins)
transformAsyncFields path fields =
forM fields $ \(fieldName, field) -> do
let fieldPath = appendPath fieldName path
(fieldName,) <$> case field of
AsyncTypename t -> pure $ AsyncTypename t
AsyncOutput outputFields ->
AsyncOutput <$> transformAnnFields fieldPath outputFields
AsyncId -> pure AsyncId
AsyncCreatedAt -> pure AsyncCreatedAt
AsyncErrors -> pure AsyncErrors
:: (Backend b)
=> ActionMutation b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> (ActionMutation b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins)
getRemoteJoinsActionMutation = \case
AMSync sync -> first AMSync $ getRemoteJoinsSyncAction sync
AMAsync async -> (AMAsync async, Nothing)
:: (Backend b)
=> FieldPath
-> AnnSimpleSelectG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> State RemoteJoinMap (AnnSimpleSelectG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b))
transformSelect path sel = do
let fields = _asnFields sel
-- Transform selects in array, object and computed fields
transformedFields <- transformAnnFields path fields
pure sel{_asnFields = transformedFields}
:: (Backend b)
=> FieldPath
-> AnnAggregateSelectG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> State RemoteJoinMap (AnnAggregateSelectG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b))
transformAggregateSelect path sel = do
let aggFields = _asnFields sel
transformedFields <- forM aggFields $ \(fieldName, aggField) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case aggField of
TAFAgg agg -> pure $ TAFAgg agg
TAFNodes x annFields -> TAFNodes x <$> transformAnnFields (appendPath fieldName path) annFields
TAFExp t -> pure $ TAFExp t
pure sel{_asnFields = transformedFields}
:: (Backend b)
=> FieldPath
-> ConnectionSelect b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> State RemoteJoinMap (ConnectionSelect b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b))
transformConnectionSelect path ConnectionSelect{..} = do
let connectionFields = _asnFields _csSelect
transformedFields <- forM connectionFields $ \(fieldName, field) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case field of
ConnectionTypename t -> pure $ ConnectionTypename t
ConnectionPageInfo p -> pure $ ConnectionPageInfo p
ConnectionEdges edges -> ConnectionEdges <$> transformEdges (appendPath fieldName path) edges
let select = _csSelect{_asnFields = transformedFields}
pure $ ConnectionSelect _csXRelay _csPrimaryKeyColumns _csSplit _csSlice select
transformEdges edgePath edgeFields =
forM edgeFields $ \(fieldName, edgeField) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case edgeField of
EdgeTypename t -> pure $ EdgeTypename t
EdgeCursor -> pure EdgeCursor
EdgeNode annFields ->
EdgeNode <$> transformAnnFields (appendPath fieldName edgePath) annFields
:: (Backend b)
=> FieldPath
-> AnnObjectSelectG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> State RemoteJoinMap (AnnObjectSelectG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b))
transformObjectSelect path sel = do
let fields = _aosFields sel
transformedFields <- transformAnnFields path fields
pure sel{_aosFields = transformedFields}
:: forall b . Backend b
=> FieldPath
-> AnnFieldsG b (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
-> State RemoteJoinMap (AnnFieldsG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b))
transformAnnFields path fields = do
-- TODO: Check for correctness. I think this entire function seems to be
-- assuming that the column names will appear as is in the response from the
-- server, which is incorrect as they can be aliased. Similarly, the phantom
-- columns are being added without checking for overlap with aliases
let columnsInSelSet = HS.fromList $ map (pgiColumn . _acfInfo . snd) $ getFields _AFColumn fields
scalarComputedFieldsInSelSet = HS.fromList $ map ((^. _2) . snd) $ getFields _AFComputedField fields
remoteSelects = getFields (_AFRemote.to getRemoteSchemaSelect) fields
getRemoteSchemaSelect = \case
RemoteSelectRemoteSchema s -> s
RemoteSelectSource _s -> error "remote source relationshsip found"
remoteJoins = remoteSelects <&> \(fieldName, remoteSelect) ->
let RemoteSchemaSelect relationshipName argsMap resultCustomizer selSet hasuraFields remoteFields rsi = remoteSelect
hasuraFieldNames = HS.map dbJoinFieldToName hasuraFields
-- See Note [Phantom fields in Remote Joins]
fieldPresentInSelection = \case
JoinColumn columnInfo -> HS.member (pgiColumn columnInfo) columnsInSelSet
JoinComputedField computedFieldInfo -> HS.member (_scfName computedFieldInfo) scalarComputedFieldsInSelSet
phantomFields = HS.filter (not . fieldPresentInSelection) hasuraFields
phantomFieldNames = toList $ HS.map dbJoinFieldToName phantomFields
in (phantomFields, RemoteJoin fieldName relationshipName argsMap resultCustomizer selSet hasuraFieldNames remoteFields rsi phantomFieldNames)
transformedFields <- forM fields $ \(fieldName, field') -> do
let fieldPath = appendPath fieldName path
(fieldName,) <$> case field' of
AFNodeId x qt pkeys -> pure $ AFNodeId x qt pkeys
AFColumn c -> pure $ AFColumn c
AFObjectRelation annRel ->
AFObjectRelation <$> transformAnnRelation (transformObjectSelect fieldPath) annRel
AFArrayRelation (ASSimple annRel) ->
AFArrayRelation . ASSimple <$> transformAnnRelation (transformSelect fieldPath) annRel
AFArrayRelation (ASAggregate aggRel) ->
AFArrayRelation . ASAggregate <$> transformAnnRelation (transformAggregateSelect fieldPath) aggRel
AFArrayRelation (ASConnection annRel) ->
AFArrayRelation . ASConnection <$> transformAnnRelation (transformConnectionSelect fieldPath) annRel
AFComputedField x n computedField ->
AFComputedField x n <$> case computedField of
CFSScalar cfss cbe -> pure $ CFSScalar cfss cbe
CFSTable jas annSel -> CFSTable jas <$> transformSelect fieldPath annSel
-- we generate this so that the response has a key with the relationship,
-- without which preserving the order of fields in the final response
-- would require a lot of bookkeeping
AFRemote _rs -> pure $ AFExpression "remote relationship placeholder"
AFExpression t -> pure $ AFExpression t
case NE.nonEmpty remoteJoins of
Nothing -> pure transformedFields
Just nonEmptyRemoteJoins -> do
let annotatedPhantomFields = (toList $ HS.unions $ map fst remoteJoins) <&> \phantomField ->
(dbJoinFieldToName phantomField,) $ case phantomField of
JoinColumn columnInfo -> AFColumn $ AnnColumnField columnInfo False Nothing Nothing
JoinComputedField computedFieldInfo -> mkScalarComputedFieldSelect computedFieldInfo
modify (Map.insert path $ fmap snd nonEmptyRemoteJoins)
pure $ transformedFields <> annotatedPhantomFields
getFields f = mapMaybe (sequence . second (^? f))
transformAnnRelation f (AnnRelationSelectG name maps select) = do
transformedSelect <- f select
pure $ AnnRelationSelectG name maps transformedSelect
mkScalarComputedFieldSelect :: ScalarComputedField b -> (AnnFieldG b (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue b))
mkScalarComputedFieldSelect ScalarComputedField{..} =
let functionArgs = flip FunctionArgsExp mempty
$ functionArgsWithTableRowAndSession UVSession _scfTableArgument _scfSessionArgument
fieldSelect = flip CFSScalar Nothing
$ ComputedFieldScalarSelect _scfFunction functionArgs _scfType Nothing
in AFComputedField _scfXField _scfName fieldSelect
mapToNonEmpty :: RemoteJoinMap -> Maybe RemoteJoins
mapToNonEmpty = NE.nonEmpty . Map.toList