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-- | Planning T-SQL queries and subscriptions.
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Plan where
-- TODO: Re-add the export list after cleaning up the module
-- ( planNoPlan
-- , planNoPlanMap
-- , planMultiplex
-- ) where
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (first)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.ODBC.SQLServer as ODBC
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Control.Monad.Validate
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser as GraphQL
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Column as RQL
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.FromIr as TSQL
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types as TSQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Session
newtype QDB v b = QDB (QueryDB b v)
type SubscriptionRootFieldMSSQL v = RootField (QDB v) Void Void {-(RQL.AnnActionAsyncQuery 'MSSQL v)-} Void
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Top-level planner
:: MonadError QErr m
=> UserInfo
-> QueryDB 'MSSQL (GraphQL.UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL)
-> m Select
planNoPlan userInfo queryDB = do
rootField <- traverseQueryDB (prepareValueNoPlan (_uiSession userInfo)) queryDB
select <-
runValidate (TSQL.runFromIr (TSQL.fromRootField rootField))
`onLeft` (throw400 NotSupported . tshow)
{ selectFor =
case selectFor select of
NoFor -> NoFor
JsonFor forJson -> JsonFor forJson {jsonRoot = Root "root"}
-- planMultiplex ::
-- OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (SubscriptionRootFieldMSSQL (GraphQL.UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL))
-- -> Either PrepareError Select
-- planMultiplex _unpreparedMap =
-- let rootFieldMap =
-- evalState
-- (traverse
-- (traverseQueryRootField prepareValueMultiplex)
-- unpreparedMap)
-- emptyPrepareState
-- selectMap <-
-- first
-- FromIrError
-- (runValidate (TSQL.runFromIr (traverse TSQL.fromRootField rootFieldMap)))
-- pure (multiplexRootReselect (collapseMap selectMap))
-- Plan a query without prepare/exec.
-- planNoPlanMap ::
-- OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (SubscriptionRootFieldMSSQL (GraphQL.UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL))
-- -> Either PrepareError Reselect
-- planNoPlanMap _unpreparedMap =
-- let rootFieldMap = runIdentity $
-- traverse (traverseQueryRootField (pure . prepareValueNoPlan)) unpreparedMap
-- selectMap <-
-- first
-- FromIrError
-- (runValidate (TSQL.runFromIr (traverse TSQL.fromRootField rootFieldMap)))
-- pure (collapseMap selectMap)
-- Converting a root field into a T-SQL select statement
-- | Collapse a set of selects into a single select that projects
-- these as subselects.
collapseMap :: OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name Select
-> Reselect
collapseMap selects =
{ reselectFor =
JsonFor ForJson {jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton, jsonRoot = NoRoot}
, reselectWhere = Where mempty
, reselectProjections =
map projectSelect (OMap.toList selects)
projectSelect :: (G.Name, Select) -> Projection
projectSelect (name, select) =
{ aliasedThing = SelectExpression select
, aliasedAlias = G.unName name
-- Session variables
globalSessionExpression :: TSQL.Expression
globalSessionExpression =
ValueExpression (ODBC.TextValue "current_setting('hasura.user')::json")
-- TODO: real env object.
envObjectExpression :: TSQL.Expression
envObjectExpression =
ValueExpression (ODBC.TextValue "[{\"result_id\":1,\"result_vars\":{\"synthetic\":[10]}}]")
-- Resolving values
data PrepareError
= FromIrError (NonEmpty TSQL.Error)
data PrepareState = PrepareState
{ positionalArguments :: !Integer
, namedArguments :: !(HashMap G.Name (RQL.ColumnValue 'MSSQL))
, sessionVariables :: !(Set.HashSet SessionVariable)
emptyPrepareState :: PrepareState
emptyPrepareState =
PrepareState {positionalArguments = 0, namedArguments = mempty, sessionVariables = mempty}
-- | Prepare a value without any query planning; we just execute the
-- query with the values embedded.
:: MonadError QErr m
=> SessionVariables
-> GraphQL.UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL
-> m TSQL.Expression
prepareValueNoPlan sessionVariables =
GraphQL.UVLiteral x -> pure x
GraphQL.UVSession -> pure $ ValueExpression $ ODBC.ByteStringValue $ toStrict $ J.encode sessionVariables
GraphQL.UVParameter _ RQL.ColumnValue{..} -> pure $ ValueExpression cvValue
GraphQL.UVSessionVar _typ sessionVariable -> do
value <- getSessionVariableValue sessionVariable sessionVariables
`onNothing` throw400 NotFound ("missing session variable: " <>> sessionVariable)
pure $ ValueExpression $ ODBC.TextValue value
-- | Prepare a value for multiplexed queries.
prepareValueMultiplex ::
GraphQL.UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL
-> State PrepareState TSQL.Expression
prepareValueMultiplex =
GraphQL.UVLiteral x -> pure x
GraphQL.UVSession ->
pure (JsonQueryExpression globalSessionExpression)
GraphQL.UVSessionVar _typ text -> do
modify' (\s -> s {sessionVariables = text `Set.insert` sessionVariables s})
pure $ JsonValueExpression globalSessionExpression (FieldPath RootPath (toTxt text))
GraphQL.UVParameter mVariableInfo pgcolumnvalue ->
case fmap GraphQL.getName mVariableInfo of
Nothing -> do
index <- gets positionalArguments
modify' (\s -> s {positionalArguments = index + 1})
{ fieldNameEntity = rowAlias
, fieldName = resultVarsAlias
(RootPath `FieldPath` "synthetic" `IndexPath` index))
Just name -> do
(\s ->
{ namedArguments =
HM.insert name pgcolumnvalue (namedArguments s)
(RootPath `FieldPath` "query" `FieldPath` G.unName name))
-- Producing the correct SQL-level list comprehension to multiplex a query
-- Problem description:
-- Generate a query that repeats the same query N times but with
-- certain slots replaced:
-- [ Select x y | (x,y) <- [..] ]
multiplexRootReselect :: TSQL.Reselect -> TSQL.Select
multiplexRootReselect rootReselect =
{ selectTop = NoTop
, selectProjections =
[ FieldNameProjection
{ aliasedThing =
{fieldNameEntity = rowAlias, fieldName = resultIdAlias}
, aliasedAlias = resultIdAlias
, ExpressionProjection
{ aliasedThing =
{ fieldNameEntity = resultAlias
, fieldName = TSQL.jsonFieldName
, aliasedAlias = resultAlias
, selectFrom =
{ aliasedThing =
{ openJsonExpression = envObjectExpression
, openJsonWith =
[IntField resultIdAlias, JsonField resultVarsAlias]
, aliasedAlias = rowAlias
, selectJoins =
[ Join
{ joinSource = JoinReselect rootReselect
, joinJoinAlias =
{ joinAliasEntity = resultAlias
, joinAliasField = Just TSQL.jsonFieldName
, selectWhere = Where mempty
, selectFor =
JsonFor ForJson {jsonCardinality = JsonArray, jsonRoot = NoRoot}
, selectOrderBy = Nothing
, selectOffset = Nothing
resultIdAlias :: T.Text
resultIdAlias = "result_id"
resultVarsAlias :: T.Text
resultVarsAlias = "result_vars"
resultAlias :: T.Text
resultAlias = "result"
rowAlias :: T.Text
rowAlias = "row"