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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
A pull request for cleaning up small issues, bugs, redundancies and missing things in the BigQuery backend. Summary: 1. Remove duplicate projection fields - BigQuery rejects these. 2. Add order_by to the test suite cases, as it was returning inconsistent results. 3. Add lots of in FromIr about how the dataloader approach is given support. 4. Produce the correct output structure for aggregates: a. Should be a singleton object for a top-level aggregate query. b. Should have appropriate aggregate{} and nodes{} labels. c. **Support for nodes** (via array_agg). 5. Smooth over support of array aggregates by removing the fields used for joining with an explicit projection of each wanted field. https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1317 Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <6562944+0x777@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: cd3899f4667770a27055f94988ef2a6d5808f1f5
446 lines
14 KiB
446 lines
14 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- | Make a plan for the data loader to execute (.Execute).
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.DataLoader.Plan
( prettyPlanned
, runPlan
, planSelectHeadAndTail
, actionsForest
, drawActionsForest
, drawActionsForestSQL
, Ref
, PlannedAction(..)
, Action(..)
, Select(..)
, Join(..)
, Relationship(..)
, FieldName(..)
, HeadAndTail(..)
, selectQuery
, printDrawPlannedActions
) where
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (head, second, tail, tell)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Graph
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..))
import Data.String
import Data.Tree
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.ToQuery as ToQuery
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types as BigQuery
-- Types
data Ref = Ref
{ idx :: !Int
, text :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
instance Hashable Ref
data PlanState = PlanState
{ actions :: !(Seq PlannedAction)
, counter :: !Int
data PlannedAction = PlannedAction
{ ref :: Ref
, action :: Action
} deriving (Show)
newtype Plan a = Plan
{ unPlan :: State PlanState a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState PlanState)
data Action
= SelectAction Select
| JoinAction Join
deriving (Show)
data Select = Select
{ selectTop :: !BigQuery.Top
, selectProjections :: !(NonEmpty BigQuery.Projection)
, selectFrom :: !BigQuery.From
, selectGroupBy :: ![BigQuery.FieldName]
, selectWhere :: !BigQuery.Where
, selectOrderBy :: !(Maybe (NonEmpty BigQuery.OrderBy))
, selectOffset :: !(Maybe BigQuery.Expression)
, selectRelationship :: !(Maybe Relationship)
, selectSqlJoins :: ![BigQuery.Join]
, selectHaskellJoins :: ![BigQuery.Join]
, selectAggUnwrap :: !(Maybe Text)
, wantedFields :: !(Maybe [Text])
-- , selectAsStruct :: !BigQuery.AsStruct
, selectCardinality :: !BigQuery.Cardinality
} deriving (Show)
data Relationship = Relationship
{ leftRecordSet :: Ref
, onFields :: [(FieldName, FieldName)]
, rightTable :: BigQuery.EntityAlias
} deriving (Show)
newtype FieldName =
FieldName Text
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Hashable, FromJSON, ToJSONKey, IsString)
data Join = Join
{ joinOn :: [(FieldName,FieldName)]
, leftRecordSet :: Ref
, rightRecordSet :: Ref
, joinProvenance :: BigQuery.JoinProvenance
, joinFieldName :: !Text
, joinExtractPath :: !(Maybe Text)
, wantedFields :: !(Maybe [Text])
} deriving (Show)
data HeadAndTail = HeadAndTail
{ head :: Ref
, tail :: Ref
-- Run planner
runPlan :: Plan r -> (r, [PlannedAction])
runPlan =
second (toList . actions) .
flip runState (PlanState {actions = mempty, counter = 0}) . unPlan
-- Planners
planSelectHeadAndTail :: Maybe Relationship -> Maybe Text -> BigQuery.Select -> Plan HeadAndTail
planSelectHeadAndTail relationship joinExtractPath select0 = do
ref <- generate (selectFromName (BigQuery.selectFrom select0))
let select = fromSelect relationship joinExtractPath select0
action = SelectAction select
tell PlannedAction {ref, action}
joinsFinalRef <- foldM planJoin ref (selectHaskellJoins select)
(let head = ref
tail = case selectHaskellJoins select of
[] -> ref
_ -> joinsFinalRef
in HeadAndTail {head,tail})
planJoin :: Ref -> BigQuery.Join -> Plan Ref
planJoin leftRecordSet BigQuery.Join {..} = do
ref <- generate (joinAliasName joinAlias)
let joinFields = fmap (bimap toFieldName toFieldName) joinOn
rightRecordSet <-
case joinSource of
BigQuery.JoinSelect select ->
(\HeadAndTail {..} -> tail)
{ leftRecordSet
, onFields = joinFields
, rightTable = joinRightTable
let action =
{ leftRecordSet
, rightRecordSet
, joinOn = joinFields
, wantedFields
, ..
tell PlannedAction {ref, action}
pure ref
BigQuery.JoinSelect BigQuery.Select {selectFinalWantedFields = wantedFields} =
-- Conversions
-- TODO: Check this. We're intentionally discarding the table
-- qualification.
toFieldName :: BigQuery.FieldName -> FieldName
toFieldName (BigQuery.FieldName {fieldName = t}) = FieldName t
joinAliasName :: BigQuery.EntityAlias -> Text
joinAliasName (BigQuery.EntityAlias {entityAliasText}) = entityAliasText
selectFromName :: BigQuery.From -> Text
selectFromName (BigQuery.FromQualifiedTable (BigQuery.Aliased {aliasedThing = BigQuery.TableName {tableName}})) =
selectFromName (BigQuery.FromSelect{}) =
"[sub select]"
tell :: PlannedAction -> Plan ()
tell action = modify' (\s -> s {actions = actions s :|> action})
generate :: Text -> Plan Ref
generate text = do
idx <- gets counter
modify' (\s -> s {counter = counter s + 1})
pure (Ref {idx, text})
-- Join choosing
-- Here is where the data loader determines which joins are SQL-native
-- and which are Haskell-native. As of writing, order by and array
-- aggregate are SQL-native, and the rest are Haskell-native.
fromSelect :: Maybe Relationship -> Maybe Text -> BigQuery.Select -> Select
fromSelect selectRelationship selectAggUnwrap BigQuery.Select {..} =
{ selectSqlJoins =
mapMaybe (\j -> j <$ guard (shouldBeSqlNative j)) selectJoins
, selectHaskellJoins =
mapMaybe (\j -> j <$ guard (shouldBeHaskellNative j)) selectJoins
, wantedFields = selectFinalWantedFields
, ..
shouldBeHaskellNative :: BigQuery.Join -> Bool
shouldBeHaskellNative = not . shouldBeSqlNative
shouldBeSqlNative :: BigQuery.Join -> Bool
shouldBeSqlNative =
-- BigQuery.Join {joinProvenance = BigQuery.OrderByJoinProvenance} -> True
-- BigQuery.Join {joinProvenance = BigQuery.ObjectJoinProvenance{}} -> True
-- BigQuery.Join {joinProvenance = BigQuery.ArrayAggregateJoinProvenance{}} ->
-- True
_ -> True
-- Plan pretty printer
prettyPlanned :: [PlannedAction] -> IO ()
prettyPlanned =
L8.putStrLn .
LT.encodeUtf8 . LT.toLazyText . mconcat . List.intersperse "\n\n" . map prettyPlannedAction
prettyPlannedActionsSQL :: PlannedAction -> Maybe LT.Builder
prettyPlannedActionsSQL PlannedAction {action} =
case action of
JoinAction {} -> Nothing
SelectAction select -> pure query
where (query, _params) =
(ToQuery.fromSelect (selectQuery select))
prettyPlannedAction :: PlannedAction -> LT.Builder
prettyPlannedAction PlannedAction {ref, action} =
case action of
SelectAction select ->
(/= mempty)
[ [ "Load " <> prettyFrom (selectFrom select) <> " producing " <>
prettyRef ref
, [ "Fields: " <>
", "
(toList (selectProjections select))))
, case selectRelationship select of
Nothing -> []
Just relationship -> [prettyRelationship relationship]
, (map prettyJoin (selectSqlJoins select))
, case selectTop select of
BigQuery.NoTop -> []
BigQuery.Top top ->
["Limit " <> LT.fromText (tshow top)]
, ["SQL:"]
, [query]
, ["Params: " | not (null params)]
, map
(\(idx :: Int, value) ->
fromString (show idx) <> "=" <> fromString (show value))
(OMap.toList params)
where (query, params) =
(ToQuery.fromSelect (selectQuery select))
JoinAction Join {leftRecordSet, rightRecordSet, joinOn} ->
[ "Join " <> prettyRef leftRecordSet <> " with " <>
prettyRef rightRecordSet <>
" producing " <>
prettyRef ref
, "On " <> prettyJoinFields joinOn
prettyRef :: Ref -> LT.Builder
prettyRef Ref {..} = "#" <> LT.fromText (text <> tshow idx)
prettyFrom :: BigQuery.From -> LT.Builder
prettyFrom =
BigQuery.FromSelect aliased ->
(\_select -> "[subselect]")
BigQuery.FromQualifiedTable aliased ->
(\BigQuery.TableName {tableName = t} -> (LT.fromText t))
prettyJoin :: BigQuery.Join -> LT.Builder
prettyJoin BigQuery.Join {..} =
"SQL join with " <> src <> " on " <> prettyJoinFields' joinOn <> " for " <>
reason =
case joinProvenance of
BigQuery.OrderByJoinProvenance -> "order by"
BigQuery.ObjectJoinProvenance{} -> "object relation"
BigQuery.ArrayAggregateJoinProvenance{} -> "array aggregate relation"
BigQuery.ArrayJoinProvenance{} -> "array relation"
BigQuery.MultiplexProvenance -> "multiplex"
src =
case joinSource of
BigQuery.JoinSelect select -> prettyFrom (BigQuery.selectFrom select)
prettyJoinFields' :: [(BigQuery.FieldName, BigQuery.FieldName)] -> LT.Builder
prettyJoinFields' onFields =
", "
(\(left, right) ->
"(" <> prettyFieldName' left <> " = " <> prettyFieldName' right <>
prettyRelationship :: Relationship -> LT.Builder
prettyRelationship Relationship {leftRecordSet, onFields} =
"Relationship: " <> prettyRef leftRecordSet <> " on " <>
prettyJoinFields onFields
prettyJoinFields :: [(FieldName, FieldName)] -> LT.Builder
prettyJoinFields onFields =
", "
(\(left, right) ->
"(" <> prettyFieldName left <> " = " <> prettyFieldName right <>
prettyFieldName :: FieldName -> LT.Builder
prettyFieldName (FieldName t) = LT.fromText t
prettyProjection :: BigQuery.Projection -> LT.Builder
prettyProjection =
BigQuery.ExpressionProjection aliased ->
prettyAliased (fmap (\_e -> "<Expression" <> ">") aliased)
BigQuery.FieldNameProjection aliased ->
prettyAliased (fmap prettyFieldName' aliased)
BigQuery.AggregateProjection aliased ->
prettyAliased (fmap (const "<Aggregate>") aliased)
BigQuery.AggregateProjections aliased ->
prettyAliased (fmap (const "<Aggregates set>") aliased)
BigQuery.StarProjection -> "*"
BigQuery.ArrayAggProjection {} -> "<ArrayAgg>"
BigQuery.EntityProjection {} -> "<ArrayAggregateJoined>"
BigQuery.WindowProjection {} -> "<WindowProjection>"
BigQuery.ArrayEntityProjection {} -> "<ArrayEntity>"
prettyAliased :: BigQuery.Aliased LT.Builder -> LT.Builder
prettyAliased BigQuery.Aliased {aliasedThing, aliasedAlias} =
aliasedThing <> " as " <> LT.fromText aliasedAlias
prettyFieldName' :: BigQuery.FieldName -> LT.Builder
prettyFieldName' (BigQuery.FieldName {fieldName, fieldNameEntity}) =
LT.fromText (fieldNameEntity <> "." <> fieldName)
printDrawPlannedActions :: [PlannedAction] -> IO ()
printDrawPlannedActions = S8.putStrLn . T.encodeUtf8 . drawPlannedActions
drawActionsForest :: Forest PlannedAction -> Text
drawActionsForest =
T.pack . drawForest .
fmap (fmap (LT.unpack . LT.toLazyText . prettyPlannedAction))
drawActionsForestSQL :: Forest PlannedAction -> Text
drawActionsForestSQL =
T.intercalate ";\n\n" .
mapMaybe (fmap (LT.toStrict . LT.toLazyText) . prettyPlannedActionsSQL) .
foldMap toList
drawPlannedActions :: [PlannedAction] -> Text
drawPlannedActions =
drawActionsForest . actionsForest id
-- Graphing the plan to a forest
actionsForest :: (Graph -> Graph) -> [PlannedAction] -> Forest PlannedAction
actionsForest transform actions =
let (graph, vertex2Node, _key2Vertex) =
(\PlannedAction {ref, action} ->
( action
, ref
, map
(\PlannedAction {ref = r} -> r)
(filter (elem ref . plannedActionRefs) actions)))
in fmap
((\(action, ref, _refs) -> PlannedAction {ref, action}) . vertex2Node))
(dff (transform graph))
plannedActionRefs PlannedAction {action} =
case action of
SelectAction Select {selectRelationship} ->
case selectRelationship of
Just Relationship {leftRecordSet} -> [leftRecordSet]
Nothing -> mempty
JoinAction Join {leftRecordSet, rightRecordSet} ->
[leftRecordSet, rightRecordSet]
-- Build a query
selectQuery :: Select -> BigQuery.Select
selectQuery Select {..} =
{ selectJoins = selectSqlJoins
, selectFinalWantedFields = wantedFields
, ..