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synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
This upgrades the version of Ormolu required by the HGE repository to v0.5.0.1, and reformats all code accordingly. Ormolu v0.5 reformats code that uses infix operators. This is mostly useful, adding newlines and indentation to make it clear which operators are applied first, but in some cases, it's unpleasant. To make this easier on the eyes, I had to do the following: * Add a few fixity declarations (search for `infix`) * Add parentheses to make precedence clear, allowing Ormolu to keep everything on one line * Rename `relevantEq` to `(==~)` in #6651 and set it to `infix 4` * Add a few _.ormolu_ files (thanks to @hallettj for helping me get started), mostly for Autodocodec operators that don't have explicit fixity declarations In general, I think these changes are quite reasonable. They mostly affect indentation. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6675 GitOrigin-RevId: cd47d87f1d089fb0bc9dcbbe7798dbceedcd7d83
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.RemoteRelationship
( ToSchemaRelationshipDef (..),
FieldCall (..),
RemoteArguments (..),
RemoteFields (..),
RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships (..),
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Types (prependFailure)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended qualified as OM
import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Base
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Metadata representation of a relationship to a remote schema.
data ToSchemaRelationshipDef = ToSchemaRelationshipDef
{ -- | Identifier for this mapping.
_trrdRemoteSchema :: RemoteSchemaName,
-- | The lhs fields that must be forwarded to the remote schema.
_trrdLhsFields :: HashSet FieldName,
_trrdRemoteField :: RemoteFields
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance NFData ToSchemaRelationshipDef
instance Cacheable ToSchemaRelationshipDef
-- | Targeted field in a remote schema relationship.
-- TODO: explain about subfields and why this is a container
newtype RemoteFields = RemoteFields {unRemoteFields :: NonEmpty FieldCall}
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance NFData RemoteFields
instance Cacheable RemoteFields
instance J.FromJSON RemoteFields where
parseJSON = prependFailure details . fmap RemoteFields . parseRemoteFields
details = "Remote fields are represented by an object that maps each field name to its arguments."
parseRemoteFields = J.withObject "RemoteFields" \hashmap -> case KM.toList hashmap of
[(fieldNameKey, callValue)] -> do
fieldName <- J.parseJSON $ J.String $ K.toText fieldNameKey
callObject <- J.parseJSON callValue
arguments <- callObject J..: "arguments"
maybeSubField <- callObject J..:? "field"
subFields <-
fromMaybe [] <$> for maybeSubField \fieldValue -> do
remoteFields <- parseRemoteFields fieldValue
pure (toList remoteFields)
pure $ FieldCall {fcName = fieldName, fcArguments = arguments} :| subFields
[] -> fail "Expecting one single mapping, received none."
_ -> fail "Expecting one single mapping, received too many."
instance J.ToJSON RemoteFields where
toJSON (RemoteFields fields) = remoteFieldsJson fields
remoteFieldsJson (field :| subfields) =
[ K.fromText (G.unName (fcName field))
J..= J.object
( catMaybes
[ Just $ "arguments" J..= fcArguments field,
nonEmpty subfields <&> \sf -> "field" J..= remoteFieldsJson sf
-- | Associates a field name with the arguments it will be passed in the query.
-- https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Language.Arguments
data FieldCall = FieldCall
{ fcName :: G.Name,
fcArguments :: RemoteArguments
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance NFData FieldCall
instance Cacheable FieldCall
instance Hashable FieldCall
-- | Arguments to a remote GraphQL fields, represented as a mapping from name to
-- GraphQL Value. Said values can be variable names, in which case they'll be
-- referring to values we're closed over.
-- TODO: expand on this
newtype RemoteArguments = RemoteArguments
{ getRemoteArguments :: HashMap G.Name (G.Value G.Name)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Cacheable, NFData)
instance Hashable RemoteArguments
instance J.FromJSON RemoteArguments where
parseJSON = prependFailure details . fmap RemoteArguments . J.withObject "RemoteArguments" parseObjectFieldsToGValue
details = "Remote arguments are represented by an object that maps each argument name to its value."
parseObjectFieldsToGValue keyMap =
HM.fromList <$> for (KM.toList keyMap) \(K.toText -> key, value) -> do
name <- G.mkName key `onNothing` fail (T.unpack key <> " is an invalid key name")
parsedValue <- parseValueAsGValue value
pure (name, parsedValue)
parseValueAsGValue = \case
J.Object obj ->
G.VObject <$> parseObjectFieldsToGValue obj
J.Array array ->
G.VList . toList <$> traverse parseValueAsGValue array
J.String text ->
case T.uncons text of
Just ('$', rest)
| T.null rest -> fail $ "Empty variable name"
| otherwise -> case G.mkName rest of
Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid variable name '" <> T.unpack rest <> "'"
Just name' -> pure $ G.VVariable name'
_ -> pure (G.VString text)
J.Number !scientificNum ->
pure $ case floatingOrInteger scientificNum of
-- this number couldn't be interpreted as an integer
Left (_ :: Float) -> G.VFloat scientificNum
-- this number was successfully interpreted as an integer
Right n -> G.VInt n
J.Bool !boolean ->
pure $ G.VBoolean boolean
J.Null ->
pure G.VNull
instance J.ToJSON RemoteArguments where
toJSON (RemoteArguments fields) = fieldsToObject fields
fieldsToObject =
J.Object . KM.fromList . map (bimap (K.fromText . G.unName) gValueToValue) . HM.toList
gValueToValue =
G.VVariable v -> J.toJSON ("$" <> G.unName v)
G.VInt i -> J.toJSON i
G.VFloat f -> J.toJSON f
G.VString s -> J.toJSON s
G.VBoolean b -> J.toJSON b
G.VNull -> J.Null
G.VEnum s -> J.toJSON s
G.VList list -> J.toJSON (map gValueToValue list)
G.VObject obj -> fieldsToObject obj
type RemoteRelationships r = InsOrdHashMap RelName (RemoteRelationshipG r)
data RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r = RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships
{ _rstrsName :: G.Name,
_rstrsRelationships :: RemoteRelationships r
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance J.FromJSON (RemoteRelationshipG r) => J.FromJSON (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "RemoteSchemaMetadata" \obj ->
<$> obj J..: "type_name"
<*> (oMapFromL _rrName <$> obj J..:? "relationships" J..!= [])
instance J.ToJSON (RemoteRelationshipG r) => J.ToJSON (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r) where
toJSON RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships {..} =
[ "type_name" J..= _rstrsName,
"relationships" J..= OM.elems _rstrsRelationships
instance Cacheable r => Cacheable (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r)
type SchemaRemoteRelationships r = InsOrdHashMap G.Name (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''ToSchemaRelationshipDef)
$(makeLenses ''RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships)
$(makeLenses ''ToSchemaRelationshipDef)