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synced 2024-12-19 13:31:43 +03:00
Remote relationships are now supported on SQL Server and BigQuery. The major change though is the re-architecture of remote join execution logic. Prior to this PR, each backend is responsible for processing the remote relationships that are part of their AST. This is not ideal as there is nothing specific about a remote join's execution that ties it to a backend. The only backend specific part is whether or not the specification of the remote relationship is valid (i.e, we'll need to validate whether the scalars are compatible). The approach now changes to this: 1. Before delegating the AST to the backend, we traverse the AST, collect all the remote joins while modifying the AST to add necessary join fields where needed. 1. Once the remote joins are collected from the AST, the database call is made to fetch the response. The necessary data for the remote join(s) is collected from the database's response and one or more remote schema calls are constructed as necessary. 1. The remote schema calls are then executed and the data from the database and from the remote schemas is joined to produce the final response. ### Known issues 1. Ideally the traversal of the IR to collect remote joins should return an AST which does not include remote join fields. This operation can be type safe but isn't taken up as part of the PR. 1. There is a lot of code duplication between `Transport/HTTP.hs` and `Transport/Websocket.hs` which needs to be fixed ASAP. This too hasn't been taken up by this PR. 1. The type which represents the execution plan is only modified to handle our current remote joins and as such it will have to be changed to accommodate general remote joins. 1. Use of lenses would have reduced the boilerplate code to collect remote joins from the base AST. 1. The current remote join logic assumes that the join columns of a remote relationship appear with their names in the database response. This however is incorrect as they could be aliased. This can be taken up by anyone, I've left a comment in the code. ### Notes to the reviewers I think it is best reviewed commit by commit. 1. The first one is very straight forward. 1. The second one refactors the remote join execution logic but other than moving things around, it doesn't change the user facing functionality. This moves Postgres specific parts to `Backends/Postgres` module from `Execute`. Some IR related code to `Hasura.RQL.IR` module. Simplifies various type class function signatures as a backend doesn't have to handle remote joins anymore 1. The third one fixes partial case matches that for some weird reason weren't shown as warnings before this refactor 1. The fourth one generalizes the validation logic of remote relationships and implements `scalarTypeGraphQLName` function on SQL Server and BigQuery which is used by the validation logic. This enables remote relationships on BigQuery and SQL Server. https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1497 GitOrigin-RevId: 77dd8eed326602b16e9a8496f52f46d22b795598
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479 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation
( insertIntoTable
, insertOneIntoTable
, updateTable
, updateTableByPk
, deleteFromTable
, deleteFromTableByPk
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser as P
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Delete as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Insert as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Update as IR
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser (FieldParser, InputFieldsParser, Kind (..), Parser,
UnpreparedValue (..), mkParameter)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.RQL.Types
-- insert
-- | Construct a root field, normally called insert_tablename, that can be used to add several rows to a DB table
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b -- ^ qualified name of the table
-> G.Name -- ^ field display name
-> Maybe G.Description -- ^ field description, if any
-> InsPermInfo b -- ^ insert permissions of the table
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b) -- ^ select permissions of the table (if any)
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo b) -- ^ update permissions of the table (if any)
-> m (FieldParser n (IR.AnnInsert b (UnpreparedValue b)))
insertIntoTable sourceName tableInfo fieldName description insertPerms selectPerms updatePerms = do
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
selectionParser <- mutationSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
objectsParser <- P.list <$> tableFieldsInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms
conflictParser <- fmap join $ sequenceA $ conflictObject sourceName tableInfo selectPerms <$> updatePerms
let objectsName = $$(G.litName "objects")
objectsDesc = "the rows to be inserted"
argsParser = do
conflictClause <- mkConflictClause conflictParser
objects <- P.field objectsName (Just objectsDesc) objectsParser
pure (conflictClause, objects)
pure $ P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selectionParser
<&> \((conflictClause, objects), output) -> IR.AnnInsert (G.unName fieldName) False
( mkInsertObject objects (tableInfoName tableInfo) columns conflictClause insertPerms updatePerms )
( IR.MOutMultirowFields output )
mkConflictClause :: MonadParse n => Maybe (Parser 'Input n a) -> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe a)
mkConflictClause conflictParser
= maybe
(pure Nothing) -- Empty InputFieldsParser (no arguments allowed)
(P.fieldOptional conflictName (Just conflictDesc))
conflictName = $$(G.litName "on_conflict")
conflictDesc = "on conflict condition"
-- | Variant of 'insertIntoTable' that inserts a single row
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName -- ^ source of the table
-> TableInfo b -- ^ table info
-> G.Name -- ^ field display name
-> Maybe G.Description -- ^ field description, if any
-> InsPermInfo b -- ^ insert permissions of the table
-> SelPermInfo b -- ^ select permissions of the table
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo b) -- ^ update permissions of the table (if any)
-> m (FieldParser n (IR.AnnInsert b (UnpreparedValue b)))
insertOneIntoTable sourceName tableInfo fieldName description insertPerms selectPerms updatePerms = do
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
selectionParser <- tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
objectParser <- tableFieldsInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms
conflictParser <- fmap join $ sequenceA $ conflictObject sourceName tableInfo (Just selectPerms) <$> updatePerms
let objectName = $$(G.litName "object")
objectDesc = "the row to be inserted"
argsParser = do
conflictClause <- mkConflictClause conflictParser
object <- P.field objectName (Just objectDesc) objectParser
pure (conflictClause, object)
pure $ P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selectionParser
<&> \((conflictClause, object), output) -> IR.AnnInsert (G.unName fieldName) True
( mkInsertObject [object] (tableInfoName tableInfo) columns conflictClause insertPerms updatePerms )
( IR.MOutSinglerowObject output )
-- | We specify the data of an individual row to insert through this input parser.
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b -- ^ qualified name of the table
-> InsPermInfo b -- ^ insert permissions of the table
-> m (Parser 'Input n (IR.AnnInsObj b (UnpreparedValue b)))
tableFieldsInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms = memoizeOn 'tableFieldsInput (sourceName, tableName) do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
roleName <- askRoleName
let allFields = _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo
objectFields <- catMaybes <$> for (Map.elems allFields) \case
FIComputedField _ -> pure Nothing
FIRemoteRelationship _ -> pure Nothing
FIColumn columnInfo ->
whenMaybe (Set.member (pgiColumn columnInfo) (ipiCols insertPerms)) do
let columnName = pgiName columnInfo
columnDesc = pgiDescription columnInfo
fieldParser <- columnParser (pgiType columnInfo) (G.Nullability $ pgiIsNullable columnInfo)
pure $ P.fieldOptional columnName columnDesc fieldParser `mapField`
\(mkParameter -> value) -> IR.AnnInsObj [(pgiColumn columnInfo, value)] [] []
FIRelationship relationshipInfo -> runMaybeT $ do
let otherTableName = riRTable relationshipInfo
relName = riName relationshipInfo
otherTableInfo <- askTableInfo sourceName otherTableName
permissions <- MaybeT $ tablePermissions otherTableInfo
relFieldName <- lift $ textToName $ relNameToTxt relName
insPerms <- hoistMaybe $ _permIns permissions
let selPerms = _permSel permissions
updPerms = _permUpd permissions
lift $ case riType relationshipInfo of
ObjRel -> do
parser <- objectRelationshipInput sourceName otherTableInfo insPerms selPerms updPerms
pure $ P.fieldOptional relFieldName Nothing parser `mapField`
\objRelIns -> IR.AnnInsObj [] [IR.RelIns objRelIns relationshipInfo] []
ArrRel -> do
parser <- P.nullable <$> arrayRelationshipInput sourceName otherTableInfo insPerms selPerms updPerms
pure $ P.fieldOptional relFieldName Nothing parser <&> \arrRelIns -> do
rel <- join arrRelIns
Just $ IR.AnnInsObj [] [] [IR.RelIns rel relationshipInfo | not $ null $ IR._aiInsObj rel]
let objectName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_insert_input")
objectDesc = G.Description $ "input type for inserting data into table " <>> tableName
pure $ P.object objectName (Just objectDesc) $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA objectFields
<&> mconcat
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
-- | Used by 'tableFieldsInput' for object data that is nested through object relationships
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b
-> InsPermInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo b)
-> m (Parser 'Input n (IR.SingleObjIns b (UnpreparedValue b)))
objectRelationshipInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms selectPerms updatePerms =
memoizeOn 'objectRelationshipInput (sourceName, tableName) do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
objectParser <- tableFieldsInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms
conflictParser <- fmap join $ sequenceA $ conflictObject sourceName tableInfo selectPerms <$> updatePerms
let objectName = $$(G.litName "data")
inputName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_obj_rel_insert_input")
inputDesc = G.Description $ "input type for inserting object relation for remote table " <>> tableName
inputParser = do
conflictClause <- mkConflictClause conflictParser
object <- P.field objectName Nothing objectParser
pure $ mkInsertObject object tableName columns conflictClause insertPerms updatePerms
pure $ P.object inputName (Just inputDesc) inputParser
where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
-- | Used by 'tableFieldsInput' for object data that is nested through object relationships
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b
-> InsPermInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo b)
-> m (Parser 'Input n (IR.MultiObjIns b (UnpreparedValue b)))
arrayRelationshipInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms selectPerms updatePerms =
memoizeOn 'arrayRelationshipInput (sourceName, tableName) do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
objectParser <- tableFieldsInput sourceName tableInfo insertPerms
conflictParser <- fmap join $ sequenceA $ conflictObject sourceName tableInfo selectPerms <$> updatePerms
let objectsName = $$(G.litName "data")
inputName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_arr_rel_insert_input")
inputDesc = G.Description $ "input type for inserting array relation for remote table " <>> tableName
inputParser = do
conflictClause <- mkConflictClause conflictParser
objects <- P.field objectsName Nothing $ P.list objectParser
pure $ mkInsertObject objects tableName columns conflictClause insertPerms updatePerms
pure $ P.object inputName (Just inputDesc) inputParser
where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
:: forall b a
. BackendSchema b
=> a
-> TableName b
-> [ColumnInfo b]
-> Maybe (IR.ConflictClauseP1 b (UnpreparedValue b))
-> InsPermInfo b
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo b)
-> IR.AnnIns b a (UnpreparedValue b)
mkInsertObject objects table columns conflictClause insertPerms updatePerms =
IR.AnnIns { _aiInsObj = objects
, _aiTableName = table
, _aiConflictClause = conflictClause
, _aiCheckCond = (insertCheck, updateCheck)
, _aiTableCols = columns
, _aiDefVals = defaultValues
where insertCheck = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue $ ipiCheck insertPerms
updateCheck = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> (upiCheck =<< updatePerms)
defaultValues = Map.union (partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> ipiSet insertPerms)
$ Map.fromList [(column, UVLiteral $ columnDefaultValue @b column) | column <- pgiColumn <$> columns]
-- | Specifies the "ON CONFLICT" SQL clause.
-- This object cannot exist if there aren't any unique or primary keys constraints. However,
-- if there are no columns for which the current role has update permissions, we must still
-- accept an empty list for `update_columns`; we do this by adding a placeholder value to
-- the enum (see 'tableUpdateColumnsEnum').
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> UpdPermInfo b
-> m (Maybe (Parser 'Input n (IR.ConflictClauseP1 b (UnpreparedValue b))))
conflictObject sourceName tableInfo selectPerms updatePerms = runMaybeT $ do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
columnsEnum <- lift $ tableUpdateColumnsEnum tableInfo updatePerms
constraints <- hoistMaybe $ tciUniqueOrPrimaryKeyConstraints . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo
constraintParser <- lift $ conflictConstraint constraints sourceName tableInfo
whereExpParser <- lift $ boolExp sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
let objectName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_on_conflict")
objectDesc = G.Description $ "on conflict condition type for table " <>> tableInfoName tableInfo
constraintName = $$(G.litName "constraint")
columnsName = $$(G.litName "update_columns")
whereExpName = $$(G.litName "where")
fieldsParser = do
constraint <- IR.CTConstraint <$> P.field constraintName Nothing constraintParser
whereExp <- P.fieldOptional whereExpName Nothing whereExpParser
columns <- P.fieldWithDefault columnsName Nothing (G.VList []) (P.list columnsEnum) `P.bindFields` \cs ->
-- this can only happen if the placeholder was used
sequenceA cs `onNothing` parseError "erroneous column name"
pure $ case columns of
[] -> IR.CP1DoNothing $ Just constraint
_ -> IR.CP1Update constraint columns preSetColumns $
BoolAnd $ catMaybes [whereExp, Just $ fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue $ upiFilter updatePerms]
pure $ P.object objectName (Just objectDesc) fieldsParser
where preSetColumns = partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> upiSet updatePerms
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> NonEmpty (Constraint b)
-> SourceName
-> TableInfo b
-> m (Parser 'Both n (ConstraintName b))
conflictConstraint constraints sourceName tableInfo = memoizeOn 'conflictConstraint (sourceName, tableName) $ do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
constraintEnumValues <- for constraints \constraint -> do
name <- textToName $ toTxt $ _cName constraint
pure ( P.mkDefinition name (Just "unique or primary key constraint") P.EnumValueInfo
, _cName constraint
let enumName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_constraint")
enumDesc = G.Description $ "unique or primary key constraints on table " <>> tableName
pure $ P.enum enumName (Just enumDesc) constraintEnumValues
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
-- update
-- | Construct a root field, normally called update_tablename, that can be used
-- to update rows in a DB table specified by filters. Only returns a parser if
-- there are columns the user is allowed to update; otherwise returns Nothing.
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName -- ^ table source
-> TableInfo b -- ^ table info
-> G.Name -- ^ field display name
-> Maybe G.Description -- ^ field description, if any
-> UpdPermInfo b -- ^ update permissions of the table
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b) -- ^ select permissions of the table (if any)
-> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (IR.AnnUpdG b (UnpreparedValue b))))
updateTable sourceName tableInfo fieldName description updatePerms selectPerms = runMaybeT $ do
let whereName = $$(G.litName "where")
whereDesc = "filter the rows which have to be updated"
opArgs <- MaybeT $ updateOperators tableInfo updatePerms
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
whereArg <- lift $ P.field whereName (Just whereDesc) <$> boolExp sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
selection <- lift $ mutationSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
let argsParser = liftA2 (,) opArgs whereArg
pure $ P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selection
<&> mkUpdateObject tableName columns updatePerms . fmap IR.MOutMultirowFields
where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
-- | Construct a root field, normally called update_tablename, that can be used
-- to update a single in a DB table, specified by primary key. Only returns a
-- parser if there are columns the user is allowed to update and if the user has
-- select permissions on all primary keys; otherwise returns Nothing.
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName -- ^ table source
-> TableInfo b -- ^ table info
-> G.Name -- ^ field display name
-> Maybe G.Description -- ^ field description, if any
-> UpdPermInfo b -- ^ update permissions of the table
-> SelPermInfo b -- ^ select permissions of the table
-> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (IR.AnnUpdG b (UnpreparedValue b))))
updateTableByPk sourceName tableInfo fieldName description updatePerms selectPerms = runMaybeT $ do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
pkArgs <- MaybeT $ primaryKeysArguments tableInfo selectPerms
opArgs <- MaybeT $ updateOperators tableInfo updatePerms
selection <- lift $ tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
let pkFieldName = $$(G.litName "pk_columns")
pkObjectName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_pk_columns_input")
pkObjectDesc = G.Description $ "primary key columns input for table: " <> G.unName tableGQLName
argsParser = do
operators <- opArgs
primaryKeys <- P.field pkFieldName Nothing $ P.object pkObjectName (Just pkObjectDesc) pkArgs
pure (operators, primaryKeys)
pure $ P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selection
<&> mkUpdateObject tableName columns updatePerms . fmap IR.MOutSinglerowObject
where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
:: Backend b
=> TableName b
-> [ColumnInfo b]
-> UpdPermInfo b
-> ( ( [(Column b, IR.UpdOpExpG (UnpreparedValue b))]
, AnnBoolExp b (UnpreparedValue b)
, IR.MutationOutputG b (UnpreparedValue b)
-> IR.AnnUpdG b (UnpreparedValue b)
mkUpdateObject table columns updatePerms ((opExps, whereExp), mutationOutput) =
IR.AnnUpd { IR.uqp1Table = table
, IR.uqp1OpExps = opExps
, IR.uqp1Where = (permissionFilter, whereExp)
, IR.uqp1Check = checkExp
, IR.uqp1Output = mutationOutput
, IR.uqp1AllCols = columns
permissionFilter = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue $ upiFilter updatePerms
checkExp = maybe annBoolExpTrue (fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue) $ upiCheck updatePerms
-- delete
-- | Construct a root field, normally called delete_tablename, that can be used
-- to delete several rows from a DB table
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName -- ^ table source
-> TableInfo b -- ^ table info
-> G.Name -- ^ field display name
-> Maybe G.Description -- ^ field description, if any
-> DelPermInfo b -- ^ delete permissions of the table
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b) -- ^ select permissions of the table (if any)
-> m (FieldParser n (IR.AnnDelG b (UnpreparedValue b)))
deleteFromTable sourceName tableInfo fieldName description deletePerms selectPerms = do
let whereName = $$(G.litName "where")
whereDesc = "filter the rows which have to be deleted"
whereArg <- P.field whereName (Just whereDesc) <$> boolExp sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
selection <- mutationSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
pure $ P.subselection fieldName description whereArg selection
<&> mkDeleteObject (tableInfoName tableInfo) columns deletePerms . fmap IR.MOutMultirowFields
-- | Construct a root field, normally called delete_tablename_by_pk, that can be used to delete an
-- individual rows from a DB table, specified by primary key. Select permissions are required, as
-- the user must be allowed to access all the primary keys of the table.
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName -- ^ table source
-> TableInfo b -- ^ table info
-> G.Name -- ^ field display name
-> Maybe G.Description -- ^ field description, if any
-> DelPermInfo b -- ^ delete permissions of the table
-> SelPermInfo b -- ^ select permissions of the table
-> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (IR.AnnDelG b (UnpreparedValue b))))
deleteFromTableByPk sourceName tableInfo fieldName description deletePerms selectPerms = runMaybeT $ do
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
pkArgs <- MaybeT $ primaryKeysArguments tableInfo selectPerms
selection <- lift $ tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms
pure $ P.subselection fieldName description pkArgs selection
<&> mkDeleteObject (tableInfoName tableInfo) columns deletePerms . fmap IR.MOutSinglerowObject
:: Backend b
=> TableName b
-> [ColumnInfo b]
-> DelPermInfo b
-> (AnnBoolExp b (UnpreparedValue b), IR.MutationOutputG b (UnpreparedValue b))
-> IR.AnnDelG b (UnpreparedValue b)
mkDeleteObject table columns deletePerms (whereExp, mutationOutput) =
IR.AnnDel { IR.dqp1Table = table
, IR.dqp1Where = (permissionFilter, whereExp)
, IR.dqp1Output = mutationOutput
, IR.dqp1AllCols = columns
permissionFilter = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue $ dpiFilter deletePerms
-- common
-- | All mutations allow returning results, such as what the updated database
-- rows look like. This parser allows a query to specify what data to fetch.
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> m (Parser 'Output n (IR.MutFldsG b (UnpreparedValue b)))
mutationSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPerms =
memoizeOn 'mutationSelectionSet (sourceName, tableName) do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
returning <- runMaybeT do
permissions <- hoistMaybe selectPerms
tableSet <- lift $ tableSelectionList sourceName tableInfo permissions
let returningName = $$(G.litName "returning")
returningDesc = "data from the rows affected by the mutation"
pure $ IR.MRet <$> P.subselection_ returningName (Just returningDesc) tableSet
let affectedRowsName = $$(G.litName "affected_rows")
affectedRowsDesc = "number of rows affected by the mutation"
selectionName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_mutation_response")
selectionDesc = G.Description $ "response of any mutation on the table " <>> tableName
selectionFields = catMaybes
[ Just $ IR.MCount <$
P.selection_ affectedRowsName (Just affectedRowsDesc) P.int
, returning
pure $ P.selectionSet selectionName (Just selectionDesc) selectionFields
<&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.MExp
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
-- | How to specify a database row by primary key.
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> TableInfo b
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n (AnnBoolExp b (UnpreparedValue b))))
primaryKeysArguments tableInfo selectPerms = runMaybeT $ do
primaryKeys <- hoistMaybe $ _tciPrimaryKey . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo
let columns = _pkColumns primaryKeys
guard $ all (\c -> pgiColumn c `Map.member` spiCols selectPerms) columns
lift $ fmap (BoolAnd . toList) . sequenceA <$> for columns \columnInfo -> do
field <- columnParser (pgiType columnInfo) (G.Nullability False)
pure $ BoolFld . AVCol columnInfo . pure . AEQ True . mkParameter <$>
P.field (pgiName columnInfo) (pgiDescription columnInfo) field