mirror of https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine.git synced 2024-12-20 05:51:54 +03:00
Vamshi Surabhi b84db36ebb
allow custom mutations through actions ()
* basic doc for actions

* custom_types, sync and async actions

* switch to graphql-parser-hs on github

* update docs

* metadata import/export

* webhook calls are now supported

* relationships in sync actions

* initialise.sql is now in sync with the migration file

* fix metadata tests

* allow specifying arguments of actions

* fix blacklist check on check_build_worthiness job

* track custom_types and actions related tables

* handlers are now triggered on async actions

* default to pgjson unless a field is involved in relationships, for generating definition list

* use 'true' for action filter for non admin role

* fix create_action_permission sql query

* drop permissions when dropping an action

* add a hdb_role view (and relationships) to fetch all roles in the system

* rename 'webhook' key in action definition to 'handler'

* allow templating actions wehook URLs with env vars

* add 'update_action' /v1/query type

* allow forwarding client headers by setting `forward_client_headers` in action definition

* add 'headers' configuration in action definition

* handle webhook error response based on status codes

* support array relationships for custom types

* implement single row mutation, see https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/3731

* single row mutation: rename 'pk_columns' -> 'columns' and no-op refactor

* use top level primary key inputs for delete_by_pk & account select permissions for single row mutations

* use only REST semantics to resolve the webhook response

* use 'pk_columns' instead of 'columns' for update_by_pk input

* add python basic tests for single row mutations

* add action context (name) in webhook payload

* Async action response is accessible for non admin roles only if
  the request session vars equals to action's

* clean nulls, empty arrays for actions, custom types in export metadata

* async action mutation returns only the UUID of the action

* unit tests for URL template parser

* Basic sync actions python tests

* fix output in async query & add async tests

* add admin secret header in async actions python test

* document async action architecture in Resolve/Action.hs file

* support actions returning array of objects

* tests for list type response actions

* update docs with actions and custom types metadata API reference

* update actions python tests as per #f8e1330

Co-authored-by: Tirumarai Selvan <tirumarai.selvan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Aravind Shankar <face11301@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rakesh Emmadi <12475069+rakeshkky@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-02-13 23:08:23 +05:30

486 lines
18 KiB

module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
( runReplaceMetadata
, runExportMetadata
, fetchMetadata
, runClearMetadata
, runReloadMetadata
, runDumpInternalState
, runGetInconsistentMetadata
, runDropInconsistentMetadata
, module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata.Types
) where
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Ordered as AO
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as HMIns
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField (dropComputedFieldFromCatalog)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger (delEventTriggerFromCatalog, subTableP2)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata.Types
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal (dropPermFromCatalog)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema (addRemoteSchemaP2, fetchRemoteSchemas,
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Action as Action
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField as ComputedField
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.CustomTypes as CustomTypes
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission as Permission
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.QueryCollection as Collection
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship as Relationship
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema as Schema
clearMetadata :: Q.TxE QErr ()
clearMetadata = Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ do
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_function WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.event_triggers" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_table WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.remote_schemas" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_allowlist" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_custom_types" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_action_permission" () False
Q.unitQ "DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_action WHERE is_system_defined <> 'true'" () False
:: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m)
=> ClearMetadata -> m EncJSON
runClearMetadata _ = do
liftTx clearMetadata
return successMsg
:: (QErrM m)
=> ReplaceMetadata -> m ()
applyQP1 (ReplaceMetadata _ tables functionsMeta schemas collections
allowlist _ actions) = do
withPathK "tables" $ do
checkMultipleDecls "tables" $ map _tmTable tables
-- process each table
void $ indexedForM tables $ \table -> withTableName (table ^. tmTable) $ do
let allRels = map Relationship.rdName (table ^. tmObjectRelationships) <>
map Relationship.rdName (table ^. tmArrayRelationships)
insPerms = map Permission.pdRole $ table ^. tmInsertPermissions
selPerms = map Permission.pdRole $ table ^. tmSelectPermissions
updPerms = map Permission.pdRole $ table ^. tmUpdatePermissions
delPerms = map Permission.pdRole $ table ^. tmDeletePermissions
eventTriggers = map etcName $ table ^. tmEventTriggers
computedFields = map _cfmName $ table ^. tmComputedFields
checkMultipleDecls "relationships" allRels
checkMultipleDecls "insert permissions" insPerms
checkMultipleDecls "select permissions" selPerms
checkMultipleDecls "update permissions" updPerms
checkMultipleDecls "delete permissions" delPerms
checkMultipleDecls "event triggers" eventTriggers
checkMultipleDecls "computed fields" computedFields
withPathK "functions" $
case functionsMeta of
FMVersion1 qualifiedFunctions ->
checkMultipleDecls "functions" qualifiedFunctions
FMVersion2 functionsV2 ->
checkMultipleDecls "functions" $ map Schema._tfv2Function functionsV2
withPathK "remote_schemas" $
checkMultipleDecls "remote schemas" $ map _arsqName schemas
withPathK "query_collections" $
checkMultipleDecls "query collections" $ map Collection._ccName collections
withPathK "allowlist" $
checkMultipleDecls "allow list" $ map Collection._crCollection allowlist
withPathK "actions" $
checkMultipleDecls "actions" $ map _amName actions
withTableName qt = withPathK (qualObjectToText qt)
checkMultipleDecls t l = do
let dups = getDups l
unless (null dups) $
throw400 AlreadyExists $ "multiple declarations exist for the following " <> t <> " : "
<> T.pack (show dups)
getDups l =
l L.\\ HS.toList (HS.fromList l)
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadTx m
, CacheRWM m
, HasSystemDefined m
, HasHttpManager m
=> ReplaceMetadata
-> m EncJSON
applyQP2 (ReplaceMetadata _ tables functionsMeta
schemas collections allowlist customTypes actions) = do
liftTx clearMetadata
withPathK "tables" $ do
-- tables and views
indexedForM_ tables $ \tableMeta -> do
let tableName = tableMeta ^. tmTable
isEnum = tableMeta ^. tmIsEnum
config = tableMeta ^. tmConfiguration
void $ Schema.trackExistingTableOrViewP2 tableName isEnum config
indexedForM_ tables $ \table -> do
-- Relationships
withPathK "object_relationships" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmObjectRelationships) $ \objRel ->
Relationship.insertRelationshipToCatalog (table ^. tmTable) ObjRel objRel
withPathK "array_relationships" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmArrayRelationships) $ \arrRel ->
Relationship.insertRelationshipToCatalog (table ^. tmTable) ArrRel arrRel
-- Computed Fields
withPathK "computed_fields" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmComputedFields) $
\(ComputedFieldMeta name definition comment) ->
ComputedField.addComputedFieldToCatalog $
ComputedField.AddComputedField (table ^. tmTable) name definition comment
-- Permissions
indexedForM_ tables $ \table -> do
let tableName = table ^. tmTable
tabInfo <- modifyErrAndSet500 ("apply " <> ) $ askTableCoreInfo tableName
withPathK "insert_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmInsertPermissions
withPathK "select_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmSelectPermissions
withPathK "update_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmUpdatePermissions
withPathK "delete_permissions" $ processPerms tabInfo $
table ^. tmDeletePermissions
indexedForM_ tables $ \table ->
withPathK "event_triggers" $
indexedForM_ (table ^. tmEventTriggers) $ \etc ->
subTableP2 (table ^. tmTable) False etc
-- sql functions
withPathK "functions" $ case functionsMeta of
FMVersion1 qualifiedFunctions -> indexedForM_ qualifiedFunctions $
\qf -> void $ Schema.trackFunctionP2 qf Schema.emptyFunctionConfig
FMVersion2 functionsV2 -> indexedForM_ functionsV2 $
\(Schema.TrackFunctionV2 function config) -> void $ Schema.trackFunctionP2 function config
-- query collections
systemDefined <- askSystemDefined
withPathK "query_collections" $
indexedForM_ collections $ \c -> liftTx $ Collection.addCollectionToCatalog c systemDefined
-- allow list
withPathK "allowlist" $ do
indexedForM_ allowlist $ \(Collection.CollectionReq name) ->
liftTx $ Collection.addCollectionToAllowlistCatalog name
-- remote schemas
withPathK "remote_schemas" $
indexedMapM_ (void . addRemoteSchemaP2) schemas
CustomTypes.persistCustomTypes customTypes
for_ actions $ \action -> do
let createAction =
CreateAction (_amName action) (_amDefinition action) (_amComment action)
Action.persistCreateAction createAction
for_ (_amPermissions action) $ \permission -> do
let createActionPermission = CreateActionPermission (_amName action)
(_apmRole permission) Nothing (_apmComment permission)
Action.persistCreateActionPermission createActionPermission
return successMsg
processPerms tabInfo perms = indexedForM_ perms $ Permission.addPermP2 (_tciName tabInfo)
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadTx m
, CacheRWM m
, HasSystemDefined m
, HasHttpManager m
=> ReplaceMetadata -> m EncJSON
runReplaceMetadata q = do
applyQP1 q
applyQP2 q
fetchMetadata :: Q.TxE QErr ReplaceMetadata
fetchMetadata = do
tables <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchTables
let tableMetaMap = HMIns.fromList . flip map tables $
\(schema, name, isEnum, maybeConfig) ->
let qualifiedName = QualifiedObject schema name
configuration = maybe emptyTableConfig Q.getAltJ maybeConfig
in (qualifiedName, mkTableMeta qualifiedName isEnum configuration)
-- Fetch all the relationships
relationships <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchRelationships
objRelDefs <- mkRelDefs ObjRel relationships
arrRelDefs <- mkRelDefs ArrRel relationships
-- Fetch all the permissions
permissions <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchPermissions
-- Parse all the permissions
insPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTInsert permissions
selPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTSelect permissions
updPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTUpdate permissions
delPermDefs <- mkPermDefs PTDelete permissions
-- Fetch all event triggers
eventTriggers <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchEventTriggers
triggerMetaDefs <- mkTriggerMetaDefs eventTriggers
-- Fetch all computed fields
computedFields <- fetchComputedFields
let (_, postRelMap) = flip runState tableMetaMap $ do
modMetaMap tmObjectRelationships objRelDefs
modMetaMap tmArrayRelationships arrRelDefs
modMetaMap tmInsertPermissions insPermDefs
modMetaMap tmSelectPermissions selPermDefs
modMetaMap tmUpdatePermissions updPermDefs
modMetaMap tmDeletePermissions delPermDefs
modMetaMap tmEventTriggers triggerMetaDefs
modMetaMap tmComputedFields computedFields
-- fetch all functions
functions <- FMVersion2 <$> Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchFunctions
-- fetch all custom resolvers
remoteSchemas <- fetchRemoteSchemas
-- fetch all collections
collections <- fetchCollections
-- fetch allow list
allowlist <- map Collection.CollectionReq <$> fetchAllowlists
customTypes <- fetchCustomTypes
-- fetch actions
actions <- fetchActions
return $ ReplaceMetadata currentMetadataVersion (HMIns.elems postRelMap) functions
remoteSchemas collections allowlist
modMetaMap l xs = do
st <- get
put $ foldr (\(qt, dfn) b -> b & at qt._Just.l %~ (:) dfn) st xs
mkPermDefs pt = mapM permRowToDef . filter (\pr -> pr ^. _4 == pt)
permRowToDef (sn, tn, rn, _, Q.AltJ pDef, mComment) = do
perm <- decodeValue pDef
return (QualifiedObject sn tn, Permission.PermDef rn perm mComment)
mkRelDefs rt = mapM relRowToDef . filter (\rr -> rr ^. _4 == rt)
relRowToDef (sn, tn, rn, _, Q.AltJ rDef, mComment) = do
using <- decodeValue rDef
return (QualifiedObject sn tn, Relationship.RelDef rn using mComment)
mkTriggerMetaDefs = mapM trigRowToDef
trigRowToDef (sn, tn, Q.AltJ configuration) = do
conf <- decodeValue configuration
return (QualifiedObject sn tn, conf::EventTriggerConf)
fetchTables =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name, is_enum, configuration::json
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_table
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
ORDER BY table_schema ASC, table_name ASC
|] () False
fetchRelationships =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def::json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
ORDER BY table_schema ASC, table_name ASC, rel_name ASC
|] () False
fetchPermissions =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name, role_name, perm_type, perm_def::json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
ORDER BY table_schema ASC, table_name ASC, role_name ASC, perm_type ASC
|] () False
fetchEventTriggers =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT e.schema_name, e.table_name, e.configuration::json
FROM hdb_catalog.event_triggers e
ORDER BY e.schema_name ASC, e.table_name ASC, e.name ASC
|] () False
fetchFunctions = do
l <- Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT function_schema, function_name, configuration::json
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_function
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
ORDER BY function_schema ASC, function_name ASC
|] () False
pure $ flip map l $ \(sn, fn, Q.AltJ config) ->
Schema.TrackFunctionV2 (QualifiedObject sn fn) config
fetchCollections =
map fromRow <$> Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
SELECT collection_name, collection_defn::json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
ORDER BY collection_name ASC
|] () False
fromRow (name, Q.AltJ defn, mComment) =
Collection.CreateCollection name defn mComment
fetchAllowlists = map runIdentity <$>
Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
SELECT collection_name
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_allowlist
ORDER BY collection_name ASC
|] () False
fetchComputedFields = do
r <- Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name, computed_field_name,
definition::json, comment
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field
|] () False
pure $ flip map r $ \(schema, table, name, Q.AltJ definition, comment) ->
( QualifiedObject schema table
, ComputedFieldMeta name definition comment
fetchCustomTypes :: Q.TxE QErr CustomTypes
fetchCustomTypes =
Q.getAltJ . runIdentity . Q.getRow <$>
Q.rawQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
select coalesce((select custom_types::json from hdb_catalog.hdb_custom_types), '{}'::json)
|] [] False
fetchActions =
Q.getAltJ . runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.rawQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
'name', a.action_name,
'definition', a.action_defn,
'comment', a.comment,
'permissions', ap.permissions
) order by a.action_name asc
hdb_catalog.hdb_action as a
left outer join lateral (
'role', ap.role_name,
'comment', ap.comment
) order by ap.role_name asc
) as permissions
hdb_catalog.hdb_action_permission ap
ap.action_name = a.action_name
) ap on true;
|] [] False
:: (QErrM m, MonadTx m)
=> ExportMetadata -> m EncJSON
runExportMetadata _ =
(AO.toEncJSON . replaceMetadataToOrdJSON) <$> liftTx fetchMetadata
runReloadMetadata :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m) => ReloadMetadata -> m EncJSON
runReloadMetadata ReloadMetadata = do
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions CatalogUpdate mempty { ciMetadata = True }
return successMsg
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> DumpInternalState -> m EncJSON
runDumpInternalState _ =
encJFromJValue <$> askSchemaCache
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> GetInconsistentMetadata -> m EncJSON
runGetInconsistentMetadata _ = do
inconsObjs <- scInconsistentObjs <$> askSchemaCache
return $ encJFromJValue $ object
[ "is_consistent" .= null inconsObjs
, "inconsistent_objects" .= inconsObjs
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m)
=> DropInconsistentMetadata -> m EncJSON
runDropInconsistentMetadata _ = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
let inconsSchObjs = L.nub . concatMap imObjectIds $ scInconsistentObjs sc
-- Note: when building the schema cache, we try to put dependents after their dependencies in the
-- list of inconsistent objects, so reverse the list to start with dependents first. This is not
-- perfect — a completely accurate solution would require performing a topological sort — but it
-- seems to work well enough for now.
mapM_ purgeMetadataObj (reverse inconsSchObjs)
return successMsg
purgeMetadataObj :: MonadTx m => MetadataObjId -> m ()
purgeMetadataObj = liftTx . \case
MOTable qt -> Schema.deleteTableFromCatalog qt
MOFunction qf -> Schema.delFunctionFromCatalog qf
MORemoteSchema rsn -> removeRemoteSchemaFromCatalog rsn
MOTableObj qt (MTORel rn _) -> Relationship.delRelFromCatalog qt rn
MOTableObj qt (MTOPerm rn pt) -> dropPermFromCatalog qt rn pt
MOTableObj _ (MTOTrigger trn) -> delEventTriggerFromCatalog trn
MOTableObj qt (MTOComputedField ccn) -> dropComputedFieldFromCatalog qt ccn
MOCustomTypes -> CustomTypes.clearCustomTypes
MOAction action -> Action.deleteActionFromCatalog action Nothing
MOActionPermission action role -> Action.deleteActionPermissionFromCatalog action role